Top Jobs Quotes Collection - Page 49

Discover a curated collection of Jobs quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 49 provides more Jobs quotes.

Image of Joe Kyrillos
I was the chief sponsor of the Business Employment Incentive Program bill, which resulted in hundreds of thousands of direct and indirect jobs here in New Jersey.
- Joe Kyrillos
Collection: Jobs
Image of Joe Kyrillos
What middle-income Americans want most of all is a job. We need a generous safety net for the most vulnerable in our society, but for most people the biggest social accomplishment that we can help them achieve is a good-paying job.
- Joe Kyrillos
Collection: Jobs
Image of J. Robbins
You just realize that you have to be committed to this thing in this kind of world that we're in the more your support group dwindles and you start seeing your peers buying houses and getting corporate jobs. So that can be discouraging.
- J. Robbins
Collection: Jobs
Image of Isaac Hayes
When my agent told me he had a voice-over job I thought it was a Disney thing.
- Isaac Hayes
Collection: Jobs
Image of Julien Temple
I think in that context, when a generation of kids is that ignorant of their recent history, it does a good job of showing what the Pistols were standing for. It's current and it's in the air, partly because I think nothing contemporary is as extreme or as strongly stated as what The Sex Pistols were able to do in their time, in the '70s. I think the reason to [make the film] is that their ideas are still alive: the defense of the right to be an individual, and questioning everything you read, and questioning all the information that's bombarded increasingly at you.
- Julien Temple
Collection: Jobs
Image of Dan Povenmire
I had horrible moment at the end of a very successful day, where I realized I just felt nothing about it and I didn't care. And I had that fear that I would, because I was successful at it, that I would be there 20, 30 years down the road, doing this job and just not caring about what I did.
- Dan Povenmire
Collection: Jobs
Image of Dan Povenmire
Any job ends up with stress, and certainly there's always a deadline looming when you work in TV. It's sort of constant.
- Dan Povenmire
Collection: Jobs
Image of Tommy Davidson
Strictly Business' is about a young black man who is learning about himself, and that applies to a lot of young black men, those who are trying to find jobs. This film gives them a good look at that situation.
- Tommy Davidson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Robert Heller
Either an executive can do his job or he can't.
- Robert Heller
Collection: Jobs
Image of Matthew Lawrence
Hollywood is fickle; your career can end pretty fast. If the acting jobs dry up, you have to have something to fall back on. In fact, that would be my advice to kids interested in acting - make sure you get an education too.
- Matthew Lawrence
Collection: Jobs
Image of Dennis Rainey
Every dad is the family role model, whether he wants the job or not.
- Dennis Rainey
Collection: Jobs
Image of Dan Auerbach
I'm sure you feel differently about writing than you did when you first started. When you get older and your brain changes, you have to figure out how your job fits into your life as it changes, you know what I mean? I guess everybody goes through that stuff, and I'm no exception, always trying to figure out what I'm doing with music.
- Dan Auerbach
Collection: Jobs
Image of Cameron Esposito
We need to do a better job of understanding what the world is.
- Cameron Esposito
Collection: Jobs
Image of Cameron Esposito
I love my job and I think my job is hard, but also, my job is such a privilege.
- Cameron Esposito
Collection: Jobs
Image of Thomas Vermaelen
I do my job but seldom feel content after matches. If the team wins I am happy, but it remains frustrating.
- Thomas Vermaelen
Collection: Jobs
Image of Julian Fantino
Our government's investments in science, technology and innovation are ensuring that ideas move from the lab to the marketplace faster, creating jobs and opportunities for Canadians. Through our investment in Mitacs Elevate, we are providing training and new career opportunities for talented researchers while ensuring that local businesses such as Vision Extrusions stay competitive and continue to create jobs here in Woodbridge.
- Julian Fantino
Collection: Jobs
Image of Carole Katchen
I believe that every artist has his or her own vision of the world; our job as artists is to find and express that vision. The most important thing is to keep exploring, yourself and your materials.
- Carole Katchen
Collection: Jobs
Image of Tye Sheridan
You still need to understand what your fundamental and primary jobs are you have to make sure that you execute those before you can really dabble into something else.
- Tye Sheridan
Collection: Jobs
Image of Michael B. Jordan
Do as much homework as you can. Learn everybody's job and don't just settle.
- Michael B. Jordan
Collection: Jobs
Image of Michael B. Jordan
It may not happen in my lifetime, but if I can play a part in moving things along, then I feel I've done a good job.
- Michael B. Jordan
Collection: Jobs
Image of Charles Roven
I think that I'm a pretty great producer, but the vision behind Batman is Chris Nolan. I'm there to do my best to help execute that vision, and I think I do a really good job, but the vision is Chris Nolan.
- Charles Roven
Collection: Jobs
Image of Paul Putner
I remember going to my school careers advisor and asked about jobs that required scuba divers. It was a phase.
- Paul Putner
Collection: Jobs
Image of Nikki Sanderson
Taking part on this show is a million miles away from my normal acting jobs.
- Nikki Sanderson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Debra Dean
Along the way, I've worked as a waitress, I've done phone surveys, and worked as a receptionist, and for the last twenty years I've taught. When I was an actor, the key was to find a job that kept your days free to audition.
