Top fun Quotes Collection - Page 65

Discover a curated collection of fun quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 65 provides more fun quotes.

Image of Kate Bush
I love words, I think they're fascinating and incredibly wonderful things and part of the joy of my work is that I not only get to work with music but also with words. Sometimes it's a difficult process but a lot of the time it's really fun.
- Kate Bush
Collection: Fun
Image of Hillary Clinton
Innovation, having fun and giving back, should be the core values for everyone
- Hillary Clinton
Collection: Fun
Image of Julia Child
We ought to enjoy our food, we ought to take time and care and prepare it correctly, and we ought to have fun doing it and make it a communal event.
- Julia Child
Collection: Fun
Image of Dan Chaon
I'm working with fragments a lot of the time and the connective tissue isn't there yet. I think of it the way comics work. You have a block here and a block here, and there's this white space in between. Somehow your mind makes the leap to connect those two blocks. Finding a way to trick your mind into connecting those blocks is one of the fun things for me about writing. You can have those leaps that will emerge into something, if you're lucky.
- Dan Chaon
Collection: Fun
Image of Common
The human being that I strive to be is a great human being, like a loving human being, but as an actor, you take on roles that are not you and that's the fun part for me as far as acting goes. You really get to learn about other human beings and not judge.
- Common
Collection: Fun
Image of George W. Bush
...By allowing businesses to expense up to $75,000, it means somebody is more likely to buy a copying machine, or in this case, an architectural... fancy machine.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Fun
Image of William F. Buckley, Jr.
I had much more fun criticizing than praising.
- William F. Buckley, Jr.
Collection: Fun
Image of Andrew McMahon
I like to watch people have fun and then trip them while they're doing so.
- Andrew McMahon
Collection: Fun
Image of Charlie Chaplin
Had I known of the actual horrors of the German concentration camps, I could not have made The Great Dictator, I could not have made fun of the homicidal insanity of the Nazis.
- Charlie Chaplin
Collection: Fun
Image of Sharon Gannon
Vegan food is not only good for you, the animals, and the planet, but cooking vegan can be simple, easy, and fun.
- Sharon Gannon
Collection: Fun
Image of Charlie Munger
What good is envy? It’s the one sin you can’t have any fun at.
- Charlie Munger
Collection: Fun
Image of Reince Priebus
I like the idea of having more of a fun convention during the election campaign, if it's showbiz, if it's entertainment, whatever the case may be. I like that idea, but with every suggestion comes millions of dollars in money. So, the suggestions are great, but there has to be, you know, a pretty big influx of cash to do something like that.
- Reince Priebus
Collection: Fun
Image of Mac Anderson
Passion--it's the driving force that you just can't ignore. It's what will make your new adventure seem more like fun, than work. It's the difference between wanting to start a business and craving it.
- Mac Anderson
Collection: Fun
Image of Leo Burnett
Fun without sell gets nowhere, but sell without fun tends to become obnoxious.
- Leo Burnett
Collection: Fun
Image of Peter Facinelli
Everyone had coverage. You might have like three lines, but there were 10 people, so they would cover each person. Three lines could take 12 or 15 hours, but it was fun because everybody was together. As hard as it was to shoot those scenes, I always enjoyed when we were all together.
- Peter Facinelli
Collection: Fun
Image of Madonna Ciccone
Getting lit! Full Disclosure............#dancing #fun #life #livingforlove
- Madonna Ciccone
Collection: Fun
Image of Woody Allen
For me personally - because I do it myself - the scoring of a picture is fun. I edit the picture and when I've finished I go into my room and I have many many records - jazz, classical and popular music. And I have this all at my disposal. I don't have to get a composer.
- Woody Allen
Collection: Fun
Image of Johnny Carson
A two-pound turkey and a fifty-pound cranberry-that's Thanksgiving dinner at Three Mile Island.
- Johnny Carson
Collection: Fun
Image of Hillary Clinton
I keep telling people I want to close the deficit, and one of the deficits is want to close is the fun deficit.
- Hillary Clinton
Collection: Fun
Image of Hank Green
Hoaxes are nothing new. News media isn't hard to fool. It's fun to fool and people like to mess with people. It all goes to show you that we're not all that hard to fool. I think we should just accept that and trust people anyway.
- Hank Green
Collection: Fun
Image of Lupita Nyong'o
I loved duping my parents; I liked manipulating them. It was a way for me to stand out. It was fun.
- Lupita Nyong'o
Collection: Fun
Image of Cassandra Clare
Right. Vampires. But how do they get inside?" "They fly" ... "We dont fly," Clary felt impelled to point out. "No," Jace agreed. "We dont fly. We break and enter." ... "Flying sounds like more fun." -Clary & Jace, pg.258-
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Fun
Image of Cassandra Clare
But how do they get inside?" "They fly," Jace said, and indicated the upper floors of the building. [...] "We don't fly," Clary felt impelled to point out. "No," Jace agreed. "We don't fly. We break and enter." He started across the street toward the hotel. "Flying sounds like more fun," Clary said, hurrying to catch up with him. "Right now everything sounds like more fun.
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Fun
Image of Gina Carano
It [preparing for a role] is just like studying for a test and making the test easy; it makes it a lot of fun, especially when people enjoy it.
- Gina Carano
Collection: Fun
Image of Blake Griffin
Every season is so much different and you go through your ups and downs, you figure your team out, you get to play against great teams. Some of the best competition there's been since I've been in the league. Just every night, night in and night out we get to play against the top guys, the top teams. It's a lot of fun.
