Top fun Quotes Collection - Page 79

Discover a curated collection of fun quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 79 provides more fun quotes.

Image of Zoe Kazan
It's fun for me to be with someone who loves reading as much as I do, because he'll give me things to read that I wouldn't normally seek out, and I think vice versa.
- Zoe Kazan
Collection: Fun
Image of Thomas Chandler Haliburton
There is nothing like fun, is there? I haven't any myself, but I do like it in others.
- Thomas Chandler Haliburton
Collection: Fun
Image of Paris Hilton
First, I think of myself as a brand, a businesswoman. Musician is something I just do because it's my passion - I love it and it's something I do for fun. I love music and I love to make people dance.
- Paris Hilton
Collection: Fun
Image of Chelsea Handler
I was so frivolous for so many years. It was so much fun, but you feel guilty about the brain energy you use to think about whether some celebrity was sleeping with another celebrity. The conjecture that goes along with that. You feel like your mind has been shot apart.
- Chelsea Handler
Collection: Fun
Image of Margaret Atwood
So much for endings. Beginnings are always more fun. True connoisseurs, however, are known to favor the stretch in between, since it's the hardest to do anything with. That's about all that can be said for plots, which anyway are just one thing after another, a what and a what and a what.
- Margaret Atwood
Collection: Fun
Image of David Wolfe
Getting healthier and healthier is fun!
- David Wolfe
Collection: Fun
Image of Anne Hathaway
I think it is so much more fun to discover film in the movie theatre when there is so much anticipation about the movie.
- Anne Hathaway
Collection: Fun
Image of Philip Seymour Hoffman
I try to live my life in such a way that I don't have any regrets. That's probably why I work so much. I don't want to feel I missed something important.
- Philip Seymour Hoffman
Collection: Fun
Image of Naomie Harris
What interests Sam Mendes are characters and relationships, and he was a genius at giving you the freedom to create the type of character you want, and also to explore and have fun with your fellow actors. For him, characters and relationships are really the heartbeat of the film, and then the action is the backdrop. By developing the characters, he makes you care that much more about the action and going on a journey with the characters.
- Naomie Harris
Collection: Fun
Image of Tom Hanks
In the creative process you come to loggerheads and you just have to keep the process moving forward, even if that requires jumping on a plane and flying to London. It's a good thing it's fun, otherwise it would be too much work.
- Tom Hanks
Collection: Fun
Image of Katharine Hepburn
If you follow all of the rules, you'll miss all of the fun.
- Katharine Hepburn
Collection: Fun
Image of Katharine Hepburn
"Isn't it fun getting older?" is really a terrible fallacy. That's like saying I prefer driving an old car with a flat tire.
- Katharine Hepburn
Collection: Fun
Image of Don Henley
I remember a time when things were a lot more fun around here, when good was good and evil was evil, before things got fuzzy.
- Don Henley
Collection: Fun
Image of Chris Hadfield
Other anatomical changes associated with long-duration space flight are definitely negative: the immune system weakens, the heart shrinks because it doesn't have to strain against gravity, eyesight tends to degrade, sometimes markedly (no one's exactly sure why yet). The spine lengthens as the little sacs of fluid between the vertebrae expand, and bone mass decreases as the body sheds calcium. Without gravity, we don't need muscle and bone mass to support our own weight, which is what makes life in space so much fun but also so inherently bad for the human body, long-term.
- Chris Hadfield
Collection: Fun
Image of Margaret Haddix
I snorted "oh, beauty. What's that good for?" Mary stared, her eyes round. "It won you the prince, did it not?" I snorted again, I prefer to think that he was captivated by my charming personality." I giggled to let Mary know I was trying to make fun of myself.
- Margaret Haddix
Collection: Fun
Image of Joe Hill
Men, she thought, were one of the world's few sure comforts, like a fire on a cold October night, like cocoa, like broken-in-slippers. Their clumsy affections, their bristly faces, and their willingness to do what needed to be done - cook an omelette, change lightbulbs, make with hugging - sometimes almost made being a woman fun.
