Top goal Quotes Collection - Page 22

Discover a curated collection of goal quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 22 provides more goal quotes.

Image of Jay Leno
Experts are saying that President Bush's goal now is to politically humiliate Saddam Hussein. Why don't we just make him the next Democratic presidential nominee?
- Jay Leno
Collection: Goal
Image of Maxwell Maltz
When you're not goal-striving, not looking forward, you're not really living.
- Maxwell Maltz
Collection: Goal
Image of William H. Macy
I do love comedy, but I'm not brave enough to tackle a script whose goal is to make you laugh. That's tough. The ones that can do it, I tip my hat off to them, but I don't have that kind of humor or mind.
- William H. Macy
Collection: Goal
Image of Darren Hardy
To achieve what you have not, you must become what you are not. You have to GROW into your goals.
- Darren Hardy
Collection: Goal
Image of Erwin McManus
The Church is not segregated by region or cities. That's an antiquated view of the world. We are united with churches all over the world working toward common goals based on shared values. Mosaic is one of the most racially diverse churches on the planet. Our community and extended Church family is global and completely integrated.
- Erwin McManus
Collection: Goal
Image of Erwin McManus
My goal is to destroy Christianity.
- Erwin McManus
Collection: Goal
Image of Maxwell Maltz
This Creative Mechanism within you is impersonal. It will work automatically and impersonally to achieve goals of success and happiness, or unhappiness and failure, depending upon the goals which you yourself set for it. Present it with success goals and it functions as a Success Mechanism. Present it with negative goals, and it operates just as impersonally, and just as faithfully as a Failure Mechanism.
- Maxwell Maltz
Collection: Goal
Image of Abraham Maslow
When we free ourselves from the constraints of ordinary goals and uninformed scoffers we will find ourselves roaring off the face of the earth.
- Abraham Maslow
Collection: Goal
Image of Aeriel Miranda
Honestly, being a part of any worthy life story is a goal of mine.
- Aeriel Miranda
Collection: Goal
Image of Catherine Wilson
I have to say that some philosophers such as the late Bernard Williams, and I would include myself in this group, would say that tranquillity is overrated as the goal of life.
- Catherine Wilson
Collection: Goal
Image of George McGovern
I fully endorse the millennial goals to make (hunger) history, ... Those are big goals, but it's do-able.
- George McGovern
Collection: Goal
Image of Neal A. Maxwell
A vague goal is no goal at all. The Ten Commandments wouldn't be very impressive, for instance, if they weren't specific, but simply were couched in a phraseology such as 'thou shalt not be a bad person.
- Neal A. Maxwell
Collection: Goal
Image of Malcolm X
Integration is the method toward obtaining that goal. And what he Negro leader has done is gotten himself wrapped up in the method and has forgotten what the goal is.
- Malcolm X
Collection: Goal
Image of Maxwell Maltz
Get yourself a goal worth working for. Better still, get yourself a project.
- Maxwell Maltz
Collection: Goal
Image of Bill Maher
The "Power of One" is a slogan--not a goal.
- Bill Maher
Collection: Goal
Image of Peter McWilliams
While goals are chosen, a purpose is discovered. Our purpose is something we have been doing all along, and will continue to do, regardless of circumstances, until the day we die
- Peter McWilliams
Collection: Goal
Image of Douglas MacArthur
We must offer the world leadership designed to advance the goal of universal progress and enduring peace.
- Douglas MacArthur
Collection: Goal
Image of Dale Jamieson
We can use economic instruments to help realize our goals but economics does not tell us what our goals should be.
- Dale Jamieson
Collection: Goal
Image of Martin Luther
Christ ought to be preached with this goal in mind--that we might be moved to faith in him so that he is not just a distant historical figure but actually Christ for you and me.
- Martin Luther
Collection: Goal
Image of Orison Swett Marden
A good system shortens the road to the goal.
- Orison Swett Marden
Collection: Goal
Image of John Mayer
I want to be the first guy from my generation who doesn't just represent one record but the promise of a lot of them.
- John Mayer
Collection: Goal
Image of Terence McKenna
Nature is actually the goal at the end of history.
- Terence McKenna
Collection: Goal
Image of Larkin Grimm
When I was working at Omega, I took this Zen retreat, where you're quiet, you don't say anything for a week, and this guy there said, "You're going to be enlightened at the end of this week, that's my goal." I was the engineer, so I was recording everything at it was happening, but I was also participating, because I felt like it. So at the end of it, I did understand what enlightenment was, one-hundred percent.
- Larkin Grimm
Collection: Goal
Image of Bob Barr
The goal in Afghanistan is to find the terrorists and take them out.
- Bob Barr
Collection: Goal
Image of Maria Montessori
The goal of early childhood education should be to activate the child’s own natural desire to learn.
- Maria Montessori
Collection: Goal
Image of Michael Jordan
I’m a firm believer in goal setting. Step by step. I can’t see any other way of accomplishing anything.
- Michael Jordan
Collection: Goal
Image of John Piper
Missions is not the ultimate goal of the church. Worship is. Missions exists because worship doesn’t.
- John Piper
Collection: Goal