Top Jobs Quotes Collection - Page 53

Discover a curated collection of Jobs quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 53 provides more Jobs quotes.

Image of Tod Goldberg
I was thinking a lot about the aftermath of bad choices, how people deal with the trauma of having survived trauma, if that makes sense, and so I wrote about this character's last day on the job, how after spending 15 years pretending to be a rabbi, he'd in effect become a rabbi.
- Tod Goldberg
Collection: Jobs
Image of Tod Goldberg
So for a long time, I did a lot of freelance writing in addition to writing fiction and such - I was a food critic for a magazine for a bit, I did writing for nonprofits and political things, I was the editorial consultant for another magazine for a couple years, all sorts of jobs.
- Tod Goldberg
Collection: Jobs
Image of Nell Zink
I really like writing in English, and it's the best job I've ever had.
- Nell Zink
Collection: Jobs
Image of Stephen Marche
Men are not taking women's job, which are good jobs. Being a nurse is an excellent job.
- Stephen Marche
Collection: Jobs
Image of J.H. Wyman
Life is painful sometimes. It touches everyone, so you may as well try to look for other answers and find peace. So, it is difficult to write those types of things because nobody wants to tell sad stories. I think that I'll always tell stories about human hope. I would love to be able to tell somebody, "It's okay. It's all right. Be a good person." That's what my job is, in life.
- J.H. Wyman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mathew Baynton
When you're surrounded by brilliant people it really is just easy to do your job.
- Mathew Baynton
Collection: Jobs
Image of Grace Hopper
If one ox could not do the job they did not try to grow a bigger ox, but used two oxen. When we need greater computer power, the answer is not to get a bigger computer, but . . .to build systems of computers and operate them in parallel.
- Grace Hopper
Collection: Jobs
Image of Norman Ralph Augustine
Law Number XXIX: Executives who do not produce successful results hold on to their jobs only about five years. Those who produce effective results hang on about half a decade.
- Norman Ralph Augustine
Collection: Jobs
Image of Wayne D. Dosick
In every single job, in every single business, in every single profession - in whatever you do - there can be the satisfaction and the happiness that comes from knowing that what you do is important, that what you do makes a difference in the lives of the people you serve.
- Wayne D. Dosick
Collection: Jobs
Image of Paul Ashworth
This is all a bit of a puzzle, ... It will depend obviously on how quickly these areas can be repopulated, and also you've got the positive of reconstruction spending and the fact that that will create jobs.
- Paul Ashworth
Collection: Jobs
Image of Reed Hastings
When you grow up, as I have, in the shadow of Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and others, success is defined as the total global transformation of a market. To achieve that, you need low prices and an attractive offering. It's about trying to make a positive impact on a big scale.
- Reed Hastings
Collection: Jobs
Image of Masa Takayama
My job the same as carpenter. What kind of house you want to build? What kind of food you want to make? You think your ingredients, your structure. Simple.
- Masa Takayama
Collection: Jobs
Image of Masa Takayama
My job the same as carpenter. What kind of house you want to build? What kind of food you want to make? You think your ingredients, your structure. Simple. [Other] Japanese restaurants … mix in some other style of food and call it influence, right? I don't like that. … In Japanese sushi restaurants, a lot of sushi chefs talk too much. 'This fish from there,' 'This very expensive.' Same thing, start singing. And a lot have that fish case in front of them, cannot see what chef do. I'm not going to hide anything, right?
- Masa Takayama
Collection: Jobs
Image of Sharleen Spiteri
I haven't had any bad jobs. I was a hairdresser before and that's it. I still cut my family and mates' hair when they want a trim. If I go up to Scotland to see my mum, I know she'll say, 'Bring your scissors!'
- Sharleen Spiteri
Collection: Jobs
Image of Myriam Miedzian
Saving lives is not a top priority in the halls of power. Being compassionate and concerned about human life can cause a man to lose his job. It can cause a woman not to get the job to begin with.
- Myriam Miedzian
Collection: Jobs
Image of Liz Tuccillo
[Writing] books is really fun because your "voice" is pretty undiluted. There is a very direct connection between yourself and your audience. You will have an editor, but their job is to help you clarify or improve your voice, not change it.
- Liz Tuccillo
Collection: Jobs
Image of Liz Tuccillo
And there is something great about knowing that my only job is to be as happy as I can be about my life, and feel as good as I can about myself, and to lead as full and eventful a life as I can, so that it doesn’t ever feel like I’m just waiting around for some guy to ask me out. And most importantly, it’s good for us all to remember that we don’t need to scheme and plot and beg to get someone to ask us out. We’re fantastic.
- Liz Tuccillo
Collection: Jobs
Image of Candace Kita
I was approached in Texas to be a model a few times. One of my first jobs was the cover of a CD.
- Candace Kita
Collection: Jobs
Image of Nick Minchin
... as we are being blunt, the fact is that Tony [Abbott] and the people who put him in his job do not want to do anything about climate change. They do not believe in human caused global warming. As Tony observed on one occasion "climate change is crap" or if you consider his mentor, Senator Minchin, the world is not warming, its cooling and the climate change issue is part of a vast left wing conspiracy to deindustrialise the world.
- Nick Minchin
Collection: Jobs
Image of Pat Barry
I'm just a regular dude with an odd job.
