Top fun Quotes Collection - Page 87

Discover a curated collection of fun quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 87 provides more fun quotes.

Image of Anthony Mackie
Do you want to be an actor, or do you want to be a celebrity? I made that decision when I went to Juilliard. I wanted to be an actor. So, if I get the opportunity to be an actor and do some cool, fun and interesting projects, I’m going to do that.
- Anthony Mackie
Collection: Fun
Image of Rob Lowe
Your interests change. I used to feel that if I spent evenings reading, or watching a film, or just doing nothing up here at the house, I would probably be missing something that was a lot more fun. I don't have that sense anymore.
- Rob Lowe
Collection: Fun
Image of Rob Lowe
She [Virginia Madsen] and I had a really long relationship after that movie ['Class'] I love her, and I can imagine it was not much fun to do that big sequence with a bunch of laughing, ogling frat-boy actors. I mean, can you imagine putting up with me, [John] Cusack, Alan Ruck, and Andrew McCarthy at 18?
- Rob Lowe
Collection: Fun
Image of Bill Maher
We don't really have to make fun of religion - it makes fun of itself.
- Bill Maher
Collection: Fun
Image of Walter de La Mare
Hi! handsome hunting man Fire your little gun. Bang! Now the animal is dead and dumb and done. Nevermore to peep again, creep again, leap again, Eat or sleep or drink again. Oh, what fun!
- Walter de La Mare
Collection: Fun
Image of Katherine Mansfield
I really only have Perfect Fun with myself. Other people won't stop and look at the things I want to look at or, if they do, they stop to please me or to humor me or to keep the peace.
- Katherine Mansfield
Collection: Fun
Image of Dave Barry
But that's kind of an easy stance to be if you're a humor columnist, because you're tending to make fun of the government and the powerful. I'm sort of a soft-core libertarian in that my compass is generally pointing away from 'Let's let the government do this' Does it matter to me that it's Democrats who think we need more elaborate programs that involve shifting money from one group to another group or it's Republicans saying we need to take a harder look at what kinds of things people are watching on cable TV? Neither one of those things strikes me as a good idea.
- Dave Barry
Collection: Fun
Image of A-Trak
That was my challenge then, how to make scratching still fun for someone who didn't necessarily come to hear that. It was fun to develop that technique. And now in dance music - I'm still a hip-hop guy at heart, but I love dance music.
- A-Trak
Collection: Fun
Image of Eva Mendes
I still go to acting class. I love the craft. It's just so much fun for me, and I'm always a student.
- Eva Mendes
Collection: Fun
Image of Eva Mendes
You're going from audition to audition, changing in the backseat, and all that fun stuff that's great to do at one time in your life. That's when the 49-cent taco, as disgusting as it is, really plays into your day. It really helps you out.
- Eva Mendes
Collection: Fun
Image of Maria Bartiromo
I've been able to stretch myself, covering policy, looking at tax reform, looking at the broader economy [being at Fox]. It's no longer [just] about the stock market. I'm having a ball. And, the glamor of TV also makes it fun.
- Maria Bartiromo
Collection: Fun
Image of Walter Martin
It's fun to write about myself, but I feel like I would bore people with that.
- Walter Martin
Collection: Fun
Image of Demetri Martin
Man versus woman equals fun. Man versus man equals gay. Woman versus woman equals awesome. Man versus pillow equals crazy. Pillow versus pillow equals crazy awesome - that's a real pillow fight right there. You see two pillows fighting, you know something's going down. They're designed for relaxation. If they're fighting, what hope do we have? One time I saw two geese fighting, and I was like, 'This is a pillow fight ahead of time.
- Demetri Martin
Collection: Fun
Image of David Lynch
When you make your first film, it's really hard in some ways. You're just nowhere. But then you have something. If you have a success, then you might be looking to take a fall. If you had a fall, you get a certain kind of euphoria because you're not dead, so you can still do it again. It's about how you go through the processes. Do you enjoy that "doing"? Is it getting less fun or more fun?
- David Lynch
Collection: Fun
Image of Clare Boothe Luce
I wish I were a virgin again. The only fun I ever had was holding out.
- Clare Boothe Luce
Collection: Fun
Image of H. L. Mencken
When I hear artists or authors making fun of businessmen, I think of a regiment in which the band makes fun of the cooks.
