Top heart Quotes Collection - Page 3

Discover a curated collection of heart quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 3 provides more heart quotes.

Image of Anna Sewell
Good Luck is rather particular who she rides with, and mostly prefers those who have got common sense and a good heart; at least that is my experience.
- Anna Sewell
Collection: Heart
Image of Ludwig Feuerbach
The power of thought is the light of knowledge, the power of will is the energy of character, the power of heart is love. Reason, love and power of will are perfections of man.
- Ludwig Feuerbach
Collection: Heart
Image of Margaret George
Mary awoke from her nightmare with a pounding heart, convinced that she had only imagined Elizabeth's cruel plot. A full moon was shining into her chamber, illuminating everything around her in silvery light. That was when she noticed for the first time that there were bars on her window.
- Margaret George
Collection: Heart
Image of Liam Neeson
If someone stands in the way of true justice, you simply walk up behind them, and stab them in the heart.
- Liam Neeson
Collection: Heart
Image of Berkeley Breathed
Liberal, shmiberal. That should be a new word. Shmiberal: one who is assumed liberal, just because he's a professional whiner in the newspaper. If you'll read the subtext for many of those old strips, you'll find the heart of an old-fashioned Libertarian. And I'd be a Libertarian, if they weren't all a bunch of tax-dodging professional whiners.
- Berkeley Breathed
Collection: Heart
Image of Claire Messud
Above all, in my anger, I was sad. Isn't that always the way, that at the heart of the fire is a frozen kernel of sorrow that the fire is trying -- valiantly, fruitlessly -- to eradicate.
- Claire Messud
Collection: Heart
Image of Thomas Brooks
An idle life and a holy heart is a contradiction.
- Thomas Brooks
Collection: Heart
Image of Tennessee Williams
There are no 'good' or 'bad' people. Some are a little better or a little worse, but all are activated more by misunderstanding than malice. A blindness to what is going on in each other's hearts.
- Tennessee Williams
Collection: Heart
Image of Deanna Raybourn
Eva Stachniak has given readers a thrilling glimpse into the scandals and secrets at the heart of the Russian Imperial court. With deft prose and exquisite detail, Stachniak has resurrected one of the most compelling ages in history. Turn off the phones and lock the doors—you will not put it down.
- Deanna Raybourn
Collection: Heart
Image of Katherine Hannigan
...when your heart changes, you change, and you have to make new plans.
- Katherine Hannigan
Collection: Heart
Image of Alice Walker
A writer's heart, a poet's heart, an artist's heart, a musician's heart is always breaking. It is through that broken window that we see the world.
- Alice Walker
Collection: Heart
Image of Alice Walker
Storytelling is how we survive, when there's no feed, the story feeds something, it feeds the spirit, the imagination. I can't imagine life without stories, stories from my parents, my culture. Stories from other people's parents, their culture. That's how we learn from each other, it's the best way. That's why literature is so important, it connects us heart to heart.
- Alice Walker
Collection: Heart
Image of Pam Muñoz Ryan
Oh Esperanza!' said Isabel, jumping up and down and clapping.'I think my heart is dancing.
- Pam Muñoz Ryan
Collection: Heart
Image of Ivan Turgenev
I do not know what the heart of a bad man is like. But i do know what the heart of a good man is like. And it is terrible.
- Ivan Turgenev
Collection: Heart
Image of Nancy Holder
There is a moment after death when things can go one of several ways, when souls can mingle and reunite-or be forever parted. Fate throws the bones, and hearts are mended, or shattered. What tips the balance in one's favor? Is it Mercy, or Grace, or Justice-the names of the three brightest angels? Or is it Love, the name of the One True Being?
- Nancy Holder
Collection: Heart
Image of Frank Lloyd Wright
Love is the virtue of the Heart, Sincerity is the virtue of the Mind, Decision is the virtue of the Will, Courage is the virtue of the Spirit.