- Pat Barry
Collection: Jobs
Image of Oren Moverman
If you look at it that way, then you start thinking about the basic things, which are jobs not jails, and education not incarceration.
- Oren Moverman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jake Kasdan
My first pilot gig; in fact my first job in television; was 'Freaks and Geeks,' and the experience of directing that pilot was probably the single most formative of my directing life.
- Jake Kasdan
Collection: Jobs
Image of Rick Hillier
We're not the public service of Canada, we're not just another department. We are the Canadian Forces, and our job is to be able to kill people.
- Rick Hillier
Collection: Jobs
Image of Dennis Hastert
It's estimated for every $1 billion we spend on road construction, nearly 48,000 jobs are created.
- Dennis Hastert
Collection: Jobs
Image of Dennis Hastert
Trade creates jobs and lifts people out of poverty. And when that happens, societies stabilize and grow. And there is nothing like a stable society to fight terrorism and strengthen democracy, freedom and rule of law.
- Dennis Hastert
Collection: Jobs
Image of Dennis Hastert
You see, we all want the same things. We want to be able to take care of our families, provide for our children, to have a roof over our heads and a good-paying job.
- Dennis Hastert
Collection: Jobs
Image of Curly Howard
A simple job for simple people.
- Curly Howard
Collection: Jobs
Image of Chan Gailey
There are no utopia jobs on this earth, .. There's nobody out there that can say, 'I've got the ideal job and there are no problems.' If your self worth is based on what other people think of you, you're in trouble. My self worth is not based on them. My self worth is based on my faith, how I treat others, what I'm doing right for this program and these kids and this coaching staff. Other than that, I understand you're not going to please everybody.
- Chan Gailey
Collection: Jobs
Image of Tom Tomorrow
To keep doing this job [draw political cartoons] week after week, I think you have to want to change the world, while understanding that you can't. You have to hold both of those contradictory ideas simultaneously.
- Tom Tomorrow
Collection: Jobs
Image of Fred Hoyle
The universe is a put-up job.
- Fred Hoyle
Collection: Jobs
Image of Tom Hardy
My job is to show and tell. If I get better at showing and telling then presumably I get hired more.
- Tom Hardy
Collection: Jobs
Image of Tom Hardy
I don't know anything about god except that it's not me. So, somewhere between that acceptance and doing my homework and being competitive and having ambition and loving my job and observing and reflecting my society, that's where I find the purpose. Because man needs purpose.
- Tom Hardy
Collection: Jobs
Image of Tom Hardy
There's always a certain pride in getting the job done properly.
- Tom Hardy
Collection: Jobs
Image of Lucy Calkins
Our job is to ask questions of children so that children internalize these questions and ask them of themselves and their own emerging drafts.
- Lucy Calkins
Collection: Jobs
Image of Katharine Weymouth
Part of my job is to make the tough calls.
- Katharine Weymouth
Collection: Jobs
Image of Katharine Weymouth
I dont feel like my job is to be beloved.
- Katharine Weymouth
Collection: Jobs
Image of Katharine Weymouth
People assume that I came back to Washington because of the Post, but the truth is less romantic. I came back for a job.
- Katharine Weymouth
Collection: Jobs
Image of Andy Hertzfeld
It's [programming] the only job I can think of where I get to be both an engineer and an artist. There's an incredible, rigorous, technical element to it, which I like because you have to do very precise thinking. On the other hand, it has a wildly creative side where the boundaries of imagination are the only real limitation.
- Andy Hertzfeld
Collection: Jobs
Image of Andy Hertzfeld
Part of Steve's job was to drum into us how important what we were doing actually would be to the world
- Andy Hertzfeld
Collection: Jobs
Image of Sonja Sohn
It's hard to get money to support your [non-profit] organization if you have no evidence. It's very much like the acting business: You need an agent and manager so you can get a job to get resources, but you can't get an agent and a manager unless people see your work.
- Sonja Sohn
Collection: Jobs
Image of Alex Van Halen
I look at Van Halen as social workers. What we're really doing is creating jobs for rock critics.
- Alex Van Halen
Collection: Jobs
Image of Paul Henderson
[Airmail was] an impractical sort of fad, and had no place in the serious job of postal transportation.
- Paul Henderson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Curt Gowdy
I was never a 'homer', a broadcaster who cheers the home team. Some fans don't like that. But my job wasn't to cheer. My job was to broadcast the game.
- Curt Gowdy
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ari Graynor
It's exciting to look back at the work that I've done and not have a single regret about a job I've taken. I feel really proud of every film I've been a part of. Big or small role, I feel like it was the right choices.
- Ari Graynor
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jim Henson
Do the jobs you like least first. It makes each successive job easier.
- Jim Henson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ann Dowd
I think women are used to stepping up and getting the job done when you need to.
- Ann Dowd
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jeff Landry
Why - because as a oil and gas small business owner - I know if someone is not doing their job, they should not get paid. Again leadership by example.
- Jeff Landry
Collection: Jobs
Image of Nick Xenophon
I'm not against free trade but I'm against free trade deals that are negotiated badly, that actually compromise jobs, manufacturing jobs, compromise the national interest.
- Nick Xenophon
Collection: Jobs
Image of Judy LaMarsh
One of the things that has always been my undoing in politics is my readiness to do whatever job has to be done.
- Judy LaMarsh
Collection: Jobs