Top Jobs Quotes Collection - Page 50

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Image of Steve Inskeep
The number of CEOs voluntarily leaving their jobs or being forced out spiked early. Many of those companies will be turning to an interim CEO to take the reins. These temporary leaders are increasingly in demand, according to those who watch corner office trends.
- Steve Inskeep
Collection: Jobs
Image of Steve Inskeep
I've just been flooded with emails of people just giving testimonies of their lives, saying exactly this. I got an email from a guy who works for some sort of defense contractor, some lower-level job, served in the military. And he said, look, I served in the military with black and Latino soldiers. My supervisor is a young black woman who's smart as a whip, and I admire her, and we get along great.
- Steve Inskeep
Collection: Jobs
Image of Julianne Hough
Keep believing in yourself, and don't ever give up, even if people tell you otherwise. Just believe in yourself and take every action you need to get there, whether it's taking more lessons or a fun, cool job in New York or LA and stepping out of the box. Be a little bit risky, but still confident.
- Julianne Hough
Collection: Jobs
Image of Daniel Henninger
Many upscale American parents somehow think jobs like their own are part of the nation's natural order. They are not. In Europe, they have already discovered that, and many there have accepted the new small-growth, small-jobs reality. Will we?
- Daniel Henninger
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bob Hoskins
Acting is the best job in the world. Look at the way they treat you when you turn up for work. They give you breakfast and a cup of tea and ask, 'Are you all right' They tart up your face, you say somebody else's words, then pick up your check and go home. And you get days off. I tell you, it really is the way to live.
- Bob Hoskins
Collection: Jobs
Image of Adam Hochschild
If your real wages are declining, your job is at risk, you fear your children will be worse off than you are, it's tempting to want to blame it all on an easily identifiable target: Muslims, immigrants, refugees, blacks, Jews.
- Adam Hochschild
Collection: Jobs
Image of Lucy Punch
I always find it funny when I watch actors talking about, "I chose to do this part." A lot of times it's you're lucky to get the job. We're like, "Thank you so much."
- Lucy Punch
Collection: Jobs
Image of Fannie Lou Hamer
We have to build our own power. We have to win every single political office we can, where we have a majority of black people... The question for black people is not, when is the white man going to give us our rights, or when is he going to give us good education for our children, or when is he going to give us jobs-if the white man gives you anything-just remember when he gets ready he will take it right back. We have to take for ourselves.
- Fannie Lou Hamer
Collection: Jobs
Image of Charles Kimbrough
Frankly, to be honest, I hadn't worked for two years before 'Murphy Brown.' It's a nice illusion now to think of all of us as terribly successful and talented people at the top of our profession, but that's hindsight. I had to pray for a job like this.
- Charles Kimbrough
Collection: Jobs
Image of David Giuntoli
I have to reign in my personality a little bit. Sometimes you want to go more colorful, but that's not my job on the [Grimm] show. My job is to be the center of the show, and the further you move out the more it can get wild.
- David Giuntoli
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bob Muglia
The right server for the right job.
- Bob Muglia
Collection: Jobs
Image of Patrick Fitzgerald
My job is to investigate whether or not a crime is committed, can be proved and should be charged. I'm not going to comment on what to make beyond that. You know, it's not my jurisdiction, not my job, not my judgment.
- Patrick Fitzgerald
Collection: Jobs
Image of James Hollis
One of the most powerful shocks of the Middle Passage is the collapse of our tacit contract with the universe-the assumption that if we act correctly, if we are of good heart and good intentions, things will work out. We assume a reciprocity with the universe. If we do our part, the universe will comply. Many ancient stories, including the Book of Job, painfully reveal the fact that there is no such contract, and everyone who goes through the Middle Passage is made aware of it.
- James Hollis
Collection: Jobs
Image of Malachy McCourt
There were a few people who got jobs in Limerick, a big barrel on wheels, and it was a barrel that went back and forth, and a shovel and a broom. So, they went around shoveling the horseshit into this barrel. So, you got that job when you were around 15, and then you got to retire at the age of 65, with a pension. A small pension. So that would be 50 years of shoveling horseshit. And I was advised very seriously that I should get that job.
