Top Jobs Quotes Collection - Page 52

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Image of Zoe Cassavetes
When you create, it comes from this deep part of you, and your job is you, and so when you don't get heard it can feel bad and frustrating and you have to somehow keep the confidence up.
- Zoe Cassavetes
Collection: Jobs
Image of Carolyn Heilbrun
We women have lived too much with closure: "If he notices me, if I marry him, if I get into college, if I get this work accepted, if I get this job" -- there always seems to loom the possibility of something being over, settled, sweeping clear the way for contentment. This is the delusion of a passive life. When the hope for closure is abandoned, when there is an end to fantasy, adventure for women will begin.
- Carolyn Heilbrun
Collection: Jobs
Image of Billy Eichner
By TV standards - I'm not comparing it to manual labor by any means - by TV comedy standards, it is the hardest job I will ever, ever have. There is nothing that could be harder. I mean, when you combine the amount of writing that has to be done - sharp writing - with the fact that you then take it to the street and improvise with both celebrities who have no idea what's going to happen and real people who are not actors or comedians who don't even know I'm about to talk to them... It's lightning in a bottle every time.
- Billy Eichner
Collection: Jobs
Image of Billy Eichner
I had a lot of fans in New York. The press would write about me, but I couldn't get a paying job.
- Billy Eichner
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jake M. Johnson
I aspired to be a writer and then I just started getting acting work. I really didn't have a direct goal, I just knew I wanted to be in this industry telling stories and doing this for a job. I thought my path was going to be as a writer, but I'm pretty happy doing it as an actor.
- Jake M. Johnson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jake M. Johnson
Sometimes, when you work with directors who have done it a lot and are established in the business and know the game, there are all these rules that they have. First-time directors will allow you to come in with choices. They're not so jaded by actors that they're like, 'Ugh, just do your job, man.
- Jake M. Johnson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Alexandra Kotur
Sometimes people come out of school right now and they immediately want a job doing something. And there's nothing wrong with just listening and learning and watching.
- Alexandra Kotur
Collection: Jobs
Image of Sean Hannity
We don't have the Democrats doing a Fox News debate. They have decided they want to boycott Fox News, at least this election cycle. I don't see Hillary and Bernie Sanders doing a Fox News debate. And they should. We have great journalists on this network. I'm an opinion person. It wouldn't be me - that I think would do a great job. But if they're not going to put themselves in an environment like this, do you have to now reconsider, in other words, going forward, that maybe these liberal networks don't deserve the access to these candidates?
- Sean Hannity
Collection: Jobs
Image of Sean Hannity
I never got a job from a poor person.
- Sean Hannity
Collection: Jobs
Image of Clay Buchholz
I have to do a better job of minimizing the damage in that inning and getting us back in there with the lead still.
- Clay Buchholz
Collection: Jobs
Image of Joe Frank
When I went to the University of Iowa in order to be a writer, I thought, This is the worst way to learn how to write. To sit in a room with a bunch of would-be writers, who want to write the Great American Novel, every one of them, and you read their stories and they read yours, and you're not living a life. I don't like that. I like learning on the job. The character of my work has definitely evolved from the character of my life.
- Joe Frank
Collection: Jobs
Image of Tatjana Maria
If everybody would just stop talking, my job would be a lot easier.
- Tatjana Maria
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mary Norris
One of the things I like about my job is that it draws on the entire person: not just your knowledge of grammar and punctuation and usage and foreign languages and literature but also your experience of travel, gardening, shipping, singing, plumbing, Catholicism, midwesternism, mozzarella, the A train, New Jersey. And in turn it feeds you more experience.
- Mary Norris
Collection: Jobs
Image of Diego Klattenhoff
Everyone fails. Everyone is constantly failing. It is all part of life, and especially this job of being an actor.
- Diego Klattenhoff
Collection: Jobs
Image of Warren G. Harding
I knew that this job would be too much for me.
