Top fun Quotes Collection - Page 44

Discover a curated collection of fun quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 44 provides more fun quotes.

Image of Jonathan W. Galassi
I wanted to be involved with literature. I certainly wasn't going to be able to write for a living, and I didn't have enough confidence in my talent to think that I should be just doing that. Publishing seemed like fun to me - to be involved with writers. And it did turn out to be. I thought I'd try it, and I'm still trying it, 40 years later.
- Jonathan W. Galassi
Collection: Fun
Image of Jonathan W. Galassi
Italian is a very different poetic situation and there are these hard and fast rhythmic periods, settenari, ottonari of seven and eight syllables. These are fundamental to the way people speak and write and breaking them is more radical in Italian than when we break a line. I'm sure there are Italian poets who want to write poetry as prose and break these Petrarchan rules. And breaking them is fun and a valid thing to do. But I'm more interested in trying to write poetry that absorbs tradition and uses it in new ways, and doesn't throw it out.
- Jonathan W. Galassi
Collection: Fun
Image of Olivia Stuck
When you truly have fun on the set it translates into a funny show on tv.
- Olivia Stuck
Collection: Fun
Image of Meital Dohan
My role on "The Sopranos" was so small and I only had one day of shooting. I had fun that day because I met Michael Imperioli, who is a friend of Johnny Ventimiglia, and Johnny and me are close friends.
- Meital Dohan
Collection: Fun
Image of Steven C. Harper
Coaching is my way of helping aspiring and professional writers get the kind of help and guidance that it took me years to piece together. I do workshops and coach people one on one. It's really fun and I'm happy that I can support artists who are looking to move ahead in their work and career.
- Steven C. Harper
Collection: Fun
Image of Steven C. Harper
In the beginning this was just an idea. Then it was a short story. Then it was a script. Each step was pretty exciting to see people come on board to support the project. It's gratifying to know that more people are seeing my work in this form than my work as a playwright. And it's been fun to hear people's response to seeing it. I've been having some deep conversations with strangers and friends about how much it has made them think about slavery and its impact today.
- Steven C. Harper
Collection: Fun
Image of Steven C. Harper
I honestly think if I had made a ton of money as an actor, I wouldn't have done anything else. (Hah!) Then I turned to writing plays. If that paid me well, I don't know if I would have turned to TV. Or coaching. I've now devised a combination of things partly because I'm having fun, and partly because I'm piecing together a way to make a living.
- Steven C. Harper
Collection: Fun
Image of Alison Lurie
Most of the great works of juvenile literature are subversive in one way or another: they express ideas and emotions not generally approved of or even recognized at the time; they make fun of honored figures and piously held beliefs; and they view social pretenses with clear-eyed directness, remarking - as in Andersen's famous tale - that the emperor has no clothes.
- Alison Lurie
Collection: Fun
Image of Bryan-Michael Cox
The only thing that you might see that is a planned tweet is if I am tweeting about an event or promoting an artist. But really, it is not planned. If I am sitting in front of my computer, I'm like, "Oh, okay, lets tweet about this and attach the link." I try to be spontaneous with the tweeting. It keeps it fun, you never know when or what I may tweet about.
- Bryan-Michael Cox
Collection: Fun
Image of Alana Haim
I love Rihanna, Rihanna seems like a fun person to be friends with, she seems like a fun time to be [around].
- Alana Haim
Collection: Fun
Image of Donte Stallworth
It's like, 'Wow. Yes, I had fun... but damn, was it really all worth it when I'm in a wheelchair at the age of 45 and can't play with my grandkids?'
- Donte Stallworth
Collection: Fun
Image of Coco Jones
Have confidence, do your own thing, find your talent, and work at it to be the best. And always, always have fun!
- Coco Jones
Collection: Fun
Image of Lawrence Hilton-Jacobs
When you make a film, you're creating the illusion of a natural experience. But everything is created on purpose. If I want you to be scared, I'm trying to scare you. If I want you to cry, I'm trying to make you sad. If I want you to laugh, I'm trying make you laugh. So, how I get you there is what makes it interesting, because I also want it to feel seamless, and not forced. That kind of constant experimentation is just fun to explore, and I love it.
