Top fun Quotes Collection - Page 67

Discover a curated collection of fun quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 67 provides more fun quotes.

Image of Marie Forleo
There's a huge gap in the market for modern online marketing and business education for women that's effective, fun, and gorgeous to engage with. I knew I could fill that gap.
- Marie Forleo
Collection: Fun
Image of Rebecca Wells
Sadness can find you anywhere, anytime, so you better have fun when you can.
- Rebecca Wells
Collection: Fun
Image of Jon Gordon
The goal in life is to live young, have fun, and arrive at your final destination as late as possible, with a smile on your face.
- Jon Gordon
Collection: Fun
Image of Darren Criss
I've been lucky enough to work with the amazing Golden Globe Award winning Chris Colfer and that is fantastic. I get to work with him on a day-to-day basis and he is such a generous talent. Chris and I like to play. He always throws me things and I ping them back to him and it's really fun. We definitely have a very lovely rapport personally - I think on screen too - and I hope you can see that in the characters.
- Darren Criss
Collection: Fun
Image of Marion Cotillard
It cannot be stressful. It just has to be fun. There are many, many things to stress for in this life -- not getting ready for a red carpet.
- Marion Cotillard
Collection: Fun
Image of Benedict Cumberbatch
I'm always playing characters with intellects profoundly superior to mine. That's great fun, even though it's as much a fantasy for me as for the people watching me.
- Benedict Cumberbatch
Collection: Fun
Image of Ted Cruz
Donald [Trump] is a charming person. He can be fun. He can make you laugh. But he can turn on you. And get nasty and personal and vicious.
- Ted Cruz
Collection: Fun
Image of Dave Franco
As much as I love acting and I hope to be doing it for a long time, it almost feels more natural for me to be a producer. I came into all of this because I'm a fan of movies and I wanted to find any way I could to be a part of it all. I happened to take the acting route but it could have been a million different ways in. Now that I'm producing it's just really fun for me to work with people that I really admire and put people together who I think will work well together. Just having a little more control.
- Dave Franco
Collection: Fun
Image of Dave Franco
There's always the day where you do the effort noises, so there's a lot of grunts, huffing and puffing, pretending like you're hopping over things, pretending like you're getting hit, and pretending like you're kicking. If any of that was recorded, it's some of the silliest stuff I'll ever do, as an actor, but it's fun and liberating, in a way, 'cause no one can see me. I videotape myself doing it sometimes, to send to my friends just to remind us how ridiculous our jobs are.
- Dave Franco
Collection: Fun
Image of Kristin Davis
We enjoyed such amazing success on Sex and the City. You don't expect success on that level, it was such a big deal, and it was so intense and wonderful that it is hard for anything else to live up to it, quite frankly. So now I just try to have fun and work with interesting people. I think that there is a perception that certain films won't be popular. So it was great that The Devil Wears Prada did really well.
- Kristin Davis
Collection: Fun
Image of Miranda Cosgrove
Being in the movie [School of Rock] was really cool. Sometimes we had to do takes over, but Jack always kept us going. He was fun.
- Miranda Cosgrove
Collection: Fun
Image of Sara Bareilles
The earliest issue I can remember going through was body image issues. I was a chubby little kid and I got made fun of for it. I dealt with horrible, horrible self esteem issues, and I still struggle with that. I think it's what taught me a lot of empathy and compassion, though, but there are those days where I look in the mirror and I still see twelve year old fat Sara.
- Sara Bareilles
Collection: Fun
Image of Bryan Cranston
The more you humanize superhero characters, the more they're relatable. The more they have a vulnerable point, whether it's emotionally or their superpower, or whatever, we relate the superpower or the loss of a superpower to their emotions. It's just fun to walk through that.
- Bryan Cranston
Collection: Fun
Image of Martin Amis
It's good fun to create an unpredictable character. When he comes into the room, I don't know what he's going to do - I have to find my way.
- Martin Amis
Collection: Fun
Image of Emily Dickinson
September's Baccalaureate A combination is Of Crickets - Crows - and Retrospects And a dissembling Breeze That hints without assuming - An Innuendo sear That makes the Heart put up its Fun And turn Philosopher.
- Emily Dickinson
Collection: Fun
Image of Gillian Jacobs
I think that initially all I wanted to do was work as an actress, and then, as I started to work more consistently, you start to maybe want to challenge yourself in different ways, so I think it's something that developed over time - this desire to direct and also to produce. I think as you watch other actresses do it so successfully and so gracefully, you're like, I think that would be fun! It's definitely something that has become more of a priority for me.
- Gillian Jacobs
Collection: Fun
Image of Gillian Jacobs
The main fun of being an actor is that you get to bounce around to a lot of different worlds.
- Gillian Jacobs
Collection: Fun
Image of Mason Cooley
The young break rules for fun. The old for profit.
- Mason Cooley
Collection: Fun
Image of Leonardo DiCaprio
People always ask, 'Was it fun? Was it fun working on a movie?' I don't know if that's the operative word. It is challenging and interesting and all those other things, but fun isn't always.
- Leonardo DiCaprio
Collection: Fun
Image of James Cromwell
Barney Miller' was a lot of fun. I'm very fond of Abe Vigoda. Most - a lot of people on that cast - I really liked.
- James Cromwell
Collection: Fun
Image of Matthew Lewis
Don't get paparazzi following me everywhere. My life there is exactly the same as it would have been if I had not been in Harry Potter. So for me, Harry Potter isn't something that changed my life. It's just something I did that was a lot of fun, and I got to experience amazing things from. But my actual, personal life is the same.
