Top Jobs Quotes Collection - Page 141

Discover a curated collection of Jobs quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 141 provides more Jobs quotes.

Image of Napoleon Hill
You know, it's not more knowledge, it's not more education, it's not more facts that we need. It's a better use of what we already have that we need to have. You have each and every one of you, within your potential power right now to do a wonderful job in your chosen field - if you would only embrace it and use it.
- Napoleon Hill
Collection: Jobs
Image of Napoleon Hill
If you do a job another's way, he or she must take the responsibility. If you do it your way, you must take the responsibility.
- Napoleon Hill
Collection: Jobs
Image of John Hodgman
What I collect? Interesting jobs. Always to my thrill and excitement, but ultimately to my exhaustion, I collect interesting jobs. If an interesting job comes along, I take it; that's why I do so many things. I'm lucky to be able to.
- John Hodgman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Tom Hiddleston
I'm an actor, and part of my joy and my curiosity about the job that I do, is that actors have the privilege of exploring human nature in different ways.
- Tom Hiddleston
Collection: Jobs
Image of Chelsea Handler
[Late-night host] is not really a job for a woman. You can't have kids and be a late-night host.I mean Samantha Bee has children, but you're there all day and all night. No one has a life outside of it. I would never try to have a family. I care much more about a career anyway, than having a family, so that's my own prerogative. It's just not something that a woman.
- Chelsea Handler
Collection: Jobs
Image of Sean Hannity
President Obama, don't you think you should follow in the footsteps of your predecessor? Remember, President George W. Bush? He stayed out of the political arena, and he let you, his successor, do your job.
- Sean Hannity
Collection: Jobs
Image of Simon Hoggart
In Washington, the first thing people tell you is what their job is. In Los Angeles you learn their star sign. In Houston you're told how rich they are. And in New York they tell you what their rent is.
- Simon Hoggart
Collection: Jobs
Image of Marya Hornbacher
Bear in mind, people with eating disorders tend to be both competitive and intelligent. We are incredibly perfectionistic. We often excel in school,athletics,artistic pursuits. We also tend to quit without warning. Refuse to go to school,drop out,quit jobs,leave lovers,move,lose all our money. We get sick of being impressive. Rather,we tire of having to seem impressive. As a rule,most of us never really believed we were any good in the first place.
- Marya Hornbacher
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jake Gyllenhaal
Working with Robert, Robert [Elswit] is a storyteller. He's not a cinematographer, he's a storyteller. And to me, that's the graduation I hope to get to in my profession. That I'm not just an actor, I'm a storyteller. And I think that takes a long time in, when you have one job on a movie set. Makeup artists, actor, whatever. To graduate from just that to storyteller.
- Jake Gyllenhaal
Collection: Jobs
Image of William Monahan
I learned my job from English dramatists. Tennessee Williams was no good for me, New York stuff was no good to me.
- William Monahan
Collection: Jobs
Image of James Hillman
Suppose that throughout your childhood you were good with numbers. Other kids used to copy your homework. You figured store discounts faster than your parents. People came to you for help with such things. So you took accounting and eventually became a tax auditor for the IRS. What an embarrassing job, right? You feel you should be writing poetry or doing aviation mechanics or whatever. But then you realize that tax collecting can be a calling too.
- James Hillman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Joseph Heller
You wouldn’t be normal if you were never afraid. Even the bravest men experience fear. One of the biggest jobs we all face in combat is to overcome fear.
- Joseph Heller
Collection: Jobs
Image of Tom Hodgkinson
There are a lot of little tricks you can do to inject a bit more time into the day. Most important is limiting yourself to a 40 hour week, not working 50 hours or 60 or 70. It's just crazy. It's actually irresponsible to you and irresponsible to your family and friends. Why should your employer's profits be more important than your own family? You're not even going to get any of the profits - all you get is not losing your job. It's a very negative system.
- Tom Hodgkinson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
The Secretary of Labor is in charge of finding you a job, the Secretary of the Treasury is in charge of taking half the money you make away from you, and the Attorney General is in charge of suing you for the other half.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Fetty Wap
I've had two jobs my whole life. I worked at FedEx for, like, two days, and I worked at Popeye's for a week. I just needed a check. It was a standard thing for people where I'm from. Well, people from there that did what I did for a living, you know what I'm saying? Go get you a quick check when you mess your money up.