- Blake Griffin
Collection: Fun
Image of Robert Burns
As Tammie glow'red, amazed and curious, The mirth and fun grew fast and furious.
- Robert Burns
Collection: Fun
Image of Emily Ratajkowski
Pop music is great, but there's a lot of BS about the attitude of guys being super-gangster - that's why the whole thing is silly. It's making fun of itself. That self-awareness is why people enjoy it. It's refreshing.
- Emily Ratajkowski
Collection: Fun
Image of Jimmy Carter
It was the darndest thing I've ever seen. It was big, it was very bright, it changed colors and it was about the size of the moon.. We watched it for ten minutes, but none of us could figure out what it was. One thing's for sure, I'll never make fun of people who say they've seen unidentified objects in the sky.
- Jimmy Carter
Collection: Fun
Image of Maria Bamford
There's a reason I'm a stand-up comedian. I think there may be some laziness inherent in that job. It's the four-hour work week, on some level. I mean, I work at it, but it's not that kind of... it's just not the hours at all. So I was extremely grateful for the job. It was super, super fun, and I'm surprised that I made it.
- Maria Bamford
Collection: Fun
Image of John Calipari
It has to be fun for you when you see somebody at a distance and you take their opinion of what they're going to be like and then you go interview them, and they're totally different. You're like, wow, I didn't expect that.
- John Calipari
Collection: Fun
Image of Sandra Bullock
I'm just having fun. And giving a sort of second shot at childhood and life - and I need to be present to do it.
- Sandra Bullock
Collection: Fun
Image of Michael Caine
Since I was 19, I've had the most fun possible every single day, even when I had a rough life. It was the army which taught me about life, and the theater which taught me how good it could be.
- Michael Caine
Collection: Fun
Image of Michael Caine
I was in Korea. I've noticed all my life I see elderly people who have been close to death in an illness and they're absolutely cured and they say, now I know how to live my life. I've seen death. That happened to me when I was 19. It was a terrible, terrifying thing. And I live my life like those people decided to do when they were old. So, since I was 19, I've had the most fun possible every single day, even when I had a rough life. It was the army which taught me about life, and the theater which taught me how good it could be.
- Michael Caine
Collection: Fun
Image of Hillary Clinton
I just want to sleep and exercise and travel for fun. And relax. It sounds so ordinary, but I haven't done it for 20 years.
- Hillary Clinton
Collection: Fun
Image of Chanakya
Everybody has same or the other weakness. This eis also a a general tendency to conceal theee weaknesses. For people may not harm for these, but they will surely ridicule or make fun of. Friendship, of course feigned should be retained with enemy till his weakness is known. Let him remain elated.
- Chanakya
Collection: Fun
Image of Mariah Carey
I'm not for the villains, I'm only for the princesses. I mean it's fun to have Jafar [Aladdin cartoon villain] or whatever; I didn't even remember their names 'cause they're not important to me.
- Mariah Carey
Collection: Fun
Image of Bill Bailey
I never really thought comedy was a career option, just something I did for fun. Suddenly I realised I was getting paid which was a bonus. I studied for a diploma with the London College of Music, and teaching was something I thought I might do but comedy intervened.
- Bill Bailey
Collection: Fun
Image of Madonna Ciccone
I guess I like to have fun.
- Madonna Ciccone
Collection: Fun
Image of Ally Carter
Where's the fun in that?
- Ally Carter
Collection: Fun
Image of Dick Cavett
Its fun for me to go on other folks talk shows. When youve endured the ups and downs and tensions and pitfalls of hosting, being a guest is a piece of angel food.
- Dick Cavett
Collection: Fun
Image of Amanda Bynes
I did theater before I got into TV and everything I did was serious, so it was definitely fun for me to pull out those chops, I definitely wanted to do a movie that just wasn't comedy.
- Amanda Bynes
Collection: Fun
Image of Alexander McCall Smith
I am easily persuaded to continue to have fun.
- Alexander McCall Smith
Collection: Fun
Image of Ally Carter
Dancing. Come on. You can do it. It's a lot like navigating through a laser grid. It requires rhythm.' He moved her hips to the beat of the distant music. 'And patience.' He spun her around slowly and back toward him. 'And it's only fun if you trust your partner.' The dip was so slow, so smooth that Kat didn't know it was happening until the world was already turned upside down and Hale's face was inches from her own. Count me in, Kat.' He squeezed her tighter. 'You should always count me in.
- Ally Carter
Collection: Fun
Image of Steve Carell
They love 3-D. It's fun to watch a movie in 3-D with your children, or with a group of children, because, from time to time, you see little hands reaching up to grab things that they think are right there. It's remarkable and it does, obviously, add another dimension, literally, to the movie.
- Steve Carell
Collection: Fun
Image of Garry Winogrand
I certainly never wanted to be a photographer to bore myself. It's no fun - life is too short.
- Garry Winogrand
Collection: Fun
Image of Garry Winogrand
I enjoy photographing. It's always interesting, so I can't say one thing is more fun than another. Everything has it's own difficulties.
- Garry Winogrand
Collection: Fun
Image of Woody Allen
Have you ever noticed that good people sleep better, but bad people seem to have more fun when they're awake?
- Woody Allen
Collection: Fun
Image of Debby Ryan
You won't ever be totally gotten by any human. That's part of the fun.
- Debby Ryan
Collection: Fun
Image of Darrell Royal
It's more fun when you shoot well and when you have a good score, but that's not a prerequisite to me for having a good time.
- Darrell Royal
Collection: Fun