- H. L. Mencken
Collection: Fun
Image of Sophia Loren
Being an actress, you are accustomed to learn to do so many things... You learn how to dry your hair, curl your hair and do your nails. Sometimes, just for fun, I have someone come in to do my nails, but I like to do them three times a week. If I went out to have them done, then I would spend my life at the hairdresser's and that I can't afford.
- Sophia Loren
Collection: Fun
Image of Dolph Lundgren
I got good grades in school, but I'm not sure if I'm smart or if it just means I can study. I've never taken one of those IQ tests, and I don't want to. It's so pointless. As long as you enjoy life and have fun and you're healthy and happy, that's what matters.
- Dolph Lundgren
Collection: Fun
Image of David Lynch
Every single person has within an ocean of pure vibrant consciousness. Every single human being can experience that - infinite intelligence, infinite creativity, infinite happiness, infinite energy, infinite dynamic peace.
- David Lynch
Collection: Fun
Image of Steve Martin
I choose a project based on whether it feels worthwhile working on when it comes to me. But secondly I choose it if it sounds like fun. Projects are determined by just how they strike me at the moment, as they have done throughout my whole life.
- Steve Martin
Collection: Fun
Image of Thomston
Acting is fun. I enjoy it, but there is just not many opportunities to do it on a serious level. It is kind of either bad community musicals, or if you are lucky enough to be cast in something serious. I feel like you really have to be going after it, and for me I am a little bit distracted.
- Thomston
Collection: Fun
Image of Bill Maher
Please stop assuming that longevity and perfect health is always the correct option. No. Sometimes fun costs ya. It just does, you know? And that's OK, you're willing to make that purchase. Sammy Davis, Jr. was 64 when he died. Give me 64 Sammy-years, I'll be happy.
- Bill Maher
Collection: Fun
Image of David Mamet
Everybody makes their own fun. If you don't make it yourself, it isn't fun. It's entertainment.
- David Mamet
Collection: Fun
Image of Brad Williams
I'm such a damn workaholic, that it's interesting to be like, "Oh, what do I do for fun?"
- Brad Williams
Collection: Fun
Image of Dave Barry
When the boomers started to have kids reach adolescence, there was suddenly this feeling that they needed to protect their kids from all the same things they did when they were kids. Which I guess is a natural tendency, but it makes for a less fun society.
- Dave Barry
Collection: Fun
Image of Richelle Mead
Hey, Volusian, you haven't been checking me out, have you?" He gave me his trademark bland stare. "I assure you, mistress, the only allure your bare flesh has for me is to remind me how easy it will be to slice open." I laughed. If not for the fact he was actually serious, he'd be so much fun.
- Richelle Mead
Collection: Fun
Image of Rachel McAdams
Russell Crowe is very committed at getting it right but at the same time, he likes to have fun.
- Rachel McAdams
Collection: Fun
Image of Bill Maher
John Kerry is finding out that it is no fun to be the front runner, that's when you get all the heat. He had to deny internet rumors this week that he had Botox treatments. The Republicans say Kerry should have a clear, unfurrowed brow the old fashioned way by not giving a sh--.
- Bill Maher
Collection: Fun
Image of Dave Barry
People don't like it when you make fun of a celebrity. When you make fun of a celebrity, you'll hear from really loyal fans of that celebrity.
- Dave Barry
Collection: Fun
Image of Karla Souza
[Everybody Loves Somebody] one really loves both cultures, represents them in a very accurate, genuine, authentic, fun, fresh way, and it includes so many more people because it has that language aspect to it.
- Karla Souza
Collection: Fun
Image of Rob Lowe
I had to learn American sign language. And I did stuff in it, stuff that was just for me and was fun, that I don't think anyone would ever notice.
- Rob Lowe
Collection: Fun
Image of Rob Lowe
The only good thing I could say about Dr. Vegas was that it was fun working with Amy Adams. I like to feel I picked somebody great as my leading lady and was borne out. Oh, and I learned how to snap on a medical glove very easily.
- Rob Lowe
Collection: Fun
Image of Demetri Martin
Another thing that I like and that's fun for me is to try and talk and play music at the same time, because I feel like I'm learning something. There are these little challenges built into it; it's a way to push myself a little bit more as a performer.
- Demetri Martin
Collection: Fun
Image of Eva Longoria
I love to be pursued. I think that when you're not a challenge, it's just nnot as fun for the guy.
