Top fun Quotes Collection - Page 85

Discover a curated collection of fun quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 85 provides more fun quotes.

Image of Karlie Kloss
I love indoor plants. It makes any room feel open, fresh and homey. Keeping them alive is always a fun challenge for me!
- Karlie Kloss
Collection: Fun
Image of Babatunde Adebimpe
Painting and animation can be kind of long work. Music was more immediate and more fun.
- Babatunde Adebimpe
Collection: Fun
Image of Stan Lee
I thought it would be fun to take the kind of character that nobody would like, none of our readers would like, and shove him down their throats and make them like him.
- Stan Lee
Collection: Fun
Image of Stan Lee
I hate being too serious about anything. If I'm with my friend, I want to be having fun with him or her. And if anybody is reading my story, I want them to be not only reading the story, but I want them to feel they're having fun; that they're enjoying it. So any way you can make it more informal, more fun-filled, more amusing - instead of just a dry story that goes on and on - if there's any way to do that, I like to try and do it.
- Stan Lee
Collection: Fun
Image of Stan Lee
To me everything is fun. I've started Twittering or tweeting recently and that's been fun.
- Stan Lee
Collection: Fun
Image of Ann Landers
When a person begins to yell during an argument, it is a tip-off that he is unsure of himself.
- Ann Landers
Collection: Fun
Image of Ann Landers
A husband is a man who wishes he had as much fun when he goes on business trips as his wife thinks he does.
- Ann Landers
Collection: Fun
Image of C. S. Lewis
Have fun, even if it’s not the same kind of fun everyone else is having.
- C. S. Lewis
Collection: Fun
Image of Chuck Klosterman
I like storms. I would say I actively like stormy weather. I would not be afraid of them. I think that if I had not pursued journalism, I think storm-chasing would've been a really fun career.
- Chuck Klosterman
Collection: Fun
Image of Sinclair Lewis
Good Lord, I don't know what 'rights' a man has! And I don't know the solution of boredom. If I did, I'd be the one philosopher that had the cure for living. But I do know that about ten times as many people find their lives dull, and unnecessarily dull, as ever admit it; and I do believe that if we busted out and admitted it sometimes, instead of being nice and patient and loyal for sixty years, and then nice and patient and dead for the rest of eternity, why, maybe, possibly, we might make life more fun.
- Sinclair Lewis
Collection: Fun
Image of Fran Lebowitz
Smoking is, if not my life, then at least my hobby. I love to smoke. Smoking is fun. Smoking is cool. Smoking is, as far as I am concerned, the entire point of being an adult.
- Fran Lebowitz
Collection: Fun
Image of Jamaica Kincaid
The strange thing about my life is that I came to America at about the time when racial attitudes were changing. This was a big help to me. Also, the people who were most cruel to me when I first came to America were black Americans. They made absolute fun of the way I talked, the way I dressed. I couldn't dance. The people who were most kind and loving to me were white people. So what can one make of that? Perhaps it was a coincidence that all the people who found me strange were black and all the people who didn't were white.
- Jamaica Kincaid
Collection: Fun
Image of Laura Linney
Our culture is set up on a feud mentality, or a "Housewives" mentality, that women just fight. And it's such a shallow way to exist as far as our evolution is concerned, and our culture is concerned. It's fun to watch women fight, in a storytelling way, but in the world, women shouldn't be seen as a threat to other women.
- Laura Linney
Collection: Fun
Image of Harmony Korine
Editing is fun for me. That's where you make things happen. Filming a movie, I just try to set things up and see where it goes. Editing is a puzzle. I often don't even know what I'm trying to say. I'm just trying to make myself laugh. That's it. It's musical, or something.
- Harmony Korine
Collection: Fun
Image of Josephine Baker
Oh, you young people act like old men. You have no fun.
