Leadership Quotes: Guidance for Todays Leaders - Page 34

Empower your leadership journey with quotes from successful leaders. Gain insights to lead effectively and inspire others. Page 34 provides more leadership quotes.

Image of Daniel Goleman
As much as 80% of adult "success" comes from EQ.
- Daniel Goleman
Collection: Leadership
Image of Alexander the Great
Remember upon the conduct of each depends the fate of all.
- Alexander the Great
Collection: Leadership
Image of Eglantyne Jebb
Every generation of children offers mankind the possibility of rebuilding his ruin of a world.
- Eglantyne Jebb
Collection: Leadership
Image of Che Guevara
The best form of saying is doing.
- Che Guevara
Collection: Leadership
Image of Criss Jami
Just because something isn't a lie does not mean that it isn't deceptive. A liar knows that he is a liar, but one who speaks mere portions of truth in order to deceive is a craftsman of destruction.
- Criss Jami
Collection: Leadership
Image of John W. Gardner
A prime function of a leader is to keep hope alive.
- John W. Gardner
Collection: Leadership
Image of John W. Gardner
The ultimate goal of the educational system is to shift to the individual the burden of pursuing his education.
- John W. Gardner
Collection: Leadership
Image of David Cooperrider
All leadership is appreciative leadership. It's the capacity to see the best in the world around us, in our colleagues, and in the groups we are trying to lead.
- David Cooperrider
Collection: Leadership
Image of Jeff Henderson
Excellence requires us to prepare in advance.
- Jeff Henderson
Collection: Leadership
Image of Jeff Henderson
Walk humbly but walk confidently. People want to follow confident, humble leaders.
- Jeff Henderson
Collection: Leadership
Image of Jeff Henderson
Keep your character several steps ahead of your talent
- Jeff Henderson
Collection: Leadership
Image of Jeff Henderson
Attempt something so great for God that it is doomed to fail unless God is in it, and you're in it as well.
- Jeff Henderson
Collection: Leadership
Image of Jeff Henderson
Who is in your life asking you the tough questions?
- Jeff Henderson
Collection: Leadership
Image of Jeff Henderson
Talent matters. Systems matter. Strategies matter. We can't just bring nice people together and think we're going to solve the world's problems.
- Jeff Henderson
Collection: Leadership
Image of Jeff Henderson
I eat "NOs" for breakfast.
- Jeff Henderson
Collection: Leadership
Image of Jeff Henderson
I hire talented, creative, passionate learners who have a history of turning intention into reality.
- Jeff Henderson
Collection: Leadership
Image of Jeff Henderson
What's it like to be on the other side of me?
- Jeff Henderson
Collection: Leadership
Image of Jeff Henderson
Fundraising requires looking someone eye-to-eye and say, "Will you help me" and don't say another thing. Just listen to them.
- Jeff Henderson
Collection: Leadership
Image of Jeff Henderson
We've got to build scale. We're going to hire the best people, build the best systems, and find solutions.
- Jeff Henderson
Collection: Leadership
Image of Jeff Henderson
If we're not careful we spiritualize laziness.
- Jeff Henderson
Collection: Leadership
Image of Jeff Henderson
Excellence Matters. Excellent people. Excellent vision. Excellent marketing. Excellent strategies.
- Jeff Henderson
Collection: Leadership
Image of Jeff Henderson
Excellence is a signal to God that we are going to dig our ditches but if You don't make it rain, all of this is a waste of time.
- Jeff Henderson
Collection: Leadership
Image of Jeff Henderson
The solutions the non-profits are trying to provide aren't keeping pace with the problems they're trying to survive.
- Jeff Henderson
Collection: Leadership
Image of Jeff Henderson
Charitable giving in the United States has remained at 2% of GDP since 1970.
- Jeff Henderson
Collection: Leadership
Image of Jeff Henderson
I have to look at our staff and ask the hard question - Would I hire them again?
- Jeff Henderson
Collection: Leadership
Image of Jeff Henderson
Asking for money is better over coffee than over a computer.
- Jeff Henderson
Collection: Leadership
Image of Jeff Henderson
I want you to be a connoisseur of great questions? Here's one - what would we do if we had no money?
