Naveen Jain

Image of Naveen Jain
Success doesn't necessarily come from breakthrough innovation but from flawless execution. A great strategy alone won't win a game or a battle; the win comes from basic blocking and tackling.
- Naveen Jain
Collection: Alone
Image of Naveen Jain
Technology itself is neither good nor bad. People are good or bad.
- Naveen Jain
Collection: Technology
Image of Naveen Jain
In the business world today, failure is apparently not an option. We need to change this attitude toward failure - and celebrate the idea that only by falling on our collective business faces do we learn enough to succeed down the road.
- Naveen Jain
Collection: Attitude
Image of Naveen Jain
Being a father has been, without a doubt, my greatest source of achievement, pride and inspiration. Fatherhood has taught me about unconditional love, reinforced the importance of giving back and taught me how to be a better person.
- Naveen Jain
Collection: Fathers
Image of Naveen Jain
You know you've reached true success the day you become truly humble. That's the day you stop needing to prove to the world - and yourself - that you've accomplished something meaningful.
- Naveen Jain
Collection: Success
Image of Naveen Jain
As a young boy growing up in rural India, most of what I knew of the world was what I could see around me. But each night, I would look at the Moon - it was impossibly far away, yet it held a special attraction because it allowed me to dream beyond my village and country, and think about the rest of the world and space.
- Naveen Jain
Collection: Space
Image of Naveen Jain
'Being green' is commendable, but I hope that people don't take too much pride and self-adoration because they shut off the water when they brushed their teeth. The truth of the matter is, conservation alone will do little to save our planet.
- Naveen Jain
Collection: Alone
Image of Naveen Jain
When you experience a failure as a leader, don't hide it - talk about it. Your missed opportunity will encourage others to take risks.
- Naveen Jain
Collection: Failure
Image of Naveen Jain
There is no longer a doubt that women are just as competent as men. Gender differences are guided by nurture, as society treats boys and girls differently from an early age.
- Naveen Jain
Collection: Age
Image of Naveen Jain
Success is not about how much money we have in the bank, but it's about how many peoples' lives we have impacted through it. Success is experienced when we do things which are never done before.
- Naveen Jain
Collection: Money
Image of Naveen Jain
Humans have always used our intelligence and creativity to improve our existence. After all, we invented the wheel, discovered how to make fire, invented the printing press and found a vaccine for polio.
- Naveen Jain
Collection: Intelligence
Image of Naveen Jain
Open-source encyclopedias such as Wikipedia and search engines such as Google and Bing, which people can tap into anytime and anywhere via computers and smart phones, put a world of knowledge at our fingertips at a lower cost than ever before.
- Naveen Jain
Collection: Computers
Image of Naveen Jain
The goal must be to expand ourselves beyond one field of focus and use our improved access to information to solve the very real and extreme economic, environmental, and resource challenges we face as an interconnected, global society.
- Naveen Jain
Collection: Environmental
Image of Naveen Jain
I am proud of my kids and happy to brag about their achievements. Their success has been an immense source of happiness for me.
- Naveen Jain
Collection: Happiness
Image of Naveen Jain
Successful entrepreneurs find the balance between listening to their inner voice and staying persistent in driving for success - because sometimes success is waiting right across from the transitional bump that's disguised as failure.
- Naveen Jain
Collection: Failure
Image of Naveen Jain
Just as physical exercise is a well-known and well-accepted means to improve health for anyone, regardless of age or background, so can the brain be put 'into shape' for optimal learning.
- Naveen Jain
Collection: Health
Image of Naveen Jain
The real metric of success isn't the size of your bank account. It's the number of lives in whom you might be able to make a positive difference.
- Naveen Jain
Collection: Positive
Image of Naveen Jain
Philanthropy without scale and sustainability is like any other bad business that will simply wither and die on the vine.
- Naveen Jain
Collection: Business
Image of Naveen Jain
To nurture the sort of relationships that will truly help propel you towards accomplishing great things, you need to forget transactional networking and focus on having in-depth conversations with fewer people about subjects you really care about.
- Naveen Jain
Image of Naveen Jain
I grew up poor in India, and there were days when we struggled to find food and other basic necessities. Our mother worked odds and ends jobs to keep the family together and educate us.
- Naveen Jain
Image of Naveen Jain
I came to the United States in the early '80s and was welcomed with open arms and given the opportunity to pursue my dreams. God has been very kind to us. My family and I are fortunate enough to be successful and we feel a tremendous responsibility and obligation to give back to our great country.
- Naveen Jain
Image of Naveen Jain
I started off with a company, InfoSpace, with my own funding. The company was listed among the most successful companies and I went on to start Intelius and Moon Express. Now, I focus my time on using the skills of an entrepreneur to solve many of the grand challenges facing us in the areas of education, healthcare, clean water and energy.
- Naveen Jain
Image of Naveen Jain
I understand human needs. I grew up where far too many people lived day to day without elemental needs like food and shelter.