- Josephine Baker
Collection: Fun
Image of Jennifer Jason Leigh
There's so much confidence and freedom that comes from that way of doing things. Robert Altman and Alan Rudolph make the set the place to be. It's fun. It's a kind of creative freedom that's really inspiring. Altman loved actors so much. He was a great mentor for me, really.
- Jennifer Jason Leigh
Collection: Fun
Image of Jennifer Jason Leigh
You try to find the internal life, but a lot of it is creating it through physical behavior and figuring out the voice when you create as much of a past as you would in a naturalistic piece. But it's fun, because it's like you're learning something, learning some kind of physical skill.
- Jennifer Jason Leigh
Collection: Fun
Image of Stephen King
The worst thing you can try to do is to steer the story once it gets going. You just kind of follow along and see where it goes. That's the fun.
- Stephen King
Collection: Fun
Image of Charles de Lint
The only real reason for self-referencing is the fun factor. It's fun for the writer, getting little peeks at what old characters might be up to. And it's fun for readers to spot a familiar face, or pick up on a made-up book title or something from an earlier story. I don't know that it does -- or even should -- contribute to the story in hand being any better than it would have been without it.
- Charles de Lint
Collection: Fun
Image of Jennifer Lawrence
I like to adapt to a director's way of working. I love doing that. Each director is so different, and you have to adapt to this new way of doing something. That's what's amazing to me. That's why I love directors. I don't want to director to have to work around me. I think it's more fun for me to come in on their thing.
- Jennifer Lawrence
Collection: Fun
Image of Antonio Banderas
It is just a very freaky experience when you go to the movie theater and you see it for the first time. In close-up you see those eyes. There are little touches here and there that I recognize as myself. The process is fun.
- Antonio Banderas
Collection: Fun
Image of Steve Ballmer
I meet with Satya [Nadella] what probably amounts to four or five times a year - either to brainstorm something or just as a shareholder, we'll sit down and chat. That's always quite helpful for me and hopefully him in terms of thinking things through. I still have a number of friends and colleagues who occasionally want to brainstorm or chat about something, and that's always fun.
- Steve Ballmer
Collection: Fun
Image of Lindsay Lohan
I love doing photo shoots... I mean, if I could just sign with IMG and do ad campaigns and model more, I’d do that... Because that’s fun for me. That’s not work.
- Lindsay Lohan
Collection: Fun
Image of Lewis H. Lapham
The days of my youth I remember as nearly always in need of explanation, and not as much fun as advertised in the promotions for board games and breakfast cereal.
- Lewis H. Lapham
Collection: Fun
Image of Stan Lee
I don't really see a need to retire as long as I am having fun.
- Stan Lee
Collection: Fun
Image of Stan Lee
The thing to me that's fun is trying to make the characters seem believable, or realistic. And it's especially challenging when you're doing fantasy stories, when you're doing superhero types of things.
- Stan Lee
Collection: Fun
Image of Stan Lee
If I were retired I wouldn't know what to do because I'd have to think, well, now what is it I want to do? And what I want to do is what I'm doing. I enjoy coming up with new ideas, which if I'm lucky they might be good ideas. I enjoy seeing them take shape. And I'm having fun doing it. So I wouldn't know why I'd want to retire.
- Stan Lee
Collection: Fun
Image of Stan Lee
I work with people and we come up with ideas for movies, television and things like that. It's fun and I love doing it.
- Stan Lee
Collection: Fun
Image of Larry King
I'm having as much fun today as I did when I made $55 a week, because it is as much fun
- Larry King
Collection: Fun
Image of C. S. Lewis
Adventures are never fun while you're having them.
- C. S. Lewis
Collection: Fun
Image of Christian Bale
When you do a lot of interviews, you find yourself telling the same stories over and over. After you do it for a whole day, you say, 'Christ, I've said this five times today.' It gets fun when you get so bored you start making it all up.
- Christian Bale
Collection: Fun
Image of Tommy Lee
I still play but for some reason, I am having so much fun playing guitar and singing that I don't really miss it because I've done it for so long like twenty-something years with Motley.
