Top Loss Quotes Collection - Page 2

Discover a curated collection of Loss quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 2 provides more Loss quotes.

Image of Peter De Vries
The idea of a Supreme Being who creates a world in which one creature is designed to eat another in order to subsist, and then pass a law saying, "Thou shalt not kill," is so monstrously, immeasurably, bottomlessly absurd that I am at a loss to understand how mankind has entertained or given it house room all this long.
- Peter De Vries
Collection: Loss
Image of Kate Mosse
The dead leave their shadows, an echo of the space within which once they lived. They haunt us, never fading or growing older as we do. The loss we grieve is not just their futures but our own.
- Kate Mosse
Collection: Loss
Image of Lionel Shriver
Though surely to avoid attachments for fear of loss is to avoid life.
- Lionel Shriver
Collection: Loss
Image of Rob Bell
Fear wants us to become obsessed with some event or person in the future, a year, a month, even a day. It also wants us to look backwards not at our successes, but our short-comings and our failures. Fear losses it's grip when we stay in the now.
- Rob Bell
Collection: Loss
Image of Agnes Repplier
If we could make up our minds to spare our friends all details of ill health, of money losses, of domestic annoyances, of altercations, of committee work, of grievances, provocations, and anxieties, we should sin less against the world's good-humor. It may not be given us to add to the treasury of mirth; but there is considerable merit in not robbing it.
- Agnes Repplier
Collection: Loss
Image of F. Sionil José
Perhaps, this is what love has always been, whether it is for a woman of for a cause -- the readiness to give and not ask for anything in return, the unquestioning willingness to lose everything, even if that loss is as something as precious as life itself.
- F. Sionil José
Collection: Loss
Image of Gayle Forman
And that's just it, isn't it? That's how we manage to survive the loss. Because love, it never dies, it never goes away, it never fades, so long as you hang on to it.
- Gayle Forman
Collection: Loss
Image of Jack Youngblood
The joy of winning is not as dramatic as the losses were, because I expected us to win
- Jack Youngblood
Collection: Loss
Image of Octavia Spencer
I have experienced loss in my life, but the thing that brings you back is your faith.
- Octavia Spencer
Collection: Loss
Image of Mike Moreno
Despite what many nutritionists have preached for years, rapid weight-loss diets can be healthy if done correctly and can work wonders on reducing pounds and inches in just days.
- Mike Moreno
Collection: Loss
Image of Jeremy Rifkin
A half century from now, our grandchildren are likely to look back at the era of mass employment in the market with the same sense of utter disbelief as we look upon slavery and serfdom in former times. The very idea that a human being's worth was measured almost exclusively by his or her productive output of goods and services and material wealth will seem primitive, even barbaric, and be regarded as a terrible loss of human value to our progeny living in a highly automated world where much of life is lived on the Collaborative Commons.
- Jeremy Rifkin
Collection: Loss
Image of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Even if you win in ego it is a loss. Even if you lose in love it is a victory.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Collection: Loss
Image of Irving Kirsch
Depression is not caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain, and it is not cured by medication. Depression may not even be an illness at all. Often, it can be a normal reaction to abnormal situations. Poverty, unemployment, and the loss of loved ones can make people depressed, and these social and situational causes of depression cannot be changed by drugs.
- Irving Kirsch
Collection: Loss
Image of Rohinton Mistry
Everyone underestimates their own life. Funny thing is, in the end, all our stories...they're the same. In fact, no matter where you go in the world, there is only one important story: of youth, loss and yearning for redemption. So we tell the same story, over and over. Only the details are different.
- Rohinton Mistry
Collection: Loss
Image of Rohinton Mistry
Loss is essential, loss is part and parcel of that necessary calamity called life. Mind you, I'm not complaining. Thanks to some inexplicable universal guiding force, it is always the worthless things we lose - slough off, like a moulting snake. Losing and losing again, is the very basis of the process, til all we are left with is the bare essence of human existence.
- Rohinton Mistry
Collection: Loss
Image of Trisha Yearwood
The most important thing I want to get across is that maintaining weight loss is just hard. It takes a dedication to exercise and eating right most of the time. I'm not saying I don't enjoy the days that I'm not eating chocolate cake. But I do particularly like those days when I am eating chocolate cake.
