Leadership Quotes: Guidance for Todays Leaders - Page 33

Empower your leadership journey with quotes from successful leaders. Gain insights to lead effectively and inspire others. Page 33 provides more leadership quotes.

Image of Charles William Eliot
There is no mystery about successful business.... Exclusive attention to the person who is speaking to you.
- Charles William Eliot
Collection: Leadership
Image of Joseph E. LeDoux
Emotions are a critical source of information for learning.
- Joseph E. LeDoux
Collection: Leadership
Image of Matthew Carter
Make sure you are passionate about the vision.
- Matthew Carter
Collection: Leadership
Image of Matthew Carter
There's all kind of vision in this Book. Just open it up and your people will follow.
- Matthew Carter
Collection: Leadership
Image of Matthew Carter
Let's be pastors who cast vision that are worth people giving their life for.
- Matthew Carter
Collection: Leadership
Image of Matthew Carter
Make sure your vision is God's vision.
- Matthew Carter
Collection: Leadership
Image of Matthew Carter
When your vision is a biblical vision, the people arguing with it are not arguing with you. They are arguing with God.
- Matthew Carter
Collection: Leadership
Image of Matthew Carter
If God doesn't build the vision, He will tear it down.
- Matthew Carter
Collection: Leadership
Image of Matthew Carter
Make sure your vision is biblical. You want to make sure you can defend the vision biblically.
- Matthew Carter
Collection: Leadership
Image of Matthew Carter
The last thing I want to do is pastor a church Jesus ain't at.
- Matthew Carter
Collection: Leadership
Image of Matthew Carter
Cast first to your church those visions you absolutely know are the Lord's.
- Matthew Carter
Collection: Leadership
Image of Matthew Carter
The first thing Jesus tells the church of Ephesus that He loves about them is they have sound doctrine.
- Matthew Carter
Collection: Leadership
Image of Chancellor Williams
Africans and persons of African descent must assume the primary responsibility and leadership in historical research....if we are to continue to leave practically all important historical research and writing concerning the black race to the white man, then we must be prepared to accept, uncomplainingly, the white man's point of view.
- Chancellor Williams
Collection: Leadership
Image of Debashis Chatterjee
While followers idealize the real, leaders realize the ideal... They outshine with their power of love those whose only motivation is love of power.
- Debashis Chatterjee
Collection: Leadership
Image of Zoe Akins
Of bird and prophet and his light shall lead On through the darkness to eventual light, To undiscovered wealth, to newer need . . .
- Zoe Akins
Collection: Leadership
Image of Soong May-ling
I am convinced that we must train not only the head, but the heart and hand as well.
- Soong May-ling
Collection: Leadership
Image of Bruce Henderson
Your most dangerous competitors are those that are most like you.
- Bruce Henderson
Collection: Leadership
Image of Kristi Noem
I am honored that my freshman class colleagues have put their trust in me to represent our historic class at the leadership table. The incoming freshman class of Representatives is large and diverse but we share many common goals including cutting wasteful spending, getting our economy back on track and making government smarter and more efficient.
- Kristi Noem
Collection: Leadership
Image of Evan Esar
There are two kinds of leaders: those who are interested in the flock, and those who are interested in the fleece.
- Evan Esar
Collection: Leadership
Image of Joan of Arc
Courage! Do not fall back.
- Joan of Arc
Collection: Leadership
Image of Malcolm Fraser
At the moment people get on boats because they flee terror at home and believe the many years' long wait in UNHCR camps is not a valid option, especially if they have children in their care. After the Vietnam War, Australia took a larger humanitarian intake than at any other period in our history. The Australian community accepted that. They were told why we needed to do it, and why it was the only ethical decent policy that a wealthy advanced country should adopt.
- Malcolm Fraser
Collection: Leadership
Image of Malcolm Fraser
The great task of statesmanship is to apply past lessons to new situations, to draw correct analogies to understand and act upon present forces, to recognise the need for change.
- Malcolm Fraser
Collection: Leadership
Image of Milton Glaser
Less isn't more; just enough is more.
- Milton Glaser
Collection: Leadership
Image of Walter Gropius
The mind is like an umbrella. Its most useful when open.
- Walter Gropius
Collection: Leadership
Image of Emily Murphy
We want women leaders today as never before. Leaders who are not afraid to be called names and who are willing to go out and fight. I think women can save civilization. Women are persons.
