Bill Maher

Image of Bill Maher
Suicide is man's way of telling God, 'You can't fire me - I quit.'
- Bill Maher
Collection: God
Image of Bill Maher
I think flying planes into a building was a faith-based initiative. I think religion is a neurological disorder.
- Bill Maher
Collection: Religion
Image of Bill Maher
Men are only as loyal as their options.
- Bill Maher
Collection: Funny
Image of Bill Maher
If you think you have it tough, read history books.
- Bill Maher
Collection: History
Image of Bill Maher
We are a nation that is unenlightened because of religion. I do believe that. I think religion stops people from thinking. I think it justified crazies.
- Bill Maher
Collection: Religion
Image of Bill Maher
Religion is dangerous because it allows human beings who don't have all the answers to think that they do.
- Bill Maher
Collection: Religion
Image of Bill Maher
To me a real patriot is like a real friend. Who's your real friend? It's the person who tells you the truth. That's who my real friends are. So, you know, I think as far as our country goes, we need more people who will do that.
- Bill Maher
Collection: Patriotism
Image of Bill Maher
Women cannot complain about men anymore until they start getting better taste in them.
- Bill Maher
Collection: Women
Image of Bill Maher
The Clinton White House today said they would start to give national security and intelligence briefings to George Bush. I don't know how well this is working out. Today after the first one Bush said, 'I've got one question: What color is the red phone?'
- Bill Maher
Collection: Intelligence
Image of Bill Maher
This has been a learning experience for me. I also thought that privacy was something we were granted in the Constitution. I have learned from this when in fact the word privacy does not appear in the Constitution.
- Bill Maher
Collection: Learning
Image of Bill Maher
I do think the patriotic thing to do is to critique my country. How else do you make a country better but by pointing out its flaws?
- Bill Maher
Collection: Patriotism
Image of Bill Maher
Freedom isn't free. It shouldn't be a bragging point that 'Oh, I don't get involved in politics,' as if that makes someone cleaner. No, that makes you derelict of duty in a republic. Liars and panderers in government would have a much harder time of it if so many people didn't insist on their right to remain ignorant and blindly agreeable.
- Bill Maher
Collection: Politics
Image of Bill Maher
Everything that used to be a sin is now a disease.
- Bill Maher
Collection: Funny
Image of Bill Maher
I think capital punishment works great. Every killer you kill never kills again.
- Bill Maher
Collection: Great
Image of Bill Maher
They're talking about banning cigarette smoking now in any place that's used by ten or more people in a week, which, I guess, means that Madonna can't even smoke in bed.
- Bill Maher
Image of Bill Maher
Curious people are interesting people; I wonder why that is.
- Bill Maher
Image of Bill Maher
Kids. They're not easy. But there has to be some penalty for sex.
- Bill Maher
Image of Bill Maher
We have been the cowards lobbing cruise missiles from 2,000 miles away. That's cowardly. Staying in the airplane when it hits the building, say what you want about it, it's not cowardly.
- Bill Maher
Image of Bill Maher
Let's make a law that gay people can have birthdays, but straight people get more cake - you know, to send the right message to kids.
- Bill Maher
Image of Bill Maher
When you want to make it clear to the rest of the world that you are not an imperialist, the best countries to have with you are Britain and Spain.
- Bill Maher
Image of Bill Maher
What Democratic congressmen do to their women staffers, Republican congressmen do to the country.
- Bill Maher
Image of Bill Maher
Let's face it; God has a big ego problem. Why do we always have to worship him?
- Bill Maher
Image of Bill Maher
The country has become much more conservative, partly because it's been taken over by the religious right.
- Bill Maher
Image of Bill Maher
Maybe every other American movie shouldn't be based on a comic book. Other countries will think Americans live in an infantile fantasy land where reality is whatever we say it is and every problem can be solved with violence.
- Bill Maher
Image of Bill Maher
We have the Bill of Rights. What we need is a Bill of Responsibilities.
- Bill Maher
Image of Bill Maher
Things aren't right. If a burglar breaks into your home and you shoot him, he can sue you. For what, restraint of trade?
- Bill Maher
Image of Bill Maher
It's all been satirized for your protection.
- Bill Maher
Image of Bill Maher
The Bible looks like it started out as a game of Mad Libs.
- Bill Maher
Image of Bill Maher
Jim Bakker spells his name with two k's because three would be too obvious.
- Bill Maher
Image of Bill Maher
Clinton left the White House with all the class of an XFL halftime show.
- Bill Maher
Image of Bill Maher
Iraq now says that it will, after all, destroy its missiles. President Bush said, 'Please, I used to pull the same trick. There'd be an intervention, I'd make a big show of pouring out the liquor and then there was a case under the floorboards.'
- Bill Maher
Image of Bill Maher
President Bush is supporting Arnold but a lot of Republicans are not, because he is actually quite liberal. Karl Rove said if his father wasn't a Nazi, he wouldn't have any credibility with conservatives at all.
- Bill Maher
Image of Bill Maher
The jury could get the case as early as next week, but the defense says they just want to introduce one last-minute load of crap.
- Bill Maher
Image of Bill Maher
This is a ridiculous heat wave we're in right now, and to contribute, Newt Gingrich said that for the entire month of June, he will stop blowing hot air.
- Bill Maher
Image of Bill Maher
Hi, I'm Bill. I'm a birth survivor.
- Bill Maher
Image of Bill Maher
Religion, to me, is a bureaucracy between man and God that I don't need.
- Bill Maher
Image of Bill Maher
Fame has sent a number of celebrities off the deep end, and in the case of Michael Jackson, to the kiddy pool.
- Bill Maher
Image of Bill Maher
We need more people speaking out. This country is not overrun with rebels and free thinkers. It's overrun with sheep and conformists.
- Bill Maher
Image of Bill Maher
I don't want my president to be a TV star. You don't have to be on television every minute of every day - you're the president, not a rerun of 'Law & Order'. TV stars are too worried bout being popular and too concerned about being renewed.
- Bill Maher
Image of Bill Maher
I never thought I'd say this: what Obama needs in his personality is a little George Bush.
- Bill Maher
Image of Bill Maher
The tea baggers. The one thing they hate is when you call them racist. The other thing they hate is black people. But they won't say it.
- Bill Maher
Image of Bill Maher
If you belonged to a political party or a social club that was tied to as much bigotry, misogyny, homophobia, violence, and sheer ignorance as religion is, you'd resign in protest.
- Bill Maher
Image of Bill Maher
If you have a gun, you can rob a bank, but if you have a bank, you can rob everyone.
- Bill Maher
Collection: Gun
Image of Bill Maher
To most Christians, the Bible is like a software license. Nobody actually reads it. They just scroll to the bottom and click 'I Agree'.
- Bill Maher
Collection: Christian
Image of Bill Maher
To a coward, courage always looks like stupidity.
- Bill Maher
Collection: Courage
Image of Bill Maher
Ask your doctor if getting off your ass is right for you
- Bill Maher
Collection: Doctors
Image of Bill Maher
Don't get so tolerant that you tolerate intolerance.
- Bill Maher
Collection: Tolerance
Image of Bill Maher
Like it or not, we're still a primitive tribe ruled by fears, superstition and misinformation.
- Bill Maher
Collection: Superstitions
Image of Bill Maher
In this country your guilty until proven wealthy.
- Bill Maher
Collection: Country
Image of Bill Maher
At some point in the last 20 years, the left moved to the center, and the right moved into a mental institution.
- Bill Maher
Collection: Years