- Fetty Wap
Collection: Jobs
Image of John Kasich
First of all, we're not Rust Belt. I mean, that's an old term. We do have manufacturing. We have a half-a-billion-dollar investment from a Chinese individual, which brings a couple thousand jobs in Dayton.
- John Kasich
Collection: Jobs
Image of Scarlett Johansson
I'm an actor for hire. It's important not to forget that you're disposable....When you have that mentality, you fight for the jobs you want.
- Scarlett Johansson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Anthony Jeselnik
Everyone gets laid off and everyone in Hollywood gets unemployment for six months while they're looking for a new job. So I would just do stand-up for six months and think I was really making it, and when my unemployment ran out, I had to get another job immediately.
- Anthony Jeselnik
Collection: Jobs
Image of Anthony Jeselnik
There is nothing that's off limits. If people think something is off limits, I make it my business to go make a joke about it; that's my job.
- Anthony Jeselnik
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jesse Jackson
You really need a renewed commitment for the direct investment of jobs at the bottom.
- Jesse Jackson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Steve Jobs
It's not the consumers' job to figure out what they want
- Steve Jobs
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jesse Jackson
There was a direct jobs program from the Rooselvelt administration in the 1930s. The Justice Department has set up a task force to investigate the banks and the mortgage crisis but that's a little too late. Whenever they report they will report the obvious. It will be too late to impact the people who need the help the most.
- Jesse Jackson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Echo Bodine
People are worried that their inner voice will tell them to leave their husbands or wives - or their jobs. Well, if that's really what your inner guidance is saying, then that is for your highest good and for your spouse's or partner's. There is a plan for everyone.
- Echo Bodine
Collection: Jobs
Image of John F. Kennedy
I am the one person who can truthfully say, I got my job through the New York Times.
- John F. Kennedy
Collection: Jobs
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
You know, there are just some things you never expect to face even on this job. A flying primate that shoots fire out its nose is one of them.
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Jobs
Image of Steve Goodier
In truth I suspect that merely slowing down is not a very satisfying answer. What I need has less to do with my pace of life than my peace of life. At any speed, I crave a deep and lasting inner peace. And if it's solace I'm after, I don't need to pace myself like a turtle, change jobs or set up house on a quiet island. It is usually frenetic living, not high energy, that robs my peace of mind.
- Steve Goodier
Collection: Jobs
Image of Michael Jackson
I think about our planet. I mean how to make it a better planet. The global warming issue is a concern to me very much. Just make the world a better, happier place. It's our home. I'd like to see us do a better job of taking care of it.
- Michael Jackson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bobby Jindal
A job for your family, a paycheck in your mailbox - they're the ultimate proof that your state is doing things right!
- Bobby Jindal
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bobby Jindal
'Elections have consequences,' President Obama said, setting his new policy agenda just three days after taking office in 2009. Three elections later, the president's party has lost 70 House seats and 14 Senate seats. The job of Republicans now is to govern with the confidence that elections do have consequences, promptly passing the conservative reform the voters have demanded.
- Bobby Jindal
Collection: Jobs
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
Nothing so challenges the American spirit as tackling the biggest job on earth....Americans are stimulated by the big job; the Panama Canal, Boulder Dam, Grand Coulee, Lower Colorado River developments, the tallest building in the world, the mightiest battleship.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Chris Jericho
I didn't understand at the time why Vince was so interested in teaching me life lessons when all I was trying to do was get my video played. But now I think it's because he saw a little bit of himself in me. Just like me, he was a rebel who listened to no one and did whatever it took to get the job done, pissing people off with his stubbornness and drive in the process. Therefore, he was trying to teach me how to better myself instead of repeatedly getting into trouble by rubbing people the wrong way.
- Chris Jericho
Collection: Jobs
Image of Guy Kawasaki
Steve Jobs has a saying that A players hire A players; B players hire C players; and C players hire D players. It doesn't take long to get to Z players. This trickle-down effect causes bozo explosions in companies.
- Guy Kawasaki
Collection: Jobs
Image of Guy Kawasaki
There is only one Steve Jobs, but if you want a shot at being the next Steve Jobs, learn to communicate using stories, demos, and pictures.