- Jeff Henderson
Collection: Leadership
Image of Jeff Henderson
I love everybody but I don't have to hire everybody.
- Jeff Henderson
Collection: Leadership
Image of Jeff Henderson
If you don't have an emotionally healthy staff you won't move forward as an organization.
- Jeff Henderson
Collection: Leadership
Image of Lewis Grizzard
Life is like a dogsled race. If you ain't the lead dog, the scenery never changes.
- Lewis Grizzard
Collection: Leadership
Image of Kevin Andrews
I believe the team of Tony Abbott and Julia Gillard is the best leadership team for the Liberal Party and therefore part of the best leadership team of the Coalition for the country.
- Kevin Andrews
Collection: Leadership
Image of Cathy Freeman
I want to be a positive role model, especially for kids and Aboriginal people... When people see me, often all they see is another Australian athlete having a go. It isn't until they see the full Cathy Freeman picture that they realise how proud I am of my ancestry and heritage. I'd like a little more tolerance and acceptance of my culture and all the differing cultures that make up Australia.
- Cathy Freeman
Collection: Leadership
Image of Cathy Freeman
Disappointment and adversity can be catalysts for greatness. There's something particularly exciting about being the hunter, as opposed to the hunted. And that can make for powerful energy.
- Cathy Freeman
Collection: Leadership
Image of Alistair Beaton
It is often assumed that money is the only motivational factor. Wrong.Fear is also important. Save money. Use fear!
- Alistair Beaton
Collection: Leadership
Image of Kathy Smith
Healthy body, healthy mind and healthy spirit. A Votre Sante.
- Kathy Smith
Collection: Leadership
Image of Alan Hirsch
You plant the gospel. You don't plant churches.
- Alan Hirsch
Collection: Leadership
Image of Alan Hirsch
You cannot sell a Christendom approach to a post-Christian world. They are anti-Christian.
- Alan Hirsch
Collection: Leadership
Image of James Goodnight
It turns out that doing the right thing, treating people right, is also the right thing for the company.
- James Goodnight
Collection: Leadership
Image of Dan Gable
There is no mat space for malcontents or dissenters. One must neither celebrate insanely when he wins, nor sulk when he loses. He accepts victory professionally, humbly; he hates defeat, but makes no poor display of it.
- Dan Gable
Collection: Leadership
Image of Aretha Franklin
Trying to grow up is hurting. You make mistakes. You try to learn from them, and when you don't, it hurts even more.
- Aretha Franklin
Collection: Leadership
Image of Kelley Armstrong
When you accept a leadership role, you take on extra responsibility for your actions toward others.
- Kelley Armstrong
Collection: Leadership
Image of Santiago "Jimmy" Mellado
Hope is optimism plus a belief there is a path out of your adversity.
- Santiago "Jimmy" Mellado
Collection: Leadership
Image of Santiago "Jimmy" Mellado
How can we help my kids step into the shoes of another child?
- Santiago "Jimmy" Mellado
Collection: Leadership
Image of Santiago "Jimmy" Mellado
My mom knows what it's like to keep a dirt floor clean.
- Santiago "Jimmy" Mellado
Collection: Leadership
Image of Santiago "Jimmy" Mellado
When someone grows up in poverty they never know that's going to be a benefit to their child.
- Santiago "Jimmy" Mellado
Collection: Leadership
Image of Santiago "Jimmy" Mellado
Growing in poverty imparted a certain DNA in the life of their children.
- Santiago "Jimmy" Mellado
Collection: Leadership
Image of Steffi Graf
As long as I can focus on enjoying what I'm doing, having fun, I know I'll play well.
- Steffi Graf
Collection: Leadership
Image of Ronald A. Heifetz
Progress on problems is the measure of leadership; leaders mobilize people to face problems, and communities make progress on problems because leaders challenge them and help them to do so.
- Ronald A. Heifetz
Collection: Leadership
Image of Ronald A. Heifetz
Conflict is the primary engine of creativity and innovation. People don't learn by staring into a mirror; people learn by encountering difference.
- Ronald A. Heifetz
Collection: Leadership