- Tommy Lee
Collection: Fun
Image of Cass McCombs
I don't live anywhere, so that's what's fun about tours.
- Cass McCombs
Collection: Fun
Image of Cass McCombs
It's the stupidest thing of all time, going on tour. It deteriorates the soul, but it's fun.
- Cass McCombs
Collection: Fun
Image of Shia LaBeouf
By studying psychology i want to be a better actor. There's something about studying body language and non-spoken emotion - I know the innate response. But to really study it like a science would be fun.
- Shia LaBeouf
Collection: Fun
Image of Mila Kunis
It's fun to play somebody who has no boundaries or rules. There's no book you can read on how to play a witch, so you just create a version. It's really great!
- Mila Kunis
Collection: Fun
Image of Mila Kunis
Detroit was really fun, FYI, in case anybody wants to go to Detroit. I love it. I did.
- Mila Kunis
Collection: Fun
Image of Mila Kunis
[Oz the Great] it's not like I had to imagine things, and as far as wire work goes, I had fun with it.
- Mila Kunis
Collection: Fun
Image of Steve Ballmer
I've found three or four things that are quite interesting to me that I'm focused on. That's been fun.The Clippers is obviously one of them.
- Steve Ballmer
Collection: Fun
Image of D. H. Lawrence
If it doesn't absorb you, if it isn't any fun, don't do it.
- D. H. Lawrence
Collection: Fun
Image of Jay Leno
Today, you get better performance from a Ford Focus than a Ferrari from the mid-70s. [The Focus] is just as fast and with better fuel economy. It's fun to see supercar technology trickle down to everyday cars.
- Jay Leno
Collection: Fun
Image of John Lennon
People are just up tight because the kids are having fun and they didn't have the same freedom.
- John Lennon
Collection: Fun
Image of Kellyanne Conway
It turns out that a lot of women just have a problem with women in power. You know, this whole sisterhood, this whole let's go march for women's rights and, you know, just constantly talking about what women look like or what they wear, or making fun of their choices or presuming that they're not as powerful as the men around. This presumptive negativity about women in power I think is very unfortunate, because let's just try to access that and have a conversation about it, rather than a confrontation about it.
- Kellyanne Conway
Collection: Fun
Image of Karl Lagerfeld
I also do political cartoons, but a lot of them must stay, as they say, under the coat. But they are very fun to do, and in France, we have a good subject at the moment.
- Karl Lagerfeld
Collection: Fun
Image of Karl Lagerfeld
Things have to be beautifully made, even if they are full of fun, fantasy and futility
- Karl Lagerfeld
Collection: Fun
Image of Ralph Bakshi
I hired Bob at Terrytoons. He was my assistant animator, and then became an animator himself. He had just come from Boston with his family and was a brilliant draftsman as well as a great jazz guitarist. We had lots of fun nights in Greenwich Village together and then later hanging in LA. Bob worked on Fritz the Cat , Heavy Traffic , Coonskin , and on Wizards . I am terribly saddened by his passing and will miss him dearly.
- Ralph Bakshi
Collection: Fun
Image of Yves Saint Laurent
Elegance is no longer significant; clothes have to be fun.
- Yves Saint Laurent
Collection: Fun
Image of Rush Limbaugh
There are too many Republicans that believe it, too. And is it any wonder that they have acted on occasion like defeated, hopeless waifs? I mean, they read and absorb everything the Drive-By Media says, and they believe it, too. And of course the Drive-By Media is routinely making fun of them and talking how hopeless they are and what a distant minority they are - and to be shocked and stunned by this, you wonder if any lessons have been learned.
- Rush Limbaugh
Collection: Fun
Image of Dean Koontz
Or maybe they were just doing it for fun. A lark. Their religion is tolerant of extreme forms of recreation. Boys will be boys, after all, and sociopathic boys will be sociopathic.
- Dean Koontz
Collection: Fun