- Warren G. Harding
Collection: Jobs
Image of Dean Norris
I never had trouble getting an agent. I went out and got my first couple roles, and literally within six months I never had to have another job other than acting.
- Dean Norris
Collection: Jobs
Image of Dean Norris
I never had a month or so go by where I haven't had a job, but you always worry that someone will turn off the tap.
- Dean Norris
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jen Kirkman
Its almost Thanksgiving! A day when you get to hear your extended family use racial slurs for groups are not taking away their jobs.
- Jen Kirkman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Robert Hamer
It is so difficult to make a neat job of killing people with whom one is not on friendly terms.
- Robert Hamer
Collection: Jobs
Image of Will Packer
It's always better if you can keep the bar low, and then exceed the expectation. When it's high, that makes the job even tougher. But, I think we're up for the challenge. We're ready.
- Will Packer
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bob Sanders
They may say, 'He's small. We really don't know if he can get the job done.' But they said that about me coming out of high school.
- Bob Sanders
Collection: Jobs
Image of David A. Clarke, Jr
We are delighted to be working with PCG to continue to develop professionalism in the IT industry, and making BCS membership more accessible to PCG's IT members enabling them to gain industry-recognised endorsement of their credentials. BCS membership supports career development at every stage, offering a wealth of IT industry information, and access to an unrivalled network of IT professionals to help secure that next job or contract.
- David A. Clarke, Jr
Collection: Jobs
Image of Barbara Bergmann
To be a housewife is to be a member of a very peculiar occupation, one with characteristics like no other. The nature of the duties to be performed, the method of payment, the form of supervision, the tenure system, the market in which the workers find jobs, and the physical hazzards are all very different from the way things are in other occupations.
- Barbara Bergmann
Collection: Jobs
Image of Teri Hatcher
It is truly a privilege to be able to support all women's causes on a global level. It is remarkable that something as simple as television can empower us to create change and awareness in the world. I am blessed to be able to work at a job I love and also give back in the most vital way-to people in need.
- Teri Hatcher
Collection: Jobs
Image of Paul Reed Smith
Somebody's going to wake up and their job in life is going to be to make guitars. There are a lot of good, talented people.
- Paul Reed Smith
Collection: Jobs
Image of John Lee Hancock
I usually have to find something where I go, "I have to do this." Sometimes you don't even know what the question you're trying to answer is, but you go, "This is something I need to explore and want to explore, and it's inside me in a way that I think I can do a good job with."
- John Lee Hancock
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ron Galella
My job is thick with risks, threats, occasional violence and sometimes the necessary folly that sometimes courts humiliation and ridicule. But I don't care. I see myself as the dean of American paparazzi.
- Ron Galella
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jonathan Tucker
I try not to be judgmental. I meditate twice a day. I get some sort of physical exercise. I infuse my life with love. I love what I do, the job.
- Jonathan Tucker
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jonathan Tucker
I infuse my life with love. I love what I do, the job.
- Jonathan Tucker
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jonathan Tucker
You have to defend your character. That's your job, if they're hiring you. That doesn't mean you can't collaborate, but you do have to make some big, bold choices. We do that in real life, too.
- Jonathan Tucker
Collection: Jobs
Image of Dag Hammarskjold
Peacekeeping is not a job for soldiers, but only soldiers can do it.
- Dag Hammarskjold
Collection: Jobs
Image of Gemma Chan
In the past, we've always come up with new jobs for humans to do and so it's always benefitted us, technological progress, but now we're not really creating enough new jobs to replace the jobs that are being automated.
- Gemma Chan
Collection: Jobs
Image of Gemma Chan
I haven't always wanted to be an actor, no. I wasn't one of the little kids that was desperate to be an actor. I did a lot of drama and a lot of music, but it was just something for fun on the side. I was quite shy as a kid and I found a lot of freedom in performing. I never knew you could do it as a job.
