F. Sionil José

Image of F. Sionil Jose
The heart of the theater is the play itself, how it dramatizes life to make it meaningful entertainment. To achieve depth and universality, the playwright must subject himself to intense critique, to know human character and behavior, and finally to construct art from the most mundane of human experience.
- F. Sionil Jose
Collection: Art
Image of F. Sionil Jose
When I wake up every morning, I thank God for the new day.
- F. Sionil Jose
Collection: Morning
Image of F. Sionil Jose
November is auspicious in so many parts of the country: the rice harvest is already in, the weather starts to cool, and the festive glow which precedes Christmas has began to brighten the landscape.
- F. Sionil Jose
Collection: Christmas
Image of F. Sionil Jose
Art, whatever form it takes, requires hard work, craftsmanship and creativity. As a writer, I know my grammar, cadence, the music of prose, and the art of the narrative.
- F. Sionil Jose
Collection: Art
Image of F. Sionil Jose
I write entirely in English; Tagalog chauvinists chide me for this. I feel no guilt in doing so. But I am sad that I cannot write in my native Ilokano. History demanded this; if it isn't English I am using now, I would most probably be writing in Spanish like Rizal, or even German or Japanese.
- F. Sionil Jose
Collection: Sad
Image of F. Sionil Jose
The influence of teachers extends beyond the classroom, well into the future. It is they who shape and enrich the minds of the young, who touch their hearts and souls. It is they who shape a nation's future.
- F. Sionil Jose
Collection: Future
Image of F. Sionil Jose
I have always admired teachers because teaching, like the priesthood, medicine and writing, is a vocation. You don't become a teacher because you want wealth. It is the same with writing.
- F. Sionil Jose
Collection: Teacher
Image of F. Sionil Jose
Language as a communication tool is the primary element from which literature is created. Even in pre-literate societies, it exists as songs, riddles, or epics that are chanted.
- F. Sionil Jose
Collection: Communication
Image of F. Sionil Jose
Poetry, fiction as novels or short stories - these are autonomous as created by their authors. They should stand on their own, like pieces of furniture that should be judged as to their usefulness, elegance.
- F. Sionil Jose
Collection: Poetry
Image of F. Sionil Jose
We are shallow because our media are so horribly shallow. Every morning, I peruse the papers, and there is so little to read in them. It is the same with radio - all that noise, that artifice.
- F. Sionil Jose
Collection: Morning
Image of F. Sionil Jose
We are shallow because we have become enslaved by gross materialism, the glitter of gold and its equivalents, for which reason we think that only the material goods of this earth can satisfy us and we must therefore grab as much as can while we are able.
- F. Sionil Jose
Image of F. Sionil Jose
Industrialization starts with the formation of capital - it does not matter how. It can be created by saving, by the state enforcing its will on the people, by the very rich themselves.
- F. Sionil Jose
Image of F. Sionil Jose
Our appreciation of folk art will strengthen our identities, our pride in belonging to a community. People trained in the creative use of their hands soon acquire skills, excellent craftsmanship which will be the most important measure of how well we can industrialize.
- F. Sionil Jose
Image of F. Sionil Jose
Poetry is emotion, passion, love, grief - everything that is human. It is not for zombies by zombies.
- F. Sionil Jose
Image of F. Sionil Jose
Of course, we are all egoists. Egoism is so much a part of our humanity.
- F. Sionil Jose
Image of F. Sionil Jose
Self-respect, the value of 'face,' is universal but is most pronounced in China, then in Japan where the Confucian ethic is most influential.
- F. Sionil Jose
Image of F. Sionil Jose
Contemplation is a luxury of the middle class, the very rich.
- F. Sionil Jose
Image of F. Sionil Jose
In the end, religion teaches us to value truth, justice and freedom.
- F. Sionil Jose
Image of F. Sionil Jose
We are shallow because we are 'mayabang,' ego driven, and do not have the humility to understand that we are only human, much too human to mistake knowledge for wisdom.
- F. Sionil Jose
Image of F. Sionil Jose
You can't have integrity for breakfast, but try and keep it because it is perhaps the single most important word that defines not just writers but all human beings.
- F. Sionil Jose
Image of F. Sionil Jose
All dictators, the rich and famous, to the lowest security guard who holds a gun, easily forget that power is transitory.
- F. Sionil Jose
Image of F. Sionil Jose
You should live in a manner that should enable you to devote time to writing and contemplation. As is often said, the writer is at work even when he is simply looking out the window.
- F. Sionil Jose
Image of F. Sionil Jose
In the visual arts, particularly painting, I distrust all those abstractions, those artificial constructions. I have a very simple way of judging them: if I can do them, they are not art.
- F. Sionil Jose
Image of F. Sionil Jose
In a much larger sense, the problem of Sabah is directly influenced by the duplicity of imperial Britain. For whatever devious reason, the dismantling of the British empire created divisions and violence due to ethnic and religious differences.
- F. Sionil Jose
Image of F. Sionil Jose
Colonialism subdues in many dulcet guises. It conquered under the pretext of spreading Christianity, civilization, law and order, to make the world safe for democracy.
