Top Jobs Quotes Collection - Page 142

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Image of Mindy Kaling
I think that it's insidious to be spending more of your time reflecting and talking about panels, and talking more and more in smart ways about your otherness, rather than doing the hard work of your job.
- Mindy Kaling
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mindy Kaling
It's weird: I was in a conference room, shouting out story ideas in the voices of different characters, and it was something I had to learn because I'd never been in that atmosphere. But I think I had a quick learning curve, because this is the job I was supposed to have.
- Mindy Kaling
Collection: Jobs
Image of Daisaku Ikeda
Faith and daily life, faith and work-these are not separate things. They are one and the same. To think of them as separate-that faith is faith, and work is work-is theoretical faith. Based on the recognition that work and faith are one and the same, we should put one hundred percent of our energy into our jobs and one hundred percent into our faith, too. When we resolve to do this, we enter the path of victory in life. Faith means to show irrefutable proof of victory amid the realities of society and in our own daily lives.
- Daisaku Ikeda
Collection: Jobs
Image of Steve Jobs
Companies must have a noble cause, and it's the leaders job to transform that noble cause into such an inspiring vision, that it will attract the most talented people in the world to want to join it.
- Steve Jobs
Collection: Jobs
Image of Anthony Jeselnik
I was a terrible employee. I've been fired from almost every job I've ever had, luckily, in a good way, or else I'd be stuck. I would always joke around with everybody, and no one enjoyed my humor.
- Anthony Jeselnik
Collection: Jobs
Image of Anthony Jeselnik
Charlie Sheen called his boss on 'Two and a Half Men' a 'Jew ki**' and expected to go back to work. That’s crazy. If you could do that and keep your job, then everybody would do it.
- Anthony Jeselnik
Collection: Jobs
Image of Curtis Jackson
I never had working papers. I never had a job. I sold crack until I got in the music, so this is the best thing that happened to me and I do it excessively.
- Curtis Jackson
Collection: Jobs
Image of John Kasich
I think people are frustrated with dysfunction, not just dysfunction in government, but a lot of dysfunction that surrounds them. I get the frustration with drugs in the neighborhood or my kids with big college loans can't find a job.
- John Kasich
Collection: Jobs
Image of Charlie Kaufman
I think directing and writing are very different jobs. Obviously, directing is a more social and managerial job. The other thing about directing is that it's a very, very pragmatic job, and writing isn't.
- Charlie Kaufman
Collection: Jobs
Image of LeBron James
That team across the way, you tip your hat to them. They did a great job. It showed in these Finals.
- LeBron James
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jonathan Ive
Apple was very close to bankruptcy and to irrelevance [but] you learn a lot about life through death, and I learnt a lot about vital corporations by experiencing a non-vital corporation. You would have thought that, when what stands between you and bankruptcy is some money, your focus would be on making some money, but that was not [Steve Jobs’] preoccupation. His observation was that the products weren’t good enough and his resolve was, we need to make better products. That stood in stark contrast to the previous attempts to turn the company around.
- Jonathan Ive
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jonathan Ive
We don't do focus groups - that is the job of the designer. It's unfair to ask people who don't have a sense of the opportunities of tomorrow from the context of today to design.
- Jonathan Ive
Collection: Jobs
Image of George Brandis
You asked me about Queensland in particular and regional Queensland where our message of jobs and growth is resonating strongly because that's what is on people's mind, and when the election results are in on 2nd July, I'm confident that that message will be translated into the ballot box.
- George Brandis
Collection: Jobs
Image of George Brandis
I've spent some time in North and Central Queensland, in fact as recently as yesterday I was in Rockhampton, where the seat of Capricornia is based. I have to tell you that people in Queensland, but particularly regional Queensland, are very concerned about jobs. They are very concerned that the economic future for themselves and their children and their grandchildren should be - should be clear.
- George Brandis
Collection: Jobs
Image of George Brandis
There always are a basket of issues in any federal election campaign, but in this part of Australia [Capricornia] I can assure you having as you know a fairly frequent visitor to Rockhampton, that the issue of jobs and employment and where the jobs of the future are coming from, is the biggest single issue on people's minds.
