Top Jobs Quotes Collection - Page 51

Discover a curated collection of Jobs quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 51 provides more Jobs quotes.

Image of Terry Tamminen
Go Green, Live Rich is the ultimate toolkit for greening the planet and our wallets at the same time. No one does a better job than David Bach in showing us the practical strategies for how to enjoy living sustainably.
- Terry Tamminen
Collection: Jobs
Image of Robert Hormats
Americans understand that one of our great national strengths is innovation. Great innovators - Benjamin Franklin, Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and others - are household names.
- Robert Hormats
Collection: Jobs
Image of Simon Helberg
I looked at the job of piano accompanist. It's a selfless position and generally they are odd people, according to opera singers I talked to. Just like everybody else, they want more from their life, but now their job is to make others shine.
- Simon Helberg
Collection: Jobs
Image of June Lockhart
If you can fit in the suit, you've got the job.
- June Lockhart
Collection: Jobs
Image of Juan Pablo Galavis
In Venezuela, which doesnt have thousands of prestige universities like the U.S., people usually stay at home while attending to college. After they graduate, they move for a job or get married.
- Juan Pablo Galavis
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ernie Colon
Harvey Publications hired me as a letterer, and they found out six seconds after I got the job that I couldn't letter. I still can't letter. So, they hired me to draw.
- Ernie Colon
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jon Hamm
I'm wearing pants, for f---'s sake. Lay off. I mean, it's not like I'm a f---ing lead miner. There are harder jobs in the world. But when people feel the freedom to create Tumblr accounts about my c---, I feel like that wasn't part of the deal ... But whatever. I guess it's better than being called out for the opposite.
- Jon Hamm
Collection: Jobs
Image of Glenn Howerton
I was entirely wrapped up in the idea of becoming an actor. I learned how to write on the job, basically out of necessity. I always thought it'd be fun to write something, but it never was an ambition of mine, per se. I just thought, "Well, maybe I'll do it one day just for the hell of it and see if it works."
- Glenn Howerton
Collection: Jobs
Image of Lewis Schiff
Apple made tools that helped people express their creativity and Steve Jobs knew that so he told that story well. But Facebook makes tools that help people connect and Mark Zuckerberg is hardly a story-teller. Nevertheless, he's become a leader because his products do such a good job of solving a problem.
- Lewis Schiff
Collection: Jobs
Image of Amy Ryan
It happens a lot, but I also think of it as not so much like being abandoned by a director 'cause they're worried about a technical aspect, but I think actually that's my job.
- Amy Ryan
Collection: Jobs
Image of Eric Lefkofsky
Think about the way most companies currently hire. You post a job and then get blind resumes in response. This should be a social experience.
- Eric Lefkofsky
Collection: Jobs
Image of Junior dos Santos
It's my job to beat whoever the UFC puts in front of me. I don't really care who it is. Whoever they put in front of me, I will just try to go out and beat them.
- Junior dos Santos
Collection: Jobs
Image of Lorenzo di Bonaventura
The hardest thing, as a producer, is to find a director who does the picture for all the right reasons, and not just because they know it's successful or that they can do a good job, but in their bones, they love that genre.
- Lorenzo di Bonaventura
Collection: Jobs
Image of Alesha Dixon
Obviously music is my first job.
- Alesha Dixon
Collection: Jobs
Image of Shelly Crane
What? It's my job as best friend to make sure he's not a serial killer. Or an English major, not sure which one's worse.
- Shelly Crane
Collection: Jobs
Image of Melky Cabrera
I just like to be under the radar and concentrate and do my job.
- Melky Cabrera
Collection: Jobs
Image of Don Henley
It's an inside job to learn about forgiving, it's an inside job to hang on to the joy of living.
- Don Henley
Collection: Jobs
Image of Sara Cox
My most smelly job was at a kennels and cattery, and I basically spent all day scooping poop.
- Sara Cox
Collection: Jobs
Image of Carl Hiaasen
Y'see, I get so bored so easily. I like to start with a clean slate each time. Sure, I'll have characters drop in and out of books but the main cast of characters always changes. Maybe I'm wrong but I think if had the same joe detective guy or gal, I wouldn't write them as well; I wouldn't do as good a job.
- Carl Hiaasen
Collection: Jobs
Image of Vincent Piazza
I like to put a little spin on traditional styles as I see them now, probably somewhat inspired by my current job on Boardwalk Empire.
- Vincent Piazza
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ann Kirkpatrick
I will not support efforts that kill jobs in my district and lack provisions for responsibly transitioning us toward a clean-energy economy.
- Ann Kirkpatrick
Collection: Jobs
Image of James Arness
We had a great childhood and boyhood. It was a wonderful time through those years. A lot of it was through the Depression years, when things were tough, but my dad always had a job. But I had a great time. I was kind of restless, and I had a hard time staying in school all day, so me and a few pals would duck out and go out on these various adventures.
- James Arness
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bill Raftery
Keep your head down. Mind your business and do the best job you can.
- Bill Raftery
Collection: Jobs
Image of Kathleen Clark
In America, we have anti-nepotism laws in the federal government and in lots of state governments, because the practice of hiring relatives undermines public confidence that the government official is actually finding best person for the job.
