Top Jobs Quotes Collection - Page 110

Discover a curated collection of Jobs quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 110 provides more Jobs quotes.

Image of Warren Buffett
I think that trying to invest through 535 people is a tough job, you know, and so I would give more latitude.
- Warren Buffett
Collection: Jobs
Image of Narendra Modi
Jobs should be offered on the basis of merit and not 'Seefarish'.
- Narendra Modi
Collection: Jobs
Image of Philip Kotler
Requiring the payment of higher wages will lead to a loss of some jobs and a raising of prices which drives companies to search for automation to reduce costs. On the other hand, those receiving higher wages will spend more (the marginal propensity to consume is close to 1 for low income earners) and this will increase demand for additional goods and services. Henry Ford had the clearest vision of why companies can actually benefit by paying higher wages.
- Philip Kotler
Collection: Jobs
Image of Philip Kotler
In working on any one problem, such as higher minimum wages, so many other issues come into play, such as some businesses possibly closing down, thus creating fewer jobs and more unemployment and incentivizing companies to import more goods from abroad, which leads to even less employment at home, and so on.
- Philip Kotler
Collection: Jobs
Image of Philip Kotler
There is much work to do to protect forests from over-timbering and oceans and lakes from over-fishing. We need to encourage and reward companies that create jobs to reduce the carbon footprints of offices and buildings and homes.
- Philip Kotler
Collection: Jobs
Image of George W. Bush
I am a person who looks long-term, and I recognize the path we need to take. There will be moments when people are unhappy and disgruntled with some decision-making. Nonetheless, what matters most is to reach the destination. And my job as President is to see clearly where I want to go and be steadfast in my resolve to realize that vision
- George W. Bush
Collection: Jobs
Image of William J. Clinton
All of us have to do a better job of teaching young people not to let themselves be defined by the words other people use against them.
- William J. Clinton
Collection: Jobs
Image of William J. Clinton
We cannot become the world's policeman, but where our values and our interests are at stake, and where we can make a difference, we must act and we must lead. That is our job and we are better, stronger and safer because we are doing it.
- William J. Clinton
Collection: Jobs
Image of Hillary Clinton
I will do everything that I can to make sure that you have good jobs, with rising incomes, that your kids have good educations from preschool through college.
- Hillary Clinton
Collection: Jobs
Image of Hillary Clinton
It is a campaign to break down every barrier that holds you back. We need more than a plan for the big banks. The middle class needs a raise. And we need more jobs.
- Hillary Clinton
Collection: Jobs
Image of Hillary Clinton
We have to build an economy that works for everyone, not just those at the top. That means we need new jobs, good jobs, with rising incomes.
- Hillary Clinton
Collection: Jobs
Image of Hillary Clinton
When Donald Trump says a distinguished judge born in Indiana can't do his job because of his Mexican heritage, or he mocks a reporter with disabilities, or calls women pigs, it goes against everything we stand for.
- Hillary Clinton
Collection: Jobs
Image of John Ciardi
A university is a reading and discussion club. If students knew how to use the library, they wouldn't need the rest of the buildings. The faculty's job, in great part, is to teach students how to use a library in a living way. All a student should really need is access to the library and a place to sleep.
- John Ciardi
Collection: Jobs
Image of Rakim
Every time I sit down and write I got to put something conscious in there. It's like I got a job now. They say that for those that know you got to deal in equality. If you know and you don't speak on it and don't apply it, it's like you're the worst hypocrite. I feel I got a job to do, being that I study so much and I believe in Allah like I do, I feel like I got to spread the word.
- Rakim
Collection: Jobs
Image of Paula White
When you find your authentic self, your identity - your true identity - how many people work a job they hate or live a life, they're going oh my gosh.
- Paula White
Collection: Jobs
Image of Paula White
Satisfaction comes from the inside out, so people keep gravitating from things externally to try to fill something - get a man to complete them, get money to complete them, get a job to complete them and still find themselves frustrated.
- Paula White
Collection: Jobs
Image of Sophia Bush
There's nothing that I love to do more than act and I feel really lucky to be in the position that I'm in, being able to do it as my job! If I ever do anything other than act, it will be in show business.
