
Image of Aberjhani
Valentine's Day itself, like most holidays in the modern era, has been heavily influenced by commercialism that focuses on the appeal of romantic fantasies.
- Aberjhani
Collection: Romantic
Image of Aberjhani
The passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 represented precisely such a hope - that America had learned from its past and acted to secure a better tomorrow.
- Aberjhani
Collection: Hope
Image of Aberjhani
Classic romantic love is an emotional attraction between two individuals in which they may share a heightened awareness of mutual adoration. Erotic love, traditionally, has been described as shared sexual attraction.
- Aberjhani
Collection: Romantic
Image of Aberjhani
First steps are always the hardest but until they are taken the notion of progress remains only a notion and not an achievement.
- Aberjhani
Collection: Motivational
Image of Aberjhani
Dare to love yourself as if you were a rainbow with gold at both ends.
- Aberjhani
Collection: Self Esteem
Image of Aberjhani
Shine your soul with the same egoless humility as the rainbow and no matter where you go in this world or the next, love will find you, attend you, and bless you.
- Aberjhani
Collection: Humility
Image of Aberjhani
Souls reconstructed with faith transform agony into peace.
- Aberjhani
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Aberjhani
Love is our most unifying and empowering common spiritual denominator. The more we ignore its potential to bring greater balance and deeper meaning to human existence, the more likely we are to continue to define history as one long inglorious record of man’s inhumanity to man.
- Aberjhani
Collection: Love
Image of Aberjhani
Most people are slow to champion love because they fear the transformation it brings into their lives. And make no mistake about it: love does take over and transform the schemes and operations of our egos in a very mighty way.
- Aberjhani
Collection: Funny Valentines Day
Image of Aberjhani
At some point, a flash of sustained clarity reveals the difference between what someone would have you believe is true, and what you know from the depths of your own heart to the peaks of your soul to be true. What happens after that is up to you.
- Aberjhani
Collection: Believe
Image of Aberjhani
This is what our love is––a sacred pattern of unbroken unity sewn flawlessly invisible inside all other images, thoughts, smells, and sounds.
- Aberjhani
Collection: Love Is
Image of Aberjhani
You were born a child of light’s wonderful secret— you return to the beauty you have always been.
- Aberjhani
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Aberjhani
Dreams dress us carefully in the colors of power and faith.
- Aberjhani
Collection: Dream
Image of Aberjhani
Each star is a mirror reflecting the truth inside you.
- Aberjhani
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Aberjhani
What a lover’s heart knows let no man’s brain dispute.
- Aberjhani
Collection: Valentines Day
Image of Aberjhani
You are the hybrids of golden worlds and ages splendidly conceived.
- Aberjhani
Collection: Self Esteem
Image of Aberjhani
Love as a concrete foundation for an authentically functional civilization requires the around-the-clock labors of forgiveness. Without it, Love fails, Friendship fails, Intelligence fails, Humanity: fails.
- Aberjhani
Collection: Civilization
Image of Aberjhani
At the edge of madness you howl diamonds and pearls.
- Aberjhani
Collection: Pearls
Image of Aberjhani
Humanity is not without answers or solutions regarding how to liberate itself from scenarios that invariably end with mass exterminations. Tools such as compassion, trust, empathy, love, and ethical discernment are already in our possession. The next sensible step would be to use them.
- Aberjhani
Collection: Compassion
Image of Aberjhani
Your pain is a school unto itself–– and your joy a lovely temple.
- Aberjhani
Collection: Pain
Image of Aberjhani
Oh what a wonderful soul so bright inside you. Got power to heal the sun’s broken heart, power to restore the moon’s vision too.
- Aberjhani
Collection: Heart
Image of Aberjhani
In honor of Oprah Winfrey: Even greater than the ability to inspire others with hope is the power to motivate them to give as much to the lives of others as they would give to their own; and to empower them to confront the worst in themselves in order to discover and claim the best in themselves.
- Aberjhani
Collection: Gratitude
Image of Aberjhani
Un-winged and naked, sorrow surrenders its crown to a throne called grace.
- Aberjhani
Collection: Angel
Image of Aberjhani
This fire that we call Loving is too strong for human minds. But just right for human souls.
- Aberjhani
Collection: Strong
Image of Aberjhani
The more sincere the soul, the heavier the cross endured.
- Aberjhani
Collection: Strength
Image of Aberjhani
Compassion crowns the soul with its truest victory.
- Aberjhani
Collection: Compassion
Image of Aberjhani
Beneath the armor of skin/and/bone/and/mind most of our colors are amazingly the same.
