Top Jobs Quotes Collection - Page 104

Discover a curated collection of Jobs quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 104 provides more Jobs quotes.

Image of Tullian Tchividjian
My job is not to show my children that I'm the man, but to show them that Christ is the man.
- Tullian Tchividjian
Collection: Jobs
Image of Alex Steffen
Copenhagen has done a remarkable job creating streets that are focused on bicycles and pedestrians.
- Alex Steffen
Collection: Jobs
Image of Wendell Berry
People talk about "job creation," as if that had ever been the aim the industrial economy. The aim was to replace people with machines.
- Wendell Berry
Collection: Jobs
Image of Vladimir Putin
My job is not only to give medals, you know, which certainly is part of my function. First and foremost, though, my job is about ensuring success of the work in various spheres. It is a kind of day-to-day spadework.
- Vladimir Putin
Collection: Jobs
Image of Tom Peters
One reason (among many) that women may well take over the world of "virtual enterprises" is that they seem to have a greater instinct for networking. And the unfettered-by-machismo males who have taken to networking will do better than those who shun it as "sissy stuff." But truth is, it has always been the age of "networkers"; and in an era where organizations depend more and more on tenuously connected outsiders to get the job done, it will only become so.
- Tom Peters
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ilona Andrews
Dali blinked at me. "Would you mind making coffee while you're dancing? I smell it on the bottom shelf, either first or second jar on the left." I opened the first jar and looked inside. Coffee. The label said BORAX. "What's up with the labels?" Dali shrugged. "You're in the house of a cat whose job is to spy. He thinks he's clever. I'd be careful with the silverware drawer. There might be a bomb in it.
- Ilona Andrews
Collection: Jobs
Image of Alan Rickman
With the best intentions, the job of acting can become a display of accumulated bad habits, trapped instincts and blocked energies. Working with the Alexander Technique has given me sightings of another way... Mind and body, work and life together. Real imaginative freedom.
- Alan Rickman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Alan Rickman
One thing I will say - my job gets harder and harder. The more you understand about what you are capable of, the less the instrument can do it physically. It's an inverse equation, if that's the right phrase. I just slammed those two words together. It sounded right.
- Alan Rickman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bruce Springsteen
There's a beauty in work and I love it, all different kinds of work. That's what I consider it. Rock is my job, and that's my work. And I work my ass off, you know.
- Bruce Springsteen
Collection: Jobs
Image of Larry Niven
For each human being there is an optimum ratio between change and stasis. Too little change, he grows bored. Too little stability, he panics and loses his ability to adapt. One who marries six times in ten years won't change jobs. One who moves often to serve his company will maintain a stable marriage. A woman chained to one home and family may redecorate frantically or take a lover or go to many costume parties.
- Larry Niven
Collection: Jobs
Image of Sheryl Sandberg
In those same 10 years, women are getting more and more of the graduate degrees, more and more of the undergraduate degrees, and it's translating into more women in entry-level jobs, even more women in lower-level management. But there's absolutely been no progress at the top. You can't explain away 10 years. Ten years of no progress is no progress.
- Sheryl Sandberg
Collection: Jobs
Image of Hunter S. Thompson
["Where the Buffalo Roam" is] horrible pile of crap. [Bill] Murray did a good job. But it was a bad script. You can't beat a bad script. It was just a horrible movie. A cartoon. But Bill Murray did a good job. We actually wrote and shot several different endings and beginnings and they all got cut out in the end. It was disappointing.
- Hunter S. Thompson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Matt Bomer
I think your text [script] is everything; it's what informs you; it's what gives you the given circumstances. Then you take that and you add your own creativity and your own spin on things and you make it personal. That's what makes that character and that text unique to you, when you personalize it. I think that's where your job as an actor comes in.
- Matt Bomer
Collection: Jobs
Image of Danielle Steel
But even she had figured out that there was no point giving up a great job and following him to the ends of the earth, when he simply refused to make any promises about, or even discuss, the future.
- Danielle Steel
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jose Mourinho
Three years without a Premiership title? I don't think I would still be in a job.
