Top home Quotes Collection - Page 90

Discover a curated collection of home quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 90 provides more home quotes.

Image of Graham Greene
Yesterday I went home with him and we did the usual things. I haven't the nerve to put them down, but I'd like to, because now when I'm writing it's already tomorrow and I'm afraid of getting to the end of yesterday. As long as I go on writing, yesterday is today and we are still together
- Graham Greene
Collection: Home
Image of Elizabeth Gaskell
Man, through all ages of revolving time, Unchanging man, in every varying clime, Deems his own land of every land the pride, Beloved by heaven o'er all the world beside; Home, the spot of earth supremely blest, A dearer, sweeter spot than all the rest.
- Elizabeth Gaskell
Collection: Home
Image of Cornelia Funke
Dustfinger closed his eyes and listened. He was home again.
- Cornelia Funke
Collection: Home
Image of Morgan Freeman
In my home, who is my boss? If you ask my wife she'll say certainly not her. She claims that she can't make me do anything and so she's not my boss. I am. I'm pretty sure, maybe.
- Morgan Freeman
Collection: Home
Image of Erich Fromm
The sick individual finds himself at home with all other similarly sick individuals. The whole culture is geared to this kind of pathology.
- Erich Fromm
Collection: Home
Image of Neil Gaiman
We have to get the... the thing I got... to the Angel. And then he'll tell Door about her family, and he'll tell me how to get home." Lamia looked at Hunter with delight. "And he can give you brains," she said, cheerfully, "and me a heart.
- Neil Gaiman
Collection: Home
Image of Tom Ford
At home, off-duty, I wear T-shirts from Fruit of the Loom - but I have them tailored.
- Tom Ford
Collection: Home
Image of Charlotte Perkins Gilman
The best proof of man's dissatisfaction with the home is found in his universal absence from it.
- Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Collection: Home
Image of Charlotte Perkins Gilman
The home is a human institution. All human institutions are open to improvement.
- Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Collection: Home
Image of Nancy Grace
If I was to listen and pay attention to everyone that criticized me, I'd stay home under the bed.
- Nancy Grace
Collection: Home
Image of Bear Grylls
There is no feeling like coming home after danger.
- Bear Grylls
Collection: Home
Image of Stephen Fry
Estate agents. You can't live with them, you can't live with them. The first sign of these nasty purulent sores appeared round about 1894. With their jangling keys, nasty suits, revolting beards, moustaches and tinted spectacles, estate agents roam the land causing perturbation and despair. If you try and kill them, you're put in prison: if you try and talk to them, you vomit. There's only one thing worse than an estate agent but at least that can be safely lanced, drained and surgically dressed. Estate agents. Love them or loathe them, you'd be mad not to loathe them.
- Stephen Fry
Collection: Home
Image of Alan Greenspan
A decline in the national housing price level would need to be substantial to trigger a significant rise in foreclosures, because the vast majority of homeowners have built up substantial equity in their homes despite large mortgage-market financed withdrawals of home equity in recent years.
- Alan Greenspan
Collection: Home
Image of Aristotle
This body is not a home, but an inn; and that only for a short time. Seneca Friendship is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.
- Aristotle
Collection: Home
Image of Neil Gaiman
I’m an author. We don’t want to lead. We don’t need to follow. We stay home and make stuff up and write it down and send it out into the world, and get inside people’s heads. Perhaps we change the world and perhaps we don’t. We never know. We just make stuff up.
- Neil Gaiman
Collection: Home
Image of Neil Gaiman
It's not the fish you catch, it's the peace of mind you take home at the end of the day.
- Neil Gaiman
Collection: Home
Image of Ameen Rihani
True knowledge is power; but in order to feel at home with it, we must be constitutionally qualified. And if we are not, it is likely to give the soul such a twist as to deform it forever.
- Ameen Rihani
Collection: Home
Image of Mahatma Gandhi
Nonviolence cannot be learnt by staying at home.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Collection: Home
Image of Zach Anner
What's great about this hotel [Sheraton Universal Hotel in Universal City, CA] is that I stayed here for a month when I was competing on the Oprah reality show. So it's like coming home.
- Zach Anner
Collection: Home
Image of Michael Franti
The hardest part about what I do, the most vulnerable place is my relationship with my family and Sara, my amazing partner, because I'm leaving a lot. And as a touring artist, I'm constantly coming and going, but also when I'm at home, my studio's at home. I'm leaving to go into a music world in my head.
- Michael Franti
Collection: Home
Image of Barney Frank
Trying to avert foreclosures, once you can't just force the banks to do it as a condition of getting aid, means that you have to put some public money into it or you have to do other things that are politically unpopular. From the macroeconomic standpoint there is overwhelming need to help people reduce what they owe so that we don't get the foreclosures and we don't get people kicked out of their homes. On the other hand, there is great resistance politically to helping people, not all of whom would be worth recipients of the help.
- Barney Frank
Collection: Home
Image of Edgar Guest
Every thought and every act were to keep this home in tact.
- Edgar Guest
Collection: Home
Image of Edgar Guest
It takes a heap o' livin' in a house t' make it home
- Edgar Guest
Collection: Home
Image of Elizabeth Gaskell
Oh, I can't describe my home. It is home, and I can't put its charm into words
- Elizabeth Gaskell
Collection: Home
Image of Giorgio Armani
Anyhow, even though I have this home theater, I love going out to the movies. Movies are meant to be experienced together.
- Giorgio Armani
Collection: Home
Image of Robert Frost
I never feel more at home than at a ballgame.
- Robert Frost
Collection: Home
Image of Michael Gove
We need a national ambition to build hundreds of thousands of new homes a year, both private and socially-rented - led by someone who will not take no for an answer and who will push for diggers in the ground and homes for all come what may.
