Leadership Quotes: Guidance for Todays Leaders - Page 36

Empower your leadership journey with quotes from successful leaders. Gain insights to lead effectively and inspire others. Page 36 provides more leadership quotes.

Image of Marlene Caroselli
The team developer realizes that at times the leadership 'torch' must be passed on to others. This empowerment of others serves a dual purpose; it helps them hone their own team-building skills and it brings a fresh approach, perhaps even a special expertise, to the group's efforts.
- Marlene Caroselli
Collection: Leadership
Image of Paul Keating
We took the traditional lands and smashed the traditional way of life. We brought the diseases and the alcohol. We committed the murders. We took the children from their mothers. We practised discrimination and exclusion. It was our ignorance and our prejudice. And our failure to imagine that these things could be done to us.
- Paul Keating
Collection: Leadership
Image of Paul Keating
In the end, the key ingredient for public life is imagination. You imagine something better, you try to bring the people with you.
- Paul Keating
Collection: Leadership
Image of William E. Rothschild
What do you want to achieve or avoid? The answers to this question are objectives. How will you go about achieving your desire results? The answer to this you can call strategy.
- William E. Rothschild
Collection: Leadership
Image of Janet Hagberg
The end point of leadership is not just the position of power we reach, but the continual change and deepening we experience that makes a difference in our lives, our work, our world. Our leadership journeys are only at midpoint when we have achieved a position of power.
- Janet Hagberg
Collection: Leadership
Image of Janet Gonzalez-Mena
The moment I decided to follow instead of lead, I discovered the joys of becoming part of a small child's world.
- Janet Gonzalez-Mena
Collection: Leadership
Image of Fatima Bhutto
In any conflict area, it is always the women who are the first point of attack. But I think the more they have seen of oppression and violence, they have gotten more brave, more strong, more fearless than they were. You see this refusal to just keep quiet and do as you are told.
- Fatima Bhutto
Collection: Leadership
Image of Graeme Smith
The Taliban has a huge leadership problem at a critical political moment, another caliph has announced himself to the world, and the Taliban has been silent. And that is getting noticed by militants across South Asia.
- Graeme Smith
Collection: Leadership
Image of Guy Kawasaki
Revolutionary leaders have to care more about what they think of themselves than what the world thinks of them.
- Guy Kawasaki
Collection: Leadership
Image of Guy Kawasaki
Better to fail at doing the right thing than to succeed at doing the wrong thing.
- Guy Kawasaki
Collection: Leadership
Image of John Heider
The leader teaches more through being than through doing. The quality of one's silence conveys more than long speeches.
- John Heider
Collection: Leadership
Image of John Heider
The wise leader speaks rarely and briefly. After all, no other natural outpouring goes on and on. It rains and then it stops. It thunders and then it stops.
- John Heider
Collection: Leadership
Image of Sally Helgesen
the female view that one strengthens oneself by strengthening others is finding greater acceptance, and female values of inclusion and connection are emerging as valuable leadership qualities.
- Sally Helgesen
Collection: Leadership
Image of Sally Helgesen
Top-down leaders, by withholding power from those in the ranks, deprive them of the ability to use the expertise and information vested in them to respond directly and with speed to customer concerns.
- Sally Helgesen
Collection: Leadership
Image of Sally Helgesen
As women's leadership qualities come to play a more dominant role in the public sphere, their particular aptitudes for long-term negotiating, analytic listening, and creating an ambiance in which people work with zest and spirit will help reconcile the split between the ideals of being efficient and being humane. This integration of female values is already producing a more collaborative kind of leadership, and changing the very ideal of what strong leadership actually is.
- Sally Helgesen
Collection: Leadership
Image of Sally Helgesen
most of us persist in regarding leadership as synonymous with - indeed solely derived from - high position. Perhaps the notion of grass-roots leadership strikes us as too much of an oxymoron; confronted with apparent paradox, our imaginations fail. ... I believe that in the future, our ideas about the nature of leadership will undergo a radical transformation. As the instrumental use of knowledge continues to redefine the nature and purpose of organizations, we will begin to look at those on the front lines for leadership.
- Sally Helgesen
Collection: Leadership
Image of Peter R. Mansoor
Why do soldiers fight? They join because they believe in a higher cause -- protecting religion, their nation, defending against a foreign nation. But why do soldier stay and fight? Soldiers aren't individuals. They are part of a unit. And that unit is led by a commander. If they don't trust their commander ... if there is no leadership, there is nothing.
- Peter R. Mansoor
Collection: Leadership
Image of Dmitry Peskov
You can't treat Russia like a guilty schoolboy who has to put a cross on a piece of paper to show he has done his homework. That kind of language is unacceptable.
- Dmitry Peskov
Collection: Leadership
Image of Haifaa al-Mansour
No one will give you change. You have to work for it. You have to earn it not by screaming, but by working hard, by believing in yourself, by proving yourself. There are windows, but if you are radical, no one will talk to you. And that window will shut.
- Haifaa al-Mansour
Collection: Leadership
Image of Laurie Beth Jones
Belief in oneself is a crucial quality of leadership, because 'a house divided against itself cannot stand.' A leader who fluctuates back and forth sends a very wavery signal. Like the soprano who can shatter glass by finding that high note and holding it, a leader who can hold that high note, without wavering, can shatter walls.
- Laurie Beth Jones
Collection: Leadership
Image of Laurie Beth Jones
Leaders identify, articulate, and summarize concepts that motivate others. Most important, they boil concepts down to an understandable idea.