- Jose Mourinho
Collection: Jobs
Image of Joss Whedon
Directing is such alchemy, it's so easy to fail. And I've seen people who are great at their jobs because everybody has a go. Editors, DPs, actors, craft services guy, everybody wants to try it out but it is such a diffuse but necessary set of skills that you never know which one this person might lack.
- Joss Whedon
Collection: Jobs
Image of Britney Spears
Being famous is just a job.
- Britney Spears
Collection: Jobs
Image of Simon Sinek
Of course there are people out there who are helping others find their why. Some are doing a really great job and some are doing a not so great job. I love the fact there are people out there, and consultants out there doing that.
- Simon Sinek
Collection: Jobs
Image of Simon Sinek
My job is to preach and preach and preach.
- Simon Sinek
Collection: Jobs
Image of Alan Watts
It's time to question a job or career move when it seems like most energy is devoted to making things appear other than what they really are.
- Alan Watts
Collection: Jobs
Image of Charles R. Swindoll
I don't have to explain or defend the will of God. My job is simply to obey it.
- Charles R. Swindoll
Collection: Jobs
Image of Steve Wozniak
He [Steve Jobs] had more of the future vision: We can bring this to everyone; we can start a company; we can sell it.
- Steve Wozniak
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mark Zuckerberg
When people are connected, we can just do some great things. They have the opportunity to get access to jobs, education, health, communications. We have the opportunity to bring the people we care about closer to us.
- Mark Zuckerberg
Collection: Jobs
Image of Barack Obama
I think raising wages, investing in infrastructure, making sure that people have access to good educations that equip them for the jobs of the future. Those are all agenda items that would help alleviate some of those economic pressures and dislocations that people are experiencing. The problem was I couldn't convince the Republican Congress to pass a lot of them.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jeff Bridges
You don't want to do what your parents want you to do. You got your own things. And the whole idea of getting a job because of who your father is - that didn't isn't right.
- Jeff Bridges
Collection: Jobs
Image of Lara Stone
When I was the first time for a job in New York, I saw Natalia Vodianova on an oversized billboard in Times Square on a Calvin Klein billboard.
- Lara Stone
Collection: Jobs
Image of Alvin Toffler
Designer's derive their rewards from 'inner standards of excellence, from the intrinsic satisfaction of their tasks. They are committed to the task, not the job. To their standards, not their boss.' So whereas most people divide their lives between time spent earning money and time spent spending it, designers generally lead a seamless existence in which work and play are synonymous. As Milanese designer Richard Sapper put it: "I never work-all the time."
- Alvin Toffler
Collection: Jobs
Image of Paul Ryan
We want manufacturing to return to America. We want jobs. Economic growth.
- Paul Ryan
Collection: Jobs
Image of Paul Ryan
I`d say is stimulus infrastructure spending is not instant jobs. I think the real reason the president [Donald Trump] wants to do this is because we have a crumbling infrastructure problem and you need a good modern infrastructure for economic growth to occur.
- Paul Ryan
Collection: Jobs
Image of Paul Ryan
We think that`s necessary just as a foundation for economic growth. It`s not the jobs in and of themselves, which you do make by building bridges and things like this, but it`s the economic growth that comes from having a modern infrastructure that is in dire need of repair.
- Paul Ryan
Collection: Jobs
Image of Paul Ryan
Not just the jobs building the infrastructure, but you need to have a good highway system. You need to have a good bridge system, a good pipeline system, a good canal and waterway system for economic growth to occur, for a modern economy to succeed.
- Paul Ryan
Collection: Jobs
Image of Amanda Palmer
I feel that part of my life's artwork is creatively dealing with all this negativity and anger and rage and hatred coming from whatever corners it's coming from and somehow manifesting all of that anger into something positive, which is such a hard job.
- Amanda Palmer
Collection: Jobs
Image of Amanda Palmer
I feel like if I were to play the game completely and just get myself in a giant bottle of nail polish and put myself on display, I would feel like I had somehow cosmically lost. I feel like I'm taking a bunch of the ingredients and using some of them but not all of them and shuffling around and making people think I'm doing my job.
- Amanda Palmer
Collection: Jobs
Image of Amanda Palmer
One thing about being a performer is you're not just doing an intellectual job behind a desk; you're out there performing and being looked at, being assessed for really superficial stuff.
