Top Jobs Quotes Collection - Page 109

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Image of Ally Carter
Now, now, hear me out," Hamish went on. "We don't have to kidnap Garrett. Not if we kidnap the buyer." "Or distract him," Angus added. "Like the Bulgari job," Hamish said. "You mean the job that landed half the DiMarco family in a South African prison?" Kat said. Angus shrugged. "Nobody said it was perfect.
- Ally Carter
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ally Carter
You were right, Hale. It was a bad job. It was a bad call. You were right to leave." "Kat..." Hale tried to reach for her, but even in the sand, Kat was quick and sure on her feet, and she moved nimbly away, leaving Hale with nothing but a fistful of salty air. "Thanks for coming back and helping me find her and all, but..." She looked at Gabrielle, who stood leaning against Simon, still bruised and almost broken. " I think I've got to take it from here.".... She was sure right up until the point when Hale said, "No.
- Ally Carter
Collection: Jobs
Image of Raf Simons
The psychology for the person who's actually doing it is completely different. I think I probably needed to put that [hired-hand] psychology in my own head to be able to do the job. Otherwise it would just be too scary. People outside make it much bigger than me. I'm not saying in my head, "Oh, my god, what an amazing idea!" It scares me if I would do that.
- Raf Simons
Collection: Jobs
Image of Hillary Clinton
One independent expert - actually, the economist who advised John McCain in 2008, so, you know, not somebody that has any predisposition toward our side - but this economist did a study. He said under [Donald] Trump's economic plans, we would lose in America 3 and a half million jobs.
- Hillary Clinton
Collection: Jobs
Image of Dick Cheney
You really do think about it institutionally; this is your job, and to some extent you benefit from having a job to do at a moment like this. You have things that you have to make happen. And you don't have time for the emotional reaction that might otherwise occur if somebody was just sitting there watching these events unfold and had no responsibilities.
- Dick Cheney
Collection: Jobs
Image of Dick Cheney
You've got a job to do, and because you've got a job to do, you've got to focus on that, so you don't have time for personal considerations.
- Dick Cheney
Collection: Jobs
Image of Edward Hirsch
My focus is on the reader and that the poet's job is not to inspire himself or herself. The poet's job is to inspire some future reader. And so, as a reader you have a task to do in finding those bottles and opening up the messages and experiencing what's in them inside of yourself.
- Edward Hirsch
Collection: Jobs
Image of Edward Hirsch
I think in terms of educating a group of readers, MFA programs are very good. I just think the model of MFA programs in which a young poet goes through the program, publishes a series of books, gets teaching jobs, that's a bit at risk.
- Edward Hirsch
Collection: Jobs
Image of Les Brown
In life, friendships change, divorces happen, people move on, others die. Money and jobs will come and go. Live long enough and your health and body will change. It goes with the territory of being human. The fact that you are still here gives you an advantage. Don't look back. Look straight ahead!! Decide to use all of your knowledge, skills, experiences and your life lessons from your mistakes, defeats and setbacks, to start over again. Life changes. You may not have the same life as before, but you can still enjoy your life!
- Les Brown
Collection: Jobs
Image of Hans Zimmer
Having the great opportunity on a daily basis to sit in front of a blank page is terrifying, and at the same time really exciting. I can't actually get better at my job, because every time you finish something you start with a blank page, with nothing.
- Hans Zimmer
Collection: Jobs
Image of Paul Haggis
All the studios are owned by multinational corporations, which are not usually bastions of the left. So all the actors, writers, and directors - or at least a great majority of them - live in fear because we're all insecure, we all want that next job, we all want to be loved, and we don't want to piss off some studio chief who won't hire us for the next movie.
- Paul Haggis
Collection: Jobs
Image of George W. Bush
I've got a job to do, and I'm going to be judged upon whether or not the world is more peaceful and whether or not America is more prosperous and more compassionate.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Jobs
Image of David Byrne
Crime is a job. Sex is a job. Growing up is a job. School is a job. Going to parties is a job. Religion is a job. Being creative is a job
- David Byrne
Collection: Jobs
Image of Robert Genn
Many of us knuckle-dragging brush-painters think that 'behind the times' is part of our job description. Why deny ourselves the authentic journey of a time-honoured form?