- Malachy McCourt
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jeremy Davis
I have the best job in the world with the best fans in the world
- Jeremy Davis
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ed Harris
Seeing what happens when you rip yourself open is what your job is all about
- Ed Harris
Collection: Jobs
Image of Naomie Harris
When I have finished a job, done all the promotion, and it's been received well. Then I can allow myself the luxury of a break, and chilling out with my family and friends, and taking a nice break knowing I've done a good job.
- Naomie Harris
Collection: Jobs
Image of Victor Burgin
A job the artist does which no-one else does is to dismantle existing communication codes and to combine some of their elements into structures which can be used to generate new pictures of the world.
- Victor Burgin
Collection: Jobs
Image of Paul Hogan
What career? A man's got a body of film of about four movies in about 10 years or something. I do it because I think I can do a good job of something and I'll enjoy it, do it, and sort of vanish. I don't want to be an actor for hire
- Paul Hogan
Collection: Jobs
Image of Martina Hingis
One day you can be a kid, but another day you have to be like this is your job, you play tennis. You have to work for that.
- Martina Hingis
Collection: Jobs
Image of Steve "Lips" Kudlow
My demon is hating to have to do a regular day job. Being up on stage really helps me forget I have a life like that - when I did have a life like that. I find complete contentment and happiness when I'm playing in front of an audience.
- Steve "Lips" Kudlow
Collection: Jobs
Image of Terrence Howard
If you're not going to do your job, get out of here. Don't mess up my work. This is how I feed my family.
- Terrence Howard
Collection: Jobs
Image of Benjamin Jealous
In the USA, it's harder for a black man with no criminal record to find a job than a white man with a criminal record, which is to say that race is actually a bigger factor than ex-felon status. But if you're both, it's almost impossible to find a job.
- Benjamin Jealous
Collection: Jobs
Image of Benjamin Jealous
In order to bring down the incarceration rate, you've got to start with the beginning of life. You've got to make sure that parents and schools are prepared to prepare young people for success. You've got to deal with the next stage of life. You've got to make sure that people have the opportunity to work at a good job, they have access to good healthcare, and that they have the opportunity to build wealth over time.
- Benjamin Jealous
Collection: Jobs
Image of A. J. Burnett
I'm definitely not a follower. This is our job. This is what we do. If you're not having fun here, you shouldn't be here.
- A. J. Burnett
Collection: Jobs
Image of Michael Botticelli
If I, in some small way can help people to see that there is this huge, incredible life on the other side of addiction, you know, I will feel accomplished in my job.
- Michael Botticelli
Collection: Jobs
Image of Lillian B. Rubin
Personal change, growth, development, identity formation--these tasks that once were thought to belong to childhood and adolescence alone now are recognized as part of adult life as well. Gone is the belief that adulthood is, or ought to be, a time of internal peace and comfort, that growing pains belong only to the young; gone the belief that these are marker events--a job, a mate, a child--through which we will pass into a life of relative ease.
- Lillian B. Rubin
Collection: Jobs
Image of Val Logsdon Fitch
But mainly I learned, in approaching the measurement of new phenomena, not just to consider using existing apparatus but to allow the mind to wander freely and invent new ways of doing the job.
- Val Logsdon Fitch
Collection: Jobs
Image of Paul Jewell
We want players here who are going to be here for the long term. Players who buy houses here, who settle in the area. It's a brilliant club, great supporters but we want players to come here to be part of that community rather than being ships in the night having a last pay day at Ipswich... we want to build for the future rather than do a quick fix because I think it's going to be a long-term job.
- Paul Jewell
Collection: Jobs
Image of Nicholas Hoult
I try not to read about myself. Why would reading about yourself be interesting? You're only going to be told you're doing a good job and get big headed about it, or be told you're rubbish and get down in the dumps. What's the point?
- Nicholas Hoult
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ed Sullivan
If you do a good job for others, you heal yourself at the same time.
- Ed Sullivan
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mark Strickson
As an actor, you want to do the best job possible, and you want the best scripts possible because it makes life more interesting.
- Mark Strickson
Collection: Jobs
Image of David Oakes
You work [as an actor] for a bit, and then the job ends 'cause you get thrown off a bridge. And then, you suddenly don't have a career and you have to wait for the next bit to come along. It's the most strange profession in the world.
