Top fun Quotes Collection - Page 69

Discover a curated collection of fun quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 69 provides more fun quotes.

Image of Jaden Smith
On working with his father in Pursuit of Happyness: It was fun having that experience with my dad 'cause he really taught me a lot of the stuff that he knows. Almost everything he knows about acting in that one movie.
- Jaden Smith
Collection: Fun
Image of Jackie Collins
I like to design my clothes; I design my jewelry, yeah. It's fun.
- Jackie Collins
Collection: Fun
Image of Rosario Dawson
I've just been very excited that over the years I've constantly had those types of different experiences. I like staying a little bit like acting school, not experimental, necessarily, but just fun. I have the best job in the world: I pretend for a living. You can't get too precious about that.
- Rosario Dawson
Collection: Fun
Image of Lorin Stein
I tend to think that the onus is on the writer to engage the reader, that the reader should not be expected to need the writer, that the writer has to prove it. All that stuff might add up to a kind of fun in the work. I like things that are about interesting subjects, which sounds self-evident.
- Lorin Stein
Collection: Fun
Image of Pete Docter
The idea kind of started with me just thinking about what would be fun to see in animation, you know - what have I not seen? For some reason, I got thinking about the human body and realizing, well, I've seen, like, traveling through the bloodstream and into the, you know, stomach and things.
- Pete Docter
Collection: Fun
Image of Mara Wilson
I've been accused of being pretentious and insufferable, and I don't really know what I can say about that. I never got good grades in school, but I did read the dictionary for fun. That was just the kind of stuff that I liked to do. I can't apologize for that.
- Mara Wilson
Collection: Fun
Image of Daphne Oz
If you live your life all out today, not only is it fun, but you are preventing a midlife crisis.
- Daphne Oz
Collection: Fun
Image of Daphne Oz
Fun for me is to take what I learn and teach others in a way that is accessible and applicable in their own lives.
- Daphne Oz
Collection: Fun
Image of Roald Dahl
Life is more fun if you play games.
- Roald Dahl
Collection: Fun
Image of Ann Coulter
I love the question-and-answer. I love to see liberals try to thrash their way to a coherent argument. And actually, I think it's fun to debate.
- Ann Coulter
Collection: Fun
Image of Colin Kaepernick
For me, off the field, cartoons are something that can ease my mind and get me back into having fun and just relaxing.
- Colin Kaepernick
Collection: Fun
Image of Mason Cooley
Vice is a dreary business. And virtue is not a lot of fun, either.
- Mason Cooley
Collection: Fun
Image of Louis C. K.
You have to be able to do a bunch of things at once, and not think about things you're not doing while you're doing other things. You have to be disciplined about not trying to do everything, all at the same time. It's hard and fun.
- Louis C. K.
Collection: Fun
Image of Natalie Dormer
A character on a page has to feel real, and for me the greatest fun is if you could gender-swap the role.
- Natalie Dormer
Collection: Fun
Image of Bruce Dickinson
In the days when Glastonbury was an alternative festival, it was quite interesting. Now it is the most bourgeois thing on the planet ... we'll leave the middle classes to do Glastonbury and the rest of the great unwashed will decamp to Knebworth and drink a lot of beer and have fun.
- Bruce Dickinson
Collection: Fun
Image of Paul Schrader
You can't take contradiction away. Part of the fun of it is that the contradiction never really quite goes away.
- Paul Schrader
Collection: Fun
Image of Joe Satriani
If someone can relate my guitar solo to an exercise in a book... that's no fun at all.
- Joe Satriani
Collection: Fun
Image of Bob Proctor
Sit down and write it down with a pen and then make up your mind you are going to do it. Don't spend any time thinking of why you can't. The fun is not in getting it, the fun is in growing. Goals are to help us grow, goals are to help us get. The getting is a site benefit; the growth is the real benefit.
- Bob Proctor
Collection: Fun
Image of Simon Cowell
My dad wasn't someone who was a great disciplinarian, we had a fun relationship, but he gave me really constructive advice in my life, which I still carry today and I do pass on to other people. So if I can have the same relationship with my son as I had with my dad, then I think he'll be very happy and I'll be very happy.
- Simon Cowell
Collection: Fun
Image of Anne Applebaum
There will instead be a number of fake opposition figures, one of whom is now probably going to be Kseniya Sobchak, which is an absurd idea. I assume she's been chosen because just even the idea of her standing for liberals so makes fun of the idea of liberals and of liberal democracy.
- Anne Applebaum
Collection: Fun
Image of Natalie Dormer
I think classes can be the most fun. And if you want to make it a social thing and you want to go with friends, then that's the way to do it.
- Natalie Dormer
Collection: Fun
Image of Wes Craven
You can look at what's happened to America in the last years and say a lot of people were asleep. A lot of people were not staying awake and watching what was going on and facing the pain of that and dealing with it.I don't care if the rest of the audience doesn't think along those lines at all, because the audience is a huge spectrum of people, from people who are introspective to people who just want to be scared and have fun, and all the points in between.
- Wes Craven
Collection: Fun
Image of Bob Odenkirk
I've always tried to have a rule that you shouldn't make fun of innocent people who can't defend themselves. I find that a little unseemly and distasteful. But nothing's really sacred to me.
- Bob Odenkirk
Collection: Fun
Image of Doug Benson
[Ryan Reynolds] has had stabs at it like Just Friends. He's really fun in that.
- Doug Benson
Collection: Fun
Image of Doug Benson
It's fun playing the judge, because I grew up on all the courtroom stuff in movies and TV. So, you know all the tropes, and you know all the expressions.