- Emily Murphy
Collection: Leadership
Image of Benjamin Franklin
It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority.
- Benjamin Franklin
Collection: Leadership
Image of Joe Garagiola
Don't tell me you can pitch...pitch. Don't tell me you can sell...sell.
- Joe Garagiola
Collection: Leadership
Image of Ruth Bader Ginsburg
We should learn ... to do our best for the sake of our communities and for the sake of those for whom we pave the way.
- Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Collection: Leadership
Image of Mahatma Gandhi
A customer is the most important visitor on our premises. He is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an interruption in our work. He is the purpose of it. He is not an outsider in our business. He is part of it. We are not doing him a favor by serving him. He is doing us a favor by giving us an opportunity to do so.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Collection: Leadership
Image of Richard Armour
Good sportsmanship we hail, we sing, It's always pleasant when you spot it. There's only one unhappy thing: You have to lose to prove that you've got it.
- Richard Armour
Collection: Leadership
Image of Julia Gillard
He will always know as we know now that in the heat of battle he did not fail when mateship and duty called.
- Julia Gillard
Collection: Leadership
Image of Julia Gillard
So in many ways for me, having lived through what I've lived through, and endured what I've endured, I've got more confidence that I can do the next bit - and there's something sustaining about that.
- Julia Gillard
Collection: Leadership
Image of Julia Gillard
One of my prized possessions is still the prefect's tie that I got in this school. I keep it with me. It was the first leadership position I ever had.
- Julia Gillard
Collection: Leadership
Image of Tama J. Kieves
You could wait for the world to invite you to the banquet and the ball. Or you could just show up in your red dress and your headdress ready to boogie.
- Tama J. Kieves
Collection: Leadership
Image of Derwin L. Gray
Substance and content over style and hype any day.
- Derwin L. Gray
Collection: Leadership
Image of Derwin L. Gray
Leaders are like point guards, we set people up to score.
- Derwin L. Gray
Collection: Leadership
Image of Derwin L. Gray
It's hard to sin if you're preoccupied with Jesus.
- Derwin L. Gray
Collection: Leadership
Image of Derwin L. Gray
You cannot cast a vision that has not cast a spell over you.
- Derwin L. Gray
Collection: Leadership
Image of Derwin L. Gray
1 Timothy 3 lists only one gift, teaching, then follows w a list of character traits.
- Derwin L. Gray
Collection: Leadership
Image of Bill Sharman
It's a game of habit, or repetition. You can't play one way in practice and another way in a game. It's a reflex. The game is so quick you don't have time to think.
- Bill Sharman
Collection: Leadership
Image of Bill Sharman
While I was coaching, I believe the motivation talk I gave my players that achieved the best results was in reference to their present game-day effort. I stressed the fact that today's performance could be the most important of their life. Yesterday's performance was already history. Tomorrow really never comes, so today's performance is what really counts.
- Bill Sharman
Collection: Leadership
Image of Mikhail Gorbachev
It is better to see once than to hear a hundred times.
- Mikhail Gorbachev
Collection: Leadership
Image of Cathy Rigby
There's no disgrace in failure, the disgrace is not to try.
- Cathy Rigby
Collection: Leadership
Image of Justin Menkes
Leadership means realizing potential-in yourself and in the people you lead.... The leader and followers cocreate their identities and performance.
- Justin Menkes
Collection: Leadership
Image of Robert Townsend
A leader is not an administrator who loves to run others, but someone who carries water for his people so that they can get on with their jobs.
- Robert Townsend
Collection: Leadership
Image of Robert Townsend
If people are coming to work excited. . . if they're making mistakes freely and fearlessly. . . if they're having fun. . . if they're concentrating on doing things rather than preparing reports and going to meetings-then somewhere you have leaders.
- Robert Townsend
Collection: Leadership
Image of Robert Townsend
When you get right down to it, one of the most important tasks of a leader is to eliminate his people's excuse for failure.
- Robert Townsend
Collection: Leadership
Image of Carlos Ghosn
I think that the best training a top manager can be engaged in is management by example. I want to make sure there is no discrepancy between what we say and what we do. If you preach accountability and then promote somebody with bad results, it doesn't work. I personally believe the best training is management by example. Don't believe what I say. Believe what I do.
- Carlos Ghosn
Collection: Leadership