- David Oakes
Collection: Jobs
Image of David Oakes
You'd put yourself in a play and get to know the system and learn how to be directed, and then you could be a director. So, I've just always done it. It was always a hobby. The funny thing was that when I started to get paid to do it as a professional job, I lost my hobby. I don't know what to do. I have to take up something else now.
- David Oakes
Collection: Jobs
Image of Geoffrey Gray
Not only was Dan Cooper likely an alias, but many people suspected at the time were people living under assumed names. The '50s and '60s were a time when some people were desperate to leave their lives. They felt trapped in their marriages or their jobs, and they were seeking freedom. And one of the ways to do that, because technology wasn't advanced as it is today, was just to take over somebody's name.
- Geoffrey Gray
Collection: Jobs
Image of Anthony Horowitz
So it's a coincidence. Just like you said. Two rich parents with two rich kids at the same school. They're both killed in accidents. Why are you so interested?" "Because I don't like coincidence," Blunt replied. "In fact, I don't believe in coincidence. Where some people see coincidence, I see conspiracy. That's my job.
- Anthony Horowitz
Collection: Jobs
Image of Linda Sunshine
Any idiot would know women's needs are simple. All we want is your basic millionaire brain surgeon criminal lawyer great dancer who pilots his own Lear Jet and owns seafront property. On the other hand, things being what they are today, most of us will settle for a guy who holds down a steady job and isn't carrying an infectious disease.
- Linda Sunshine
Collection: Jobs
Image of Linda Sunshine
Single people slip out of the dating market for many social, economic, psychological, and ideological reasons including marriage, illness, bankruptcy, job promotion, exhaustion, and common sense. Inevitably, however, they return because of divorce, boredom, loneliness, and memory loss.
- Linda Sunshine
Collection: Jobs
Image of William C. Kirby
Harvard is first and foremost a university and not a consulting operation, and our job here is to teach and to research and to create knowledge on Asia in conjunction and in cooperation with scholars as well as with political, intellectual, and cultural leaders in Asia.
- William C. Kirby
Collection: Jobs
Image of Randal Marlin
When we look for propaganda, we have the obvious job of asking what messages are being propagated.
- Randal Marlin
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mick Cornett
Cities have to realize that whatever the federal government is going to do, its not going to be enough. And cities that proactively take control of their own quality of life initiatives are going to be the cities that ultimately attract the highly talented young people and create the jobs.
- Mick Cornett
Collection: Jobs
Image of Paul Billheimer
The explanation is that prayer is not primarily God's way of getting things done. It is God's way of giving the church 'on the job training' in overcoming the forces hostile to God.
- Paul Billheimer
Collection: Jobs
Image of Chuck Hagel
I'm not sure leaders listen enough, especially to their people. And I've always thought in everything I've tried to do in my life, in the jobs I've had, is that if we can turn our transmitters off and our receivers on more often, we're better leaders and we know more of what is going on and therefore we can lead more effectively.
- Chuck Hagel
Collection: Jobs
Image of K. J. Bishop
You're doing it again. Using reason to argue faith. Can't be done. Like playing croquet with a crochet hook. Sounds something like the right tool for the job, but isn't.
- K. J. Bishop
Collection: Jobs
Image of Gigi Hadid
I think friendships are a lot more valuable than one job. If you're going to let it ruin that, then that's stupid.
- Gigi Hadid
Collection: Jobs
Image of Tracy Spiridakos
When I first started, my main goal was to not be bartending anymore, and to not be working at the bank anymore. I just wanted acting to be my job.
- Tracy Spiridakos
Collection: Jobs
Image of Tim Kimmel
My job as a parent is a temporary responsibility with eternal consequences.
- Tim Kimmel
Collection: Jobs
Image of Philip Glenister
Acting is just a job at the end of the day, and its a very strange one.
- Philip Glenister
Collection: Jobs
Image of Henry Hazlitt
Government provided free tuition tends more and more to produce a uniform conformist education, with college faculties ultimately dependent for their jobs on the government, and so developing an economic interest in profession and teaching a statist, pro-government, and socialist ideology.
- Henry Hazlitt
Collection: Jobs