- Michael Gove
Collection: Home
Image of Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Historically, the new government had no money to pay for an army, so they relied on the state militias. And the states required men to have certain weapons and they specified in the law what weapons these people had to keep in their home so that when they were called to do service as militiamen, they would have them. That was the entire purpose of the Second Amendment.
- Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Collection: Home
Image of Suzy Kassem
A man of God would never burn or harm a temple of any kind -- regardless of religion. A true man of God would see every temple or divine mansion built to glorify THE CREATOR -- as an extension of the temple closest to his home, regardless of its shape, size, or color. A man who truly recognizes and knows God can see God in all things. Truth can only be seen by those with truth in them.
- Suzy Kassem
Collection: Home
Image of Hannah Arendt
Basically we are always educating for a world that is or is becoming out of joint, for this is the basic human situation, in which the world is created by mortal hands to serve mortals for a limited time as home.
- Hannah Arendt
Collection: Home
Image of Tom Ford
When I come home I actually take off all my clothes, and I wear no clothes until I leave. I eat naked. I do everything completely naked.
- Tom Ford
Collection: Home
Image of Diana Gabaldon
…but Sassenach—I am the true home of your heart, and I know that.” He lifted my hands to his mouth and kissed my upturned palms, one and then the other, his breath warm and his beard-stubble soft on my fingers. “I have loved others, and I do love many, Sassenach—but you alone hold all my heart, whole in your hands,” he said softly. “And you know that.
- Diana Gabaldon
Collection: Home
Image of Mahatma Gandhi
Widowhood imposed by religion or custom is an unbearable yoke and defiles the home by secret vice and degrades religion.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Collection: Home
Image of Neil Gaiman
This little piggy went to Hades This little piggy stayed home This little piggy ate raw and steaming human flesh This little piggy violated virgins And this little piggy clambered over a heap of dead bodies to get to the top
- Neil Gaiman
Collection: Home
Image of Margaret Fuller
A house is no home unless it contains food and fire for the mind as well as for the body. For human beings are not so constituted that they can live without expansion. If they do not get it in one way, they must in another, or perish.
- Margaret Fuller
Collection: Home
Image of Elizabeth Gilbert
I have good idea, for if you meet some person from different religion and he want to make argument about God. My idea is, you listen to everything this man say about God. Never argue about God with him. Best thing to say is, 'I agree with you.' Then you go home, pray what you want. This is my idea for people to have peace about religion.
- Elizabeth Gilbert
Collection: Home
Image of Robert Graves
Kaisers and Czars will strut the stage Once more with pomp and greed and rage; Courtly ministers will stop At home and fight to the last drop; By the million men will die In some new horrible agony.
- Robert Graves
Collection: Home
Image of Paul P. Enns
As believers we have no need to fear death. Christ himself assures us of a safe arrival home in heaven!
- Paul P. Enns
Collection: Home
Image of Martin Lindstrom
The fact that we all leave behind seemingly insignificant clues behind ourselves - emotional DNA or what I call Small Data - which are able to describe with an insane accuracy who we really are, our personalities and desires. But even more how we all represents out of balances - perhaps I feel too overweight, feel alone or feel I haven't achieved what I'd hoped for when hitting 40. These imbalances are surprisingly visible when visiting consumers' homes - and surprisingly invisible when relaying on Big Data.
- Martin Lindstrom
Collection: Home
Image of Charlotte Perkins Gilman
The home is the centre and circumference, the start and the finish, of most of our lives.
- Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Collection: Home
Image of Stephen Jay Gould
Each of the major sciences has contributed an essential ingredient in our long retreat from an initial belief in our own cosmic importance. Astronomy defined our home as a small planet tucked away in one corner of an average galaxy among millions; biology took away our status as paragons created in the image of God; geology gave us the immensity of time and taught us how little of it our own species has occupied.
- Stephen Jay Gould
Collection: Home
Image of Al Gore
We have arrived at a moment of decision. Our home - Earth - is in grave danger. What is at risk of being destroyed is not the planet itself, of course, but the conditions that have made it hospitable for human beings.
- Al Gore
Collection: Home
Image of Charlotte Perkins Gilman
The original necessity for the ceaseless presence of the woman to maintain that altar fire - and it was an altar fire in very truth at one period - has passed with the means of prompt ignition; the matchbox has freed the housewife from that incessant service, but the feeling that women should stay at home is with us yet.
- Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Collection: Home
Image of Boy George
Go home. Let me do my community service.
- Boy George
Collection: Home
Image of Billy Graham
Homes that are built on anything other than love are bound to crumble.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Home
Image of Sue Grafton
There is, apparently, some law of nature decreeing that all home construction must double in its projected cost and take four times longer than originally anticipated.
- Sue Grafton
Collection: Home
Image of Milton Friedman
The great danger to the consumer is the monopoly -whether private or governmental. His most effective protection is free competition at home and free trade throughout the world. The consumer is protected from being exploited by one seller by the existence of another seller from whom he can buy and who is eager to sell to him. Alternative sources of supply protect the consumer far more effectively than all the Ralph Naders of the world.
- Milton Friedman
Collection: Home
Image of Justin Vernon
Even though Wisconsin is the only place I want to be, there was a time when everything felt like it was imploding in my head. It was a whole lot of "me" and it was a little unbearable at times - borderline embarrassing, even. It didn't last long, though, and as soon as I got home everything flooded back. It all boils down to that common denominator of stillness and trying to self-discover - I guess it just feels good when I'm there.
- Justin Vernon
Collection: Home
Image of Jeffrey Gitomer
Home Depot knows 'the more they help, the more they sell'-oh by the way, for the 'bottom liners' who disagree-it's also vice-versa.
- Jeffrey Gitomer
Collection: Home