Top heart Quotes Collection - Page 2

Discover a curated collection of heart quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 2 provides more heart quotes.

Image of John Taylor
You will have all kinds of trials to pass through. And it is quite as necessary for you to be tried as it was for Abraham and other men of God, and (said he) God will feel after you, and He will take hold of you and wrench your very heart strings, and if you cannot stand it you will not be fit for an inheritance in the Celestial Kingdom of God.
- John Taylor
Collection: Heart
Image of Frances E. Willard
The loves of women for each other grow more numerous each day, and I have pondered much why these things were. That so little should be said about them surprises me, for they are everywhere ... In these days when any capable and careful woman can honorably earn her own support, there is no village that has not its examples of two hearts in counsel, both of which are feminine.
- Frances E. Willard
Collection: Heart
Image of Frances E. Willard
Please do not take counsel of women who are so prejudiced that, as I once heard said, they would not allow a male grasshopper to chirp on their lawn; but out of your own great heart, refuse to set an example to such folly.
- Frances E. Willard
Collection: Heart
Image of Beth Kephart
Nature is not the number-one mystery, I’ve learned. It’s the heart that takes top honors.
- Beth Kephart
Collection: Heart
Image of Jeanette Winterson
This hole in my heart is in the shape of you. No one else can fit it. Why would I want them to?
- Jeanette Winterson
Collection: Heart
Image of Aberjhani
Oh what a wonderful soul so bright inside you. Got power to heal the sun’s broken heart, power to restore the moon’s vision too.
- Aberjhani
Collection: Heart
Image of Dean Ornish
Eating a vegetarian diet, walking (exercising) everyday, and meditating is considered radical. Allowing someone to slice your chest open and graft your leg veins in your heart is considered normal and conservative.
- Dean Ornish
Collection: Heart
Image of Neal Shusterman
Love turns a heart to crystal...Much more valuable, but much more fragile.
- Neal Shusterman
Collection: Heart
Image of Sam Peckinpah
I'm a student of violence because I'm a student of the human heart.
- Sam Peckinpah
Collection: Heart
Image of Kiera Cass
Heal my heart and make it clean, open up my eyes to the things unseen, show me how to love like you have loved me.
- Kiera Cass
Collection: Heart
Image of Kiera Cass
There are some things you don't learn about yourself until you let someone else into the most intimate places of your heart.
- Kiera Cass
Collection: Heart
Image of Jeaniene Frost
Be still my non-beating heart.
- Jeaniene Frost
Collection: Heart
Image of Francis Thompson
Deep in my heart subsides the infrequent word, And there dies slowly throbbing like a wounded bird.
- Francis Thompson
Collection: Heart
Image of Sakyong Mipham
Our only reliable source of strength is the goodness of our hearts. Our only foundation for coming to terms with the suffering of the times is our innate need to be decent human beings.
- Sakyong Mipham
Collection: Heart
Image of Sakyong Mipham
If we do not appreciate the sensitivity and subtlety of the human heart, how can we appreciate the sensitivity and subtlety of the natural world?
- Sakyong Mipham
Collection: Heart
Image of Sakyong Mipham
Meditation practice is relevant because in meditation our conceptual mind relaxes and we can feel who we are at heart.
- Sakyong Mipham
Collection: Heart
Image of David Whyte
It's my contention that there is no sincere path a human being can take without breaking his or her it can be a lovely, merciful thing to think, 'Actually, there is no path I can take without having my heart broken, so why not get on with it and stop wanting these extra-special circumstances which stop me from doing something courageous?'
- David Whyte
Collection: Heart
Image of Marina Warner
A society that doesn't know any longer how to observe every death with proper rituals, that does not know that death is not the end, but only part of the journey, has lost its way, has had the very heart of its humanity torn out.
- Marina Warner
Collection: Heart
Image of Meg Rosoff
Perhaps the way to succeed is to think of life on Earth as a colossal joke, a creation of such immense stupidity that the only way to live is to laugh until you think your heart will break.
- Meg Rosoff
Collection: Heart
Image of Meg Rosoff
It's not that he lacked poetry. But his poetry was of the body, not the mind. He spoke it in the way he moved, the way he held a hammer, rowed a boat, built a fire. I, on the other hand, was like a brain in a box, a beating heart in a coal scuttle.
- Meg Rosoff
Collection: Heart
Image of Toni Morrison
Let your face speak what's in your heart.
- Toni Morrison
Collection: Heart
Image of Chaz Bono
I want to create a place where trans people and our allies could come together to share experiences, information and ideas. Being transgender or loving someone who is transgender can be challenging in our society and I hope that members of this site will also use this space as a place to support and encourage each other. Together, we can strengthen our community and open the hearts and minds of others.
- Chaz Bono
Collection: Heart
Image of Patrick Jones
Kara do you love Brad?' All my heart.' Then how can you let him leave next year?' I guess love isn’t enough sometimes.
- Patrick Jones
Collection: Heart
Image of Jürgen Moltmann
That is why faith, wherever it develops into hope, causes not rest but unrest, not patience but impatience. It does not calm the unquiet heart, but is itself this unquiet heart in man. Those who hope in Christ can no longer put up with reality as it is, but begin to suffer under it, to contradict it. Peace with God means conflict with the world, for the goad of the promised future stabs inexorably into the flesh of every unfulfilled present.