- Joe Hill
Collection: Fun
Image of J. B. Smoove
My wife and I have been together for 11 years, and seven of those married. We got married on 07/07/07. We support each other 150 percent. We have fun. We are a modern-day Sonny & Cher. I don't sing. My wife sings. We're so different, but so alike. We got that ying and yang thing going on. You see it, but you don't know how it works.
- J. B. Smoove
Collection: Fun
Image of Kim Harrison
"We were the pair. One too afraid to feel anything lest she lose control of her ironclad hold on her emotions, and the other so hungry to feel anything that she´d risk her free will for one night of fun.".
- Kim Harrison
Collection: Fun
Image of Dan Harmon
Everything I do, in the middle of it, I lose all objectivity. The business of comedy is kind of ridiculous in that respect. Your job is to have a lot of fun in a jar, then sell it. There's something inherently illogical and impossible about that, but that being said, this is as good as it gets.
- Dan Harmon
Collection: Fun
Image of Mark Hoppus
We reserve the right to make fun of every single person on planet Earth.
- Mark Hoppus
Collection: Fun
Image of Maggie Gyllenhaal
You're invited to tons of parties, and you'll wear these shoes and that dress, and it can be enticing, but I think it also sucks you dry. If you do it a little, sure, it's fun, but too much and you start to lose your footing.
- Maggie Gyllenhaal
Collection: Fun
Image of Kehinde Wiley
Like commercial stuff is sort of cheap and disposable and fun and can be sort of interesting in many ways. I love being in popular culture and existing in the evolution of popular culture. But it's so different from painting, and it's so different from that sort of slow, contemplative, gradual process that painting is.
- Kehinde Wiley
Collection: Fun
Image of Isaac Asimov
Until now in world's history, whenever we've had a dark age, its been temporary and local. And other parts of the world have been doing fine. And eventually, they help you get out of the dark age. We are now facing a possible dark age which is going to be world-wide and permanent! That's not fun. That's a different thing. But once we have established many worlds, we can do whatever we want as long as we do it one world at a time.
- Isaac Asimov
Collection: Fun
Image of Stephen Curry
Have a day off, which is very rare in our line of work, but that's something we like to do. Like I said, it's a nice way to take your mind off the game and just go out and relax and have fun.
- Stephen Curry
Collection: Fun
Image of Chelsea Handler
Absolutely I'm going to be talking about it, because it's in the zeitgeist and it's happening. It's an election year. It's the biggest election. Every election is a big election, so whenever anybody says that it kinds of grates me, but it's a fiasco. It's turned into a complete circus act, so of course you have to make fun of it, but responsible journalists definitely are being irresponsible. They're giving [Donald Trump] so much air time.
- Chelsea Handler
Collection: Fun
Image of Homer
We live in a society of laws. Why do you think I took you to all those Police Academy movies? For fun? Well, I didn't hear anybody laughing, did you?
- Homer
Collection: Fun
Image of LIZ
It's never fun to break someone's heart, that's so sad.
Collection: Fun
Image of Jennifer Love Hewitt
Sometimes as actors and artists, we don't really get to be an effective and integral part of the promotional process, other than doing interviews. With Twitter and Facebook now, and all of this stuff, it really allows us to play and have fun, vis-à-vis the pictures that I send out on Twitter every day, or little videos, or whatever it is.
- Jennifer Love Hewitt
Collection: Fun
Image of L. Ron Hubbard
An individual who can freely and with a clear heart do things because they're fun is a very sane person.
- L. Ron Hubbard
Collection: Fun
Image of Christopher Hitchens
Exercise is a pastime only for those who are already slender and physically fit. It just isn't so much fun when you have a marked tendency to wheeze and throw up, and a cannonball of a belly sloshing around inside the baggy garments.
- Christopher Hitchens
Collection: Fun
Image of Ernest Hemingway
The circus is the only fun you can buy that is good for you.
- Ernest Hemingway
Collection: Fun
Image of Sam Harris
You can't take credit for your talents, but it matters that you use them. You can't really be blamed for your weaknesses, but it matters that you correct them. So pride and shame don't make a lot of sense, in the final analysis, but they weren't much fun anyway.