- Frank Lloyd Wright
Collection: Heart
Image of Paul Harding
And as the ax bites into the wood, be comforted in the fact that the ache in your heart and the confusion in your soul means that you are still alive, still human, and still open to the beauty of the world, even though you have done nothing to deserve it.
- Paul Harding
Collection: Heart
Image of Paul Harding
When his grandchildren had been little, they had asked if they could hide inside the clock. Now he wanted to gather them and open himself up and hide them among his ribs and faintly ticking heart.
- Paul Harding
Collection: Heart
Image of Joseph Addison
Charity is a virtue of the heart, and not of the hands.
- Joseph Addison
Collection: Heart
Image of Dodie Smith
Even a broken heart doesn't warrant a waste of good paper.
- Dodie Smith
Collection: Heart
Image of Dodie Smith
It came to me that Hyde Park has never belonged to London - that it has always been , in spirit, a stretch of countryside; and that it links the Londons of all periods together most magically - by remaining forever unchanged at the heart of a ever-changing town.
- Dodie Smith
Collection: Heart
Image of David Lee Roth
For the last 30 years, I've been leading a life of crime and international intrigue that's involved 40 stamps in my passport, love affairs, and broken hearts to go with each one of them. You would have to live three lifetimes to catch up with just the allegations that follow me!
- David Lee Roth
Collection: Heart
Image of Antonio Porchia
A large heart can be filled with very little.
- Antonio Porchia
Collection: Heart
Image of Paula McLain
You are everything good and straight and fine and true—and I see that so clearly now, in the way you’ve carried yourself and listened to your own heart. You’ve changed me more than you know, and will always be a part of everything I am. That’s one thing I’ve learned from this. No one you love is ever truly lost.
- Paula McLain
Collection: Heart
Image of Paula McLain
But when Bumby nursed, his fist clutching the fabric of my robe, his eyes soft and bottomless and locked on mine, as if I were the very heart of his universe, I couldn't help but melt into him.
- Paula McLain
Collection: Heart
Image of Raegan Butcher
anyone who has no feelings for animals has a dead heart.
- Raegan Butcher
Collection: Heart
Image of Eamon de Valera
Could he not find in his heart the generosity to acknowledge that there is a small nation that stood alone not for one year or two, but for several hundred years against aggression; that endured spoliations, famines, massacres in endless succession; that was clubbed many times into insensibility, but that each time on returning [to] consciousness took up the fight anew; a small nation that could never be got to accept defeat and has never surrendered her soul?
- Eamon de Valera
Collection: Heart
Image of Cecil Rhodes
When people praise you, don't let it go to your head. When they criticize you, don't let it go to your heart.
- Cecil Rhodes
Collection: Heart
Image of Iggy Pop
I'm a street walking cheetah with a heart full of napalm.
- Iggy Pop
Collection: Heart
Image of Bobby Seale
There's nothing wrong with being a cop. There's nothing wrong with being a white person. It's about where your heart is...We've got to get everyone beyond the xenophobic isolationism.
- Bobby Seale
Collection: Heart
Image of Abel Stevens
A woman . . . always feels herself complimented by love, though it may be from a man incapable of winning her heart, or perhaps even her esteem.
- Abel Stevens
Collection: Heart
Image of Nick Dear
Victor: What does it feel like to be in love? Creature: It feels like everything is boiling over and spilling out of me; it feels like my lungs are on fire, and my heart is a hammer, and I feel like I can do anything...I feel like I can do anything in the world.
- Nick Dear
Collection: Heart
Image of Billy Bob Thornton
Being perfect is not about that scoreboard out there. It's not about winning. It's about you and your relationship with yourself, your family and your friends. Being perfect is about being able to look your friends in the eye and know that you didn't let them down because you told them the truth. And that truth is you did everything you could. There wasn't one more thing you could've done. Can you live in that moment as best you can, with clear eyes, and love in your heart, with joy in your heart? If you can do that gentleman - you're perfect!
- Billy Bob Thornton
Collection: Heart
Image of Billy Bob Thornton
I love acting with all my heart and I love music with all my heart.
