David A. Clarke, Jr

Image of David A. Clarke, Jr.
The men and women I work with in law enforcement deal with the consequences of the Democrats' selfish policies to encourage reliance on government, dependency instead of independence, and victimhood instead of the promise of earning your way to financial security.
- David A. Clarke, Jr.
Collection: Independence
Image of David A. Clarke, Jr.
I'm result-oriented, and our neighborhoods will never prosper if we don't keep criminals from victimizing families.
- David A. Clarke, Jr.
Image of David A. Clarke, Jr.
Donald Trump is the steadfast leader our nation needs.
- David A. Clarke, Jr.
Image of David A. Clarke, Jr.
Police use of deadly force is rare in America. You wouldn't know that by listening to some of the blowhards out there: the newspaper, the mainstream media, the race hustlers. They make it seem like this stuff happens several times a day. It's rare.
- David A. Clarke, Jr.
Image of David A. Clarke, Jr.
Now, can some cops be overbearing, rude? Yeah. But we have a process for that. Do what the officer tells you to do, and file a complaint. That's the process. You don't attack a police officer on the street or resist arrest because you think you're being hassled.
- David A. Clarke, Jr.
Image of David A. Clarke, Jr.
There is no police brutality.
- David A. Clarke, Jr.
Image of David A. Clarke, Jr.
My dad used to tell me, 'Look, son, opportunity does not come knocking.' It's usually running down the street, and you have to chase it down, you have to tackle it, and then you have to hang on to it.
- David A. Clarke, Jr.
Image of David A. Clarke, Jr.
Black Lives Matter is proving itself to seek only one end - and that is discord, alienation among Americans, rise in hate, and destruction of community bonds. The relative increase in justice afforded black Americans is of little concern, save as a convenient veneer for their anti-democratic mission.
- David A. Clarke, Jr.
Image of David A. Clarke, Jr.
Black Lives Matter has no more to do with black issues than Students for a Democratic Society had to do with democracy. They are means to an end, and they use the black population as sacrifices for their goals.
- David A. Clarke, Jr.
Image of David A. Clarke, Jr.
Stand by the side of law enforcement, the men and women who are often the only semblance of hope and justice in the crime-ridden inner cities.
- David A. Clarke, Jr.
Image of David A. Clarke, Jr.
Because of Rudy Giuliani's policies of reducing crime in New York City, tens of thousands of black men, women, and children are alive today that wouldn't have been otherwise.
- David A. Clarke, Jr.
Image of David A. Clarke, Jr.
I'm a cop at heart - it's in my blood.
- David A. Clarke, Jr.
Image of David A. Clarke, Jr.
Growing up a career cop, I was always taught, 'Stay out of politics.' I didn't have any particular allegiance to any particular party.
- David A. Clarke, Jr.
Image of David A. Clarke, Jr.
I believe in limited government. I know what the welfare state has done to the black community.
- David A. Clarke, Jr.
Image of David A. Clarke, Jr.
For a label for me, 'conservative' is more appropriate than 'Republican.'
- David A. Clarke, Jr.
Image of David A. Clarke, Jr.
Playing the race card is done as if it were some kind of sport.
- David A. Clarke, Jr.
Image of David A. Clarke, Jr.
I think that Eric Holder has an animosity, a genuine hostility, toward local law enforcement - specifically toward white police officers. He truly believes that every white police officer is a stone-cold racist.
- David A. Clarke, Jr.
Image of David A. Clarke, Jr.
I would like to make something very clear: Blue Lives Matter!
- David A. Clarke, Jr.
Image of David A. Clarke, Jr.
This anti-cop sentiment from this hateful ideology called Black Lives Matter has fueled this rage against the American police officer.
- David A. Clarke, Jr.
Image of David A. Clarke, Jr.
American law enforcement officers understand that race is and has been a heated issue in our country. Most appreciate the vital need for thoroughness and transparency in pursuit of the greater good in their actions and in their investigations.
- David A. Clarke, Jr.
Image of David A. Clarke, Jr.