- Kathleen Clark
Collection: Jobs
Image of Dante Hall
I had only two jobs my entire life Taco Bell for six months and Kroger's Food store for one day!
- Dante Hall
Collection: Jobs
Image of Masai Ujiri
I concluded that I'm a competitor. And, whatever happens, you keep leading. You can't fear anybody. Why? Because at the end of the day, I might not be in this job a couple of years from now. I'm here to win.
- Masai Ujiri
Collection: Jobs
Image of David Cunliffe
Ive been really clear that my first job as leader of the Labour Party and co-leader of the labour movement is to engage with our base.
- David Cunliffe
Collection: Jobs
Image of David Cunliffe
If theres a sustainable job that will create sustainable value, people will hire for it.
- David Cunliffe
Collection: Jobs
Image of Laurell K. Hamilton
Never criticize, unless you can do a better job.
- Laurell K. Hamilton
Collection: Jobs
Image of Kenny Florian
Passion is very important; if you don't love what you do then you're probably doing the wrong job.
- Kenny Florian
Collection: Jobs
Image of David Ayer
Actors are like kids, they need to play a little bit. And that's the nature of their job, they need to shake off some energy and then you as the director get them back on track. When you do loosen up the reins, you get some amazing things, but you have to wring out the performances for every last good drop.
- David Ayer
Collection: Jobs
Image of Sayed Badreya
When I got to Hollywood, at first I couldn't get a lot of jobs. So I grew a beard and look like a really bad Arab, and I started to get a lot of work because that's what they want.
- Sayed Badreya
Collection: Jobs
Image of Daryl Hannah
The movie industry had it better in the '30s and '40s, in terms of gender equality, than it does now, both in payment and in job ratios. It's ludicrous. Are we in the modern world, or what?
- Daryl Hannah
Collection: Jobs
Image of Russell Hornsby
In a lot of work places, you work at a lot of jobs and people work more with their colleagues than with their family.
- Russell Hornsby
Collection: Jobs
Image of Adele Scheele
On every level, despite differences in personalities and jobs, every single human being needs recognition and support.
- Adele Scheele
Collection: Jobs
Image of Eve Hewson
I couldn't imagine working in a hospital where there's just death, everywhere. But for a lot of women, it was their only option. They couldn't get other jobs.
- Eve Hewson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mary Harron
I don't think there is any one route to directing.... Other than that I think you just have to think 'By any means possible' and take any job you can that will get you experience. I also did a lot for free. I got paid virtually nothing for my first film, but it changed my life.
- Mary Harron
Collection: Jobs
Image of Clark Gregg
There's a different set of writers and a different director for the films, but Marvel has turned it into a pretty spectacular job.
- Clark Gregg
Collection: Jobs
Image of Clark Gregg
What I love about Coulson is that he manages to do that and he manages to wrangle the diva superheroes, and really keep a sense of humor about it. And, you can tell that he really loves his job.
- Clark Gregg
Collection: Jobs
Image of Vani Hari
There are so many people out there living a life they don't want to live. They either are eating the food they don't want to eat, that doesn't serve them, or they're in a job that doesn't serve them and what they're really good at in the world, or they're in a situation or relationship where it's bringing them down.
- Vani Hari
Collection: Jobs
Image of Tom Holt
In spite of really intense competition for the job, I'm still my own worst enemy.
- Tom Holt
Collection: Jobs
Image of Victoria Laurie
To write three series a year you only need to commit to writing 10 pages per day, or editing 50 pages of text per day. Plus, writing is my job, and I need to write to eat, so I'm highly motivated to get up and get to work!
- Victoria Laurie
Collection: Jobs
Image of Howard Warren Buffett
Resolution Trust Company was set up to liquidate a bunch of assets that the government had inherited because the savings and loans went broke. So the savings and loans went broke, the government stepped in, paid off depositors, and now they're left with this mass of assets to sell. We're not talking about selling here, we're talking about buying intelligently. They were selling what they got handed to them by a bunch of savings and loan operators that had in many cases had done some very dumb thing. But their job was to liquidate it. And they liquidated.
- Howard Warren Buffett
Collection: Jobs
Image of Howard Warren Buffett
I mean, the job is Pearl Harbor. And you better not spends weeks and weeks and weeks trying to assign blame or deciding on a complete plan for fighting the whole war, you know, and letting a committee decide where the battleships should go and all of that. You better spring into action with the best people you have.
- Howard Warren Buffett
Collection: Jobs
Image of Joe Donnelly
My job is to do what's right. And that's what I'm going to try and do.
- Joe Donnelly
Collection: Jobs
Image of Joe Donnelly
My job isn't to represent the Democrat Party or the Republican Party. It's to represent Hoosier families.
- Joe Donnelly
Collection: Jobs
Image of Joe Donnelly
I think that the people in Indiana want to see more jobs, more opportunity. And they want to make sure that Washington listens to them.
- Joe Donnelly
Collection: Jobs
Image of Joe Donnelly
I hope President-elect Trump will work with me and with the rest of the Senate to try to keep more jobs here in America.
- Joe Donnelly
Collection: Jobs
Image of Joe Donnelly
We can try to keep jobs here in America rather than seeing them go overseas.
- Joe Donnelly
Collection: Jobs