- Laurie Beth Jones
Collection: Leadership
Image of Laurie Beth Jones
A good leader has a plan that consists of changing simple pictures. Just because a group of people has a bunch of boards, hammers, and nails does not mean that they are building a house or even anything recognizable. Sometimes leaders think they are doing their job just because there is a lot of hammering going on. As a society we like the sound of hammering, but we are uncomfortable with the sound of thinking, which is silence.
- Laurie Beth Jones
Collection: Leadership
Image of Laurie Beth Jones
Perhaps the true mark of a leader is that she or he is willing to stand alone.
- Laurie Beth Jones
Collection: Leadership
Image of Robert Baden-Powell
Look wide, and even when you think you are looking wide - look wider still.
- Robert Baden-Powell
Collection: Leadership
Image of Robert Baden-Powell
Look wide, beyond your immediate surroundings and limits, and you see things in their right proportion. Look above the level of things around you and see a higher aim and possibility to your work.
- Robert Baden-Powell
Collection: Leadership
Image of Pat Heim
Leadership doesn't mean giving marching orders that others must follow blindly. Rather, it means causing others to want to follow. Successful leadership is personal.
- Pat Heim
Collection: Leadership
Image of Pat Heim
Great leaders make leadership look so easy.
- Pat Heim
Collection: Leadership
Image of Kevin Kelly
The only factor becoming scarce in a world of abundance is human attention.
- Kevin Kelly
Collection: Leadership
Image of Ella Baker
I have always thought that what is needed is the development of people who are interested not in being leaders as much as in developing leadership in others.
- Ella Baker
Collection: Leadership
Image of Mary Cunningham Agee
In Business School they taught us about cash flow, not about corporate politics; about return on equity, not about egos and pride. Oh, there were optional courses on 'Organizational Behavior' and 'Managerial Skills,' but these were a little too bloodless to convey what I learned on the job.
- Mary Cunningham Agee
Collection: Leadership
Image of Helen Hunt
A small step in a good direction.
- Helen Hunt
Collection: Leadership
Image of Jean Illsley Clarke
Effective leaders let people discover things for themselves.
- Jean Illsley Clarke
Collection: Leadership
Image of Ron Jaworski
When I first came to the Eagles, I found a bunch of guys shell-shocked from losing. They had been through some lean years, they just didn't know how to handle the pressure. They were quiet; they kept to themselves. I said, " Hey, this has gotta change. Let's make pressure fun."
- Ron Jaworski
Collection: Leadership
Image of Leo Gordon
Staff has a genius for sitting on its brains and coming up with perfect hindsight.
- Leo Gordon
Collection: Leadership
Image of Rosabeth Moss Kanter
Creativity is a lot like looking at the world through a kaleidoscope. You look at a set of elements, the same ones everyone else sees, but then reassemble those floating bits and pieces into an enticing new possibility.
- Rosabeth Moss Kanter
Collection: Leadership
Image of Rosabeth Moss Kanter
Leaders are more powerful role models when they learn than when they teach.
- Rosabeth Moss Kanter
Collection: Leadership
Image of Rosabeth Moss Kanter
Leaders is the new organisation do not lack motivational tools, but the tools are different from those of traditional corporate bureaucrats. The new rewards are based not on status but on contribution, and they consist not of regular promotion and automatic pay rises, but of excitement about the mission and a share of the glory of success.
- Rosabeth Moss Kanter
Collection: Leadership
Image of Joshua Wong
We are not seeking revolution. We just want democracy.
- Joshua Wong
Collection: Leadership
Image of Marcia Whicker
Good leadership is pervasive, persuasive, and persistent. Bad leadership is poisoned with pedanticism, posturing, self-importance.
- Marcia Whicker
Collection: Leadership
Image of Marcia Whicker
typically, our love for our leaders is one-sided: their successes become our own, while their failures are theirs alone.
- Marcia Whicker
Collection: Leadership
Image of Marcia Whicker
Leaders shape our visions of the possible and direct our energies toward it.
- Marcia Whicker
Collection: Leadership
Image of Marcia Whicker
Leadership both projects to the future and reflects upon the past. It bursts with possibilities, flaunts peculiarities, and occasionally defies probabilities.
- Marcia Whicker
Collection: Leadership
Image of Marcia Whicker
Leadership is elusive and enigmatic, just as it is enlightening and empowering. It is a bright light among human energies that sometimes, by its very intensity, casts a long and dark shadow.
- Marcia Whicker
Collection: Leadership
Image of Roger Bannister
Sport is not about being wrapped up in cotton wool. Sport as about adapting to the unexpected and being able to modify plans at the last minute. Sport, like all life, is about taking risks.
- Roger Bannister
Collection: Leadership
Image of Steve Ballmer
Great companies with the way they work, first start with great leaders.
- Steve Ballmer
Collection: Leadership
Image of Rudyard Kipling
I keep six honest serving men (they taught me all i knew); Theirs names are What and Why and When And How And Where and Who.
- Rudyard Kipling
Collection: Leadership
Image of Ira Carmen
It took a course from me for the Democratic leadership to realize we have an electoral college. 'But we got the popular vote!' Well you can take the MTA from Dorchester to Brookline. That's how far it'll get you.
- Ira Carmen
Collection: Leadership
Image of Abe Lemons
I don't understand these new coaches who don't drink. What do they do when they get beat?
- Abe Lemons
Collection: Leadership
Image of Tom Landry
Leadership is getting someone to do what they don't want to do but to achieve what they want to achieve.
- Tom Landry
Collection: Leadership