- Trisha Yearwood
Collection: Loss
Image of Charles Taylor
There is a widespread sense of loss here, if not always of God, then at least of meaning.
- Charles Taylor
Collection: Loss
Image of Louise Glück
Birth, not death, is the hard loss.
- Louise Glück
Collection: Loss
Image of Greg Norman
It's not the victories that count to me. It's the quality of how you deliver your losses and the quality of how you deliver your victories.
- Greg Norman
Collection: Loss
Image of Gregory Galloway
I know absolutely nothing about where I'm going. I'm fine with that. I'm happy about it. Before, I had nothing. I had no life, no friends, and no family really, and I didn't really care. I had nothing, and nothing to lose, and then I knew loss. What I cared about was gone; it was all lost. Now I have everything to gain; everything is a clean slate. It's all blank pages waiting to be written on. It's all about going forward. It's all about uncertainty and possibilities.
- Gregory Galloway
Collection: Loss
Image of Michelle Sagara
Is there anyone’s life story you don’t want to know?” “Not really.” His expression was unexpectedly serious. “Because people make a story of their lives. Gains, losses, tragedy and triumph—you can tell a lot about someone simply by what they put into each category. You can learn a lot about what you put into each category by your reaction to them. They teach you about yourself without ever intending to do it—and they teach you a lot about life.
- Michelle Sagara
Collection: Loss
Image of Rick Yancey
Nothing makes us love something more than the loss of it.
- Rick Yancey
Collection: Loss
Image of Harriet Beecher Stowe
It is always our treasure that the lightning strikes.
- Harriet Beecher Stowe
Collection: Loss
Image of Grace Slick
Loss either teaches you to persist in the face of suffering, or hardens you into a bitter cynic. Sometimes, it does a little of both.
- Grace Slick
Collection: Loss
Image of Michael J. Sullivan
See, that’s the difference,” Mauvin said. “I suffer a loss and people console me. Royce suffers a loss and whole towns evacuate.
- Michael J. Sullivan
Collection: Loss
Image of Cass Sunstein
It's deeply human to do both the worst things and the best things because of your fear of loss.
- Cass Sunstein
Collection: Loss
Image of Ruth Rendell
The worst has happened ... it's rather liberating.
- Ruth Rendell
Collection: Loss
Image of Chester W. Nimitz
I felt that it was an unnecessary loss of civilian life... We had them beaten. They hadn't enough food, they couldn't do anything.
- Chester W. Nimitz
Collection: Loss
Image of Nouriel Roubini
We're essentially continuing a system where profits are privatized and...losses socialized.
- Nouriel Roubini
Collection: Loss
Image of Nouriel Roubini
But in the financial markets, without proper institutional rules, there's the law of the jungle - because there's greed! There's nothing wrong with greed, per se. It's not that people are more greedy now than they were 20 years ago. But greed has to be tempered, first, by fear of losses. So if you bail people out, there's less fear. And second, b prudential regulation and supervision to avoid certain excesses.
- Nouriel Roubini
Collection: Loss
Image of Allison Pearson
Death itself is too big to take in, she already sees that; the loss comes at you instead in an infinite number of small installments that can never be paid off.
- Allison Pearson
Collection: Loss
Image of Mary Gaitskill
But now all the natural secrets have been exposed, and it is likely that the turtles have been sold to laboratory scientists who want to remove their shells so that they can wire electrodes to the turtles' skin in order to monitor their increasing terror at the loss of their shells.
- Mary Gaitskill
Collection: Loss
Image of David Riesman
A decline of exuberance is just barely noticeable in America, making itself felt particularly among the most highly educated and the well-to-do in a loss of appetite for work and perhaps even for leisure.
- David Riesman
Collection: Loss
Image of Oren Peli
Really it's always things that scare me like loss of control, dealing with the unknown and the unseen... Something that's not supposed to be there and you don't know where it came from, or what it wants from you, or how to defend yourself against it. That's the root of the things I find scary.
