Top Jobs Quotes Collection - Page 102

Discover a curated collection of Jobs quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 102 provides more Jobs quotes.

Image of Jonas Salk
My life is pretty well at peace, and the profession is more of an avocation. It's a calling, if you like, rather than a job. I do what I feel impelled to do, as an artist would.
- Jonas Salk
Collection: Jobs
Image of Rick Yancey
It isn't up to me to break his heart; that's time's job.
- Rick Yancey
Collection: Jobs
Image of John Boehner
The bill that was about jobs, jobs, jobs has turned into a bill that's about spending, spending, spending.
- John Boehner
Collection: Jobs
Image of Michelle Obama
I don't have the stressful job. Barack Obama does.
- Michelle Obama
Collection: Jobs
Image of Terry Pratchett
I would advise budding writers some other kind of job, unless they think they're very, very lucky.
- Terry Pratchett
Collection: Jobs
Image of Nathaniel Branden
We do not hear the term compassionate applied to business executives or entrepreneurs, certainly not when they are engaged in their normal work. Yet in terms of results in the measurable form of jobs created, lives enriched, communities built, living standards raised, and poverty healed, a handful of capitalists has done infinitely more for mankind than all the self-serving politicians, academics, social workers, and religionists who march under the banner of compassion.
- Nathaniel Branden
Collection: Jobs
Image of Donald Miller
Job found contentment and even joy, outside the context of comfort, health or stability. He understood the story was not about him, and he cared more about the story then he did about himself.
- Donald Miller
Collection: Jobs
Image of Roger Ailes
I hire people who can do their jobs and who will advise me of things they don't agree with. The worst thing you can do is get in a room with 14 people who say, "OK!" Then you really are making decisions about engineering and finance and other areas.
- Roger Ailes
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jodi Picoult
I learned a long time ago with you that folks who were trying to be kind would rather do it with a macaroni-and-cheese bake than any personal involvement. You hand off a serving dish and you've done your job - no need to get personally involved, and your conscience is clean. Food is the currency of aid.
- Jodi Picoult
Collection: Jobs
Image of Donald Trump
We're losing all our jobs. Look at Indiana. One of the reasons I won Indiana is because Carrier just announced they are leaving for Mexico.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Jobs
Image of Paul Ryan
I think it's important to not have some sort of one-size-fits-all program in Washington, which has downsides, like killing entry-level jobs. But pulling people into the workforce...
- Paul Ryan
Collection: Jobs
Image of Ilchi Lee
. . . if you close your eyes and begin to feel your breath, it will instantly become deeper and slower, and your mind will become calmer. Then gradually you'll become aware of your body, or more precisely the subtle sense of energy inside and around your body. At that moment, you exist as Energy-Consciousness, not as names, jobs, duties, roles, desires, and so on.
- Ilchi Lee
Collection: Jobs
Image of Kurt Vonnegut
One of [ways being lucky] was to go to school during the Great Depression because teaching became a plum job.
- Kurt Vonnegut
Collection: Jobs
Image of Kurt Vonnegut
It's incumbent on the President to entertain. Clinton did a better job of it - and was forgiven for the scandals, incidentally. Bush is entertaining us with what I call the Republican Super Bowl, which is played by the lower classes using live ammunition.
- Kurt Vonnegut
Collection: Jobs
Image of Gene Wilder
Gene Wilder often said that his job as an actor wasn't to make something funny but to make it real.
- Gene Wilder
Collection: Jobs
Image of Michael Eric Dyson
That is my job as an intellectual, as an extension of my vocation: to engage in a serious reckoning with the present manifestation of both white supremacy, white refusal to acknowledge culpability, and the attempts of black people to re-describe the harm and trauma we've endured, as well as to say afresh what it is that must be done if we are to be conscientious.
- Michael Eric Dyson
Collection: Jobs
Image of Terry Pratchett
Up until now I'd always though RSI meant 'I hate my damn job'.
- Terry Pratchett
Collection: Jobs
Image of Donald Trump
America has lost nearly one-third of its manufacturing jobs since 1997 following the enactment of disastrous trade deals supported by Bill and Hillary Clinton.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Jobs
Image of Donald Trump
Hillary Clinton has supported virtually every trade agreement that has been destroying our middle class. She supported NAFTA and she supported China's entrance into the World Trade Organization, another one of her husband's colossal mistakes and disasters. She supported the job-killing trade deal with South Korea. She supported the Trans-Pacific Partnership which will not only destroy our manufacturing, but it will make America subject to the rulings of foreign governments. And it's not going to happen.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Jobs
Image of Billy Bob Thornton
Directing takes a good chunk of your life out. It's a very hard thing. As an actor, you go in for a couple of months and do your job, and then you move onto another one. As a director, it's with you for quite some time and you're responsible for the entire thing, whether the results are good or bad, or whether people throw darts at you or put you on a pedestal.
- Billy Bob Thornton
Collection: Jobs
Image of Christopher Moore
A woman’s magazine quiz: Question: You decide to do the dread deed and just as things are starting to get hot he comes, rolls over, and asks, “Was it good for you?” You: a. Say, “God, yes! That was the best seventeen seconds of my life” b. Say, “Sure, as good as it gets for me with a man.” c. Put a Certs in your navel and say, “That’s for you, Mr. Bunnyman. You can have it on your way back up, after the job is finished
- Christopher Moore
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jim Rohn
I'm working full time on my job and part time on my fortune
- Jim Rohn
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mark Nepo
Our job is not to expose the mystery but to participate in it.
- Mark Nepo
Collection: Jobs
Image of David Sedaris
I can't seem to fathom that the things important to me are not important to other people as well, and so I come off sounding like a missionary, someone whose job it is to convert rather than listen.
