Tim Kaine

Image of Tim Kaine
I believe all people, regardless of sexual orientation, should be guaranteed the full rights to the legal benefits and responsibilities of marriage under the Constitution.
- Tim Kaine
Collection: Legal
Image of Tim Kaine
When I hear Donald Trump say the American military is a disaster, I want to go through the screen and shake the guy. We ought to have a commander in chief who talks about our troops with respect and gratitude.
- Tim Kaine
Collection: Respect
Image of Tim Kaine
I'm not going to give a courtesy gift to a person who's going to win, and I'm not going to give a sympathy gift to a person who's going to lose.
- Tim Kaine
Collection: Sympathy
Image of Tim Kaine
The research clearly demonstrates high-quality early childhood opportunities help children succeed.
- Tim Kaine
Image of Tim Kaine
We are all neighbors. And we must love neighbors as ourselves.
- Tim Kaine
Image of Tim Kaine
I'm an introvert on the Myers-Briggs. I've got to have time by myself to recharge. My philosophy is sort of that humans are weak, frail, imperfect, and generally kind of bad, but every day I meet somebody who's good, and that inspires me.
- Tim Kaine
Image of Tim Kaine
The next president of the United States will be the president that will celebrate 100 years of women having the right to vote. I mean, I think having a woman president lead that celebration would be, you know, one of these instances of history really working out right in a poetic and beautiful way.
- Tim Kaine
Image of Tim Kaine
I think if you run away from who you are, that you're a Democrat and you're proud to be a Democrat, it's foolish. And the reason it's foolish is you've got a lot to be proud of.
- Tim Kaine
Image of Tim Kaine
We had a motto in my school: 'Men for Others.' And it was there that my faith became something vital. My north star for orienting my life. And when I left high school, I knew that I wanted to battle for social justice.
- Tim Kaine
Image of Tim Kaine
There is clearly a Christian New Testament tradition that warns against praying loudly in the front of the temple where everyone can see you.
- Tim Kaine
Image of Tim Kaine
The best way to deal with the deficit is through economic growth.
- Tim Kaine
Image of Tim Kaine
Donald Trump is a guy who has called for privatization of the V.A. That is something that is overwhelmingly rejected by America's veterans. They do not want to go down that path. Do they want improvement? Sure they do. But they don't want risky or radical.
- Tim Kaine
Image of Tim Kaine
As much as the constitutional argument matters to me, what really matters to me is this sort of moral question of can we order somebody to risk their lives about a military mission if we're not willing to debate, vote, and say that the military mission matters?
- Tim Kaine
Image of Tim Kaine
Whatever your religious tradition is, if it's important to you and you don't feel comfortable talking about it, you end up coming across as insincere.
- Tim Kaine
Image of Tim Kaine
I just want to serve people. I know it sounds like a simple cliche.
- Tim Kaine
Image of Tim Kaine
I would be open to a proposal that would have some minimum tax level for everyone.
- Tim Kaine
Image of Tim Kaine
The American economy has always been the innovator in the world, and we're starting to see some tremendous increases in innovation, especially in the clean energy sector.
- Tim Kaine
Image of Tim Kaine
I think the reason that drones have become so controversial is because they're used in Pakistan; they're used in Yemen; they've been used in all kinds of places.
- Tim Kaine
Image of Tim Kaine
My faith teaches that life is sacred. That's why I personally oppose the death penalty. But I take my oath of office seriously, and I'll enforce the death penalty... because it's the law.
- Tim Kaine
Image of Tim Kaine
Authenticity is key.
- Tim Kaine
Image of Tim Kaine
I say we are climbing out of a ditch and we are climbing up.
- Tim Kaine
Image of Tim Kaine
But people ought to be proud to be Democrats right now. You know, we're a happy warrior party. And this Congress has every reason to be very, very proud of the heavy lifting that they have done.
- Tim Kaine
Image of Tim Kaine
Race to race, the Republicans are putting up candidates that are quite far out of the mainstream in terms of should we have passed the Civil Rights Act or does Social Security need to exist.
