Kate Winslet

Image of Kate Winslet
The good and bad things are what form us as people... change makes us grow.
- Kate Winslet
Collection: Change
Image of Kate Winslet
It doesn't make any sense... that's why I trust it!
- Kate Winslet
Collection: Trust
Image of Kate Winslet
Ah, my dad's whistle. On holidays when I was a kid, we would all be off in the rock pools along the beach. When it came time to go, we'd hear the whistle and we'd all come running. Like dogs!
- Kate Winslet
Collection: Dad
Image of Kate Winslet
So I won an Oscar. It's amazing. I've got that for the rest of my life for a performance I am proud of. It nearly killed me. I am really proud of the film. That's it, moving on.
- Kate Winslet
Collection: Moving
Image of Kate Winslet
I'm not very technically minded. I mean, I don't know how to do e-mail on computers.
- Kate Winslet
Collection: Computers
Image of Kate Winslet
I have been a parent since I was 25. That's a large chunk of my adult life. Mother or father, it transforms you completely.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
Anyone who's been through divorce will know that every day is really hard.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
As an adult and a parent, when I'm not acting, I'm not acting. I'm being a parent, and I'm on the school run, and I'm sewing labels onto socks. That's what I'm doing.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
Kitchens are so important. They're the heart of everything.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
Lots of male friendships begin as a cheeky snog. Or a little undercurrent of flirtation.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
I'm not a believer in hiding things from my kids because ultimately they are going to have questions - they feel things.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
I am very strong. When you have children, you have to be.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
I think confidence does come with time, and I've been really surprised by that, actually.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
It makes me sound like a domestic freak, but I care very much about my kids' nutrition.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
Being told to cut off and walk away from a child - I cannot imagine it. I think I'd rather die.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
What I've learned about acting is that it needs to be mysterious. If you overthink how a beat needs to be played, it can trip you up.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
I get up extremely early in the morning.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
I've had a very full and lovely career so far, and I can't honestly say that I've ever really found myself in a man's world, struggling for an identity or trying to prove something.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
I lend my daughter beauty products, but only as a treat. If she's going to a party, I'll let her borrow a mascara or moisturizer.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
Awards season is always a huge amount of fun whether you're a part of it or not. It's always really exciting seeing what films are coming and a lot of new talent as well.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
My grandparents - both of my mother's parents - were actors, and they ran the Reading Repertory Theatre Company, through the town of Reading, where I come from.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
I was always quite good with accents - I always had quite a good ear - so from the age of about 13, I used to do a lot of voiceover and dubbing for foreign films.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
Weirdly, when I'm playing an English person, I feel like I've got nothing to hang on to, and it feels a bit strange and exposing.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
'Harry Potter' really harnessed the imagination of so many young-adult minds, and it's the same with the 'Divergent' series.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
I'm not a gardener. I wish I was.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
I've never really been a girly-girl.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
Acting is bloody scary.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
To produce foie gras, ducks and geese are force-fed enormous amounts of grain and fat, which causes their livers to swell to many times the normal size.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
I don't have those great, strong, glowing pregnancies.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
I don't read magazine articles that I've been in.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
At a certain point in one's career, it's really wonderful when your child turns around and goes, 'Oh my God, Mommy, you have to be in that film. My friends are going to die.'
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
Sometimes people ask, 'What do you wish for your children?' and all I say is, 'I want them to be happy being them.'
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
I have wrinkles which are very evident. I will particularly say when I look at movie posters, 'You guys have airbrushed my forehead. Please, can you change it back?'
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
I was 17 when Peter Jackson asked me to be in 'Heavenly Creatures.'
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
I think that between 27 and 37 was a really big learning decade.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
One thing I love about being back is English rain. Looking out of the window now, it's raining, and the sky is dark; I love it. To me, those are reassuringly English things. I love it when it rains.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
I think groundedness is definitely something I grew up with.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
Acting, and the privilege of being able to do it for a living, is so important to me. I don't turn up and just hope for the best. I really fret about it. I do my homework; I prepare myself for the experience of playing a particular character.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
I'm only 5-foot-6, but people think I'm sort of a great big Viking woman. I'm not - I'm completely normal and average.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
I'll eat one cookie, not a whole box of cookies. But I'll still eat the one cookie... sometimes two, or even three. But not the whole box.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
I have moments when I'll stare at a script and say, 'I don't know what I'm doing!' But then I push myself into that feeling because I think panic is important.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
Before I was a mother, if I'd been photographed in a bikini, I'd have been mortified.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
I hate people thinking I'm some pretentious fraud.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
The growing-up-fast part weirdly happened between the ages of 15 and 22.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
I think any form of self-expression is half confidence, half sheer hard work and, maybe, a bit of talent thrown in.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
We're the kind of family that gets together for Sunday lunch. I see my younger sister all the time.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
Film, schmilm. I'm telling you, television is so much harder.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
Sophia Loren is glamorous.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
I am a big believer in marriage.
- Kate Winslet
Image of Kate Winslet
Commitment to one other person in life is glorious.
- Kate Winslet