- Gemma Chan
Collection: Jobs
Image of Joshua Michael Stern
Doing a movie about Steve Jobs is just generally a provocative thing to do, whoever does it, and it begs a lot of questioning and skepticism only in that, what is this going to be? What am I going to be looking at? And curiosity as well. I think thats all positive in any film, because you want people to be curious about it.
- Joshua Michael Stern
Collection: Jobs
Image of Joshua Michael Stern
So the fact that the first movie about Steve Jobs was made by a guy who was completely entrepreneurial and outside the film industry, I think is very appropriate.
- Joshua Michael Stern
Collection: Jobs
Image of Joshua Michael Stern
People are out there looking for jobs and realizing that they have to look within to do and create what the new and next thing will be. They can't rely anymore on what was usually given to them.
- Joshua Michael Stern
Collection: Jobs
Image of Joshua Michael Stern
It struck me that Steve Jobs, known to be such a brilliant speaker, had a very difficult time explaining things when he was younger. He was describing technology that didn't exist. He had MIT engineers, and he was trying to tell them what he wanted; but there were no terms for what he wanted yet. I think a lot of his early frustration was trying to quickly get his vision to the finish line.
- Joshua Michael Stern
Collection: Jobs
Image of Joshua Michael Stern
You can mythologize Steve Jobs, but really in the end, he was a kid from the Valley, with his funny little friends, and they made something. That's all he was.
- Joshua Michael Stern
Collection: Jobs
Image of Joshua Michael Stern
Steve Jobes called anybody. He was fearless. When he was very young, he had no filter. He would call the president of Hewlett-Packard and the head of Atari and say, 'I'm Steve Jobs.' He just didn't take no for an answer.
- Joshua Michael Stern
Collection: Jobs
Image of Zulima Farber
We are not perfect. None of us is. I apologize for that flaw. I thank the governor for giving me a job with a driver.
- Zulima Farber
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jillian Bell
Comedy Central does a really good job of finding totally different comedies.
- Jillian Bell
Collection: Jobs
Image of William Webb
There are always a lot of jokes and good vibes floating through the studio so tattooing all day doesn't feel like a job. It's rewarding to see my clients as excited as I am.
- William Webb
Collection: Jobs
Image of Terry Francona
You get to the ninth inning and your stomach is clear up to here. But it's not because of your job. It is because you want to win so badly.
- Terry Francona
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ainsley Earhardt
I'm grateful for the people who watch everyday because if the viewers don't tune in, I don't have a job and I know that.
- Ainsley Earhardt
Collection: Jobs
Image of Kevin P. Ryan
I heavily overinvest in recruiting. I have an understanding with certain search firms that if you find someone great, don't wait until there's a job opening - send him to me.
- Kevin P. Ryan
Collection: Jobs
Image of Carlos Zambrano
I enjoy when I strike someone out. I enjoy when I do my job.
- Carlos Zambrano
Collection: Jobs
Image of John Romita, Sr.
When I went to Stan Lee - every time I was with Stan, I learned something every day. When I would do a pencil job, if I didn't have much faith in it I would hand it in and invariably Stan would make it look like it was a well-written and well-planned-out story. It made me tell people, 'If you want to become an artist, go to work at Marvel. Stan will turn you into a storyteller.'
- John Romita, Sr.
Collection: Jobs
Image of John Romita, Sr.
Stan Lee always wanted to do another syndicated strip while we were doing Spider-Man. I was working two jobs, and he wanted to make time to do another strip. He wanted to do a humor strip. I said, 'Stan, I barely make it through the week now. How the hell am I going to do another strip?' He said, 'Oh, I'm sorry, I always forget it takes you longer to do a page than it takes me to do twenty pages.'
- John Romita, Sr.
Collection: Jobs
Image of Grace Zabriskie
I do less waiting by the phone than anyone I know in the business. I don't wait for a job. I just go on to my own work.
- Grace Zabriskie
Collection: Jobs