- Matthew Lewis
Collection: Fun
Image of Mark Cuban
I love helping entrepreneurs. It's something I really have fun doing. It's like planting a little seed and watching it grow. Any time I can help somebody, that's a good thing. It's fun. If I get to make some money at it, it's even better.
- Mark Cuban
Collection: Fun
Image of Ani DiFranco
A little bird told me that jumping is easy and the falling is fun, right up until you hit sidewalk shivering and stunned.
- Ani DiFranco
Collection: Fun
Image of George Clooney
Acting is one element in a film. Directing is sort of the painter using all of those elements - sound and music and camera and putting it all together. And that can be fun and exciting. If you fail, it's incredibly upsetting - much more upsetting than when you're an actor. But when you succeed it's incredibly, incredibly exciting, so I like the risk of it all.
- George Clooney
Collection: Fun
Image of Angela Lansbury
They're great devotees of Noel Coward in England, of course, he's a favorite son, and so to play Coward in London is such fun, and anyway, the role is such a crazy lady. I just love doing that.
- Angela Lansbury
Collection: Fun
Image of John Mulaney
I had a lot of fun writing things that died during dress rehearsal. Sometimes I remember the crazy ones that died even more fondly than the ones that did really well.
- John Mulaney
Collection: Fun
Image of John Mulaney
It's really fun to be writing and producing your own sketches. You almost have more control.
- John Mulaney
Collection: Fun
Image of Jay Mohr
All I can do when I'm on stage is do a show where when I come back into town they cannot possibly afford to miss the show because they remember how fun it was.
- Jay Mohr
Collection: Fun
Image of Paulo Coelho
I like to be challenged with language, so I start to do texts for my blogs that people can download, can spread. There is no commercial interest behind it. It's only for fun, like doing something that you really enjoy to do. I have texts that I write specifically for the internet and I put them there. I am interested in how readers also respond to the texts that I write to them.
- Paulo Coelho
Collection: Fun
Image of Anita Moorjani
The way to find your happiness joy is to make a list of all the things that are fun for YOU to do. Then do some of those things everyday.
- Anita Moorjani
Collection: Fun
Image of Travis Rice
I'm passionate about capturing amazing snowboarding action. I get so much out of the artistic endeavor of even getting one amazing shot in a pristine environment, using specialist cameras to showcase how fun and dynamic snowboarding is. That's what I live for.
- Travis Rice
Collection: Fun
Image of Travis Rice
The Tokyo Dome Big Air contest (in 2003) was my first trip to Japan. I think I won it with a double back or something. Those events were fun. I was underaged, like 19 or 20, and going over to Japan in the very beginning was insane. It was amazing.
- Travis Rice
Collection: Fun
Image of Travis Rice
I'm very much looking forward to doing nothing fixed, just riding for fun.
- Travis Rice
Collection: Fun
Image of Sylvia Day
Angel, getting you off is ninety-nine percent of the fun for me.
- Sylvia Day
Collection: Fun
Image of Sylvia Day
My stories are known for featuring fun, fearless Cosmopolitan-type heroines as well as delicious, dangerous heroes synonymous with Harlequin. Afterburn and Aftershock will be no exception. I'm excited to share these sizzling new romances with readers and to do so hand in hand with Harlequin and Cosmopolitan, beloved brands known for giving women exactly what they want.
- Sylvia Day
Collection: Fun
Image of Richard Armitage
The bad guys have all the fun!
- Richard Armitage
Collection: Fun
Image of Chris Colfer
I do all kind of fun things when I'm unconscious.
- Chris Colfer
Collection: Fun
Image of Lily Collins
The greenhouse scene! It was just so fun to have the romance and the action.
- Lily Collins
Collection: Fun
Image of Laurie Halse Anderson
There is something about Christmas that requires a rug rat. Little kids make Christmas fun. I wonder if could rent one for the holidays.
- Laurie Halse Anderson
Collection: Fun
Image of Jon Gordon
The best thing you can do is just go and have fun with [competition].
- Jon Gordon
Collection: Fun
Image of John Cusack
Satire is meant to have teeth; satire is meant to be dangerous. But it also happens to be fun because subversion and telling the right kind of people to go to hell is supposed to feel good.
- John Cusack
Collection: Fun
Image of James Badge Dale
I always like playing the bad guys. They have more fun! I want a director to come up to me and say, "You can't get too weird!" That's a good thing. I loved hearing that. Let me play. I like to play around.
- James Badge Dale
Collection: Fun
Image of Jack Johnson
Schedules are impossible to me. I am excited to be on tour, but there are instances when I wish that I wasn't managed. The shows are fun, but six hour drives burn me out.
- Jack Johnson
Collection: Fun
Image of Simon Cowell
You have an advantage if you win. I always think it's best to be remembered as a winner rather than as the runner-up. It's definitely more fun getting the gold than it is the silver.
- Simon Cowell
Collection: Fun
Image of James Dashner
There are so many things hinted at that will be fun to reveal in depth. For years, fans have made it abundantly and enthusiastically clear that they want the same thing, so now seems like the perfect time to give readers the story of how the Maze began.
- James Dashner
Collection: Fun
Image of Charles Dickens
To a young heart everything is fun.
- Charles Dickens
Collection: Fun
Image of Benedict Cumberbatch
I was very keen to work on the script with Scott Derrickson and [C. Robert] Cargill, and working out the important story beats, changing lines, upping the comedy, changing the pace, all of that was great fun.
- Benedict Cumberbatch
Collection: Fun
Image of Kurt Cobain
Load up our guns Bring your friends It's fun to lose and to pretend
- Kurt Cobain
Collection: Fun