- George Brandis
Collection: Jobs
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
Yeah, you were doing a real bang-up job of it. I particularly liked the way you were bruising his fists with your face. A few minutes more and I’m sure your heart would have been on the attack...after it was ripped from your chest. (Kat)
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Jobs
Image of Byron Katie
The Ego’s job is to kill everything but itself
- Byron Katie
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ken Kesey
The best of all possible cages.' Ben stepped back to regard the job with a sad smile. 'What more can one ask?
- Ken Kesey
Collection: Jobs
Image of Steve Jobs
Our job is to read things that are not yet on the page.
- Steve Jobs
Collection: Jobs
Image of Steve Jobs
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication-- Steve Jobs turned this into the slogan behind an early Mac advertising campaign. Which doesn't make it less true.
- Steve Jobs
Collection: Jobs
Image of Valerie Jarrett
What we need to do together is to put in place the kind of - foster the kind of environment where businesses of all sizes - small, medium or large - want to invest, want to do the innovative things that our businesses here in America are known for doing, want to grow our economy and want to create the kind of jobs that will bring - reduce that unemployment rate.
- Valerie Jarrett
Collection: Jobs
Image of LeBron James
My family is happy. That makes my job a lot easier. For the fans, I try to put it all out there on the floor.
- LeBron James
Collection: Jobs
Image of Alex Gibney
Jobs' incredible skill was as a storyteller, a salesman. He could captivate our imaginations and reel us in. He was more P.T. Barnum than Thomas Edison.
- Alex Gibney
Collection: Jobs
Image of Alex Gibney
Long ago I had a professor who told me, 'Embrace the contradictions.' I think that is what is most interesting about people like Jobs.
- Alex Gibney
Collection: Jobs
Image of Alex Gibney
What made so many people so upset when Steve Jobs died was that he was a kind of combination of daddy - in this relationship between the machine and ourselves - and also he was our guide. He was the one who led us to look into the mirror. He created these devices that became extensions of ourselves. Suddenly, he wasn't going to hold our hand as we went from product to product, which became increasingly about who we were.
- Alex Gibney
Collection: Jobs
Image of Charlie Kaufman
I just try to be honest, because I think that's part of my job description as a writer.
- Charlie Kaufman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
Sway’s an idiot who didn’t order them when we used up the last bunch. (Vik) Isn’t that your job? (Devyn) No. I’m the sub-idiot. Sway’s head idiot because the company refuses to deal with mechas. Since I’m not organic, they think I can’t pay. (Vik) Thanks, Vik. (Devyn) Ever my pleasure to irritate you, sir. (Vik)
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Jobs
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
You know, I’ve had a really wonderful night tonight. I got to tell Kyrian and Julian that Valerius is in town and spent, oh I don’t know, three, four hours trying to keep them from going after the Roman. Then, just when I could relax and do my job, I find out there are Daimons in the swamp and no Talon to kill them. And why wasn’t Talon here? Because Tarzan was swinging off a balcony to save Jane from Cheetah. Now all I can do is stand here and say, next fiasco, please, right this way. (Acheron)
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Jobs
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
This is the swamp as I see it, but what I can’t capture on canvas is you as I see you. No brush or paint will ever show the hero that you are. It will never be able to portray the sound of your voice when you whisper my name. The way my skin tingles when you touch me. The passion of you inside me. I love you, Talon. I know that I can’t keep you. No one can ever tame a wild beast. You have a job to do and so do I. I only hope that when you think of me, it’ll bring a smile to your face. Love always, Sunshine. (Sunshine's note)
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Jobs
Image of Hoodie Allen
I am a musician, a songwriter, music fan. I live in New York City and I love my job.
- Hoodie Allen
Collection: Jobs
Image of Miranda Kerr
I was blessed with good genetics, but my essence is very happy and warm and I don’t take my job too seriously. I’m not saving lives here.
- Miranda Kerr
Collection: Jobs
Image of T. D. Jakes
The standard is the standard and whomever walks in the door at the time I need a person in that position who can do that job with excellence and who understands my vision, if they can fulfill it, they got the job whether they're young, old, black, white, male or female.
- T. D. Jakes
Collection: Jobs
Image of Michele Bachmann
And I would begin with the EPA, because there is no other agency like the EPA. It should really be renamed the 'job-killing organization of America.'