- Guy Kawasaki
Collection: Jobs
Image of Norton Juster
I am the Terrible Trivium, demon of petty tasks and worthless jobs, ogre of wasted effort, and monster of habit.
- Norton Juster
Collection: Jobs
Image of Norton Juster
Expectations is the place you must always go to before you get to where you're going. Of course, some people never go beyond Expectations, but my job is to hurry them along whether they like it or not.
- Norton Juster
Collection: Jobs
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
Grandma, please. It’s okay. Dad’s doing a great job. I give him kudos for at least being calm and rational, and not losing his temper with everyone around him who isn’t in childbirth. And he has yet to start shooting lighting bolts at people. Poor Damien still has a burn scar.” – Kat
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mindy Kaling
I write a little bit about what it's like to be a female boss in my book [ Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?] and the things I've noticed about that, but by and large, it's just a tough job in general.
- Mindy Kaling
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mindy Kaling
I'm an actor and a writer and a showrunner and I edit my show. ... I have a job that three people usually have, and I have it in one person. And the idea that the critic thought that I had this excess of time for which I could go to, like, panels or write essays was just so laughable to me.
- Mindy Kaling
Collection: Jobs
Image of Norton Juster
But why do only unimportant things?" asked Milo, who suddenly remembered how much time he spent each day doing them. "Think of all the trouble it saves," the man explained, and his face looked as if he'd be grinning an evil grin--if he could grin at all. "If you only do the easy and useless jobs, you'll never have to worry about the important ones which are so difficult. You just won't have the time. For there's always something to do to keep you from what you really should be doing, and if it weren't for that dreadful magic staff, you'd never know how much time you were wasting.
- Norton Juster
Collection: Jobs
Image of Byron Katie
I can find only three kinds of business in the universe: mine, yours and God's. Much of our stress comes from mentally living out of our business. When I think, "You need to get a job, I want you to be happy, you should be on time, you need to take better care of yourself," I am in your business. When I'm worried about earthquakes, floods, war, or when I will die, I am in God's business. If I am mentally in your business or in God's business, the effect is separation.
- Byron Katie
Collection: Jobs
Image of Naveen Jain
Apple Computer would not have reached its current peak of success if it had feared to roll the dice and launch products that didn't always hit the mark. In the mid-1990s, the company was considered washed up. Steve Jobs had departed, and a string of lackluster product launches unrelated to the company's core business had failed to catch fire.
- Naveen Jain
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ken Kesey
The job is to seek mystery, evoke mystery, plant a garden in which strange plants grow and mysteries bloom. The need for mystery is greater than the need for an answer.
- Ken Kesey
Collection: Jobs
Image of Maureen Johnson
Well, what now? You have no job. I have no job. Wanna play Jenga?
- Maureen Johnson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Maureen Johnson
Mouth guard. And I think we'll start you in goal." Goal sounded like a special job. I didn't want a special job, unless that special job involved sitting on the side under a pile of blankets.
- Maureen Johnson
Collection: Jobs
Image of John F. Kennedy
An economy hampered by restrictive tax rates will never produce enough jobs or enough profits
- John F. Kennedy
Collection: Jobs
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
Why did you leave? (Aiden) I took care of the person harassing him. Threat gone. Job eliminated. Anything else you want to know? Dental records, fingerprints? Retinal scan? (Leta) Urine sample would work. (Aiden) What cup you want me to use? (Leta) Does anything faze you? (Aiden) I fight people for a living. Do you honestly think peeing in a cup is going to frighten me? (Leta)
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Jobs
Image of Kathy Ireland
When I used to model, the job description is 'shut up and pose.' There are people today who would really like me to go back to that old job description and 'just shut up and pose.
- Kathy Ireland
Collection: Jobs
Image of Garrison Keillor
Writing is the main gig and teaching and performing are sidelines, an excuse for not writing more. Working on a novel and on an opera make me seriously want to retire and find a volunteer job as a docent at the zoo explaining to schoolchildren where frogs go in the winter.
- Garrison Keillor
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mindy Kaling
There's obviously instances where I perceive sexism in my job. ... I think that the sort of sexism that I see has been one that's a little bit like a gentler form of sexism, but still a little bit debilitating, which is that when, as a producer and a writer, whether it was at The Office or [at The Mindy Project], if I make a decision, it'll still seem like it's up for debate.
- Mindy Kaling
Collection: Jobs