- Sophia Bush
Collection: Jobs
Image of Kelly Cutrone
I'm never hard on people just because they annoy me on the show. I'm not emotional when I'm professional. Do I think there are people on the show who need to go home sooner than they do? Yes. I do. but I'm there to be professional and to be a judge and to give them my advice and my help and I take my job really seriously.
- Kelly Cutrone
Collection: Jobs
Image of Kelly Cutrone
A lot of people have the misconception that modeling is a glamourous job, and it can be. But ultimately if you don’t like to stay quiet, and let people tell you what to do, and fuss on you… it may not be the right fit. If you decide it’s something you’re really passionate about though, go for it!
- Kelly Cutrone
Collection: Jobs
Image of Lee Child
I had a brief theater background and loved the backstage world there's more backstage work in television, so I saw a job advertised and applied, and got it. That was back in 1977, when getting jobs was easy.
- Lee Child
Collection: Jobs
Image of Lee Child
I was fired from my television job, simple as that. Well, downsized, really, a classic 1990s situation.
- Lee Child
Collection: Jobs
Image of Lee Child
So, how to stay inside the world of entertainment without actually getting another job? I felt the only logical answer was to become a novelist. So I wrote the first book - driven by some very real feelings of desperation - and it worked.
- Lee Child
Collection: Jobs
Image of Hillary Clinton
It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again.
- Hillary Clinton
Collection: Jobs
Image of Hillary Clinton
Many Americans are feeling, you know, shut out, shut down, the great recession hasn't ended for too many Americans, wages are flat, families are struggling, not enough new jobs, or new businesses are being created, and it's important that we all try to figure out what we're going to do, and that's what I've done my entire life, fighting for a higher minimum wage, or family leave, now paid family leave which I believe in, equal pay for equal work.
- Hillary Clinton
Collection: Jobs
Image of Hillary Clinton
I think if you come from where I came from and where I have always been, I've always been reaching out and whether it's talking with our neighbors or going shopping or standing, talking to people in these bookstores and hearing what's on their minds, or even the work I did for eight years as a senator to bring new jobs to New York and stand up for the people I represented.
- Hillary Clinton
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mary Robinson
We have long had emigration in Ireland. But the nature of emigration has changed. With ferries to Britain and the continent, as well as air travel, emigration isn't the cut­off it used to be. In addition, some of our young people are being educated to levels beyond our present capacity to provide the jobs they are qualified to do. So they go abroad. Many want to come back, especially when they have children they would want to be raised in the Irish society and in the Irish educational system.
- Mary Robinson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Van Jones
The government also has to get the public rules right. That means putting a price on carbon, so the cleaner forms of energy become more competitive. As soon as that happens, a tidal wave of new capital, innovation and entrepreneurship will flood into the clean energy space - creating new jobs and opportunities for Americans of all walks of life. We did that for the internet, with public investments in the basic system through the Pentagon, followed by rules that encouraged innovation and competition. And that is why the internet took off in the United States first.
- Van Jones
Collection: Jobs
Image of Van Jones
We are trying to reinvigorate our stagnant energy sector, to create avenues for new wealth. Clean energy innovation, job creation and energy independence should be common ground for all Americans.
- Van Jones
Collection: Jobs
Image of Charlie Munger
They [Mc Donalds] take people and give them a first job, which enables them to get a second job. They do a very good job of educating troubled young people to be good citizens and they're probably more successful than charter schools.
- Charlie Munger
Collection: Jobs
Image of Judy Woodruff
People want jobs, but nobody has a recipe for how to get them. And so they are trying different things.
- Judy Woodruff
Collection: Jobs
Image of Hillary Clinton
I feel like I have to do the best job I can to basically say, "OK, I understand - you have every right to be angry, but anger is not a plan. Here's what I want to do, and that's why I hope you will support me, because I think it will actually improve the lives of Americans."
- Hillary Clinton
Collection: Jobs
Image of Hillary Clinton
I've been really impressed at some of the investments that I've seen in community college and technical schools that are training young people for these jobs in 3D printing and the like.