- Amanda Palmer
Collection: Jobs
Image of Amanda Palmer
I nurture my close relationships like priceless lamps. That's part of why the job itself is inherently difficult and kind of a paradox, because you're out there touring and traveling and going a million miles a minute, but the things that are keeping you steady and stable can be really hard to nurture when you're going fast, and your relationships, which are the number one thing that help me through.
- Amanda Palmer
Collection: Jobs
Image of Manny Pacquiao
We have a job to do. After the fight, I'll love him.
- Manny Pacquiao
Collection: Jobs
Image of Hilary Swank
My male counterpart will get paid ten times more than me - 10 times. Not double, but 10 times for the same job. We only have this much left for the female actress. I mean, there’s two genders on this Earth. Both are compelling, interesting, diverse, wonderful in all their own separate ways. And yet there’s an influx of male roles and there's just not for women.
- Hilary Swank
Collection: Jobs
Image of Julia Roberts
I do think that I am fundamentally the same relatively simple person I've always been. I just have this flashy, wacky job [actress] that confuses people into thinking that I'm somehow ultrafascinating.
- Julia Roberts
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jeanette Winterson
Life is so simple when you're just doing your job.
- Jeanette Winterson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Donald Trump
Together we can save American lives, American jobs, and American futures.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Jobs
Image of Donald Trump
Accomplishing this missile rebuild and our military retooling will be a 50-state effort. Every state in the union will be able to take part in rebuilding our military and developing technologies of tomorrow. In other words, the workers and the jobs will take place throughout the United States.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Jobs
Image of Donald Trump
These new investments in cyber security and the modernization of our military will spur substantial new job creation in the private sector and help create the jobs and technologies of tomorrow. It's what we have to do. America must be the world's dominant technological powerhouse of the twenty-first century, and young Americans - including in our inner cities - should get these new jobs!
- Donald Trump
Collection: Jobs
Image of Donald Trump
I will bring back jobs. You [Hillary Clinton] can't bring back jobs.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Jobs
Image of George Orwell
I suppose there is no place in the world where snobbery is quite so ever-present or where it is cultivated in such refined and subtle forms as in an English public school. Here at least one cannot say that English ‘education’ fails to do its job. You forget your Latin and Greek within a few months of leaving school — I studied Greek for eight or ten years, and now, at thirty-three, I cannot even repeat the Greek alphabet — but your snobbishness, unless you persistently root it out like the bindweed it is, sticks by you till your grave.
- George Orwell
Collection: Jobs
Image of Randy Alcorn
The opportunities for using our financial resources to spread the gospel and strengthen the church all over the world are greater than they've ever been. As God raised up Esther for just such a time as hers, I'm convinced he's raise us up, with all our wealth, to help fulfill the great commission. The question is, what are we doing with that money? Our job is to make sure it gets to his intended recipients.
- Randy Alcorn
Collection: Jobs
Image of Kate Winslet
I don't read reviews. Just because that is something that's directly connected to my job. I'm doing this because I love it, not because I'm necessarily looking for approval or anything like that. To me, it seems that reading reviews - whether they're good ones or bad ones - can only sort of force the person to divorce themselves from the reality of what it is they do for a living. So I don't read reviews.
- Kate Winslet
Collection: Jobs
Image of Kate Winslet
People say to me, 'You seem to have made this conscious decision to do independent films'. In reality, I haven't. After each movie, I always think, 'how different can I possibly be? Is this going to challenge me, is this going to inspire me, and is this going to make me love my job more than I already do?'
- Kate Winslet
Collection: Jobs
Image of Donald Trump
In America, we are living through the greatest jobs theft in the history of the world. They are taking our companies, they are taking our jobs, and our politicians, many of whom are stupid and many of whom are corrupt, are allowing it to happen. We're not going to allow it any longer.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Jobs
Image of Donald Trump
America has lost one-third of its manufacturing jobs since NAFTA, a deal signed by Bill Clinton and supported strongly by Hillary Clinton. And by the way, the single worst trade deal ever made in history anywhere.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Jobs