Top goal Quotes Collection - Page 11

Discover a curated collection of goal quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 11 provides more goal quotes.

Image of Arik Roper
I have a goal to do my own animated film, something all my own.
- Arik Roper
Collection: Goal
Image of Sutan Amrull
I've always felt my role in life was to be a mentor. If I can do that with a younger generation, that's my goal.
- Sutan Amrull
Collection: Goal
Image of Frances McDormand
We are on red alert when it comes to how we are perceiving ourselves as a species. There's no desire to be an adult. Adulthood is not a goal. It's not seen as a gift.
- Frances McDormand
Collection: Goal
Image of Paul Martin
The main goal in any criminal statute is to produce what's best for the victim. And sometimes, a mandatory minimum doesn't accomplish that.
- Paul Martin
Collection: Goal
Image of Diego Maradona
Messi scores a goal and celebrates. Cristiano scores a goal and poses like he's in a shampoo commercial.
- Diego Maradona
Collection: Goal
Image of Erick Green
As a future goal, I just want to be one of those guys that is known.
- Erick Green
Collection: Goal
Image of Jen Lilley
Once we reach our goal, we immediately feel compelled to set a higher goal. We're left in a vacuum of unfulfillment.
- Jen Lilley
Collection: Goal
Image of Albert Serra
What am I doing as a filmmaker? What is the goal? To look for the unknown atmosphere that hasn't been described before. This is my only goal. Unknown images. Because if not, it's boring, no?
- Albert Serra
Collection: Goal
Image of John C. Maxwell
If you focus on goals, you may hit goals - but that doesn't guarantee growth. If you focus on growth, you will grow and always hit goals.
- John C. Maxwell
Collection: Goal
Image of Marcus Hudson
Whatever goal you set for yourself, conquer it.
- Marcus Hudson
Collection: Goal
Image of Cathy O'Neil
Obviously the more transparency we have as auditors, the more we can get, but the main goal is to understand important characteristics about a black box algorithm without necessarily having to understand every single granular detail of the algorithm.
- Cathy O'Neil
Collection: Goal
Image of David C. Driskell
I always said, you have to have a goal and an objective in life.
- David C. Driskell
Collection: Goal
Image of Colin Marston
As for complicating the black metal aesthetic, I don't care about that since it was never a goal of mine to lay out any particular preconceived aesthetic, let alone one of traditional black metal where pseudonyms are adopted.
- Colin Marston
Collection: Goal
Image of Sebastian Kurz
I am also integration minister and speak with many refugees. When I ask if they came with the goal of living in Greece or Poland, most of them answer "no."
- Sebastian Kurz
Collection: Goal
Image of David Batstone
I am an entrepreneur and my goal is to create invention to the solution of human trafficking and extreme poverty.
- David Batstone
Collection: Goal
Image of David Mccandless
Simplification seems to be the removal of objects for the goal of making a graphic as clean and uncluttered as possible. Whereas, with optimization, it feels like there's more intelligence in that. It maintains the usability, but tries to distill something down to its essence. But with some data-sets you have to be careful because, as with linear, print journalism, it's easy to shave off facts that don't quite fit the flow.
- David Mccandless
Collection: Goal
Image of Richard P. Rumelt
The single most damaging misconception about strategy is that it is a set of financial performance goals. The so-called "strategies" created by many managements are nothing more than three-to-five year financial performance forecasts. They are then labeled "strategy" and shipped off to the board of directors which goes through the motions of discussing how big the numbers are. Strategy is not your aspirations. Strategy is concerned with how you will arrange your actions and resources to punch through the challenges you face.
- Richard P. Rumelt
Collection: Goal
Image of Richard P. Rumelt
One of the problems many leaders report is a gap between strategy and execution. Usually this "gap" arises because the so-called "strategy" is a set of financial performance goals, not an approach to overcoming challenges. The two key ways to narrow this gap are to avoid bad strategies that fail to explain how to proceed and to establish a proximate objective - something which can be accomplished and which will open the door to further progress.
- Richard P. Rumelt
Collection: Goal
Image of Abraham Maslow
One of the goals of education should be to teach that life is precious.
- Abraham Maslow
Collection: Goal
Image of Dumitru Tepeneag
There is no one 'best set-up', there are many - you can get to mate in endless ways. And - don't forget! - in chess, like in literature, "the other" (the reader, the adversary, the partner, etc.) has to be a collaborator, has to work with you to get to the final goal. We depend on them! But they also depend on us.
- Dumitru Tepeneag
Collection: Goal
Image of Rahki
I have always been the type of person to want to reach a goal no matter how far-fetched it was.
- Rahki
Collection: Goal
Image of Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang
I want to score goals in every match, as many as possible.
- Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang
Collection: Goal
Image of Elliott Sober
Unfortunately, philosophers of science usually regard scientific realism and scientific anti-realism as monistic doctrines. The assumption is that there is one goal of all scientific inference - finding propositions that are true, or finding propositions that are predictively accurate. In fact, there are multiple goals. Sometimes realism is the right interpretation of a scientific problem, while at other times instrumentalism is.
