Top Jobs Quotes Collection - Page 140

Discover a curated collection of Jobs quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 140 provides more Jobs quotes.

Image of Aleksandar Hemon
I don't like having a teaching job - office hours and conferences and committees and bosses and all that - but I tend to enjoy teaching, and I design the course in such a way that there'll be pleasure in that.
- Aleksandar Hemon
Collection: Jobs
Image of Martin Schulz
As a party of labor, the SPD must work together with the unions to ensure that people can make a living with their work. That is why I am not a proponent of the concept of unconditional basic income. I am, however, very much in favor of decent wage agreements, secure and lasting jobs, employee participation in decision-making and the examination of the social justification for claims and payments.
- Martin Schulz
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ethan Hawke
I like [that] there's a certain inherent drama to those jobs that is exciting to tell stories about and it's still real life. I'm a little less interested in the current fad of being obsessed with superheroes and things that are so out of the box.
- Ethan Hawke
Collection: Jobs
Image of Stephen Hawking
The "Powers That Be" are not smart enough to engineer Armageddon, but they may yet be stupid enough. If governments are involved in covering up the knowledge of aliens, then they are doing a much better job of it than they seem to do at anything else.
- Stephen Hawking
Collection: Jobs
Image of Carl Hiaasen
I've never before had the same main character appear in consecutive novels, but I liked Yancy and his attitude, and I was curious to see what would happen to him after Bad Monkey. And I liked the idea of him still trying to get his detective job back while he's stuck on roach patrol.
- Carl Hiaasen
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mehmet Murat Ildan
In the eye of the universe, man is nothing! And man's hardest job is to be able to get rid of this nothingness!
- Mehmet Murat Ildan
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bashar al-Assad
We wouldn't have withstood for two years and a half. We would have disintegration of the army, disintegration of the whole institution in the state ; we would have disintegration of Syria if that was the case. It can't be tolerated in Syria. I'm talking about the normal reaction of the people. If it's not a national army, it cannot have the support, and if it doesn't have the public support of every sect, it cannot do its job and advance recently. It cannot. The army of the family doesn't make national war.
- Bashar al-Assad
Collection: Jobs
Image of Laurell K. Hamilton
What does it mean when the monsters are so afraid of you that you make them cry? That maybe monster depends on which end of the gun your on, or that I was just that good at my job.
- Laurell K. Hamilton
Collection: Jobs
Image of Robert Hass
When I came into the job, funding for the humanities at the federal level was being drastically cut. This was the high tide of the new Republican Congress.
- Robert Hass
Collection: Jobs
Image of Robert Hass
If we want to have a two-class society and an unemployed, welfare-crippled lower class that has no access to equality and educational opportunity and no access to jobs and is resentful and furiously angry, we can have it - that's what we've been willing to pay for so far.
- Robert Hass
Collection: Jobs
Image of Steve Harvey
To us, your power comes from one simple thing: you’re a woman, and we men will do anything humanly possible to impress you so that, ultimately, we can be with you. You’re the driving force behind why we wake up every day. Men go out and get jobs and hustle to make money because of women. We drive fancy cars because of women. We dress nice, put on cologne, get haircuts and try to look all shiny and new for you. We do all of this because the more our game is stepped up, the more of you we get. You’re the ultimate prize to us.
- Steve Harvey
Collection: Jobs
Image of Napoleon Hill
If you love, absolutely love what you are doing, chances are excellent that you will succeed. There is nothing so exhausting as working on a job you don't like.
- Napoleon Hill
Collection: Jobs
Image of James Hillman
So when you consider the archetypal, historical, and cultural background of whatever you do, it gives you a sense that your occupation can be a calling and not just a job.
- James Hillman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Nhat Hanh
Peace ca n exist only in the present moment. It is rid iculous to say "Wait until I fi nish this, then I will be free to live in peace." What is "this" ? A di­ploma, a job, a house, the payment of a debt? If yo u th ink that way, peace wi ll never come. There is always another "th is" that wi ll fo llow the present one. If you are not living in peace at this moment, you will never be able to . If you truly wa nt to be at peace, you must be at peace right now. Otherwise, there is only "the hope of peace some day.
- Nhat Hanh
Collection: Jobs
Image of Hermann Hesse
I have transported many, thousands; and to all of them, my river has been nothing but an obstacle on their travels. They travelled to seek money and business, and for weddings, and on pilgrimages, and the river was obstructing their path, and the ferryman's job was to get them quickly across that obstacle. But for some among thousands, a few, four or five, the river has stopped being an obstacle, they have heard its voice, they have listened to it, and the river has become sacred to them, as it has become sacred to me.
