Top fun Quotes Collection - Page 43

Discover a curated collection of fun quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 43 provides more fun quotes.

Image of Barbara Harbach
As all creative people, we have our optimistic side and a darker side. Yes, I would say that I am more optimistic than not. I have written some very lush pieces when I was at low ebb, and some highly energized pieces when carrying a great sadness. It seems that I am getting more optimistic as I get older - life is a lot of fun!
- Barbara Harbach
Collection: Fun
Image of Idara Victor
It's important to me that I don't take myself too seriously and I have fun with every experience in life. That is the whole point.
- Idara Victor
Collection: Fun
Image of Lizzy Plapinger
I love Tumblr, I love it, it's like collaging and collecting images, it's such a fun thing to do, it's something that's really therapeutic and I don't really know why.
- Lizzy Plapinger
Collection: Fun
Image of Harry Elfont
The original pilot script [ of "Mary and Jane"], we literally just wrote for fun. It was, let's just do this.
- Harry Elfont
Collection: Fun
Image of Harry Elfont
Hopefully we have a slightly different vibe, but also East Side is where a lot young people live. It is a really fun, trendy, funky neighborhood, and it is ripe for satire, that area specifically.
- Harry Elfont
Collection: Fun
Image of Harry Elfont
We like to make sure there is a plot at the center of it and that you care about the people but to poke fun of little things, like the toast restaurant in the pilot.
- Harry Elfont
Collection: Fun
Image of Harry Elfont
It is just fun to play with [in "Mary and Jane"]. I think our sense of humor tends to go that way.
- Harry Elfont
Collection: Fun
Image of D. J. MacHale
In my few short years I learned that seeing what's positive about a situation is a lot more fun and gets you a lot further than looking for what might be wrong with it.
- D. J. MacHale
Collection: Fun
Image of Dan Amboyer
So much of the time I'm cast as an asshole or a douchebag, or that kind of thing. I'd like to go back to just playing a guy with a good heart. Usually so much of my stuff is ulterior motives or a dark thing to it. Maybe that's what other people see in me, but I feel like I have a warm side, too, humor and fun. I'd like to play a little bit more of that. Feel-good stuff. Why not?
- Dan Amboyer
Collection: Fun
Image of Greg Saunier
I've learned it's a human responsibility to create fun, not just wait for it.
- Greg Saunier
Collection: Fun
Image of Alexis Krauss
When Derek Miller and I started working together, we had a very clear vision for the sound of the band. It was one which combined our favorite musical elements: driving guitars, bombastic beats, and female vocals. We've always been interested in making music that is essentially pop but that steps outside of the traditional formula into a stranger, more abrasive world. We love that our music makes people dance with complete abandon and feel empowered. It's very uninhibited music, and that's what makes it so fun.
- Alexis Krauss
Collection: Fun
Image of Erica Tazel
I have begun to regard everything as more of a process so that the sense of right and wrong diminishes in my psyche. That's been healthy for me and makes everything so much more fun. If something does not quite work out as expected or planned, I simply look for what did work, what I learned from the situation, and really try to keep it moving forward.
- Erica Tazel
Collection: Fun
Image of Reed Mullin
I really enjoyed playing that Blind stuff because it's a little more mathy and metal and as far as drumming goes, it's a bit more fun.
- Reed Mullin
Collection: Fun
Image of Matt Kindt
I don't like when people relying on me in any kind of business way. I'm just a writer. I'm just noodling around and trying to come up with great characters and fun ideas.
- Matt Kindt
Collection: Fun
Image of Andy Daly
I really enjoy just being an actor. It's fun to be surprised by someone else's writing and to collaborate in creating a character and to leave all the hard decision-making to some other room full of suckers!
- Andy Daly
Collection: Fun
Image of Andy Daly
I probably have the most fun on projects where there's some room to improvise.
- Andy Daly
Collection: Fun
Image of Andy Daly
It's fun to play someone who seems evil and to reveal their vulnerabilities.
- Andy Daly
Collection: Fun
Image of Andy Daly
It's great fun to memorize somebody's biography, and then liberally play with the real facts of their life and go a step beyond reality.
- Andy Daly
Collection: Fun
Image of Andy Daly
I write and rewrite and memorize, and then inject my performance with improvising and spontaneity, because if something feels too rehearsed, it's not going to be fun.
- Andy Daly
Collection: Fun
Image of Karen Karbo
Expanding your notion of fun beyond a two-week vacation in Maui increases the chances you'll have more of it.
- Karen Karbo
Collection: Fun
Image of Horace Panter
I don't feel qualified to comment on whether or not the internet has damaged collaboration and creativity. That is not my experience... my experience is that I have had access to meeting people online that I might otherwise not have met, gone on to meet them in real life and collaborated on fun projects.
- Horace Panter
Collection: Fun
Image of Courtney Love
I've discreetly dated a lot of people - I once dated a billionaire, mostly because it was fun to say, "I'm dating a billionaire," but we did not have the same taste in music, and it was doomed.
- Courtney Love
Collection: Fun
Image of Erica Schroeder
Think of every audition as a chance to perform and you will have fun doing it.
- Erica Schroeder
Collection: Fun
Image of Kane Waselenchuk
I still feel like five years old every time I step on the court. It's my sanctuary...I want to maintain the fun at all times.
- Kane Waselenchuk
Collection: Fun
Image of Jonathan Mostow
If I have a rare Saturday night when I can go out to see a movie, I look at the paper and I go, 'Hmm, what's the best medicine for my mind?' I'm going, 'What's the most escapist, fun entertainment I can go to?' So I think that's number one, first and foremost, because that's why I think people go to movies. It's a bonus that there's something real.
