Jim Norton

Image of Jim Norton
Google is not my friend. I've been way too open in my career. Google has killed any shot I have on the dating apps.
- Jim Norton
Collection: Dating
Image of Jim Norton
I figure I do a lot of things, none of them particularly well.
- Jim Norton
Image of Jim Norton
Anyone who can't tell the difference between a joke and hate speech is just stupid.
- Jim Norton
Image of Jim Norton
I am a degenerate, and I know that.
- Jim Norton
Image of Jim Norton
I have cowlicks, so my hair has always been a source of torture for me.
- Jim Norton
Image of Jim Norton
I like to keep busy, because otherwise I'd be languishing by myself.
- Jim Norton
Image of Jim Norton
I always wore a hat. They were gonna throw me out of high school because I wouldn't take my hat off. But it was just a deep insecurity about my awful hair.
- Jim Norton
Image of Jim Norton
A lot of racism is paternalism. A lot of people hide their own racism because they treat blacks, minorities and other groups like children because deep down they feel superior and better than these people. And they don't feel like they should just treat a guy like a guy.
- Jim Norton
Image of Jim Norton
I get bored really fast.
- Jim Norton
Image of Jim Norton
I know that I have a good career and I'm really busy, but there's always that part of my mind that's like, 'You're not doing enough, nobody knows you're alive, you're failing.'
- Jim Norton
Image of Jim Norton
The media is a very necessary thing in our country to keep people honest.
- Jim Norton
Image of Jim Norton
I like being single.
- Jim Norton
Image of Jim Norton
I'm afraid if I start to enjoy life, the rug will be yanked out from beneath me.
- Jim Norton
Image of Jim Norton
I once had a therapist fall asleep on me. That really wrecks your self-esteem.
- Jim Norton
Image of Jim Norton
I don't have jokes that I can't defend.
- Jim Norton
Image of Jim Norton
I have exposed so much of my own real life. Like I feel like I always try to be honest and I always try to talk about where I am at and what I want.
- Jim Norton
Image of Jim Norton
I am a really bad boyfriend.
- Jim Norton
Image of Jim Norton
Communicate and just be open with each other. Have an unpleasant talk once in a while so it does not turn into a festering resentment, which is inevitable. It has happened with every girlfriend I have ever had.
- Jim Norton
Image of Jim Norton
Being 'edgy' is not just cursing. There are some things socially that are just not acceptable to make fun of. Anything with race, they really won't let you do on TV unless it's completely soft.
- Jim Norton
Image of Jim Norton
I hate a well-lit room.
- Jim Norton
Image of Jim Norton
I've done 'Letterman' twice and he was friendly, he said hello as he was shaking your hand and in front of the audience, but you never spoke to him before or after.
- Jim Norton
Image of Jim Norton
I get away with 10 times more on 'Leno' than I would on any other show.
- Jim Norton
Image of Jim Norton
Wherever I go, there is definitely my audience. I would say in some places there's more of them than others, but it's one advantage to performing for a long time and building up kind of a reputation with a certain crowd.
- Jim Norton
Image of Jim Norton
You know, Americans think that they're such progessive and free thinkers, but we're as uptight as any other country when it comes to speech and language and content.
- Jim Norton
Image of Jim Norton
I don't worry about the crowds agreeing with me anymore. I want them to laugh and have a good time, but I think they can disagree with you and still enjoy it.
- Jim Norton
Image of Jim Norton
Lenny Bruce did clean TV. You have to be able to do that, I think, to succeed because if you want to promote something, you go on 'The Tonight Show' or 'Letterman' or whatever, you can't be dirty.
- Jim Norton
Image of Jim Norton
Comedians want honest discussion because it affects us. We make our living talking, so anything around language affects us greatly.
- Jim Norton
Image of Jim Norton
Language in comedy is very violent.
- Jim Norton
Image of Jim Norton
Everyone has a reason why their particular sacred cow is the sacred cow to be honored.
- Jim Norton
Image of Jim Norton
The more disgruntled the white people are, the happier they are to see me, that has to be it. I do really well in Boston, I do really well in Cleveland, I do really well in Philly, Jersey, certain parts of Florida. Places where there are really really aggressive white people tend to love me.
- Jim Norton
Image of Jim Norton
It's not a hard job, radio or standup, there are hard parts of it, sure. There are guys who do ten hours of construction a day don't want to hear me talk about my job being difficult. Compared to what a lot of people do, this is genuinely easy.
- Jim Norton
Image of Jim Norton
You can't apologize for who you are on a stage, you can reveal who you are but don't apologize because that's begging the audience to turn on you.
- Jim Norton
Image of Jim Norton
I'm always tired.
- Jim Norton
Image of Jim Norton
My job is to be funny.
- Jim Norton
Image of Jim Norton
I like Fox, but I also like Anderson Cooper and Don Lemon.
- Jim Norton
Image of Jim Norton
It's surreal to be hanging out on Ozzy's patio with him talking politics. It's so funny when people doubt that he's with it because he's a really sharp, smart guy.
- Jim Norton
Image of Jim Norton
You know, a comedian's comedian is just that - it's a guy who's original and funny and can make comics laugh.
- Jim Norton
Image of Jim Norton
Well, audiences will laugh at a lot of things that comedians won't.
- Jim Norton
Image of Jim Norton
I'm not really great at writing things down unless for a roast or a particular event.
- Jim Norton
Image of Jim Norton
Realize that doing comedy is only going to make your depression worse.
- Jim Norton
Image of Jim Norton
I got a GED when I was 21 and it doesn't mean anything to me now. I'm still a high school dropout and I like the fact that I've had a good life without that.
- Jim Norton
Image of Jim Norton
I unloaded trucks for a living and I hated it.
- Jim Norton
Image of Jim Norton
People say that Americans trends are transient, but the one activity we never seem to tire of is being outraged. Boy, do we love it!
- Jim Norton
Image of Jim Norton
I choose to believe that we are addicted to the rush of being offended, the idea of it, rather than believing we have become a nation of emasculated children whose only defense against an abyss of emotional agony is a trigger warning.
- Jim Norton
Image of Jim Norton
The image people have of comedians staring defiantly over a stationary line of good taste is simply inaccurate. We don't approach this line, put our toes over it arrogantly and then scamper back to safety. The line doesn't exist.
- Jim Norton
Image of Jim Norton
Trevor Noah is a great, relevant young comic, and Comedy Central is smart to stand by him.
- Jim Norton
Image of Jim Norton
Being a harsh, dirty comic, the last person on earth I ever expected to help my career was Jay Leno. I had always thought of performing on 'The Tonight Show' as an unachievable goal, because I bought into the myth that only squeaky clean, family-friendly material would be welcome there.
- Jim Norton
Image of Jim Norton
I'm boring. I really don't do much.
- Jim Norton
Image of Jim Norton
I don't care if I offend people. I really don't care.
- Jim Norton
Image of Jim Norton
I'm a much nicer guy than people think I'm going to be.
- Jim Norton