- Aberjhani
Collection: Color
Image of Aberjhani
September 11, 2001: Citizens of the U.S., besieged by terror’s sting, rose up, weeping glory, as if on eagles’ wings.--from the poem Angel of Remembrance: Candles for September 11, 2001
- Aberjhani
Collection: Angel
Image of Aberjhani
Within the universe of the extraordinary, those qualities we designate to human concepts of gender are often shared, exchanged, or even completely obliterated. Because of this mixture of traits, these twins called Genius and Madness often appear to be the same thing. They both have a tendency to blur the lines of what we call norms, or established reality. They both, when we study that grand tapestry known as history and modern-day society, tend to stand out in much bolder relief than other figures. -- from Dancing with Madness, Dancing with Genius
- Aberjhani
Collection: Reality
Image of Aberjhani
Minister and writer Barbara Kaufmann has addressed the subject of guerrilla decontextualization on both the 'Voices Compassionate Education' website and on 'Inner Michael', where she offers the kind of insights into the spiritual aspects of Michael Jackson's creative artistry that mainstream media mostly ignores.
- Aberjhani
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Aberjhani
To create art with all the passion in one's soul is to live art with all the beauty in one's heart.
- Aberjhani
Collection: Beauty
Image of Aberjhani
The same hot lightning that burns your blood with passion–– cools your fears with peace.
- Aberjhani
Collection: Peace
Image of Aberjhani
In a rich moonlit garden, flowers open beneath the eyes of entire nations terrified to acknowledge the simplicity of the beauty of peace.
- Aberjhani
Collection: Flower
Image of Aberjhani
The reality of a serious writer is a reality of many voices, some of them belonging to the writer, some of them belonging to the world of readers at large.
- Aberjhani
Collection: Reality
Image of Aberjhani
The study of history empowers nations and individuals with an ability to avoid errors of the past and lay foundations for victories in the future.
- Aberjhani
Collection: Past
Image of Aberjhani
Because Mr. Mandelas early opponents invested so many resources into distorting the true nature of his advocacy, the singular historic moment millions now celebrate could have been tragically lost to guerrilla decontextualization.
- Aberjhani
Collection: Opponents
Image of Aberjhani
On faith’s battered back calm eyes etch prayers that cool a nation’s hot rage.
- Aberjhani
Collection: Prayer
Image of Aberjhani
Writing for me is a form of spiritual discipline and creative vision, a means of being in the world and giving one's love to it without compromise or dilution.
- Aberjhani
Collection: Love
Image of Aberjhani
In its essence, Martin Luther King Jr.'s ‘I Have a Dream' speech is one citizen's soul-searing plea with his countrymen––Whites and Blacks––to recognize that racial disparities fueled by unwarranted bigotry were crippling America's ability to shine as a true beacon of democracy in a world filled with people groping their way through suffocating shadows of political turmoil, economic oppression, military mayhem, starvation, and disease.
- Aberjhani
Collection: Dream
Image of Aberjhani
What can bombs know of the illuminated fields so golden with heaven in your heart’s sacred lands?
- Aberjhani
Collection: Heart
Image of Aberjhani
Got just enough room to be a friend of yours. Oh I hope you got room to be a friend of mine.
- Aberjhani
Collection: Rooms
Image of Aberjhani
Millions cheer the warriorspilling blood across the ringwhile the one who stands for peaceis ridiculed and shamed.Must hearts forever sufferfrom ignorance and greed?Can bombs heal our soulsor set our spirits free?
- Aberjhani
Collection: Cheer
Image of Aberjhani
Stars wishing upon the potential of humans shine faithfully on.
- Aberjhani
Collection: Stars
Image of Aberjhani
As life in general constituted much pain in the form of struggles against poverty, disease, ignorance, and emotional anguish, what more civilized way for people to alleviate the same than by giving themselves to one another as brothers and sisters in deed as well as in word? A society of people hoping to become politically superior needed first to become spiritually valid.
- Aberjhani
Collection: Love
Image of Aberjhani
Upon the lips of babes asleep I saw light embracing light and so allowed my syllables to rest there as a prayer they might sing in their dreams.
- Aberjhani
Collection: Dream
Image of Aberjhani
The music of revelation announces itself to the reader in somber brooding tones or in melodies light as air and one is invited to dance with the most captivating of partners: poetry.
- Aberjhani
Collection: Light
Image of Aberjhani
By consciously meditating upon spiritual truths and cultivating personal integrity, one need never fear negative circumstances.
- Aberjhani
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Aberjhani
The thorn is a bridge spanning the muddy depths of agony and sorrow so that one may on the other side dance to the drums of the rose of joy.
- Aberjhani
Collection: Flower
Image of Aberjhani
Creative visualization may be described as an extended meditation session that reaches beyond passive contemplation and achieves transformative action. The uses to which it may be applied are limited only by an individual's imagination.
- Aberjhani
Collection: Creative Visualization