What we witnessed in Ferguson, in Baltimore, and in Baton Rouge was a collapse of social order. So many of the actions of the Occupy movement and Black Lives Matter transcend peaceful protest and violates the code of conduct we rely on. I call it anarchy.
- David A. Clarke, Jr.
Image of David A. Clarke, Jr.
The armed citizen made America free, and the armed citizen will keep America free!
- David A. Clarke, Jr.
Image of David A. Clarke, Jr.
Nobody told David Clarke what to think, what to feel, what to say, what to believe in, who to marry, what kind of food to eat - you know that thing that the race hustlers like to say defines your blackness? But yet every time I look in the mirror in the morning, I see a black guy looking back at me.
- David A. Clarke, Jr.
Image of David A. Clarke, Jr.
The only reason black lives matter to the Left is to secure election majorities at election time. That is the only reason that black lives matter.
- David A. Clarke, Jr.
Image of David A. Clarke, Jr.
Through the marginalization of black fathers and encouragement of destruction lifestyle choices, the progressive Left has cut off one of the lifelines to raising healthy, happy, children intent on bettering themselves and their community.
- David A. Clarke, Jr.
Image of David A. Clarke, Jr.
Don't blame the police for having to deal aggressively due to underclass dysfunctional lifestyles brought on by failed liberal Democrat policies that keep blacks mired in a position of living life at the bottom.
- David A. Clarke, Jr.
Image of David A. Clarke, Jr.
In his personal life, Donald Trump shows that even when a family faces difficulties, the role of the father must remain strong - his children are a testament to the fact that a father who remains engaged can overcome many odds and set children on the right path.
- David A. Clarke, Jr.
Image of David A. Clarke, Jr.
The Democrats take the black vote for granted so they don't have to appeal to anything... I haven't heard Mrs. Clinton talk about the urban pathologies in the American ghetto that are the result of progressive urban policies - failed policies.
- David A. Clarke, Jr.
Image of David A. Clarke, Jr.
I look at the progressive policies that have marginalized black dads. They push them to the side and say, 'You're not needed.' Uncle Sam is going to be the dad: he's going to provide for the kids; he's going to feed the kids.
- David A. Clarke, Jr.
Image of David A. Clarke, Jr.
We as a people need to declare that we stand with rule of law and not with the false tales of the revolutionary Marxist forces, who most recently have rebranded themselves from Occupy Wall Street to Black Lives Matter.
- David A. Clarke, Jr.
Image of David A. Clarke, Jr.
Groups like Black Lives Matter, blessed by the progressive Left and most recently our own President Obama, need to be exposed and condemned for their true aims: revolution.
- David A. Clarke, Jr.
Image of David A. Clarke, Jr.
Black Lives Matter organizers hold the same values of America's age-old enemies, who have always fought the ideals of our Constitution and our nation. That they have now taken on as their costume a false concern for Black America only adds to their depravity.
- David A. Clarke, Jr.
Image of David A. Clarke, Jr.
The Americans I know are not willing to abandon our police and our great Democratic experiment to the pathetic cowardice - or worse - of the progressive Left.
- David A. Clarke, Jr.
Image of David A. Clarke, Jr
We are delighted to be working with PCG to continue to develop professionalism in the IT industry, and making BCS membership more accessible to PCG's IT members enabling them to gain industry-recognised endorsement of their credentials. BCS membership supports career development at every stage, offering a wealth of IT industry information, and access to an unrivalled network of IT professionals to help secure that next job or contract.
- David A. Clarke, Jr
Collection: Jobs
Image of David A. Clarke, Jr
The acquisition of True Temper broadens our lawn and garden product line with outstanding, highly respected brands, ... The purchase also expands USI Hardware and Tool's customer base and provides additional capacity for future growth.
- David A. Clarke, Jr
Collection: Garden
Image of David A. Clarke, Jr
I try to tell people to do, or advise them, anyway, is adopt conservative philosophies like hard work, preparation, perseverance, love of God, love of country, personal responsibility. Start to think for yourself and then go out and vote. And I think that once they start to do that, they will know where their vote should go.
- David A. Clarke, Jr
Collection: Country