Top fun Quotes Collection - Page 53

Discover a curated collection of fun quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 53 provides more fun quotes.

Image of P. J. O'Rourke
Lampoon was exactly the opposite. The work was a lot of fun, but the office environment was hell. You cannot put 20 humorists together.
- P. J. O'Rourke
Collection: Fun
Image of Ilona Andrews
William strode to her. That’s how it’s done. Drink it in. She surveyed the carnage behind him. “Did you have fun?” He showed her his teeth. “Yes. Now they won’t take you anywhere.” Cerise stepped closer to him, so close he only needed to lean in and dip his head and he would kiss her. Since he saved her, maybe he could just grab her and— “That was the stupidest thing you have done since I’ve met you,” she ground out through her teeth. Belay the grabbing.
- Ilona Andrews
Collection: Fun
Image of Richard Stallman
If you can find a host for me that has a friendly parrot, I will be very very glad… DON'T buy a parrot figuring that it will be a fun surprise for me. To acquire a parrot is a major decision: it is likely to outlive you. If you don't know how to treat the parrot, it could be emotionally scarred and spend many decades feeling frightened and unhappy. If you buy a captured wild parrot, you will promote a cruel and devastating practice, and the parrot will be emotionally scarred before you get it. Meeting that sad animal is not an agreeable surprise.
- Richard Stallman
Collection: Fun
Image of Tupac Shakur
To me, a perfect album talks about the hard stuff and the fun and caring stuff.
- Tupac Shakur
Collection: Fun
Image of Mandy Moore
Robin [Williams], he's pretty dynamic. I had a lot of fun but I also felt like there was no onus on me to be funny.
- Mandy Moore
Collection: Fun
Image of Ronald Reagan
If you've seen one redwood, you've seen them all.
- Ronald Reagan
Collection: Fun
Image of Ellen Hopkins
And at some point I would like to talk my publisher into doing an anthology of my poetry alongside some teen readers poetry. It would be fun, and really wonderful to get their stuff out there.
- Ellen Hopkins
Collection: Fun
Image of Dorothy Parker
People are more than fun than anybody.
- Dorothy Parker
Collection: Fun
Image of Jerry Seinfeld
Having fun is a very particular skill. And not everyone has that skill.
- Jerry Seinfeld
Collection: Fun
Image of Ozzy Osbourne
It was always fun in the early days of Black Sabbath, when I stayed away from heavy drugs. Then someone gave me cocaine and I went, "Hallelujah!" I thought I'd found the meaning of life!
- Ozzy Osbourne
Collection: Fun
Image of Gretchen Rubin
One of the things that surprised me the most is how often we assume that because something's fun for someone else, it makes somebody else happy, it will make us happy.
- Gretchen Rubin
Collection: Fun
Image of Jack Black
It's a mistake to just go make a movie where the whole thing is talking down to the kids like, "Ok, we gotta bring the IQ of this movie down because it's a kids movie" You don't have to do that, kids can laugh and parents can laugh at different parts and that's fun, and you see that with all of the great kids movies.
- Jack Black
Collection: Fun
Image of Hayley Williams
It definitely can be really hard being away from friends and family for so long. People expect you to be different when you come back. But I love it, I love coming home. I really want to start coming back here more often ? its so fun.
- Hayley Williams
Collection: Fun
Image of Richard Branson
What does the name Virgin mean? We are a company that likes to take on the giants. In too many businesses, these giants have had things their own way. We are going to have fun competing with them.
- Richard Branson
Collection: Fun
Image of Richard Branson
Have passion for what you do; believe in yourself and your product and your customer; persevere; delegate; listen. Have fun. Today, I add: "Do good".
- Richard Branson
Collection: Fun
Image of Anna Quindlen
Well, I'd like to think I am, and I'd also like to think that we're all having a lot more fun getting older than we pretend. It was interesting to me when I first started working on this book that I'd mentioned that I was writing a memoir about aging and everybody would moan and groan and carry on.
- Anna Quindlen
Collection: Fun
Image of Billy Bob Thornton
They always say 'Is there going to be a sequel to Bad Santa?' and you know, I mean, a long time ago they would talk about, you know, we're going to do a sequel to that but it was never serious. And they said 'Would you do it?' and I said out of all the movies I've done, that was a lot of fun, and maybe I would do a sequel if it ever came up and it made sense, but I said I don't think that's ever going to happen.
- Billy Bob Thornton
Collection: Fun
Image of John C. Reilly
If you get made fun for the way you look, then maybe wearing the same thing every day is the best way to protect yourself.
- John C. Reilly
Collection: Fun
Image of Mel Brooks
You cannot have fun with anything that you don't love or admire or respect.
- Mel Brooks
Collection: Fun
Image of Daniel Radcliffe
We would choreograph [ with Paul Dano] before each scene [in Swiss Army Man] and very quickly got to a place where we could improvise physically in scene and know that the other person would respond in character appropriately. So that [dynamic] was a lot of fun.
- Daniel Radcliffe
Collection: Fun
Image of Scott Westerfeld
the parties are no fun until everyone gets drunk
- Scott Westerfeld
Collection: Fun
Image of Mark Victor Hansen
Change is like to surfing. You can't just paddle into life, stand still and expect to stay on top of your board. The waves of change will knock you off and drag you under. Some people even think changes are fun! You are where you are because you want to be there. If you want to be somewhere else, you'll need to change.
- Mark Victor Hansen
Collection: Fun
Image of Rick Riordan
Lots of death, huh? Personally, I'm trying to avoid lots of death, but you guys have fun!
- Rick Riordan
Collection: Fun
Image of Sara Shepard
It's not fun to keep secrets, but sometimes you have to do it to protect yourself. And to protect people around you. - Meredith, p112
- Sara Shepard
Collection: Fun
Image of Iris Apfel
The fun of getting dressed is it's a creative experience.