- Elliott Sober
Collection: Goal
Image of Suw Charman-Anderson
It might sound trite, but happiness is a decision not a destination, and my choices now are all based on whether not a particular action will get me closer to my goals. It's something I'm quite ruthless about, and it helps me avoid the aforementioned wild goose chases!
- Suw Charman-Anderson
Collection: Goal
Image of Ian MacKaye
I never imagine myself as anything. I've never had a goal or any future vision at all. I just do what's in front of me.
- Ian MacKaye
Collection: Goal
Image of Tei Shi
My ideal situation is to be able to call the shots and be able to work with whomever I want to work with, and really make something amazing. I'd like to crossover more to have mainstream appeal, but I recognize that the music I make isn't your typical top-40 pop record. Striking that balance is my long-term goal.
- Tei Shi
Collection: Goal
Image of Ken Blanchard
Take a minute: look at your goals, look at your performance, see if your behavior matches your goals.
- Ken Blanchard
Collection: Goal
Image of Jerry Spinelli
Great achievement goes through, not around, discouragement. Is there a roadblock in my way, keeping me from something I want to achieve? Am I discouraged? I understand now that discouragement often precedes achievement. Instead of retreating from the roadblock or seeking a way around it, I will boldly punch a hole through it and continue toward my goal.
- Jerry Spinelli
Collection: Goal
Image of Nora Roberts
If you don't go after what you want, you'll never have it.
- Nora Roberts
Collection: Goal
Image of Abbi Glines
A small laugh startled me and I looked over to see her actually smiling. Making her do that more often was a new goal.
- Abbi Glines
Collection: Goal
Image of Francis Chan
If I were Satan and my ultimate goal was to thwart God's kingdom and purposes, one of my main strategies would be to get churchgoers to ignore the Holy Spirit.
- Francis Chan
Collection: Goal
Image of Lewis Mumford
Utopias rest on the fallacy that perfection is a legitimate goal of human existence.
- Lewis Mumford
Collection: Goal
Image of Russell Simmons
Needing nothing really is the ultimate goal. And to have nothing to do with things.
- Russell Simmons
Collection: Goal
Image of Neale Donald Walsch
And a true God is not One with the most servants, but One who serves the most, thereby making Gods of all others. For this is both the goal and the glory of God: that His subjects shall be no more, and that all shall know God not as the unattainable, but as the unavoidable.
- Neale Donald Walsch
Collection: Goal
Image of Dejan Stojanovic
With your goal you make the one.
- Dejan Stojanovic
Collection: Goal
Image of Ronald Reagan
What is important is that one strives to achieve a goal.
- Ronald Reagan
Collection: Goal
Image of Zig Ziglar
Will what I am about to do, bring me closer to, or take me further from my goals?
- Zig Ziglar
Collection: Goal
Image of Tony Robbins
Your current conditions do not reflect your ultimate potential, but rather the size and quality of goals upon which you currently are focusing.
- Tony Robbins
Collection: Goal
Image of Norbert Wiener
The simplest type of breakdown exhibits itself as an oscillation in a goal-seeking process which appears only when that process is actively invoked.
- Norbert Wiener
Collection: Goal
Image of Yogi Berra
Without a plan, even the most brilliant business can get lost. You need to have goals, create milestones and have a strategy in place to set yourself up for success.
- Yogi Berra
Collection: Goal
Image of Michael Ian Black
My goal is to work. That's the goal of most actors or performers: to work and keep working, and do the best you can, and keep growing and changing, trying to improve your craft.
- Michael Ian Black
Collection: Goal
Image of Marshall B. Rosenberg
Our goal is to create a quality of empathic connection that allows everyone's needs to be met.
- Marshall B. Rosenberg
Collection: Goal
Image of Michael Phelps
If I want to achieve the goals I've set, I've got to be in tip-top shape.
- Michael Phelps
Collection: Goal
Image of Jim Rohn
You want to set a goal that is big enough that in the process of achieveing it you become someone worth becoming.
- Jim Rohn
Collection: Goal
Image of Gretchen Rubin
When I find myself focusing overmuch on the anticipated future happiness of arriving at a certain goal, I remind myself to 'Enjoy now'. If I can enjoy the present, I don't need to count on the happiness that is (or isn't) waiting for me in the future".
- Gretchen Rubin
Collection: Goal
Image of Richard G. Scott
I have a suggestion: When a temple is conveniently nearby, small things may interrupt your plans to go to the temple. Set specific goals, considering your circumstances, of when you can and will participate in temple ordinances. Then do not allow anything to interfere with that plan.
- Richard G. Scott
Collection: Goal
Image of J. I. Packer
God's overriding goal is to glorify Himself.
- J. I. Packer
Collection: Goal
Image of Friedrich Nietzsche
Many are obstinate with regard to the pathway once they have set upon it, few with regard to the goal.
- Friedrich Nietzsche
Collection: Goal
Image of Richard M. Nixon
Peace is a great goal, but it is not a panacea. Neither is material wealth.
- Richard M. Nixon
Collection: Goal