- Lawrence Hilton-Jacobs
Collection: Fun
Image of Kellan Lutz
I did. I still do. It's kind of grown to a "Ren and Stimpy" kind of lab, which is fun.
- Kellan Lutz
Collection: Fun
Image of Ian MacKaye
I'm all for file sharing. That's great - as long as people are prepared for the significant consequences. One is that music will become completely couched in advertising. That's already happened. And another is that people should be prepared to have fun with the past because the only music that can possibly be free is the music that's from the past. It costs money to make music. And if people are prepared to only have the past to listen to, then let it be free.
- Ian MacKaye
Collection: Fun
Image of Ian MacKaye
That's a Roman concept where the government can do anything, as long as you give the people "bread and circuses." And I'd say this culture right now is similar, as long as people have money, fun, and food, our government can do heinous, heinous things.
- Ian MacKaye
Collection: Fun
Image of Mark Deklin
Love is real. In every single moment, there are only two choices: love or fear. I can tell you from experience that love is exponentially more powerful. And a hell of a lot more fun.
- Mark Deklin
Collection: Fun
Image of Sean Mackin
There have been so many moments in our young life and our young career, but looking back it would have been great to share some of those with my family members, or have not worked so hard, I would always just be working during some of the fun times.
- Sean Mackin
Collection: Fun
Image of Joshua Rush
My parents are the ones who really help me be grounded. I still go to school, I still do fun stuff with my friends; for the most part, I am a normal kid. It just so happens that I do some acting too!
- Joshua Rush
Collection: Fun
Image of Randall Mann
I'm working on poems about work, I guess. Or related to work. Which sounds dull as drywall but I'm having great fun working the vernacular of work into poems. I'm also writing some poems about family. And I don't know, just writing. Taking breaks. Writing some more.
- Randall Mann
Collection: Fun
Image of Groucho Marx
If you are not having fun you are doing something wrong.
- Groucho Marx
Collection: Fun
Image of Groucho Marx
I cannot say that I don't disagree with you.
- Groucho Marx
Collection: Fun
Image of George Stults
All I wanted to do while I was a teenager was go out and play most of the time and just enjoy life and have fun. I wasn't big into school, you know, I look back now and wish I would have spent more time studying and enjoyed it more. It's not for everyone and I didn't enjoy it that much like going to school and studying - some stuff I did but some of it I didn't. My attention span wasn't there.
- George Stults
Collection: Fun
Image of Carol Friedman
Giving someone their style or bumping up their sense of style to be a better version of what it is, is part of the fun of what I do, and I actually approached Al Sharpton. They didn't come to me.
- Carol Friedman
Collection: Fun
Image of Carol Friedman
I do select a soundtrack for each of my subjects and again my assistants you know they make fun of me because that is more important to me than the lighting, which I just do in a minute right before, but I spend a long time on the soundtracks.
- Carol Friedman
Collection: Fun
Image of Carol Friedman
A lot of the people that I photograph are master musicians themselves, whether they're singers or great jazz players and it's kind of fun to figure out who they came up with and who they emulated or who they idolized actually.
- Carol Friedman
Collection: Fun
Image of Tamaryn
There's nothing more fun than feeling frequencies and learning about equipment - everybody should do that. But if you're going to put your heart into an album and you want to give it to the world and add to the conversation, I think it's really important to take your time.
- Tamaryn
Collection: Fun
Image of Jason Graae
I know when I like to go see a show, I like to see people show as many different facets of themselves as they can, because I think that's the fun of it.
- Jason Graae
Collection: Fun
Image of Baran Odar
Each shooting day is a big challenge, but it's also fun.
- Baran Odar
Collection: Fun
Image of Charles Stross
I'm trapped in a fun-house mirror reflection of a historical society where everyone was crazy by default, driven mad by irrational laws and meaningless customs.
- Charles Stross
Collection: Fun
Image of William Shakespeare
He draweth out the thread of his verbosity finer than the staple of his argument.