- Debra Dean
Collection: Jobs
Image of Debra Dean
Before I got my present job, I spent many years teaching writing part-time, so-called, at community colleges and universities. It's academia's version of migrant labor.
- Debra Dean
Collection: Jobs
Image of Alyson Hannigan
Oh, I'm going to miss everything. It's been the most amazing and significant job of my life obviously and I'll always have it near and dear to my heart. I'm so grateful and appreciative that I worked with the best crew and the best writers and producers and cast and I love them all.
- Alyson Hannigan
Collection: Jobs
Image of Stephen Harper
Now 'pay equity' has everything to do with pay and nothing to do with equity. It’s based on the vague notion of 'equal pay for work of equal value,' which is not the same as equal pay for the same job.
- Stephen Harper
Collection: Jobs
Image of William D. Cohan
Is there any fairness in a system where a group of people can borrow a bunch of money to buy a company and pay themselves millions of dollars in dividends and fees, while the company itself ends up bankrupt and its employees lose their jobs, health insurance and pensions?
- William D. Cohan
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jackie Earle Haley
You can't please everybody. All you can do is really just try to work from the heart and do the best job that you can and hope for the best.
- Jackie Earle Haley
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jackie Earle Haley
Robert Englund's done an amazing job over the years playing Freddy. Everybody's that's a fan of "Nightmare" loves Robert and you know so that's a challenge when you've got to step in a big man's shoes like that, so it's scary but it's also exciting.
- Jackie Earle Haley
Collection: Jobs
Image of Harry Hamlin
If you do a great job in one thing, people look at you that way and it's hard to break out of that.
- Harry Hamlin
Collection: Jobs
Image of Teresa Bloomingdale
A surefire method of setting up regular communication with your kids is to get a job in an office which discourages personal phone calls. Your kids will then call you every hour on the hour.
- Teresa Bloomingdale
Collection: Jobs
Image of SZA
I've always wanted an office job so I can tell someone, "I'm going to take a long lunch," or "I'm out of the office." I don't know why, but I've always seen so much stability in clocking in.
Collection: Jobs
Image of David Hackworth
So it's not a matter of the military lying to the press, but it's the job of the military to deny the press any information that will provide aid and comfort to the enemy.
- David Hackworth
Collection: Jobs
Image of John Francis Daley
We always for better or worse try to put on paper what's going up on screen - whether we're directing it or not. It's really just an extension of that habit which is trying to tell the reader what the movie will look like. Ultimately that is the job of a screenwriter to a certain extent.
- John Francis Daley
Collection: Jobs
Image of Joe Hill
I mean, when the world comes for your children, with the knives out, it's your job to stand in the way.
- Joe Hill
Collection: Jobs
Image of Frank Oppenheimer
Scientists and artists are the world's noticers. Their job is simply to notice what other people cannot.
- Frank Oppenheimer
Collection: Jobs
Image of David Malpass
It is more important what the jobs report shows in December and January -- that will affect how many rate hikes we'll have this spring.
- David Malpass
Collection: Jobs
Image of Isaac Asimov
The world of A.D. 2014 will have few routine jobs that cannot be done better by some machine than by any human being. Mankind will therefore have become largely a race of machine tenders.
- Isaac Asimov
Collection: Jobs
Image of Amy Argetsinger
Senators don't really provide good gossip - until they do, and then it's an A1 story and they're out of a job.
- Amy Argetsinger
Collection: Jobs
Image of Paula Malcomson
If you're going to play a prostitute, you can't be too squeamish about that sort of thing. It's just part of the job, since the role requires it.
- Paula Malcomson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Woody Guthrie
It's a folk singer's job to comfort disturbed people and to disturb comfortable people
- Woody Guthrie
Collection: Jobs
Image of Josh Lieb
I'm the producer of "The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon," so I definitely have an exciting day job.
- Josh Lieb
Collection: Jobs
Image of Joseph Bruce
I had a lot of jobs. I worked over 50 jobs before I rapped for a living.
- Joseph Bruce
Collection: Jobs
Image of Joseph Bruce
I was a pizza delivery man. I worked at a gas station. I worked a lot of jobs, man. A lot of jobs.
- Joseph Bruce
Collection: Jobs
Image of Halsey
I wake up every day and think about what I am to other people. What I am to the people I employ, who depend on me to wake up and do my job that day and keep this career going? I think about what I am to the kids who listen to my music and all the other people involved in this project.
- Halsey
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bentley Little
The Revelation was my master's project, and after I finished it, I thought I'd send it off to a publisher and within a year or so be a rich and famous writer. Two years later I finally sold it. For a whopping $4,000. A year after that, it finally came out. Which explains why there are all those terrible jobs on my resume!
- Bentley Little
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bentley Little
I write what I want to write. Period. I don't write novels-for-hire using media tie-in characters, I don't write suspense novels or thrillers. I write horror. And if no one wants to buy my books, I'll just keep writing them until they do sell--and get a job at Taco Bell in the meantime.
- Bentley Little
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bentley Little
I think the internet is a great marketing tool--but marketing is not my job. I'm a writer. My job is to write novels.
- Bentley Little
Collection: Jobs