
Image of Homer
A sympathetic friend can be quite as dear as a brother.
- Homer
Collection: Sympathy
Image of Homer
In youth and beauty, wisdom is but rare!
- Homer
Collection: Beauty
Image of Homer
There is nothing nobler or more admirable than when two people who see eye to eye keep house as man and wife, confounding their enemies and delighting their friends.
- Homer
Collection: Marriage
Image of Homer
Words empty as the wind are best left unsaid.
- Homer
Collection: Communication
Image of Homer
Wise to resolve, and patient to perform.
- Homer
Collection: Patience
Image of Homer
And what he greatly thought, he nobly dared.
- Homer
Collection: Great
Image of Homer
It is not good to have a rule of many.
- Homer
Collection: Government
Image of Homer
Yet, taught by time, my heart has learned to glow for other's good, and melt at other's woe.
- Homer
Collection: Time
Image of Homer
The difficulty is not so great to die for a friend, as to find a friend worth dying for.
- Homer
Collection: Great
Image of Homer
The journey is its own reward.
- Homer
Collection: Journey
Image of Homer
Go on with a spirit that fears nothing.
- Homer
Collection: Challenges
Image of Homer
Everything is more beautiful because we're doomed. You will never be lovelier than you are now. We will never be here again.
- Homer
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Homer
Be both a speaker of words and a doer of deeds.
- Homer
Collection: Deeds
Image of Homer
The stars never lie, but the astrologers lie about the stars.
- Homer
Collection: Stars
Image of Homer
Everything flows and nothing stays.
- Homer
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Homer
If you serve too many masters, you'll soon suffer.
- Homer
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Homer
To be loved, you have to be nice to people, everyday. But to be hated, you don't have to do squat!
- Homer
Collection: Nice
Image of Homer
Because they're stupid, that's why. That's why everybody does everything.
- Homer
Collection: Stupid
Image of Homer
No man or woman born, coward or brave, can shun his destiny.
- Homer
Collection: Destiny
Image of Homer
Trying is the first step toward failure.
- Homer
Collection: Trying
Image of Homer
Let me not then die ingloriously and without a struggle, but let me first do some great thing that shall be told among men hereafter.
- Homer
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Homer
A guest never forgets the host who has treated him kindly.
- Homer
Collection: Thank You
Image of Homer
After the event, even a fool is wise.
- Homer
Collection: Wise
Image of Homer
Hateful to me as are the gates of hell, Is he who, hiding one thing in his heart, Utters another.
- Homer
Collection: Heart
Image of Homer
There is a time for many words, and there is also a time for sleep.
- Homer
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Homer
It's disgraceful how these humans blame the gods. They say their tribulations come from us, when they themselves, through their own foolishness, bring hardships which are not decreed by Fate.
- Homer
Collection: Fate
Image of Homer
Each man delights in the work that suits him best.
- Homer
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Homer
Bear patiently, my heart, for you have suffered heavier things.
- Homer
Collection: Heart
Image of Homer
My life is more to me than all the wealth of Ilius
- Homer
Collection: Rage From The Iliad
Image of Homer
A small rock holds back a great wave.
- Homer
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Homer
I war not with the dead.
- Homer
Collection: War
Image of Homer
If you don't like your job, you don't strike! You just go in every day, and do it really half assed. That's the American way.
- Homer
Collection: Jobs
Image of Homer
Oh, my tattered rags are caught on your coffee table.
- Homer
Collection: Coffee
Image of Homer
Dreams are sent by God.
- Homer
Collection: Dream
Image of Homer
A glorious death is his, who for his country falls.
- Homer
Collection: Country
Image of Homer
Know from the bounteous heaven all riches flow.
- Homer
Collection: Heaven
Image of Homer
We all scribble poetry.
- Homer
Collection: Poetry
Image of Homer
I am a part of all that I have met. Yet, experience is an arch wherethro gleams that untravl'd world whose margin fades forever and forever when I move.
- Homer
Collection: Moving
Image of Homer
Not two strong men the enormous weight could raise,- Such men as live in these degenerate days.
- Homer
Collection: Strong
Image of Homer
It's man's to fight, but heaven's to give success.
- Homer
Collection: Success
Image of Homer
For I am yearning to visit the limits of the all-nurturing Earth, and Oceans, from whom the gods are sprung.
- Homer
Collection: Ocean
Image of Homer
[B]ut it is only what happens, when they die, to all mortals. The sinews no longer hold the flesh and the bones together, and once the spirit has let the white bones, all the rest of the body is made subject to the fire's strong fury, but the soul flitters out like a dream and flies away.
- Homer
Collection: Dream
Image of Homer
These nights are endless, and a man can sleep through them, or he can enjoy listening to stories, and you have no need to go to bed before it is time. Too much sleep is only a bore. And of the others, any one whose heart and spirit urge him can go outside and sleep, and then, when the dawn shows, breakfast first, then go out to tend the swine of our master. But we two, sitting here in the shelter, eating and drinking, shall entertain each other remembering and retelling our sad sorrows. For afterwards a man who has suffered much and wandered much has pleasure out of his sorrows.
- Homer
Collection: Drinking
Image of Homer
O Friends, be men, and let your hearts be strong And let no warrior in the heat of fight, Do what may bring him shame in others' eyes
- Homer
Collection: Sports