- David Sedaris
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mike Pence
The president [Donald Trump] said his three-part agenda is jobs, jobs, jobs.
- Mike Pence
Collection: Jobs
Image of David Beckham
I feel I can still do the same job as I did 10 years ago - I've just got a few more wrinkles!
- David Beckham
Collection: Jobs
Image of Lee Kuan Yew
You take a poll of any people. What is it they want? The right to write an editorial as you like? They want homes, medicine, jobs, schools.
- Lee Kuan Yew
Collection: Jobs
Image of Cornel West
When you think of 244 years of slavery and 81 years of that finally you are going to be allowed to be part of the pool from which people choose jobs. That's not a substantive kind of move, but it was very important.
- Cornel West
Collection: Jobs
Image of Benjamin Spock
Don't worry about trying to do a perfect job. There is no perfect job. There is no one way of raising your children.
- Benjamin Spock
Collection: Jobs
Image of Denzel Washington
I love research and being educated. It's a great job being able to step into all kinds of professions and into other people's shoes.
- Denzel Washington
Collection: Jobs
Image of Elizabeth Warren
That's how we build the economy of the future. An economy with more jobs and less debt, we root it in fairness. We grow it with opportunity. And we build it together.
- Elizabeth Warren
Collection: Jobs
Image of Steven Spielberg
I basically went into business for myself. But it never amounted to anything. I learned a lot about editing and dubbing by watching all the professionals do it, but I never got a job out of my imposition.
- Steven Spielberg
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jason Reitman
I think when you pay attention to the shots, you're aware of the fact that there's a director. Really, it's the director's job to disappear and allow the movie to just feel.
- Jason Reitman
Collection: Jobs
Image of Kevin Spacey
The most important definition of an actor, the job of the actor, is to serve the writer, not yourself. Way too many actors serve themselves.
- Kevin Spacey
Collection: Jobs
Image of Russell Simmons
The person who understands Dharma will have the opposite reaction to a "hard" job. That person will be eager to get started, no matter what kind of work is in front of her, because she understands that she's doing God's work. And when you're working for God, nothing is too hard.
- Russell Simmons
Collection: Jobs
Image of Henry Rollins
The rich survive and everyone else gets ready to work 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 jobs and what do you get? Blade Runner. Welcome to your science fiction. Your 21st century. I think that's where it goes. The rich get richer and everyone else... the middle class kind of starts dropping lower and lower.
- Henry Rollins
Collection: Jobs
Image of Tupac Shakur
Yo get a real job. Rappin doesn't pay the rent, I hate the studio cause that's where all my money went.
- Tupac Shakur
Collection: Jobs
Image of Donald Trump
I talk about jobs, I talk about our veterans being mistreated.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Jobs
Image of Donald Trump
These guys sit in the Senate - even though he misses most of the votes, by the way - but he sits in the Senate and listens to this stuff all the time.I'm out working, producing jobs all over the place and building a great company.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Jobs
Image of Rick Perry
But of course, now we're told we're in recovery but this sure doesn't feel like a recovery to more than 9 percent of the Americans out there who are unemployed, or the 16 percent of the African-Americans, 11 percent of Hispanics in the same position, or the millions who can only find part-time work or those who have even stopped looking for a job.
- Rick Perry
Collection: Jobs
Image of Shawn Achor
You can eliminate depression without making someone happy. You can cure anxiety without teaching someone optimism. You can return someone to work without improving their job performance. If all you strive for is diminishing the bad, you'll only attain the average and you'll miss out entirely on the opportunity to exceed the average.
- Shawn Achor
Collection: Jobs
Image of Donald Trump
We have jobs that are in the pipeline, and I deal with all the executives, the big ones and the small ones. I have really gotten to know America.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Jobs
Image of Donald Trump
I'm so focused on doing a great job as President.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Jobs
Image of Donald Trump
In America, we're being stripped of our jobs, our good jobs are really good down, and we've got to stop it. And the only way you're going to stop it, the nice way is, we're reducing taxes very substantially for companies so they're not going to have to leave because of taxes. We'll be reducing regulations. Now those are the nice ways of doing it and everyone loves it and everyone's happy. Businesses, way down. Also middle class, but way down, O.K., taxes and regulations.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Jobs
Image of Mike Nichols
It's not a filmmaker's job to explain his technique but to tell his story the best way he can.
- Mike Nichols
Collection: Jobs
Image of Caroline Myss
Developing personal power includes learning not to negotiate your self-worth for the sake of someone else or sell yourself short for a job.
- Caroline Myss
Collection: Jobs
Image of Marco Rubio
Legal immigration is good for America, if it's controlled and structured via the legal process, of course. But the problem is the system we have in place right now is broken. For example, it is completely family based which means that it's based not on what you can do or what talent you have or what merit you bring or what job you could fill, but rather on whether you know someone who already lives here.
- Marco Rubio
Collection: Jobs
Image of Bill Murray
I think the only reason I've had the career life that I've had is that someone told me some secrets early on about living. You can do the very best you can when you're very, very relaxed, no matter what it is or what your job is, the more relaxed you are the better you are. That's sort of why I got into acting. I realized the more fun I had, the better I did it. And I thought, that's a job I could be proud of. It's changed my life learning that, and it's made me better at what I do.
- Bill Murray
Collection: Jobs
Image of Barack Obama
I don't believe that the American people want us to focus on our job security. They want us to focus on their job security. I don't think they want more gridlock. I don't think they want more partisanship. I don't think they want more obstruction. They didn't send us to Washington to fight each other in some sort of political steel-cage match to see who comes out alive. That's not what they want. They sent us to Washington to work together, to get things done, and to solve the problems that they're grappling with every single day.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Jobs