- Hillary Clinton
Collection: Jobs
Image of Hillary Clinton
How do we create jobs for so many Americans who are feeling pushed out, not just left out, pushed out of the modern economy. Obviously it's skills and education. But it's also jobs. So if I could do anything it would be to take this moment in time that we've got when, yes, our recovery is better, we've had steadier growth, I don't think President [Barack] Obama frankly gets the credit he deserves for the kind of steady hand that he and his advisers apply to moving through that really dangerous period.
- Hillary Clinton
Collection: Jobs
Image of Cesar Chavez
If you're outraged at conditions, then you can't possibly be free or happy until you devote all your time to changing them and do nothing but that. But you can't change anything if you want to hold onto a good job, a good way of life and avoid sacrifice.
- Cesar Chavez
Collection: Jobs
Image of Brit Marling
I totally love my job, and I wake up every day basically thinking about how can I do my job better. It never feels like a job. It's hard, and it's exhausting sometimes, but it never feels like - I would do this even if they didn't pay me to do it. That's a pretty amazing feeling.
- Brit Marling
Collection: Jobs
Image of Craig Newmark
We want to offer job training and mentoring and build the site with more robust, reliable and flexible technology.
- Craig Newmark
Collection: Jobs
Image of Narendra Modi
Every bank should give an economic opportunity to one woman, one dalit or one tribal person to become entrepreneurs. This will create many job opportunities. So this is the basis of my economic philosophy.
- Narendra Modi
Collection: Jobs
Image of George W. Bush
The only way we can win is if we leave before the job is...done.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Jobs
Image of George W. Bush
Trying to stop suiciders -- which we're doing a pretty good job of on occasion -- is difficult to do. And what the Iraqis are going to have to eventually do is convince those who are conducting suiciders who are not inspired by Al Qaeda, for example, to realize there's a peaceful tomorrow.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Jobs
Image of John Eliot
I have discovered that I cannot enhance anybody's performance without getting them not only to live with the butterflies that come with high-pressure jobs but to embrace that kind of physical response, enjoy it, get into it. That's the first real ticket to being a performer who thinks exceptionally.
- John Eliot
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ava DuVernay
All these women had directed movies that I loved on the film festival circuit, but couldn't get a job making television. That's how locked down TV is.
- Ava DuVernay
Collection: Jobs
Image of Augusten Burroughs
In general, advertising isn't a "creative" atmosphere. It's a business atmosphere and your job is puzzle solving. My favorite aspect of the business, I guess, was presenting to clients. What I enjoyed least were the clients. Worried corporate brand managers, trying to dumb-down their ads for the stupid American population. I hated the disrespect that these people had for "consumers."
- Augusten Burroughs
Collection: Jobs
Image of George W. Bush
Education is how to help the person who's lost a job. Education is how to make sure we've got a workforce that's productive and competitive.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Jobs
Image of Brian Tracy
Make a total commitment to your company, your job, and your career. Uncommitted people have no future.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Jobs
Image of Edmund Burke
In their nomination to office they will not appoint to the exercise of authority as to a pitiful job, but as to a holy function.
- Edmund Burke
Collection: Jobs
Image of Charlie Munger
Our job is to find a few intelligent things to do, not to keep up with every damn thing in the world.
- Charlie Munger
Collection: Jobs
Image of Dennis Hopper
You know, this is such a rich time that we've just been involved in, and there's really a job now for historians. Film is still very young. This is the first hundred years of filmmaking. So I think it's important that we have some sense of history and continuity. Especially in film.
- Dennis Hopper
Collection: Jobs
Image of Richard Rodriguez
The average age in the U.S. is now thirty-three, whereas Mexico gets younger and younger, retreats deeper and deeper into adolescence. Mexico is fifteen. Mexico is wearing a Hard Rock Cafe T-shirt and wandering around Tijuana looking for a job, for a date, for something to put on her face to take care of the acne.
- Richard Rodriguez
Collection: Jobs
Image of Richard Rodriguez
Who knows what Yale thought it was getting when it hired Richard Rodriguez? The people who offered me the job thought there was nothing wrong with that. I thought there was something very wrong. I still do. I think race-based affirmative action is crude and absolutely mistaken.
- Richard Rodriguez
Collection: Jobs