Arik Roper

Image of Arik Roper
I was into fantasy more than horror. I was growing up in the mid-'70s through the '80s, and I also got a healthy dose of that classic era of film.
- Arik Roper
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Arik Roper
I was fortunate to be connected with bands who later became pioneers for certain genres of music scenes. And my art went along with them for that ride and became associated with it.
- Arik Roper
Collection: Art
Image of Arik Roper
I have a goal to do my own animated film, something all my own.
- Arik Roper
Collection: Goal
Image of Arik Roper
It was a natural path for me, being an artist. Both my parents were artists. I was surrounded by it and I instinctively was drawn toward it, and received a lot of encouragement.
- Arik Roper
Collection: Encouragement
Image of Arik Roper
I loved underground comics and psychedelic art. I did like some supernatural horror, but mainly fantasy. I was into escapism.
- Arik Roper
Collection: Art
Image of Arik Roper
I loved music and art, combining the two seemed like a natural match.
- Arik Roper
Collection: Art
Image of Arik Roper
I was buying old records a lot in my early teenage years and I was mostly drawn toward the artwork even more than the band itself. I loved the way the art set the scene for the music.
- Arik Roper
Collection: Art
Image of Arik Roper
I was always into animation, especially.
- Arik Roper
Collection: Animation