Top Looks Quotes Collection - Page 25

Discover a curated collection of Looks quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 25 provides more Looks quotes.

Image of Phyllis Diller
Like all good ruins, I look better by moonlight.
- Phyllis Diller
Collection: Looks
Image of Ibn Warraq
Slavery had very little to do with the economic success of the West. Just look at the facts and figures and how much slavery actually contributed to development.
- Ibn Warraq
Collection: Looks
Image of Sarah Dessen
but you could also look at it the other way. Like you’re saying no matter how bad things are for you, I can still relate.
- Sarah Dessen
Collection: Looks
Image of Adriana Trigiani
I look at my roommates who are so proud of me that it makes me proud.
- Adriana Trigiani
Collection: Looks
Image of James Altucher
Success comes from continually expanding your frontiers in every direction-creatively, financially, spiritually, and physically. Always ask yourself, what can I improve? Who else can I talk to? Where else can I look?
- James Altucher
Collection: Looks
Image of Johnny Damon
Whenever I have a bad performance, I look at it as a learning experience.
- Johnny Damon
Collection: Looks
Image of Nicolas Winding Refn
The thing with Ryan, you can look at him for hours. Very few actors have that. It's a gift.
- Nicolas Winding Refn
Collection: Looks
Image of George Clooney
We're always going to be a society that's going to slow down and look at the wreck on the side if the road if there is one. We're always going to do that because it's still fascinating and it's human nature.
- George Clooney
Collection: Looks
Image of James F. Cooper
tis hard to live in a world where all look upon you as below them.
- James F. Cooper
Collection: Looks
Image of Socrates
If you would seek health, look first to the spine.
- Socrates
Collection: Looks
Image of Walter Cronkite
I am not a contemplative type, basically. I am much more of an action person and, as a consequence, I look forward to today and tomorrow and what's breaking.
- Walter Cronkite
Collection: Looks
Image of Billy Connolly
Tread gently on anyone who looks at you sideways.
- Billy Connolly
Collection: Looks
Image of Akiane Kramarik
When we cannot look around and explain anything we are the quantum world.
- Akiane Kramarik
Collection: Looks
Image of Steve Coogan
Look at the 18th century. There was a lot more freedom going on.
- Steve Coogan
Collection: Looks
Image of Paulo Coelho
I don't see any reason why I should look for someone who never took the trouble to love me.
- Paulo Coelho
Collection: Looks
Image of Daphne Oz
I love to look at my life and look at what I can do better, how I can contribute more and where I can push myself.
- Daphne Oz
Collection: Looks
Image of Richard Dawkins
I've never heard of William Craig. A debate with him might look good on his resume, but it wouldn't look good on mine!
- Richard Dawkins
Collection: Looks
Image of Lawrence O'Donnell
When you look at that debate stage, Mitt Romney could have dominated it maybe.
- Lawrence O'Donnell
Collection: Looks
Image of Kacey Musgraves
I drink to feel / I smoke to breathe / Just look what love / Has done to me
- Kacey Musgraves
Collection: Looks
Image of Charles Dickens
...and to-morrow looked in my face more steadily than I could look at it
- Charles Dickens
Collection: Looks
Image of William Friedkin
I don't look back or analyze my films. I just make them. It's for someone else to look at.
- William Friedkin
Collection: Looks
Image of Mason Cooley
Rescue someone unwilling to look after himself, and he will cling to you like a dangerous illness.
- Mason Cooley
Collection: Looks
Image of Virginia Madsen
I tend to look for a great script.
- Virginia Madsen
Collection: Looks
Image of Richard Masur
She [Susan Lucci] was extraordinary. She wouldn't look at the scene until you walked in to rehearse it. It was amazing to me. That's the impression I got anyway.
- Richard Masur
Collection: Looks
Image of Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Look at problems from as many viewpoints as possible. Figure out the implications of the problem. Implement the solution.
- Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Collection: Looks
Image of Alan Cohen
If you want peace, look for it where it is, not in conflict.
- Alan Cohen
Collection: Looks
Image of Alexis Ohanian
If you look now, more than ever new entrants, new upstarts, are able to grow so much faster than they could before.
- Alexis Ohanian
Collection: Looks
Image of Jim Norton
Mario you are a great chef but you look like a homeless James Gandolfini.
- Jim Norton
Collection: Looks
Image of Tori Amos
When you value your crew, they look after you.
- Tori Amos
Collection: Looks
Image of Billy Connolly
Whenever I wear something expensive it looks stolen.
- Billy Connolly
Collection: Looks
Image of Adyashanti
The process of finding the truth may not be a process by which we feel increasingly better and better. It may be a process by which we look at things honestly, sincerely, truthfully, and that may or may not be an easy thing to do.
- Adyashanti
Collection: Looks
Image of Michael Crichton
The minute we look, we cease being afraid.
- Michael Crichton
Collection: Looks
Image of Anne Waldman
When I look at my life there are these streams, these things that have continuity from the fifties to now.
- Anne Waldman
Collection: Looks
Image of Zendaya
When I'm on a red carpet I want somebody to feel something when they look at what I'm wearing, when they look at the entire ensemble, whether it be nostalgia or excitement, you know?
- Zendaya
Collection: Looks
Image of Jamie Dimon
JPMorgan is a very good franchise. And the way you should look at a franchise, a business, is from the standpoint of the customers.
- Jamie Dimon
Collection: Looks
Image of Chris Hayes
Where is the Marco Rubio bump everyone was promised? And it doesn`t look very good.
- Chris Hayes
Collection: Looks
Image of Gangaji
You cannot be happy unless you are serving the truth of your being, however that service looks.
- Gangaji
Collection: Looks
Image of Mason Cooley
Glamour looks eloquent but seldom talks.
- Mason Cooley
Collection: Looks
Image of Mason Cooley
You gave me a significant look, but significant of what?
- Mason Cooley
Collection: Looks
Image of Ice Cube
I care about what I look like on the red carpet.
- Ice Cube
Collection: Looks
Image of Meister Eckhart
Therefore, look only for this fishhook, and you will be happily caught. The more you are caught, the more you will be liberated.
- Meister Eckhart
Collection: Looks
Image of Lana Del Rey
Do you know how expensive it is to look this cheap?
- Lana Del Rey
Collection: Looks
Image of Kevin Durant
There's a lot of falses - out there and if I take up for myself, it's a bad thing. Sometimes you just got to live with it, but for the most part, I'm like look, I don't want no problems with nobody.
- Kevin Durant
Collection: Looks
Image of Debbie Ford
If we want to know what we're really committed to, all we have to do is look at our lives.
- Debbie Ford
Collection: Looks
Image of Arthur Conan Doyle
Let us hear the suspicions. I will look after the proofs.
- Arthur Conan Doyle
Collection: Looks
Image of Janet Evanovich
I could use some help with an FTA. What's your problem? He's old, and I'll look like a loser if I shoot him.
- Janet Evanovich
Collection: Looks
Image of Henry Ford
Look beyond the individual to the cause of his misery.
- Henry Ford
Collection: Looks
Image of Giancarlo Esposito
I look at Breaking Bad as a show about the American family.
- Giancarlo Esposito
Collection: Looks
Image of Albert Einstein
Almost all the other fellows do not look from the facts to the theory but from the theory to the facts; they cannot get out of the network of already accepted concepts; instead, comically, they only wriggle about inside.
- Albert Einstein
Collection: Looks