- William Shakespeare
Collection: Fun
Image of Barack Obama
I look forward to teaching the occasional class, 'cause I was a professor. And I had fun doing it.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Fun
Image of Ellen Page
I think that is funny to say because I've always loved her work and her strength and vulnerability, and the intensity of Evan's [Rachel Wood] performances. And to know her as a friend, know her as someone who we just have fun, whatever, and then see how present she is when she's working and how powerful she is. It was really awesome to get to sort of go into this different dimension with each other.
- Ellen Page
Collection: Fun
Image of Zack Snyder
You know it has all the kind of fun stuff. It has the countermeasures - we always talk about the countermeasures because people are like, "What the heck is countermeasures?" You know if I shot a missile at it, flares would pop out of those holes and stop the missile from hitting it.
- Zack Snyder
Collection: Fun
Image of Alicia Silverstone
Prince Charming is very nice and very honest and very confident in who he is and funny and knows how to have a kick-ass fun time. Is willing to melt away so that nothing else exists in the world except himself and his princess and loves food and cats and every life form except human beings which is not necessary.
- Alicia Silverstone
Collection: Fun
Image of Michael Pollan
I don't like writing as an expert. I like writing as an amateur. I like writing as an idiot. It's much more fun to start in ignorance.
- Michael Pollan
Collection: Fun
Image of Jim Parsons
I'm also a big American Idol fan. I think it's just great fun.
- Jim Parsons
Collection: Fun
Image of Jim Parsons
(Wil Wheaton) was so fun to have on the set, and he was such a good guy, just in general. He seemed to be completely okay with the fact that his entire name became a mantra of vengeful hate. That didn't seem to bother him.
- Jim Parsons
Collection: Fun
Image of Justina Chen
Safe, I decided, didn't leave much room for fun.
- Justina Chen
Collection: Fun
Image of Peter Ustinov
I hate being moved. I hate that man who came in. So self-righteous, so cruel. He made fun of me, that's why I cried. You never did that. You led me into temptation by your - politeness.
- Peter Ustinov
Collection: Fun
Image of Richard Branson
Have fun do good and the money will come
- Richard Branson
Collection: Fun
Image of George Bernard Shaw
A sensitive boy's humiliations may be very good fun for ordinary thick-skinned grown-ups; but to the boy himself theyareso acute, so ignominious, that he cannot confess themcannot but deny them passionately.
- George Bernard Shaw
Collection: Fun
Image of Taylor Swift
You have to able to make fun of yourself. Don't take things too seriously and when people make fun of you, laugh at it.
- Taylor Swift
Collection: Fun
Image of Hunter S. Thompson
In a nation ruled by swine, all pigs are upward mobile.
- Hunter S. Thompson
Collection: Fun
Image of George A. Sheehan
Fitness has to be fun. If it is not play there will be no fitness. Play, you see, is where the process. Fitness is merely the product.
- George A. Sheehan
Collection: Fun
Image of Robert Pattinson
The whole first movie [Twilight] was pretty fun. I had never really done a movie like it, when there's such a big cast of people that are around about the same age. Everyone didn't really know what was going to happen with the movie, but there was a good energy. There was something which people were fighting for, in a way. They wanted it to be something special. None of us were really known then, as well. It felt like a big deal, at the time.
- Robert Pattinson
Collection: Fun
Image of Ron White
It's something that's really fun to do. It's a family business.
- Ron White
Collection: Fun
Image of Rick Steves
I believe, very strongly, that it is the responsible, adult, recreational, no apologies necessary, 'it just makes my music more fun,' recreational use of marijuana is a civil liberty.
- Rick Steves
Collection: Fun
Image of Liam Neeson
It's always fun to do the fight sequences and then to complete them, because some of them are quite complicated - with guns and so on - and there's always things that can go wrong. It's fun to shoot those things because we rehearse them very strenuously. It's fun to shoot them, and fun to know they're finished, that they're in the can so to speak.
- Liam Neeson
Collection: Fun