- Billy Bob Thornton
Collection: Heart
Image of Yoshiki Nakamura
Just by gazing upon her face... No matter how weary you are, you will feel happy, deep inside your heart, you will feel a warmth This is a "piece of joy" This is all the happiness you need. Normally, we call this "love".
- Yoshiki Nakamura
Collection: Heart
Image of Stedman Graham
We make the best choices when we have invested all of our energies, our hearts, and our souls into a course of action that leads to the accomplishment of goals we are passionate about.
- Stedman Graham
Collection: Heart
Image of Katrina Kenison
As I loosen my grip on the past, as I keep taking one small step after another in the direction I want to go, I discover I'm being supported and guided after all, and that as soon as I'm willing to embrace change, something or someone comes along and shows me how. Magic wasn't something I had to go in search of; it was here within me, all the time. When hearts are open, when love is flowing, magic happens.
- Katrina Kenison
Collection: Heart
Image of Katrina Kenison
Magic wasn't something I had to go in search of; it was here, within me, all the time. When hearts are open, when love is flowing, magic happens.
- Katrina Kenison
Collection: Heart
Image of David Steindl-Rast
Eyes see only light, ears hear only sound, but a listening heart perceives meaning.
- David Steindl-Rast
Collection: Heart
Image of Henry Miller
It is with the soul that we grasp the essence of another human being, not with the mind, nor even with the heart.
- Henry Miller
Collection: Heart
Image of Po Bronson
A conventional ‘success’ story is one where, with each next, the protagonist has more money, more respect, and more possessions. I’d like to suggest an alternative ‘success’ story – one where, with each next, the protagonist is closer to finding that spot where he’s no longer held back by his heart, and he explodes with talent, and his character blossoms, and the gift he has to offer the world is apparent.
- Po Bronson
Collection: Heart
Image of Po Bronson
But I'd rather help than watch. I'd rather have a heart than a mind. I'd rather expose too much than too little. I'd rather say hello to strangers than be afraid of them. I would rather know all this about myself than have more money than I need. I'd rather have something to love than a way to impress you.
- Po Bronson
Collection: Heart
Image of Nancy Leigh DeMoss
There is no man on the face of the earth who can satisfy the deepest longings of a woman's heart--God made us in such a way that we can never be truly satisfied with anything or anyone less than Himself
- Nancy Leigh DeMoss
Collection: Heart
Image of Shirley Bassey
In truth, it requires not only a large intellect, but a large heart, to judge with becoming charity of the peculiar temptations of riches.
- Shirley Bassey
Collection: Heart
Image of Richard John Neuhaus
Politics is chiefly a function of culture, at the heart of culture is morality, and at the heart of morality is religion.
- Richard John Neuhaus
Collection: Heart
Image of Karen Hawkins
Her honor will come to no harm at my hands,” Jack said. “’Tis not her honor but her tender heart that I worry about,” Alexander said. “She’s a delicate lass,” Hugh added. “Aye,” said Gregor. “A Scottish rose.” “Your tender, delicate rose had me ambushed, knocked unconscious, and forced to wed,” Jack ground out. “Facts you all know, if you’ve spoken to Hamish.” Dougal grinned, his teeth flashing whitely. “She has the devil’s own temper, our Fiona does.
- Karen Hawkins
Collection: Heart
Image of Susan Wittig Albert
Our stories arise from our hearts and our souls. In this sense, telling our stories becomes a sacred gesture, opening a clear way to that deep, ecstatic center where we are most uniquely our selves, individual and unique, and yet are ourselves, joined together at the heart.
- Susan Wittig Albert
Collection: Heart
Image of Shin Kyung-sook
You're paved in my heart like an old road. Like the pebbles in a pebble field, dirt in dirt, dust in dust, cobwebs in cobwebs.
- Shin Kyung-sook
Collection: Heart
Image of N. T. Wright
The cross is the surest, truest and deepest window on the very heart and character of the living and loving God.
- N. T. Wright
Collection: Heart