- Oren Peli
Collection: Loss
Image of Peter Singer
When the death of a disabled infant will lead to the birth of another infant with better prospects of a happy life, the total amount of happiness will be greater if the disabled infant is killed. The loss of happy life for the first infant is outweighed by the gain of happier life for the second. Therefore, if killing the hemophiliac infant has no adverse effect on others, it would, according to the total view, be right to kill him.
- Peter Singer
Collection: Loss
Image of Charles Peguy
We said that a single injustice, a single crime, a single illegality, particularly if it is officially recorded, confirmed, a single wrong to humanity, a single wrong to justice and to right, particularly if it is universally, legally, nationally, commodiously accepted, that a single crime shatters and is sufficient to shatter the whole social pact, the whole social contract, that a single legal crime, a single dishonorable act will bring about the loss of ones honor, the dishonor of a whole people. It is a touch of gangrene that corrupts the entire body.
- Charles Peguy
Collection: Loss
Image of Madeline Hunter
Any growth requires a temporary loss of security.
- Madeline Hunter
Collection: Loss
Image of Gloria Vanderbilt
Some of us are born with a sense of loss. It is not acquired as we grow. It is already there from the beginning, and it pervades us throughout our lives.
- Gloria Vanderbilt
Collection: Loss
Image of Clare Vanderpool
This was a land of lost souls. Human beings who had weathered great storms in life, had suffered unspeakable loss, had been put to painful tests of existence, and still remained standing-but just barely.
- Clare Vanderpool
Collection: Loss
Image of Marguerite Yourcenar
Life is atrocious, we know. But precisely because I expect little of the human condition, man's periods of felicity, his partial progress, his efforts to begin over again and continue, all seem to me like so many prodigies which nearly compensate for the monstrous mass of ills and defeats, of indifference and error. Catastrophe and ruin will come; disorder will triumph, but order will too, from time to time.
- Marguerite Yourcenar
Collection: Loss
Image of Royce Gracie
The losses are good... if you learn something.
- Royce Gracie
Collection: Loss
Image of Frederica Mathewes-Green
Like an animal caught in a trap, trying to gnaw off its own leg, a woman who seeks abortion is trying to escape a desperate situation by an act of violence and self-loss. Abortion is not a sign that women are free, but a sign that they are desperate.
- Frederica Mathewes-Green
Collection: Loss
Image of Frederica Mathewes-Green
It is not a loss of inert, amorphous tissue, but of a growing being unique in history.
- Frederica Mathewes-Green
Collection: Loss
Image of Isaiah Berlin
Liberty and equality, spontaneity and security, happiness and knowledge, mercy and justice - all these are ultimate human values, sought for themselves alone; yet when they are incompatible, they cannot all be attained, choices must be made, sometimes tragic losses accepted in the pursuit of some preferred ultimate end.
- Isaiah Berlin
Collection: Loss
Image of Isaiah Berlin
We are doomed to choose and every choice may entail irreparable loss.
- Isaiah Berlin
Collection: Loss
Image of Isaiah Berlin
The notion of the perfect whole, the ultimate solution in which all good things coexist, seems to me not merely unobtainable--that is a truism--but conceptually incoherent. ......Some among the great goods cannot live together. That is a conceptual truth. We are doomed to choose, and every choice may entail an irreparable loss.
- Isaiah Berlin
Collection: Loss
Image of Terryl L. Givens
God’s power rests not on totalizing omnipotence, but on His ability to alchemize suffering, tragedy, and loss into wisdom, understanding, and joy.
- Terryl L. Givens
Collection: Loss
Image of Walker Percy
The present age is demented. It is possessed by a sense of dislocation, a loss of personal identity, an alternating sentimentality and rage which, in an individual patient, could be characterized as dementia.
- Walker Percy
Collection: Loss
Image of Elisabeth Eaves
The paradox of love is that to have it is to want to preserve it because it's perfect in the moment but that preservation is impossible because the perfection is only ever an instant passed through. Love like travel is a series of moments that we immediately leave behind. Still we try to hold on and embalm against all evidence and common sense proclaiming our promises and plans. The more I loved him the more I felt hope. But hope acknowledges uncertainty and so I also felt my first premonitions of loss.
- Elisabeth Eaves
Collection: Loss