- Tim Kaine
Image of Tim Kaine
You have got to connect your land use decisions with transportation decisions.
- Tim Kaine
Image of Tim Kaine
I think life is sacred, whether it's abortion or the death penalty.
- Tim Kaine
Image of Tim Kaine
No couples in Virginia can adopt other than a married couple - that's the right policy.
- Tim Kaine
Image of Tim Kaine
Gay individuals should be able to adopt.
- Tim Kaine
Image of Tim Kaine
If faith is your motivation, share that.
- Tim Kaine
Image of Tim Kaine
I'm not going to be anybody's punching bag.
- Tim Kaine
Image of Tim Kaine
One of the things we wrestle with nationally is, 'If we want the economy to be strong, what should we do?' Why not learn some lessons from Virginia?
- Tim Kaine
Image of Tim Kaine
You see Democrats who will demonize business. I don't do that. You see Republicans who demonize labor. I don't do that.
- Tim Kaine
Image of Tim Kaine
My sense is that economic anxiety means electoral volatility.
- Tim Kaine
Image of Tim Kaine
When I talk to people outside the beltway, I don't think people are that divided.
- Tim Kaine
Image of Tim Kaine
People will pay a price for putting political obstruction over progress in a time that is so critical and urgent.
- Tim Kaine
Image of Tim Kaine
Midterm elections for first-term presidents are notoriously difficult.
- Tim Kaine
Image of Tim Kaine
My sense is, as governor I've gotten a lot of stuff done.
- Tim Kaine
Image of Tim Kaine
You're not going to have a 1.000 batting average, but the way you get votes is, you just push and you push. I'm not afraid to do that.
- Tim Kaine
Image of Tim Kaine
I will always be a partner with the president of the United States.
- Tim Kaine
Image of Tim Kaine
You don't ask people to sacrifice their lives until the nation has debated and committed to the mission. It's immoral.
- Tim Kaine
Image of Tim Kaine
The framers understood that the president, as the head of our armed forces, must defend the nation from imminent threat. But when the mission shifts from defense to offense, congressional approval is essential.
- Tim Kaine
Image of Tim Kaine
When Democrats kind of cavalierly attack the religious right or go after Pat Robertson or Jerry Falwell, our candidates have sent the signal to a lot of religious people, 'Well, I guess they are not interested in me.' And I think this includes a lot of people who would fit very naturally within the Democratic Party.
- Tim Kaine
Image of Tim Kaine
If you want a senator who'll partner with the president to do what's best for the nation, I'm your guy.
- Tim Kaine
Image of Tim Kaine
The key is grow your talent, attract talent, and then you'll attract the institutions that want to be around talent - and that, to me, is what we need to do at the national level.
- Tim Kaine
Image of Tim Kaine
I am a governor who left office with a smaller general fund budget than when we started.
- Tim Kaine
Image of Tim Kaine
If you ask people, 'What do you think, should we kick kids off their family insurance policy in that 21- to 26-year-old age range?' You go through those... provisions that are already affecting the everyday lives of Americans, and people don't want to get rid of them.
- Tim Kaine
Image of Tim Kaine
When people are left out, we're naturally going to focus on that, if it's 47 million people who don't have health insurance, if it's 23,000 people who die every year because they lack access to health care for something that's easily treatable.
- Tim Kaine
Image of Tim Kaine
As governor, I cut $5 billion in spending.
- Tim Kaine
Image of Tim Kaine
I was the governor that drew a tough, tough straw. I was governor during the worst recession since the 1930s, and I had to cut $5 billion from the state budget.
- Tim Kaine
Image of Tim Kaine
I am boring.
- Tim Kaine
Image of Tim Kaine
I want to make sure that Hillary Clinton is the next president of the United States because we need Secretary Clinton's focus on making sure that we build an America where our values of inclusion and opportunity for everyone are the values that bring us together.
- Tim Kaine