- F. Sionil Jose
Image of F. Sionil Jose
Writers are historians, too. It is in literature that the greater truths about a people and their past are found.
- F. Sionil Jose
Image of F. Sionil Jose
Japan is very cosmopolitan - it values its origins, but a world view hovers above this narrow perspective. The interest of the Japanese in their folk culture is transcendental.
- F. Sionil Jose
Image of F. Sionil Jose
The past could liberate or imprison - it creates a nation's character, provides the nourishment or the poison a people imbibe in their very marrow.
- F. Sionil Jose
Image of F. Sionil Jose
I was a senior high school student at the Far Eastern University when the war with Japan broke out in 1941.
- F. Sionil Jose
Image of F. Sionil Jose
In the Western tradition, the first writers were teachers and historians, vastly traveled, who spiced their reports with fantasies. They were also poets who sang and entertained prince and pauper.
- F. Sionil Jose
Image of F. Sionil Jose
My reading of philosophy and history is desultory; I know so much and yet so little.
- F. Sionil Jose
Image of F. Sionil Jose
I find it always pleasurable talking with young people, particularly those aspiring to be writers, out of nostalgia, and because I've always felt that we oldies can learn so much from them and draw from them inspiration in our flagging and rickety years.
- F. Sionil Jose
Image of F. Sionil Jose
Writing is a solitary profession; you are really alone when you write. Then the emotions become well shaped and distinct. But their transition into words must be done deliberately and with rigid artistry.
- F. Sionil Jose
Image of F. Sionil Jose
I can imagine the writers of China, England and France, crippled and unsure of themselves when they feel that the ghosts of Confucius, Mencius, Chaucer and Shakespeare and Victor Hugo are looking over their shoulders.
- F. Sionil Jose
Image of F. Sionil Jose
A weak people and its equally debilitated leaders are bludgeoned by history. It maims them into the cripples that they are meant to be.
- F. Sionil Jose
Image of F. Sionil Jose
This is the harsh truth about us: not only do Filipinos ignore books, literature - we do not understand how important the arts are - not just to those of us who work at it, but to the nation as a whole.
- F. Sionil Jose
Image of F. Sionil Jose
Tourists as well as natives want to see cultural achievements - whether it's the Banaue Terraces, the old churches or museums.
- F. Sionil Jose
Image of F. Sionil Jose
I said that if I were an industrialist or entrepreneur, I would invest in agriculture-based enterprises, for there is so much that can be done in manufacturing, in food preservation.
- F. Sionil Jose
Image of F. Sionil Jose
Cultural values are, in themselves, neutral as well as universal, and so much depends on how individuals or ethnic groups use them. Values are influenced by so many factors such as geography, climate, religion, the economy and technology.
- F. Sionil Jose
Image of F. Sionil Jose
The ethnic differences among Filipinos are very real. The paucity of arable land, for instance, explains the industry of the Ilokanos and the Cebuanos.
- F. Sionil Jose
Image of F. Sionil Jose
My wife and I often visit Rosales and the Ilokos as a matter of habit or whim induced by nostalgia, homesickness - whatever draws pilgrims to worshipped sanctuaries. Or, perhaps, what compels moths to seek the votive flame.
- F. Sionil Jose
Image of F. Sionil Jose
The literary depiction of life and its moral dilemmas compel us to use our conscience, to make those infallible distinctions between right and wrong.
- F. Sionil Jose
Image of F. Sionil Jose
All through history, a nation or a civilization's enduring glory is articulated by its mega constructions - the pyramids, the lofty cathedrals of the Christian world.
- F. Sionil Jose
Image of F. Sionil Jose
I can't understand Urdu, Bahasa or Russian, but when the Pakistani Faiz, the Indonesian Rendra and the Russian Rosdentvensky declaim, I can feel the living throb of rhythm and music, the warmth and passion of their poetry, as do the hundreds, not a mere roomful, of poetry lovers in the audience.
- F. Sionil Jose
Image of F. Sionil Jose
I am for poetry that is admired by peasant and aristocrat alike.
- F. Sionil Jose
Image of F. Sionil Jose
I do not want to be bored listening to music that is muffled and known only to the poet himself.
- F. Sionil Jose
Image of F. Sionil Jose
It was in the sugar hacienda in Negros, Panay and in Central Luzon where I saw the injustices heaped upon the sugar workers, particularly the sacadas, or seasonal workers.
- F. Sionil Jose
Image of F. Sionil Jose
In the '50s, I was traveling alone all over Mindanao, Basilan, all the way to Tawi-Tawi with just a camera and a notebook. I always stayed in the houses of Moros.
- F. Sionil Jose
Image of F. Sionil Jose
Ninoy Aquino was a friend; I knew his faults, which were outweighed by his virtues.
- F. Sionil Jose
Image of F. Sionil Jose
For decades, as literary editor, I have followed the growth of our creative writing in English. In my Solidaridad Bookshop, half of my stock consists of Filipino books written in English and in the native languages.
- F. Sionil Jose