- Eva Longoria
Collection: Fun
Image of Peter Jacobson
It was fun shooting with Josh [Holloway], not just how great he is, but just how handsome he is.
- Peter Jacobson
Collection: Fun
Image of Peter Jacobson
I was spending three days literally just kibitzing with Jack Nicholson at a table! It was heaven! And talk about a normal guy. My God, he was just so real and cool and relaxed and fun. And he was a great performer. He's such an actor. He really was so focused on every moment. It was great.
- Peter Jacobson
Collection: Fun
Image of Herbert Marcuse
Technical progress and more comfortable living permit the systematic inclusion of libidinal components into the realm of commodity production and exchange. But no matter how controlled the mobilization of instinctual energy may be (it sometimes amounts to a scientific management of libido), no matter how much it may serve as a prop for the status quo - it is also gratifying to the managed individuals, just as racing the outboard motor, pushing the power lawn mower, and speeding the automobile are fun.
- Herbert Marcuse
Collection: Fun
Image of Dave Barry
Your digestive system is your body's Fun House, whereby food goes on a long, dark, scary ride, taking all kinds of unexpected twists and turns, being attacked by vicious secretions along the way, and not knowing until the last minute whether it will be turned into a useful body part or ejected into the Dark Hole by Mister Sphincter.
- Dave Barry
Collection: Fun
Image of David Lynch
Being in darkness and confusion is interesting to me. But behind it you can rise out of that and see things the way the really are. That there is some sort of truth to the whole thing, if you could just get to that point where you could see it, and live it, and feel it. I think it is a long, long, way off. In the meantime there’s suffering and darkness and confusion and absurdities, and it’s people kind of going in circles. It’s fantastic. It’s like a strange carnival: it’s a lot of fun, but it’s a lot of pain.
- David Lynch
Collection: Fun
Image of David Lynch
As a teenager, I was really trying to have fun 24 hours a day. I didn't start thinking until I was 20 or 21. I was doing regular goof-ball stuff.
- David Lynch
Collection: Fun
Image of Javier Bardem
My first part was in a film where I played a sadomasochist who killed people and created fun orgies. I'm a method actor. I went to every orgy in the world.
- Javier Bardem
Collection: Fun
Image of Dolph Lundgren
Jebediah Woodley is one of those guys that when I'm sitting in my rocking chair one day, thinking back, I'll remember that guy. He was a fun guy to play.
- Dolph Lundgren
Collection: Fun
Image of Rob Lowe
I kind of pride myself on coming onto things that are well-oiled machines and finding a way to bring what I bring and fit in, and raise it to another level if I can. And this [Code Black ] has been another one of those really fun success stories, much like Parks And Recreation, although obviously on the other side of the comedy/drama equation.
- Rob Lowe
Collection: Fun
Image of Rob Lowe
[The Outsiders] was all new to me. It's been fun to be a part of that ride, where it's become on the level of Catcher In The Rye in terms of people's required reading in schools.
- Rob Lowe
Collection: Fun
Image of Jennifer Lopez
I think everything needs to be played real, for reality's sake, for truth. And that is the drama and the comedy. When you do that, it's funnier. And when you do that, you really do hit the emotional beats. I do it the same way as I do a drama. I just play it for truth, and then maybe have a little bit of fun with it sometimes.
- Jennifer Lopez
Collection: Fun
Image of Steve Martin
I would say the three stages of making a film are the initial 'are we gonna do this,' 'how much will I be paid,' is there a lot of nights, who's it going to be with? The second stage of doing a film is how much fun your going to have doing it. The third stage is was the film a hit?
- Steve Martin
Collection: Fun
Image of David Lynch
In my mind it's so much fun to have something that has clues and is mysterious - something that is understood intuitively rather than just being spoon-fed to you. That's the beauty of cinema, and it's hardly ever even tried. These days, most films are pretty easily understood, and so people's minds stop working.
- David Lynch
Collection: Fun
Image of Eric Andre
If the crowd is full of assholes, it's no fun. If the crowd is cool, it's great.
- Eric Andre
Collection: Fun
Image of Rob Lowe
[Jim Belushi] and I have a great thing going, and a really weird, offbeat story. [Living In Peril] is the type of movie that I don't even know if it would be made today. Just a very odd film. But a very fun movie.
- Rob Lowe
Collection: Fun