- Jürgen Moltmann
Collection: Heart
Image of Seneca the Younger
Eyes will not see when the heart wishes them to be blind.
- Seneca the Younger
Collection: Heart
Image of John Wesley
Let your words be the genuine picture of your heart.
- John Wesley
Collection: Heart
Image of David Foenkinos
Dictionaries stop where the heart starts.
- David Foenkinos
Collection: Heart
Image of Stella Gibbons
Women are all alike - aye fussin' over their fal-lals and bedazin' a man's eyes, when all they really want is man's blood and his heart out of his body and his soul and his pride.
- Stella Gibbons
Collection: Heart
Image of Charles Stanley
From the world’s perspective, there are many places you can go to find comfort. But there is only one place you will find a hand to catch your tears and a heart to listen to your every longing. True peace comes only from God.
- Charles Stanley
Collection: Heart
Image of Abraham Verghese
I think we learn from medicine everywhere that it is, at its heart, a human endeavor, requiring good science but also a limitless curiosity and interest in your fellow human being, and that the physician-patient relationship is key; all else follows from it.
- Abraham Verghese
Collection: Heart
Image of Abraham Verghese
No blade can puncture the human heart like the well-chosen words of a spiteful son.
- Abraham Verghese
Collection: Heart
Image of Christopher Reeve
Even if your body doesn't work the way it used to, the heart and the mind and the spirit are not diminished.
- Christopher Reeve
Collection: Heart
Image of Elizabeth Scott
The thing about hearts is that they always want to keep beating
- Elizabeth Scott
Collection: Heart
Image of Arthur W. Pink
An honest heart seeks to please God in all things and offend Him in none.
- Arthur W. Pink
Collection: Heart
Image of Pope John Paul II
Forgiveness is above all a personal choice, a decision of the heart to go against the natural instinct to pay back evil with evil.
- Pope John Paul II
Collection: Heart
Image of George Lois
Working hard and doing doing great work is as imperative as breathing. Creating great work warms the heart and enriches the soul. Those of us lucky enough to spend our days doing something we love, something we're good at, are rich. If you do not work passionately (even furiously) at being the best in the world at what you do, you fail your talent, your destiny, and your god.
- George Lois
Collection: Heart
Image of Suheir Hammad
i cried when i saw those buildings collapse on themselves like a broken heart.
- Suheir Hammad
Collection: Heart
Image of Arthur Middleton
A priest is the God-bearer or Christ-bearer, a living Eucharist of the divine presence, bringing a sympathetic ear and a compassionate heart in which people find God's consolation, understanding and love.
- Arthur Middleton
Collection: Heart
Image of Elizabeth Moon
Even if a tamed wolf makes a good sheepdog, he will never understand how the sheep feel....You are most fortunate. For having been, as you thought, a coward, and helpless to fight - you know what that is like. You know what bitterness that feeling breeds - you know in your own heart what kind of evil it brings. And so you are most fit to fight it where it occurs.
- Elizabeth Moon
Collection: Heart
Image of Suketu Mehta
The great thing about Bombay is its open, generous heart. I hope - I know - that this spirit will endure. Bombay will adjust.
- Suketu Mehta
Collection: Heart
Image of Paul of the Cross
Be very careful to retain peace of heart, because Satan casts his lines in troubled waters.
- Paul of the Cross
Collection: Heart
Image of George Q. Cannon
It is true that some have greater power of resistance than others, but everyone has the power to close his heart against doubt, against darkness, against unbelief, against anger, against hatred, against jealousy, against malice, against envy. God has given this power unto all of us, and we can gain still greater power by calling upon Him for that which we lack. If it were not so, how could we be condemned for giving way to wrong influences?
- George Q. Cannon
Collection: Heart
Image of Jonathan Maberry
No matter what choice you make, it doesn't define you. Not forever. People can make bad choices and change their minds and hearts and do good things later; just as people can make good choices and then turn around and walk a bad path. No choice we make lasts our whole life. If there's ever a choice you've made that you no longer agree with, you can make another choice.
- Jonathan Maberry
Collection: Heart
Image of Pras Michel
I think there's always room for people to hear different styles of music, especially when it comes from the heart.
- Pras Michel
Collection: Heart
Image of Pierre Trudeau
There are a lot of bleeding hearts around who just dont like to see people with helmets and guns. All I can say is go and bleed It is more important to keep law and order in society than to be worried about weak-kneed people Society must take every means at its disposal to defend itself against the emergence of a parallel power which defies the elected power.
- Pierre Trudeau
Collection: Heart
Image of Marianne Williamson
In every moment we make a decision -- whether conscious or unconscious. Will I choose to open my heart, send love, withhold judgment and thus free myself from fear? Or will I close my heart, project fear instead of extending love, judge others, and thus bind myself to fear? The choice is mine and mine alone.
- Marianne Williamson
Collection: Heart
Image of Steven Pressfield
Put your ass where your heart wants to be.
- Steven Pressfield
Collection: Heart
Image of Steve McCurry
In our contemporary society, one so over-inundated with imagery, it is easy to overlook the power of a single frame to change the way we look at the world, or rally disparate hearts to a single cause. Yet, ours is a society shaped by this very phenomenon.
- Steve McCurry
Collection: Heart