- Hermann Hesse
Collection: Jobs
Image of Robert A. Heinlein
Every Congressman, every Senator knows precisely what causes inflation... but can't, [won't] support the drastic reforms to stop it [repeal of the Federal Reserve Act] because it could cost him his job.
- Robert A. Heinlein
Collection: Jobs
Image of Herbert Hoover
Unemployment in the sense of distress is widely disappearing. . . . We in America today are nearer to the final triumph over poverty than ever before in the history of any land. The poor-house is vanishing from among us. We have not yet reached the goal, but given a change to go forward with the policies of the last eight years, and we shall soon with he help of God be in sight of the day when poverty will be banished from this nation. There is no guarantee against poverty equal to a job for every man. That is the primary purpose of the economic policies we advocate
- Herbert Hoover
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ernie J Zelinski
Your prosperity will grow to the extent that you do. Your feeling of prosperity may require that you overcome the fear of leaving a secure job for a less secure job, with less pay, but a lot more freedom. Fact is, feeling more prosperous doesn't necessarily mean earning more money. Sometimes it means earning less money.
- Ernie J Zelinski
Collection: Jobs
Image of W. H. Auden
Between labor and play stands work. A man is a worker if he is personally interested in the job which society pays him to do; whatfrom the point of view of society is necessary labor is from his point of view voluntary play. Whether a job is to be classified as labor or work depends, not on the job itself, but on the tastes of the individual who undertakes it. The difference does not, for example, coincide with the difference between a manual and a mental job; a gardener or a cobbler may be a worker, a bank clerk a laborer.
- W. H. Auden
Collection: Jobs
Image of Dennis Hastert
Our economy is creating jobs and giving businesses the conditions they need to invest and succeed.
- Dennis Hastert
Collection: Jobs
Image of Robert Hass
As an artist, you have the job of working out whatever is given you to work out.
- Robert Hass
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mehmet Murat Ildan
Most of the time it is a good job and a good honour to fight against people's values, because most of the time people's values are irrational and absurd!
- Mehmet Murat Ildan
Collection: Jobs
Image of Lauryn Hill
You say, Wait a minute, God, you spared me from a slave job in an office, and now I have a slave job onstage. I am not on that clock no more.
- Lauryn Hill
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mariska Hargitay
A guy at ABC told me to change my name and get a nose job. I said 'You get a nose job.'
- Mariska Hargitay
Collection: Jobs
Image of Lewis Schiff
While I did complete high school, I would have to say that it was by the skin of my teeth. My education ever since then has been one that I got "on the job" and I consider myself a very well-educated person at this point!
- Lewis Schiff
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mitch Hedberg
Earlier I`ve done hatever I could get my hands on to do for a living. I tried a couple of different things, but kitchen work was the best for me, because I took to a nomadic lifestyle before I started doing comedy. If you travel and get to a town and need a job, restaurants are always there.
- Mitch Hedberg
Collection: Jobs
Image of Stephen Hawking
[On President Bush's plan to get to Mars in 10 years] Stupid. Robots would do a better job and be much cheaper because you don't have to bring them back.
- Stephen Hawking
Collection: Jobs
Image of Victor Davis Hanson
Racial inequality has gotten worse in the last years because any time you have a moribund economy, the people who historically have had more problems getting jobs have suffered. And that, I think, is triggering a lot of the animosity.
- Victor Davis Hanson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ethan Hawke
The thing that really breeds career longevity in this profession is doing good work. You can make $20 million a movie, but does that mean you'll still have a job when you're 60? It's a profession that eats people up and wants constant turnaround, so you have to dedicate yourself to learning and making the most of whatever gift you may have.
- Ethan Hawke
Collection: Jobs
Image of Lester Holt
There are two economic realities in America today. There's been a record six straight years of job growth, and new census numbers show incomes have increased at a record rate after years of stagnation. However, income inequality remains significant, and nearly half of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck.
- Lester Holt
Collection: Jobs
Image of Dustin Hoffman
The trumpet player, Ronnie Hughes, has still got his chops today but for some strange reason the culture doesn't call him because he's 83-years-old. And these people are in their 70s and 80s and 90s and came with such verve every day and would still be shooting these 10 and 12 hour days. So, that in itself made this an extraordinarily special occasion for all of us. It wasn't a job for the crew after a few days, it took on another tone.