- Naveen Jain
Image of Naveen Jain
My father was a civil servant in northern India where I was born. As a boy I saw the dire effects of poverty and illiteracy, especially on women and children. It often seemed that the only thing separating me from them was luck.
- Naveen Jain
Image of Naveen Jain
My parents didn't believe in luck. They believed in hard work and in preparing me to take advantage of opportunity. Like many parents, they taught me to be generous but never to depend on the generosity of others.
- Naveen Jain
Image of Naveen Jain
Because I was poor I had one special advantage. When you are poor, and basic survival is your concern, you have no alternative but to be an entrepreneur. You must take action to survive just as you must take action to seize an opportunity.
- Naveen Jain
Image of Naveen Jain
The most frequently asked question I hear first-time entrepreneurs ask is, 'How do I know when to launch my product?' The answer, more often than not, should be: 'Now!'
- Naveen Jain
Image of Naveen Jain
Early versions of Microsoft Word left a lot to be desired. However, to the company's credit, it quickly learned where Word fell short, made the necessary changes, and repeatedly introduced new versions of the software.
- Naveen Jain
Image of Naveen Jain
Go where your customers take you! For example, did you know that Sony's first product was a rice cooker? Since abandoning the rice cooker, it has merely managed to become the world's biggest consumer electronics company.
- Naveen Jain
Image of Naveen Jain
There are as many ways to help another human being as there are people in need of help. For some, the urgent need is as basic as food and water. For others, it is an opportunity to develop a talent, realize an idea, and reach one's full potential.
- Naveen Jain
Image of Naveen Jain
Helping people boost themselves out of poverty is the best way to make a lasting positive difference in a person's life.
- Naveen Jain
Image of Naveen Jain
Growing up in India, I knew all I needed to change the world was one good opportunity, and I prepared myself for it. When that opportunity came - in the form of the chance to earn an engineering degree - I was ready.
- Naveen Jain
Image of Naveen Jain
Today, people idolize athletes and celebrities - and yes, highly successful and visionary business people like Bill Gates or Steve Jobs, but not the innovators who perhaps have not seen such high-flying levels of success. Can anyone name the inventors of GPS, which has such a huge impact on our lives today?
- Naveen Jain
Image of Naveen Jain
How important is failure - yes, failure - to the health of a thriving, innovative business? So important that Ratan Tata, chairman of India's largest corporation, gives an annual award to the employee who comes up with the best idea that failed.
- Naveen Jain
Image of Naveen Jain
Call it the Tiger Mom effect: In the business world today, failure is apparently not an option.
- Naveen Jain
Image of Naveen Jain
Apple Computer would not have reached its current peak of success if it had feared to roll the dice and launch products that didn't always hit the mark. In the mid-1990s, the company was considered washed up, Steve Jobs had departed, and a string of lackluster product launches unrelated to the company's core business.
- Naveen Jain
Image of Naveen Jain
The U.S. has spent billions of dollars on educating and supporting teachers or developing curricula but no resources are applied to 'improving the brain' that a student brings to the classroom.
- Naveen Jain
Image of Naveen Jain
Great entrepreneurs focus intensely on an opportunity where others see nothing.
- Naveen Jain
Image of Naveen Jain
Sometimes a faint voice based on instinct resonates far more strongly than overpowering logic.
- Naveen Jain
Image of Naveen Jain
It's a simple fact: no individual can be good at everything. Everyone needs people around them who have complimentary sets of skills.
- Naveen Jain
Image of Naveen Jain
We, as entrepreneurs, can be held responsible for our actions every single day, not every election cycle.
- Naveen Jain
Image of Naveen Jain
The capital goes wherever the opportunities are.
- Naveen Jain
Image of Naveen Jain
If you create great opportunities, people around the world will come support your dream.
- Naveen Jain
Image of Naveen Jain
An entrepreneur is not a person who starts a company, but he is the person who actually solves a problem.
- Naveen Jain
Image of Naveen Jain
Sometimes we never see what failure is and often fail to recognize it.
- Naveen Jain
Image of Naveen Jain
If we want to impact hundreds - or millions - of people, we have to do things differently. If we look at the problem as an infrastructural problem, we cannot make an impact because it requires a lot of effort. But when we convert this problem into a knowledge problem, suddenly the problem is manageable.
- Naveen Jain
Image of Naveen Jain
Unfettered, creative, and enthusiastic entrepreneurship is one of the hallmarks of American life, and it has allowed us to attract the best and brightest to this country.
- Naveen Jain
Image of Naveen Jain
I absolutely believe in the power of innovative entrepreneurship on every level. That's why I am exploring ways to improve our education system by making it as effective as a private tutor and as engaging as video games.
- Naveen Jain
Image of Naveen Jain
I am really happy to see the number of entrepreneurs in India - not only because of the ideas they have but also because of the passion at which their ideas are put across.
- Naveen Jain
Image of Naveen Jain
As fathers, we all have great lessons to teach our children.
- Naveen Jain