Top Jobs Quotes Collection - Page 92

Discover a curated collection of Jobs quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 92 provides more Jobs quotes.

Image of Zygmunt Bauman
A reliable assurance of the right and ability to dismantle the constructed structure must be offered, before the job of construction starts in earnest.
- Zygmunt Bauman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Barack Obama
Sustaining the energy and focus involved in doing a good job I think starts to - starts to gets tougher the longer you do it.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bill McKibben
The Old Testament contains in many places, but especially in the book of Job, one of the most far-reaching defenses ever written of wilderness, of nature free from the hand of man. The argument gets at the heart of what the loss of nature will mean to us....God seems to be insisting that we are not the center of the universe, that he is quite happy if it rains where there are no people - that God is quite happy with places where there are no people, a radical departure from our most ingrained notions.
- Bill McKibben
Collection: Jobs
Image of Dominic Monaghan
My job is to try and present the most fully-rounded character that I can, and bring a performance that people believe in.
- Dominic Monaghan
Collection: Jobs
Image of Dominic Monaghan
My job, at the very least, doesn't change at all.
- Dominic Monaghan
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ann Romney
They were not easy years. You have to understand, I was raised in a lovely neighborhood, as was Mitt, and at BYU, we moved into a $62-a-month basement apartment with a cement floor and lived there two years as students with no income... Neither one of us had a job, because Mitt had enough of an investment from stock that we could sell off a little at a time.
- Ann Romney
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ann Romney
Neither one of us had a job, because Mitt had enough of an investment from stock that we could sell off a little at a time.
- Ann Romney
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jeff Bridges
When you're a professional you gotta do it [your job] when you don't feel like doing it.
- Jeff Bridges
Collection: Jobs
Image of Barack Obama
What we have to do moving forward is to make sure that small businesses that account for most of the job growth in our economy are getting the kind of financing that they need.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Jobs
Image of Barack Obama
We've got to make sure that we rebuild the infrastructure in America, because we used to be - have the best bridges, the best roads, the best airports. And now, when you go to China or you go to Europe, you see that they are outstripping us in terms of infrastructure. And if we put people back to work, that would be good not only in the short term, but it would also lay the foundation, the framework for long-term economic and job growth.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Jobs
Image of Barack Obama
It's the job, I think, of leaders to try to address peoples' real legitimate concerns and channel them in the most constructive ways possible.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Jobs
Image of Barack Obama
[My kids] complained about Secret Service as they became teenagers, and Secret Service has done the very best job they could accommodating them, so it hasn't restricted any of their activities.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Jobs
Image of Barack Obama
It's probably a prerequisite for the job, or at least you have to have enough craziness to think that you can do the job. I think that [Donald Trump] has not spent a lot of time sweating the details of, you know, all the policies.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Jobs
Image of Kevin Spacey
Our job, you know, in the entertainment profession is to try to illuminate and show people all sides of humanity, and it doesn't just mean that you can only do movies that are only about the good parts of us. You have to be able to eliminate the bad parts.
- Kevin Spacey
Collection: Jobs
Image of Kevin Spacey
My job as an actor is to serve the writing and help the author get his ideas across.
- Kevin Spacey
Collection: Jobs
Image of Kevin Spacey
If there is one thing I object to, its actors talking about how tough their jobs are.
- Kevin Spacey
Collection: Jobs
Image of Steven Tyler
People used to ask me, 'What do you reckon you'll be doing when you're 40?', and I told 'em 'rocking out and kicking ass!' Now it's 'What do you reckon you'll be doing at 60?' and the answer's exactly the same. I'm always going to love Jimi Hendrix - 'Purple Haze' will still give me a hard-on when I'm hooked up to a life-support machine. Hey, even when I'm dead, they're going to have a hell of a job nailing the coffin lid down.
- Steven Tyler
Collection: Jobs
Image of David Brooks
That is the job of the Catholic Church, to be a balance to the materialistic drives of our culture and of economy.
- David Brooks
Collection: Jobs
Image of Audrey Tautou
There are moments when it's unbelievable how people who work on the hair or on the little bit of skin here, they have no other care or interest since this part of their job is the only thing that needs to look good. So you have to push everybody to the side so that you can have a connection with your actor and give some air to your actor.
- Audrey Tautou
Collection: Jobs
Image of Henry Ward Beecher
If there's a job to be done, I always ask the busiest man in my parish to take it on and it gets done.
- Henry Ward Beecher
Collection: Jobs
Image of Studs Terkel
On the evening bus, the tense, pinched faces of young file clerks and elderly secretaries tell us more than we care to know. On the expressways, middle management men pose without grace behind their wheels as they flee city and job.
- Studs Terkel
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jodi Picoult
You have everything. A family, a great job, a lot of people who look up to you. You've got a place to go home to. So go.
- Jodi Picoult
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jack Nicholson
Many actors will try something different once, but if it isn't a box office success they'll never do it again. In my opinion, there's no point in going on with this job if you do the same thing over and over again.
- Jack Nicholson
Collection: Jobs
Image of James A. Michener
Not too many people work in a job where, waiting out there are three or four hundred people who are paid to tear apart what you've done. And often they are brighter than you are, or they know more about the subject than you do, or they wish they had written a book themselves, or done a lot better. Or they just don't like it! And you have to live with it.