- Doug Benson
Collection: Fun
Image of Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Competition is enjoyable only when it is a means to perfect one’s skills; when it becomes an end in itself, it ceases to be fun.
- Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Collection: Fun
Image of Kate DiCamillo
What would make me happiest is if kids read these books [Bink & Gollie] and think: there is so much to love in the world; and words are so much fun.
- Kate DiCamillo
Collection: Fun
Image of Claire Danes
I think it distinguishes television from every other medium. It's what makes it kind of radical, and risky, and fun.
- Claire Danes
Collection: Fun
Image of Paulo Coelho
The Superclass tries to promote its values. Ordinary people complain of divine injustice, they envy power, and it pains them to see others having fun. They don’t understand that no one is having fun, that everyone is worried and insecure, and that what the jewels, cars, and fat wallets conceal is a huge inferiority complex.
- Paulo Coelho
Collection: Fun
Image of Zendaya
The secret to a really great friendship is just creating fun memories whenever you're with that person.
- Zendaya
Collection: Fun
Image of Zendaya
I just like to have fun.
- Zendaya
Collection: Fun
Image of Steve Coogan
A lot of people can be very scared about making themselves vulnerable and appearing uncool. I don't really give a damn; as long as it's funny, I'll do it [make fun of myself].
- Steve Coogan
Collection: Fun
Image of Richard Dawkins
Myths are fun, as long as you don't confuse them with the truth.
- Richard Dawkins
Collection: Fun
Image of Stephen Colbert
If I thought I knew what was going to happen, it wouldn't be worth doing. The challenge is how joyfully, with what sense of fun and adventure and playfulness, we will greet it. We don't have to look for what the next thing will be. If experience is any judge, it'll come flowing toward us like a river.
- Stephen Colbert
Collection: Fun
Image of Noah Baumbach
When I meet certain filmmakers, sometimes you sit down and you do have some kind of shorthand. It can be fun to see them as someone who has been through similar experiences, but also as someone who just loves film. You can talk with them about films in a way that feels really free.
- Noah Baumbach
Collection: Fun
Image of Roxane Gay
Sex offers incredible narrative opportunities and so many emotions are tied up in sex. Also, I mean, the erotic is always a fun creative space.
- Roxane Gay
Collection: Fun
Image of Mireille Enos
I think zombies are the great analogy for all of our fears about all of the scary things that happen on our planet, and the potential for scariness on our planet. Being chased by anyone or anything can be scary. It is just a big, fun analogy.
- Mireille Enos
Collection: Fun
Image of James Marsters
I'm not an ad-libber. If I'm asked to ad-lib, I can ad-lib forever and it's really fun to do that, but I find that well-written scripts are put together very carefully. Once you start to ad-lib and add words to sentences, there's a slacking that happens. When it's good writing, it's taut. I'm not judging people who do ad-lib.
- James Marsters
Collection: Fun
Image of Johnny Depp
There are guys, the weekenders, who can go out and get loaded and they're having fun and partying - which is a term I deplore, partying - and it's all recreational and they're having a ball. I never had that. It was never about recreation. Not. Ever. That was never my motivation. Not once!
- Johnny Depp
Collection: Fun
Image of Ice Cube
Seeing my son getting roughed up by the police is not fun. It brings back memories of when I got roughed up by them. He grew up totally different than how I grew up, and to me, he shouldn't have to go through that.
- Ice Cube
Collection: Fun
Image of Edwidge Danticat
After the Dance was my first attempt at nonfiction. I'd never really participated in carnival, and I really wanted to go. It sounded like a wonderfully fun thing to do. And I wanted to write something happy about Haiti, something celebratory. And going to carnival gave me a chance to do that, because it is one of the instances in Haiti when people shed their class separation and come together.
- Edwidge Danticat
Collection: Fun
Image of Vin Diesel
It's remarkable how a soundtrack can be so important to the storytelling and the experience. I think the music is going to make people see the movie a lot. The music is going to make you want to go see it again. You have so much fun in the movie, and it's music that you want to share with your kids, anyway.
- Vin Diesel
Collection: Fun
Image of Matthew Tobin Anderson
We went to the moon to have fun, but the moon turned out to completely suck.
- Matthew Tobin Anderson
Collection: Fun
Image of Penelope Cruz
I love ballet and I love dancing...... It's a little boring for me to go to the gym because I'm used to the dancing discipline - It's really hard, but much more fun.
- Penelope Cruz
Collection: Fun
Image of Benedict Cumberbatch
Sherlock being the most prevalent, and they've been really good fun.
- Benedict Cumberbatch
Collection: Fun
Image of Richard Masur
I used to be the youngest person on the set [of Bored To Death]. Now I'm very often the oldest person on the set. I feel lucky about that, to be honest. Lena [Dunham], by the way is a doll to me. So much fun to work with and really open.
- Richard Masur
Collection: Fun
Image of Robert Holden
Make a commitment to having fun. See your best friends and make time for your hobbies and passions.
- Robert Holden
Collection: Fun
Image of Akiane Kramarik
I really love sharing my gift with others. At the same time, I'm just a normal kid having fun and that's what life is all about-having fun at the same time as helping people.
- Akiane Kramarik
Collection: Fun
Image of Billy Collins
I can't picture myself starting out aiming to do anything or having much of an agenda.I think in writing a poem, I'm making some tonal adjustments, and it took me a long time to allow anything like fun into my poetry.
- Billy Collins
Collection: Fun