- Dustin Hoffman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Michel Hazanavicius
It's not my job. The Weinstein company, it's their job to convince people. My job was to make the movie. That's what I did. I know what we did in France was to have the maximum screenings just to let people talk about the movie and say they enjoyed the movie.
- Michel Hazanavicius
Collection: Jobs
Image of Michel Hazanavicius
People inside the theaters usually, not 100 percent but most of them, enjoy the movie. Usually they come with a small negative view. In a way, they're prepared to get bored because it's silent and because it's black and white. So they are much more pleased to be entertained in a way. They're very happy when they go out. This was my job. For the other ones, I can do nothing except screen the movie and hope that they will say to their friends that it's not so [bad].
- Michel Hazanavicius
Collection: Jobs
Image of Joshua Harris
You get up and you preach a sermon and people walk away thinking what a great guy - and that's a failure as a pastor. Our job is to proclaim Christ.
- Joshua Harris
Collection: Jobs
Image of Khaled Hosseini
The warlords took part in atrocities during the civil war in Afghanistan. They looted, they raped, they killed. They have become incredibly empowered and entrenched. They live in mansions, they have jobs in the government, and they're incredibly powerful. In Kabul, people don't want to speak about it too publicly, because these people are essentially like Tony Soprano.
- Khaled Hosseini
Collection: Jobs
Image of John Ridley
We all hope that the police and prosecutors are objective. That's their job, but sometimes it's not true.
- John Ridley
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jim Henson
(Lisa Henson about her father) He admired the job of the man who walks along the road picking up trash with a long stick. He thought that guy had a great job, walking along with a stick, enjoying the road, and doing only good in the world, with hundreds of small actions.
- Jim Henson
Collection: Jobs
Image of William Gurnall
Job's friends chose the right time to visit him, but took not the right course of improving their visit; had they spent the time in praying for him which they did in hot disputes with him, they would have profited him, and pleased God more.
- William Gurnall
Collection: Jobs
Image of Tom Hanks
The average movie set is the least political arena on Earth. Nobody bothers talking about politics because, one, we all love the job so much. You don't talk about current events. You talk about old show business stories and whether or not there's gonna be French onion dip at the craft services table that day.
- Tom Hanks
Collection: Jobs
Image of Tom Hanks
My wife and I, we met making a movie. This is not just our job, it's our life. It's what we do naturally whether we're working together or not.
- Tom Hanks
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ernest Hemingway
The writer's job is not to judge, but to seek to understand.
- Ernest Hemingway
Collection: Jobs
Image of Herbert Hoover
Prosperity is no idle expression. It is a job for every worker; it is the safety and safeguard of very business and every home. A continuation of the policies of the Republican party is fundamentally necessary to the future advancement of this progress and to the further building up of this prosperity.
- Herbert Hoover
Collection: Jobs
Image of Herbert Hoover
To the engineer falls the job of clothing the bare bones of science with life, comfort, and hope.
- Herbert Hoover
Collection: Jobs
Image of Vaclav Havel
The law is only one of several imperfect and more or less external ways of defending what is better in life against what is worse. By itself, the law can never create anything better. Establishing respect for the law does not automatically ensure a better life for that, after all, is a job for people and not for laws and institutions.
- Vaclav Havel
Collection: Jobs
Image of James Purefoy
I couldn't do the same job for 30 years. That would make me want to kill myself. Other people do it and they're very happy doing it, but for me, that's not what I want. I like changing things, all the time.
- James Purefoy
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ethan Hawke
Sometimes in the life of an actor you're not getting offered any jobs that speak to you. The trouble with acting is that you're only as good as your opportunities.
- Ethan Hawke
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ethan Hawke
My job - and it's really true - is that it's constantly evolving and changing. When I was doing the Chet Baker movie I was obsessed with playing the trumpet, and to my absolute shock I haven't picked the trumpet up since we wrapped. It was so much work. I thought I was going to keep playing the rest of my life, 'cause it was fun, it's just a lot of work. And it's a really unique job that exposes you to a lot.
- Ethan Hawke
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ethan Hawke
One of the hardest things about my job is that there kind of is no one rulebook that applies to all situations.
- Ethan Hawke
Collection: Jobs
Image of Daniel Handler
In America now there is this phenomenon called helicopter parenting, where you're hovering over your child for the whole time. Parents there view their job as being to make sure their kid never has a moment of unhappiness. Of course, as a parent myself, I can understand the urge, but I don't know whether it would be healthy or possible.
- Daniel Handler
Collection: Jobs