- Sam Harris
Collection: Fun
Image of Barbara Grizzuti Harrison
To live exhilaratingly in and for the moment is deadly serious work, fun of the most exhausting sort
- Barbara Grizzuti Harrison
Collection: Fun
Image of Philip Seymour Hoffman
Sometimes it's hard to say no. Ultimately, if you stick to your guns, you have the career that you want. Don't get me wrong. I love a good payday and I'll do films for fun. But ultimately my main goal is to do good work. If it doesn't pay well, so be it.
- Philip Seymour Hoffman
Collection: Fun
Image of Anthony Hopkins
Oliver Stone is a great director and I've seen many films over the years, but I try to create stuff out of my own imagination. I want to break all the rules and mess about with it and make a different movie just for the fun of it.
- Anthony Hopkins
Collection: Fun
Image of Daniel Handler
I guess we’ll be traveling in uncharted waters.” “That’ll be fun,” Phil said.
- Daniel Handler
Collection: Fun
Image of Victor Davis Hanson
Donald Trump, he didn't dismantle Eastern European missile defense. He didn't go to Geneva and press a plastic red button. He didn't make fun of Romney for saying Russia was an existential enemy. He didn't have a hot mic exchange with a Russian President saying that he would be more flexible with the Russians after the elections.
- Victor Davis Hanson
Collection: Fun
Image of Margaret Atwood
So this was the rest of his life. It felt like a party to which he'd been invited, but at an address he couldn't actually locate. Someone must be having fun at it, this life of his; only, right at the moment, it wasn't him.
- Margaret Atwood
Collection: Fun
Image of Ethan Hawke
Whenever actors tout off about doing their own stunts, it's always ... they're so protective of you that I always know these stunt guys are so good [and] they're never going to put you in danger. But it's fun to do something kind of exciting, even something as simple as driving 70 through a tunnel with five motorcycles ... it sounds simple, but it's actually really nerve-wracking.
- Ethan Hawke
Collection: Fun
Image of Ethan Hawke
Good genre movies are a little bit like trying to write a haiku. There are certain things that you have to do to fulfill the audience's expectations, but inside that, you have complete freedom to talk about whatever you want. Who wants to see a movie about gun violence in America and class? But, if you set it in this terrifying, fun, roller coaster ride of a movie, you can talk about whatever you want. That's been the game that genre movies play, when they do it well.
- Ethan Hawke
Collection: Fun
Image of Tom Hanks
My work is really a blast. When it stops being a blast, then it ain't no fun no more!
- Tom Hanks
Collection: Fun
Image of Christopher Hitchens
It's no fun to appreciate to the full the truth of the materialist proposition that I don't have a body, I am a body.
- Christopher Hitchens
Collection: Fun
Image of Laurell K. Hamilton
Jason patted me on the back. “Tomorrow night we'll take you out chasing deer.” “I thought you'd chase cars,” I said. He grinned. “What fun is that? Cars don't bleed.
- Laurell K. Hamilton
Collection: Fun
Image of Jason Blum
I think horror movies are still - this can be said of all movies - but being with a group of people scared together is more and more something unusual and fun. Especially for kids who are going out less generally.
- Jason Blum
Collection: Fun
Image of Ed Helms
As much as you do get beat-up doing even small action sequences, it's incredibly fun.
- Ed Helms
Collection: Fun
Image of Tom Hanks
Work in the theater is more fun than fun.
- Tom Hanks
Collection: Fun
Image of Vanessa Hudgens
I took piano lessons when I was younger and I've been trying to learn how to play the guitar recently. I'd really like to learn how to play the drums. They're a lot of fun and they require a lot of focus.
- Vanessa Hudgens
Collection: Fun
Image of Tim Heidecker
We are making fun of stuff. It is subversive, I think, and in many ways political. It's a reaction against the society we live in, very much so. When we make a commercial for a product that doesn't do anything.
- Tim Heidecker
Collection: Fun
Image of Vanessa Hudgens
Before High School Musical, I wanted to be a nitty-gritty actress. And High School Musical came along, and, I was like, "Oh my God, fun!" But the more we did it, the more prude I became.... When I am around kids and they come up to me, of course I am going to act a certain way, but at the end of the day, I'm doing this for myself. I'm going to be doing movies kids can't watch.
- Vanessa Hudgens
Collection: Fun