- James A. Michener
Collection: Jobs
Image of Simon Pegg
I like to work in films, but I'd love to work in the technical side of film. I'd love to work with, say, Greg Nicotero [The Walking Dead] in kind of, like, special makeup effects. I'd probably say, "Good with clay and latex." Although I don't know what kind of job that'd get me.
- Simon Pegg
Collection: Jobs
Image of Anna Quindlen
Being a reporter is as much a diagnosis as a job description.
- Anna Quindlen
Collection: Jobs
Image of Hunter S. Thompson
Las Vegas is a society of armed masturbators/gambling is the kicker here/sex is extra/weird trip for high rollers ... house-whores for winners, hand jobs for the bad luck crowd.
- Hunter S. Thompson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Joss Whedon
You give my regards to St. Peter, or whoever has his job, but in Hell.
- Joss Whedon
Collection: Jobs
Image of Suze Orman
I've never believed unemployment numbers because the way that they calculate unemployment makes no sense whatsoever. It's not how many people are unemployed. It's how many people are actively looking for a job.
- Suze Orman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Suze Orman
Once you stop looking for a job, you are no longer considered part of the unemployment number.
- Suze Orman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Gail Carson Levine
I don't wait for inspiration. Writing is my job.
- Gail Carson Levine
Collection: Jobs
Image of Brandon Sanderson
Remember that your job as a practicing writer is to remember it's never going to be perfect on your first pass.
- Brandon Sanderson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Patton Oswalt
Any acting job that I ever got, I always treated it like I was a neophyte, I didn't know what I was doing and I was going to work just as hard as I do on my stand-up.
- Patton Oswalt
Collection: Jobs
Image of Patton Oswalt
The truly great actors, like Charlize Theron, are just like, "I'm an actor. For hire. I show up, I do my job." There's no "I'm just waiting for the inspiration." They just do their jobs. They say, "Let's go over the scene a few times and get it."
- Patton Oswalt
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bruce Springsteen
I never knew anybody who was unhappy with their job and was happy with their life. It's your sense of purpose. Now, some people can find it elsewhere. Some people can work a job and find it some place else.
- Bruce Springsteen
Collection: Jobs
Image of Oprah Winfrey
Would you do your job and not be paid for it? I would do this job, and take on a second job just to make ends meet if nobody paid me. That’s how you know you are doing the right thing.
- Oprah Winfrey
Collection: Jobs
Image of Barack Obama
Did I recognize that there was anger or frustration in the American population? Of course I did. First of all, we had to fight back from the worst recession since the Great Depression, and I can guarantee you if your housing values have crashed and you've lost most of your pension and you've lost your job, you're going to be pretty angry.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Jobs
Image of Joss Whedon
Come a day there won’t be room for naughty men like us to slip about at all. This job goes south, there well may not be another. So here is us, on the raggedy edge. Don’t push me, and I won’t push you. Dong le ma?
- Joss Whedon
Collection: Jobs
Image of Joss Whedon
One of my favourite sorts of actors...the rat actor. The rat actor knows his job and gets it done.
- Joss Whedon
Collection: Jobs
Image of Rick Santorum
We need to have a president that's going to pledge, as I have - I'm going to make America the number-one manufacturer so working men and women can have good paying jobs again in America.
- Rick Santorum
Collection: Jobs
Image of Kristen Stewart
I don't know why anyone does the job without that pressure.
- Kristen Stewart
Collection: Jobs
Image of Adam Schiff
And when they have done their job, America must look after and honor its veterans.
- Adam Schiff
Collection: Jobs
Image of Kim Basinger
I went to the University of Georgia for a year before I left, and then I went to live with Eileen Ford in New York for the modeling agency. I thank god I could do that because all the other kids were getting jobs doing other things, and when I got to New York, I was very blessed. I didn't have to stop and be a waitress. I started making money at a very young age and was just very lucky.
- Kim Basinger
Collection: Jobs
Image of Sam Walton
Job security lasts only as long as the customer is satisfied. Nobody owes anybody else a living.
- Sam Walton
Collection: Jobs
Image of Colin Powell
I have always tried to do my job in a way that I have people give me different points of view.
- Colin Powell
Collection: Jobs
Image of Richard J. Foster
The needed change within us is God's work, not ours. The demand is for an inside job, and only God can work from the inside. We cannot attain or earn this righteousness of the kingdom of God: it is a grace that is given.
- Richard J. Foster
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bill Watterson
I'm pulling out different aspects of my personality in writing each character and, if I'm doing my job well, I'm being true to the situation and true to the character.
- Bill Watterson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Julie James
You are really starting to annoy me, Stanton.” Nick didn’t blink. “Good. By the end of the night I hope to finish the job.
- Julie James
Collection: Jobs
Image of Seth Rogen
I did meet Steve Wozniak on several occasions leading up to the filming of the movie. It wasn’t really written how he is. So the second I met him, it almost was a relief, because I was like, "OK, good, the real Steve Wozniak is like one of the least confrontational people you would ever meet in your entire life."
- Seth Rogen
Collection: Jobs