Top fun Quotes Collection - Page 7

Discover a curated collection of fun quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 7 provides more fun quotes.

Image of Scott Westerfeld
Making ourselves feel ugly is not fun." "We are ugly.
- Scott Westerfeld
Collection: Fun
Image of Si Robertson
I don’t know any redneck that’s not into fun. That’s their middle name: Red-Fun-Neck.
- Si Robertson
Collection: Fun
Image of James Thurber
The wit makes fun of other persons; the satirist makes fun of the world; the humorist makes fun of himself.
- James Thurber
Collection: Fun
Image of Aubrey Plaza
I got off Twitter, because I started feeling like it was not adding anything positive into my life. If anything, it was more negative. But now I'm back on it because it can be fun. I think, as an actor and a public figure, it's a different experience when you put yourself out there in that way. I think it can be a great tool, and that part I'm comfortable with. But the part that's kind of more personal, that part I'm still struggling with, because I don't really want people to know everything about me.
- Aubrey Plaza
Collection: Fun
Image of P. G. Wodehouse
Everything in life that’s any fun, as somebody wisely observed, is either immoral, illegal or fattening.
- P. G. Wodehouse
Collection: Fun
Image of Evan Williams
Change the world. Build a business. Have fun.
- Evan Williams
Collection: Fun
Image of Shirley Temple
Animal crackers in my soup Monkeys and rabbits loop the loop Gosh oh gee but I have fun Swallowing animals one by one In every bowl of soup I see Lions and Tigers watching me I make 'em jump right through a hoop Those animal crackers in my soup When I get hold of the big bad wolf I just push him under to drown Then I bite him in a million bits And I gobble him right down When their inside me where it's dark I walk around like Noah's ark I stuff my tummy like a goop With animal crackers in my soup.
- Shirley Temple
Collection: Fun
Image of Charles Eisenstein
Play is the production of fun; entertainment is the consumption of fun.
- Charles Eisenstein
Collection: Fun
Image of Susan J. Douglas
We need to make fun of and ridicule the media images that seek to keep us down, divide us against each other by age, class, and race, and insist that we spend so much psychic energy on our faces, clothes and bodies that nothing is left for ideas, social change, or politics.
- Susan J. Douglas
Collection: Fun
Image of Eliezer Yudkowsky
Through rationality we shall become awesome, and invent and test systematic methods for making people awesome, and plot to optimize everything in sight, and the more fun we have the more people will want to join us.
- Eliezer Yudkowsky
Collection: Fun
Image of George Lincoln Rockwell
Life is struggle. Even to stand up is a struggle against the law of gravity and I think that the joy of life in the struggle itself - not the victory - because if it were we'd all lose. We're all gonna croak. We all lose the battle of life so if you can't find fun in the fight to live and to live to the fullest then you're a failure already, before you even start.
- George Lincoln Rockwell
Collection: Fun
Image of Damon Albarn
I was naive enough to believe it would be enough to replace the government. Well, I made fun of the people in the government and then realized that even if we got rid of them, they were replaced by exactly the same guys.
- Damon Albarn
Collection: Fun
Image of Shunryu Suzuki
When my master and I were walking in the rain, he would say, 'Do not walk so fast, the rain is everywhere.'
- Shunryu Suzuki
Collection: Fun
Image of Bart D. Ehrman
My students sometimes ask: what is a fundamentalist? I give them a very simple definition. A fundamentalist is no fun, too much damn, and not enough mental.
- Bart D. Ehrman
Collection: Fun
Image of Tina Yothers
Be all you can be and live a good life, have fun with it.
- Tina Yothers
Collection: Fun
Image of Rene Redzepi
That's how people make sense of a meeting: they eat something. If they were in a sad moment it would be the same thing, they'd be eating something. It's what makes life fun. We don't need it to be delicious or great or all these things if we're just to survive. But it's one of those things that makes life fun, livable. And the more I submerge myself in it, the more fun I seem to have.
- Rene Redzepi
Collection: Fun
Image of George Takei
Good grief. If we can’t laugh at ourselves, and at one another, in good spirit and without malice, then what fun can be left? If we must withhold all ribbing in the name of protecting everyone’s feelings, then we truly are a toothless society. We will reach what I call “the lowest common denominator of butthurt.
- George Takei
Collection: Fun
Image of Stephen Breyer
The advantages? Exercise, no parking problems, gas prices, it's fun. An automobile is expensive. You have to find a place to park and it's not fun. So why not ride a bicycle? I recommend it.
- Stephen Breyer
Collection: Fun
Image of Christina Milian
Take everything to the next level and have fun doing it. No limits, no rules!
- Christina Milian
Collection: Fun
Image of Nevil Shute
Some games are fun even when you lose. Even when you know you're going to lose before you start. It's fun just playing them.
- Nevil Shute
Collection: Fun
Image of Anita Roddick
First, you have to have fun. Second, you have to put love where your labour is. Third, you have to go in the opposite direction to everyone else.
- Anita Roddick
Collection: Fun
Image of Anita Roddick
My passionate belief is that business can be fun, it can be conducted with love and a powerful force for good.
- Anita Roddick
Collection: Fun
Image of Drew Brees
We had a saying that the fun stops at one.
- Drew Brees
Collection: Fun
Image of Joan Rivers
If you can't make fun of yourself, you don't have any right to make fun of others
- Joan Rivers
Collection: Fun
Image of Seth Rogen
For me and my wife...the easiest part of my life is my marriage. Like if everything was as smooth and easy and fun as my relationship with my wife then I would have a much easier time getting through the day. We really get along and we like the same stuff.