- Robert Genn
Collection: Jobs
Image of Russ Feingold
One can see the results of those policies in hundreds of communities around my State. As one might expect, our largest communities - places like Milwaukee, Madison, and Green Bay - lost thousands of jobs as a result of those trade policies, most notably NAFTA and permanent most-favored-nation status for China.
- Russ Feingold
Collection: Jobs
Image of Russ Feingold
The economy has definitely been improving, and things like the stock market are doing better, but the economy has to be good for working-class and middle-class families who work every day, send their kids to a school like is in front of my house, and they have to be able to enjoy their lives. That's why you don't pass a trade agreement that ships even more jobs overseas.
- Russ Feingold
Collection: Jobs
Image of Millicent Fenwick
The curious fascination in this job [U.S. representative] is the illusion that either you are being useful or you could be -- and that's so tempting.
- Millicent Fenwick
Collection: Jobs
Image of E. L. James
Once you're in charge of your job, your house, your children, getting the food on the table, doing all of this, all of the time, it'd be nice for someone else to be in charge for a bit maybe.
- E. L. James
Collection: Jobs
Image of George W. Bush
I think anybody who doesn't think I'm smart enough to handle the job is underestimating.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Jobs
Image of Brent Spiner
As I get older and I get more of this dialogue and I lose more and more brain cells, it really does become the most difficult part of the job!
- Brent Spiner
Collection: Jobs
Image of Hillary Clinton
Independent experts have looked at what I've proposed and looked at what Donald's [Trump] proposed, and basically they've said this, that if his tax plan, which would blow up the debt by over $5 trillion and would in some instances disadvantage middle-class families compared to the wealthy, were to go into effect, we would lose 3.5 million jobs and maybe have another recession.
- Hillary Clinton
Collection: Jobs
Image of Joe Lieberman
The way we're really going to grow the economy is to invest in people, to invest in innovation, to have the federal government put money in the kind of research that will create the new high-technology, bio-technology industries that will create the millions of new jobs.
- Joe Lieberman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Julia Cameron
I believe that what we want to write wants to be written. I believe that as I have an impulse to create, the something I want to create has an impulse to want to be born. My job, then, is to show up on the page and let that something move through me, in a sense, what wants to be written is none of my business.
- Julia Cameron
Collection: Jobs
Image of Grace Lee Boggs
Wage work is disappearing. I didn't make the jobs disappear, but they have disappeared. And people are forced to be looking for other alternatives.
- Grace Lee Boggs
Collection: Jobs
Image of Grace Lee Boggs
People in Detroit aren't just urban gardening. They're starting a new mode of education. They're trying to give children the education to be "solutionaries" rather than people who are going to get jobs in the system. And that is a huge change, a cultural revolution. The things that are happening in Detroit would amaze you if you're used to only looking at statistics, and only thinking of blacks as sufferers and not as activists.
- Grace Lee Boggs
Collection: Jobs
Image of Shana Alexander
Roughly speaking, the President of the United States knows what his job is. Constitution and custom spell it out, for him as well as for us. His wife has no such luck. The First Lady has no rules; rather each new woman must make her own.
- Shana Alexander
Collection: Jobs
Image of Tucker Carlson
Virtually everyone with a high-paying job in Washington, New York and Los Angeles demanded that voters not support Donald Trump for president but they did it anyway but we never saw it coming. Why is that?
- Tucker Carlson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Tony Hsieh
A lot of people realize "I don't have to work in this job that I'm miserable at every year, or every day, and I don't have to live in, for example, New York City where it's super expensive and if I live somewhere else that is less expensive and could pursue my passion like, I can afford to do that."
- Tony Hsieh
Collection: Jobs
Image of Benjamin Graham
Mr. Market's job is to provide you with prices; your job is to decide whether it is to your advantage to act on them. You no not have to trade with hime just because he constantly begs you to.
- Benjamin Graham
Collection: Jobs
Image of Forest Whitaker
Visit to Africa reshaped my point-of-view of colonialism. It reshaped my point-of-view of my own sense of source, and my own place of birth. It made it more organic inside of me, because it placed me in a position where my job was to understand and to become more African.