- Michele Bachmann
Collection: Jobs
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
What are you? (a Daimon) Oh please, let me give you the job description. Me, Dark-Hunter. You, Daimon. I hit, you bleed. I kill, you die. (Zarek)
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Jobs
Image of John F. Kennedy
If you face a man's job, find a woman!
- John F. Kennedy
Collection: Jobs
Image of Kabir Sehgal
One of the best ways to convince someone is to use a telling example, a story, a narrative. When Steve Jobs announced a new product, he told a story, exzlaining how a product would change the world as we know it. He turned Apple into a story whose challenges and adventures you want to hear about.
- Kabir Sehgal
Collection: Jobs
Image of Kabir Sehgal
Gone is the day where you work at a job for thirty years and retire. Millennials jump around and switch careers. I think it's important for CEOs to highlight career mobility within a company, so that employees don't get bored and continue to be stimulated.
- Kabir Sehgal
Collection: Jobs
Image of June Jordan
Reproductive choice is not some trendy item to toss or keep around the house. If you cannot get an education or a job, if you cannot choose what will or will not happen with your own body, then what freedom do you have?
- June Jordan
Collection: Jobs
Image of John F. Kennedy
It is increasingly clear that no matter what party is in power, so long as our national security needs keep rising, an economy hampered by restrictive tax rates will never produce enough jobs or enough profits.
- John F. Kennedy
Collection: Jobs
Image of Douglas Adams
The Presidents job, is not to wield power himself, but to lead attention away from it.
- Douglas Adams
Collection: Jobs
Image of Angelina Jolie
Never send a boy to do a woman's job.
- Angelina Jolie
Collection: Jobs
Image of Anthony Jeselnik
I can stand by a tweet. But Comedy Central said they couldn't publicly support me, unless I deleted it. I wasn't about to tell the people who work for me that they didn't have jobs anymore because I wasn't going to delete a stupid tweet.
- Anthony Jeselnik
Collection: Jobs
Image of Lee Iacocca
What is it that you like doing? If you don't like it, get out of it, because you'll be lousy at it. You don't have to stay with a job for the rest of your life, because if you don't like it you'll never be successful in it.
- Lee Iacocca
Collection: Jobs
Image of Storm Jameson
giving the utmost of herself to three absorbing interests [marriage, motherhood, career] ... was a problem for a superwoman, and a job for a superwoman, and only some such fabled being could have accomplished it with success.
- Storm Jameson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Rosabeth Moss Kanter
if networks of women are formed, they should be job related and task related rather than female-concerns related. Personal networks for sociability in the context of a work organization would tend to promote the image of women contained in the temperamental model - that companies must compensate for women's deficiencies and bring them together for support because they could not make it on their own. But job-related task forces serve the social-psychological functions while reinforcing a more positive image of women.
- Rosabeth Moss Kanter
Collection: Jobs
Image of Rosabeth Moss Kanter
Not everyone in an organization is in a position to accumulate power through competent performance because most people are just carrying out the ordinary and the expected - even if they do it very well. The extent to which a job is routinized fails to give an advantage to anyone doing it because 'success' is seen as inherent in the very establishment of the position and the organization surrounding it. Neither persons nor organizations get 'credit' for doing the mandatory or the expected.
- Rosabeth Moss Kanter
Collection: Jobs
Image of Rosabeth Moss Kanter
The most distinguished advocate and the most distinguished critic of modern captialism were in agreement on one essential point: the job makes the person. Adam Smith and Karl Marx both recognized the extent to which people's attitudes and behaviors take shape out of the experiences they have in their work.
- Rosabeth Moss Kanter
Collection: Jobs
Image of Lady Bird Johnson
My special cause, the one that alerts my interest and quickens the pace of my life, is to preserve the wildflowers and native plants that define the regions of our land-to encourage and promote their use in appropriate areas, and thus help pass on to generation in waiting the quiet jobs and satisfactions I have known since my childhood.
- Lady Bird Johnson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Lady Bird Johnson
I have learned something about the job of being the President's wife. She is not chosen by anyone except her husband and she really has no obligations except to him.
- Lady Bird Johnson
Collection: Jobs