- Seth Rogen
Collection: Fun
Image of Seth Rogen
When I was a little kid, I used to say, "I would rather host the Oscars than win an Oscar." To me, that seemed like the more appealing, fun gig.
- Seth Rogen
Collection: Fun
Image of Patti Stanger
A man can be drawn across the room with the simplicity of a smile. Thats why your pearly whites should always be straight and shiny. I think most of my clients are drawn to a fun, flirty nature in a woman. The problem is, most women do not often feel fun and flirty.
- Patti Stanger
Collection: Fun
Image of Larry Wall
Over the long term, symbiosis is more useful than parasitism. More fun, too. Ask any mitochondria.
- Larry Wall
Collection: Fun
Image of Tim Dorsey
Don't make fun of people who are different. Unless they have more money and influence. Then you must
- Tim Dorsey
Collection: Fun
Image of Mathias Malzieu
If you're frightened of damaging yourself, you increase the risk of doing just that. Consider the tightrope walker. Do you think he spares any thought for falling while he's walking the rope? No, he accepts the risk, and enjoys the thrill of braving the danger. If you spend your whole life being careful not to break anything, you'll get terribly bored, you know... I can't think of anything more fun than being impulsive.
- Mathias Malzieu
Collection: Fun
Image of Mathias Malzieu
If you spend your whole life being careful not to break anything, you'll get terribly bored, you know...I can't think of anything more fun than being impulsive!
- Mathias Malzieu
Collection: Fun
Image of Regina Spektor
I was a kid, and I was very excited to experience this whole new world. And everything was fun, everything from, oh, wow, we get bananas - I'd only seen them in picture books, you know - to, like, the diversity of the neighborhood and to explore Judaism for the first time. It was really hushed in the Soviet Union.
- Regina Spektor
Collection: Fun
Image of Ted Kooser
There's nothing wrong with delighting in what you do. In fact, most of the fun you'll have as a poet will come about during the process of writing.
- Ted Kooser
Collection: Fun
Image of Judith McNaught
You can't live your life to suit other people. The harder you try, the more restrictions they'll put on you just for the fun of seeing you jump through their hoops.
- Judith McNaught
Collection: Fun
Image of Dan Savage
Today's unspeakable perversion is tomorrow's kink, is next week's good clean fun
- Dan Savage
Collection: Fun
Image of Mark Vonnegut
Introverts almost never cause me trouble and are usually much better at what they do than extroverts. Extroverts are too busy slapping one another on the back, team building, and making fun of introverts to get much done. Extroverts are amazed and baffled by how much some introverts get done and assume that they, the extroverts, are somehow responsible.
- Mark Vonnegut
Collection: Fun
Image of Frank Miller
'Cartoonists' dirty secret is that we tend to come up with stories that involve things that are really fun to draw.
- Frank Miller
Collection: Fun
Image of Sara Shepard
Its more fun to think of the future than dwell on the past.
- Sara Shepard
Collection: Fun
Image of Joe Strummer
It is fun to be alive. It's a hell of a lot better than being dead.
- Joe Strummer
Collection: Fun
Image of Jack Nicholson
I've always had an urge to feed my need to have fun and feel free. I don't see any interesting alternatives.
- Jack Nicholson
Collection: Fun
Image of Pseudonymous Bosch
Please be SILENT and LISTEN. I am the SCHOOLMASTER and you are in the CLASSROOM. Just like ELEVEN PLUS TWO equals TWELVE PLUS ONE, And even a FUNERAL can be REAL FUN, You will find my DICTIONARY is quite INDICATORY. If you want to read my story, just look... THEN UNREAD.
- Pseudonymous Bosch
Collection: Fun
Image of Mikhail Baryshnikov
Fundamentals are the building blocks of fun.
- Mikhail Baryshnikov
Collection: Fun
Image of Maggie Q
I like the physical challenge. It's fun for me.
- Maggie Q
Collection: Fun
Image of Johnny Vegas
I was loved as a kid; I was raised with more love and emotional support than most folks could wish for my memories aged nought to ten are all bound up together in a mesh of innocence and fun.
- Johnny Vegas
Collection: Fun
Image of Dianna Agron
You just realize at the end of the day, everyone is going to have their opinion on your life, more and more so as you go along. As long as you're getting to work and be a part of it - still having fun, learn to just not sweat it so much and keep doing the things you love.
- Dianna Agron
Collection: Fun
Image of Shawn Ryan
Nothing makes me happier than to have a smart person tell me why the show is smart, especially if I didn't intend that. I tend to be a very instinctual writer, and I don't plot shows out like, "This is my thesis and this is how I'm going to subtly sneak my thesis into this episode." I just approach it from, "We know these characters well, here are the situations that they're in, now how would they behave? What would the consequences be?" And it's always fun to see how people interpret that and dissect it afterward, and make me and the other writers seem probably smarter than we really are.
- Shawn Ryan
Collection: Fun
Image of Stewart O'Nan
Saul Bellow once said, 'A writer is a reader who has moved to emulation' — which I think is true. I just started writing and made that jump from reader to writer and learned how hard it was, but also how much fun it was — losing myself in these imaginary worlds.
- Stewart O'Nan
Collection: Fun
Image of Kristen Bell
I've got a lot of nervous energy and I trip a lot. I don't have a good equilibrium. In the places where the physical comedy was necessary, it came very naturally and it was fun.
- Kristen Bell
Collection: Fun
Image of Kristen Bell
Someone once told me it's more important what you turn down than what you take, and I think that rings true, especially when you're trying to make decisions about how you want to be viewed. It's hard, because I also want to have fun, and if there's a project that's super-small or low-budget or silly but it happens to have friends involved, I'll always take it, because my number-one priority is that I want to have fun with my career.
- Kristen Bell
Collection: Fun