Michelle Sagara

Image of Michelle Sagara
Maybe home is something we have to make, and remake, over and over.
- Michelle Sagara
Collection: Home
Image of Michelle Sagara
What humans do when they're desperate is just an expression of fear. What they do when they feel safe is a better indication of whether or not you can trust them.
- Michelle Sagara
Collection: Trust
Image of Michelle Sagara
Truth, like beauty, is in the eyes of the beholder.
- Michelle Sagara
Collection: Eye
Image of Michelle Sagara
The look he gave her made her turn away for a moment. Sometimes you couldn’t look too closely at another person’s pain.
- Michelle Sagara
Collection: Pain
Image of Michelle Sagara
There wasn't a colloquial phrase, or curse, that went something like, "May your day be full of angry dragons" or, "May every dragon you meet today be pissed off." But, there should have been.
- Michelle Sagara
Collection: Dragons
Image of Michelle Sagara
Trying," he said at last, "is good. It always is. But failing? Everyone fails, one time or another. It's how you deal with failure that counts, in the end. It's the successes that you're known for-but it's the failures make you what you are.
- Michelle Sagara
Collection: Trying
Image of Michelle Sagara
Stop judging your life only by the failures.
- Michelle Sagara
Collection: Judging
Image of Michelle Sagara
Hope is often bitter, but it drives us, and we cling.
- Michelle Sagara
Collection: Bitter
Image of Michelle Sagara
It was true: hope could be unkind. You opened yourself up to the worst of wounds because you wanted to believe that something good could finally happen. But if you didn't? You missed this. This intense and prefect moment in which, while the world was almost literally going to hells all around you, hope and reality blended in a single, perfect note.
- Michelle Sagara
Collection: Believe
Image of Michelle Sagara
If life were fair, we would never have suffered what we suffered at all; having suffered it and survived, we're still reacting to things that don't exist anymore.
- Michelle Sagara
Collection: Reacting
Image of Michelle Sagara
We all fail. But none of us fail all the time.
- Michelle Sagara
Collection: Failing
Image of Michelle Sagara
Is there anyone’s life story you don’t want to know?” “Not really.” His expression was unexpectedly serious. “Because people make a story of their lives. Gains, losses, tragedy and triumph—you can tell a lot about someone simply by what they put into each category. You can learn a lot about what you put into each category by your reaction to them. They teach you about yourself without ever intending to do it—and they teach you a lot about life.
- Michelle Sagara
Collection: Loss
Image of Michelle Sagara
You are an... animal? A talking animal?" Without missing a beat, Teela said, "Of course not. She's much, much harder to train.
- Michelle Sagara
Collection: Animal
Image of Michelle Sagara
Kaylin is not known for her punctuality. She is known, in fact, for her lack--even by those outside of the Hawklord's command.
- Michelle Sagara
Collection: Facts
Image of Michelle Sagara
i'm never going to understand the Barrani." "You needn't sound so morose, Lord Kaylin. They are unlikely to understand you either." "Yes, but I'm unlikely to try to kill them for fun.
- Michelle Sagara
Collection: Fun
Image of Michelle Sagara
There is not a man born among us who dreams—at first—of service, although in the end, many are bent that way.
- Michelle Sagara
Collection: Dream
Image of Michelle Sagara
Lies were something you told other people to make things easier, somehow - hopefully, for them, but often more selfishly for yourself.
- Michelle Sagara
Collection: Lying
Image of Michelle Sagara
I hate being the only mortal in a gathering full of Immortals who think killing each other cleverly is the height of good manners.
- Michelle Sagara
Collection: Hate
Image of Michelle Sagara
History is not our guide, it is not our friend. It is a passing stranger, one which shadows legend, sprinkling it with the seeds of truth.
- Michelle Sagara
Collection: Shadow
Image of Michelle Sagara
Manners,[...] are severly underappreciated in my opinion". "Oh?" Where practiced well, they remove the probability that someone in my position will be forced to go through the effort of killing someone in yours. Belive that on occasion that much death can become tedious.
- Michelle Sagara
Collection: Killing Someone
Image of Michelle Sagara
The gods where like the weather; sometimes good, sometimes bad, and either way, always beyond her.
- Michelle Sagara
Collection: Weather
Image of Michelle Sagara
I'm missing something, aren't I?" "Brains", he snapped. "And survival instinct. The Hawklord's been waiting for you for three hours." "Tell him I'm dead.
- Michelle Sagara
Collection: Waiting
Image of Michelle Sagara
Generally, I like to appear smart. I don't admit being stupid when there's any hope I'm not.
- Michelle Sagara
Collection: Smart
Image of Michelle Sagara
You'll be with me, won't you?" "indeed." "Then what could go wrong?" Lord Sanabalis visibly grimaced. "You clearly do not believe in angry gods.
- Michelle Sagara
Collection: Believe
Image of Michelle Sagara
Is this some sort of test?" "Everything that doesn't kill you is." "Mind you," he added, "surviving doesn't always mean you passed.
- Michelle Sagara
Collection: Mean
Image of Michelle Sagara
I don't make the laws, I just enforce them." "Then remind me to introduce a new set of laws, since the ones we have clearly assume a level of common sense that's lacking.
- Michelle Sagara
Collection: Law
Image of Michelle Sagara
Success and failure are two edges of the same blade, two sides of the same coin. To fear one is to forever deny the possibility of the other.
- Michelle Sagara
Collection: Two Sides
Image of Michelle Sagara
Sanabalis never seemed to eat, and he deflected most of her questions about Dragon cuisine. Then again, he deflected most of her questions about Dragons, period. Which was annoying because he was one, and could in theory be authorative.
- Michelle Sagara
Collection: Dragons
Image of Michelle Sagara
In youth,' he said, speaking as if from a great distance, 'we believe, and the death of belief forces us to disavow all belief. But that disavowal, time softens, and if we do not believe, we hope. Belief is easier to kill, somehow, and its death easier to bear.
- Michelle Sagara
Collection: Distance
Image of Michelle Sagara
Not all of our heartless plans work as we intend; nor do all of our good intentions. We are where we are, and we can rarely predict where we will go, no matter how firm our beliefs.
- Michelle Sagara
Collection: Heartless
Image of Michelle Sagara
If hearts really could sink, Kaylin's was busily rearranging her internal organs.
- Michelle Sagara
Collection: Heart
Image of Michelle Sagara
Trying is fine. Failing is inevitable. Don’t let it devour you.
- Michelle Sagara
Collection: Trying
Image of Michelle Sagara
The truth was only another mask, even if it was the best fit, the closest to skin and all that lay beneath
- Michelle Sagara
Collection: Skins