Patrick Jones

Image of Patrick Jones
The nail that sticks out farthest gets hammered the hardest.
- Patrick Jones
Collection: Wisdom
Image of Patrick Jones
What do you think it is to be normal?' Why in the world would you want to be?' she says. I don't know. I guess that's the problem.' I don't think normal is that great.' But so many people choose it,' I reply. I don't think that's it at all. I think most everyone is normal and some of us, for whatever reason, choose to reject that and wear ruby red slippers or old black hats.' Well, why do we choose the hard road?
- Patrick Jones
Collection: Thinking
Image of Patrick Jones
Everybody's got their secrets; I carry mine like a jagged stone in my shoe.
- Patrick Jones
Collection: Shoes
Image of Patrick Jones
Kara do you love Brad?' All my heart.' Then how can you let him leave next year?' I guess love isn’t enough sometimes.
- Patrick Jones
Collection: Heart
Image of Patrick Jones
these are the screams within these are the life streams bleeding from skin
- Patrick Jones
Collection: Skins
Image of Patrick Jones
Anything that makes you happy can make you sad.
- Patrick Jones
Collection: Make You Happy
Image of Patrick Jones
An angel once found a demon broken and nearly dead. The angel held out his arm to help the demond. The demond looked at the angel and asked 'Why would you save an evil demond like me?' The angel answered, 'Because without you there is no me.
- Patrick Jones
Collection: Angel
Image of Patrick Jones
There is eloquence in screaming.
- Patrick Jones
Collection: Crazy
Image of Patrick Jones
It’s easy to watch someone else’s life crash and burn, harder to watch your own accident up close.
- Patrick Jones
Collection: Watches