- Iris Apfel
Collection: Fun
Image of Stephenie Meyer
Now, we'll have to hang out here until we're sure Jared's really gone and can't catch us." He grinned conspiratorially. "Then we'll have some fun!" I remembered that his idea of fun was usually along the lines of an armed standoff.
- Stephenie Meyer
Collection: Fun
Image of Richard Branson
Colleagues should take care of each other, have fun, celebrate success, learn by failure, look for reasons to praise not to criticize, communicate freely and respect each other.
- Richard Branson
Collection: Fun
Image of Josh Billings
There is not a whole lot of fun in medicine but there is a whole lot of medicine in fun.
- Josh Billings
Collection: Fun
Image of Keanu Reeves
Sometimes, with the scale of a film, it's like when I walked on the sets of "The Matrix," especially in "Reloaded," there was the city square, or in "Revolutions" with some of the machine world, you're like, "Wow, this is a big playground," which is fun to watch. But the acting experience and the collaborating and creating the world, working on the piece, they're the same joys.
- Keanu Reeves
Collection: Fun
Image of Michael Phelps
There are so many things that I still want to do. My foundation, growing my brand . . . the list is endless. I'm honestly busier now than I was when I was swimming. It's kind of weird, but I feel like more of an adult because I have to do stuff every day. Whether it's checking emails or making phone calls or doing this and that, it's fun for me. It's the start of a new chapter. At times, it is frustrating, but I know it's not going to be easy to accomplish the goals that I want.
- Michael Phelps
Collection: Fun
Image of Katherine Paterson
Read for fun, read for information, read in order to understand yourself and other people with quite different ideas. Learn about the world beyond your door. Learn to be compassionate and grow in wisdom. Books can help us in all these ways.
- Katherine Paterson
Collection: Fun
Image of William Faulkner
Between grief and nothing, I will take grief.
- William Faulkner
Collection: Fun
Image of Katie Price
In my game, there are a lot of nine-hour flights here, there, and everywhere for work, so I prefer to take a shorter plane journey somewhere hot - just for fun.
- Katie Price
Collection: Fun
Image of Robbie Williams
Yes I had to dress up in drag but what fun. And now I feel like a real lady.
- Robbie Williams
Collection: Fun
Image of Shailene Woodley
You turn on the shower or you do whatever, but especially right now with the drought in California, there are so many resources that we are depleting so quickly. And so, I thought it would be an interesting skill set to have if something were to go down, or even if it weren't. It's not post-apocalyptic idealism. It's more just like a fun hobby.
- Shailene Woodley
Collection: Fun
Image of Bill Burr
I just do my act. If people in England don't get my joke I make fun of myself for telling it.
- Bill Burr
Collection: Fun
Image of Halle Berry
I want to do roles that are fun and challenging and I want to try different things. I don't want to keep doing Monster's Ball over and over and over again. I want to keep doing my career the way that I was doing it before I won the Oscar.
- Halle Berry
Collection: Fun
Image of Ann Patchett
I decided to make my living as a magazine writer. And I found that it was really easy and fun.
- Ann Patchett
Collection: Fun
Image of Elie Wiesel
Man prefers to blame himself for all possible sins and crimes rather than come to the conclusion that God is capable of the most flagrant injustice. I still blush every time I think of the way God makes fun of human beings, his favorite toys.
- Elie Wiesel
Collection: Fun
Image of Justin Bieber
I just want to be young and fun and you know I think people should all wear yellow shoes.
- Justin Bieber
Collection: Fun
Image of Tiger Woods
One of the things my dad kept instilling in me was the joy of the game. He made it fun for me. A lot of the time I see kids that don't enjoy being out there and that's a shame; you're supposed to enjoy the game.
- Tiger Woods
Collection: Fun
Image of Tiger Woods
I made my share of mistakes. People can look at that as what not to do, and if they choose to make fun of it, that's fine. I can't control that. All I know is that I can control myself. And at that point in my life, I wasn't even able to do that.
- Tiger Woods
Collection: Fun
Image of Meryl Streep
So it's not a thing that's a struggle. It's work, but it's not a struggle. It's fun. And she had a very particular way of emphasizing points and making her point, and that had to do with bringing out a word that you didn't normally think was the most important word in the sentence.
- Meryl Streep
Collection: Fun
Image of Jessica Sorensen
One of the stall doors swings open and a fortyish-year-old woman walks out tucking her shirt into her jeans. Her heavy lined eyes land on Seth. "This is the women's restroom." She points a finger to the door. "Can't you read?" "Can't you see that everyone in this club is about twenty years younger than you?" Seth retorts, turning to the mirror. With his pinkie, he messes with bangs. "Now if you'll excuse us, we're going to have some fun.
- Jessica Sorensen
Collection: Fun
Image of William Shatner
I guess the disc jockey thought I was trying to sing or something so ... they had fun with it. But the reality was that it was something, there was a concept behind it.
- William Shatner
Collection: Fun
Image of William Shatner
Christmas is fun anyway. It's a myth organized over the years and gained different mythological qualities as the years go by.
- William Shatner
Collection: Fun
Image of Mia Wasikowska
It was good but it was just a tiny bit uncomfortable because it was a day of lying in the bushes and I think I got a major muscle thing going on there! But it was good. It was fun. That is one of the things you get to do in film that you don't do, or that I don't do, in real life. I can't speak for Dermot [Mulroney]! But it was fun.
- Mia Wasikowska
Collection: Fun
Image of Mia Wasikowska
It's always nice to work with someone you have a history with. It just makes it easier to click back into that dynamic and have a lot of fun.
- Mia Wasikowska
Collection: Fun