- Forest Whitaker
Collection: Jobs
Image of Forest Whitaker
There was a time in my acting career, where I was trying to figure out if acting was the thing to do. You know? I was always on this journey of trying to learn more about humanity and people - using the characters and situations as guideposts. I could switch up and do another job as long as I'm continuing that same search and that same journey of revealing my connection to humanity and the universe. And directing gives me the opportunity to explore ALL these different lives and their connection to their environments and the people. And I get to connect to the wires of the universe.
- Forest Whitaker
Collection: Jobs
Image of Andrew Mason
If I ever thought I wasn't the right guy for the job, I'd be the first person to fire myself.
- Andrew Mason
Collection: Jobs
Image of David Krumholtz
I was doing a Broadway play, and I was really new to this business. The Broadway play was my first job, literally. The play next door was a musical called Falsettos. The director got hired to direct this Michael J. Fox movie and was looking for a kid who could play brash and salty and mean [in Life With Mikey].
- David Krumholtz
Collection: Jobs
Image of Brian Tracy
Simplify the task. Continually look for faster, better, easier ways to get the job done.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Jobs
Image of Warren Buffett
My job is essentially just corralling more and more and more facts and information, and occasionally seeing whether that leads to some action.
- Warren Buffett
Collection: Jobs
Image of Warren Buffett
You've got the right - you've got a wonderful person with Sheila Bair, most of the viewers have never heard of Sheila Bair. [She] has taken eight percent of the deposits in the United States and seamlessly moved those over to sound institutions which in turn have gotten more capital, ended up, it's been a magnificent job.She'll never get a golden parachute or any severance pay or anything. She's done a great job. We've got some great public servants. We have I think the right people in there to get the job done, and then they need more tools.
- Warren Buffett
Collection: Jobs
Image of Noam Chomsky
In a capitalist system, there's a principle that if you invest, especially in a long-term risky investment, if something comes out of it, you're supposed to get the profit. It doesn't happen in our system. The taxpayer paid for it and gets nothing - assumes all of the risk, gets zero. The money goes into the pockets of Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, who are ripping off decades of work in the public sector.
- Noam Chomsky
Collection: Jobs
Image of Hillary Clinton
We're living in a technological world. You cannot tell me we can't do a better job getting that information.
- Hillary Clinton
Collection: Jobs
Image of Robin Sharma
When you see an opportunity to change the world, get up and get the job done!
- Robin Sharma
Collection: Jobs
Image of Noam Chomsky
The 50,000 Korean mercenaries we had in Vietnam were professional killers and just massacred people outright. And the American army did plenty of that too, but it couldn't take it after awhile. It's not the kind of job you can give to conscripts who are not trained to be murderers.
- Noam Chomsky
Collection: Jobs
Image of Margaret Cho
For me to be ten pounds thinner is a full-time job, and I am handing in my notice and walking out the door!!
- Margaret Cho
Collection: Jobs
Image of Margaret Cho
One of my first jobs was on a lesbian cruise. I was the ship comedian for the Lesbian Love Boat.
- Margaret Cho
Collection: Jobs
Image of Hillary Clinton
I do think questions have been raised and questions have to be answered.And there is no way to predict what comes in the door of that White House from day to day that can pose a threat to the United States or one of our friends and allies, and I think this is a big part of the job interview that we are all conducting with the voters here.
- Hillary Clinton
Collection: Jobs
Image of Frank Luntz
The most successful people in American life are those that have had horrific failures and have come back, done it again and again until they got it right, whether it's Steve Jobs or Bill Gates or Warren Buffet.
- Frank Luntz
Collection: Jobs
Image of James Mattis
What would you do differently as defense secretary to compensate for this record in which the greatest military in the world, as we are constantly told, doesn't get the job done?
- James Mattis
Collection: Jobs
Image of Nicolas Cage
I will promise you that if I can give you two good scenes -- which is what I always try to do in every movie -- then I feel like I'm doing my job.
- Nicolas Cage
Collection: Jobs
Image of Hillary Clinton
The tax code rewards corporations for outsourcing jobs, and their profits overseas, instead of investing here in the United States.
- Hillary Clinton
Collection: Jobs
Image of Hillary Clinton
I support moving toward more clean, renewable energy as quickly as we can, because I think we [America] can be the 21st century clean energy superpower and create millions of new jobs and businesses.
- Hillary Clinton
Collection: Jobs