- Jonathan Mostow
Collection: Fun
Image of Stephanie D'Abruzzo
I am always interested in working and fun things like health insurance.
- Stephanie D'Abruzzo
Collection: Fun
Image of Juan Pablo Escobar
No one prepares you at 7 years of age to have your father tell you he is a criminal - you are still a kid and you are thinking about playing and having fun, things that have little to do with reality. This forces you to grow and mature before due time.
- Juan Pablo Escobar
Collection: Fun
Image of Rob Huebel
If you're going to steal a car, don't steal a mail vehicle. They don't mess around. I mean, have fun, steal all the cars you want, but don't steal a U.S. Mail vehicle.
- Rob Huebel
Collection: Fun
Image of Maureen McCormick
I get it all the time; I just have to laugh and enjoy it. People enjoy it so much, coming up to me saying "Marcia, Marcia, Marcia." If people are having fun, I'm having fun. It used to bother me a lot right after the show.
- Maureen McCormick
Collection: Fun
Image of Tim Hecker
Sometimes it's a fraught, kind of laden world of performance that I think can be really dubious, but it's also super fun to almost desecrate an instrument that for 500 years has been associated with God.
- Tim Hecker
Collection: Fun
Image of Tim Hecker
Vinyl's just a fun endgame step. I work with analogue signal chains too, but the mp3 is the way I listen to music.
- Tim Hecker
Collection: Fun
Image of Bernard von NotHaus
When it comes to the Federal Reserve, there's an awful lot of books out there; in my library, I bet I've got 200 books if I've got any on the Federal Reserve. And we don't need any more books, we need action, and that's what the Liberty Dollar did, it gave people a way to take action. Our catch phrase was you want to "make money, do good, and have fun," and people really responded to that.
- Bernard von NotHaus
Collection: Fun
Image of Karl Wolf
I grew up in Dubai, all my friends are there and I'm so used to it. It's such an over-the-top kind of place. It's really fun to perform there.
- Karl Wolf
Collection: Fun
Image of Simon Price
Making music, being creative in some primal way, should be fun. Listening to it or playing it can and should take you out of yourself for some brief blissful moments.
- Simon Price
Collection: Fun
Image of Laurie Foos
I could have a lot of fun with Michael Jackson, I'm sure.
- Laurie Foos
Collection: Fun
Image of Jake Allen
Puck in the centre of your chest, always have motion in your skating when the rush is coming at you, being square to the puck, understanding who's on the ice and where they are on the ice at all times, competing and having fun.
- Jake Allen
Collection: Fun
Image of Emma Walton Hamilton
My personal view is that reading has to be balanced. Obviously, there's a certain amount of reading that we have to do academically to continue to learn and to grow, but it's got to be balanced with fun and with elective reading. Whether that's comic books or Jane Austen, if it makes you excited about reading, that's what matters.
- Emma Walton Hamilton
Collection: Fun
Image of Kevin Drumm
I only use the computer for editing. I don't have an eight-track, otherwise I probably never would have bought a computer. When I first got my Mac, I was exploring its possibilities and had fun with all of the sound hacking software, but I'm not interested in that approach. I toyed with the idea of releasing a 12-inch of all the stuff I did early on but good sense prevented me from doing so.
- Kevin Drumm
Collection: Fun
Image of Kevin Drumm
For some reason, I deliberately allow for simple things like three chords to mystify me. It's kind of fun that way. Like Billy Gibbons' guitar sound isn't the way it is because he uses a quarter as a pick or anything as simple as that; it's because he's in touch with a different sector of the cosmos that we know nothing about.
- Kevin Drumm
Collection: Fun
Image of Boti Bliss
There are some wonderful parts in the movie [Loulou] where Loulou used to be a dancer and a cabaret. To see her kind of be able to interact with another human being so isolated for so long, it's just neat to see that being played out and how fun and explore that.
- Boti Bliss
Collection: Fun
Image of Curtis Grimes
I had a lot of fun [on The Voice] and I learned a whole lot about reality TV, for one, and how they kind of use the artists as characters to make a hit TV show.
- Curtis Grimes
Collection: Fun
Image of Dayna Devon
Finding balance in life is perhaps the greatest challenge of this generation, especially for women. I've decided that I need to compartmentalize my life better. From the time my kids get home until after dinner, I put my phone away. If I pick it up, my kids call me on it, and I have to put money in the "phone jar." When the phone jar gets full, the kids can spend the money on fun family outings, like going to a movie or going to their favorite restaurant. This unplugged time has helped me to be more mindful and give them my full attention.
- Dayna Devon
Collection: Fun
Image of Peter Jacobson
Being able to play a role where you're there almost every day and you're just in it... I remember it was a whirlwind, but it was a lot of fun.
- Peter Jacobson
Collection: Fun
Image of Susan Shapiro
Like, shopping, in a way, has the same dynamic as smoking. Because what happens in shopping is, you're bored, you're frustrated, you have this negative emotion and instead of letting the emotion play out, be honest, confronting it, and letting yourself feel pain, you go buy something that takes you out of yourself and feels fun and exciting. But you have to go back to yourself.
- Susan Shapiro
Collection: Fun
Image of Henrik Lundqvist
We try to do different types of projects and last time was a fun event .
- Henrik Lundqvist
Collection: Fun
Image of Chip Espinoza
Millennials want to find meaning in their work, and they want to make a difference. They want to be listened to. They want you to understand that they fuse life and work. They want to have a say about how they do their work. They want to be rewarded. They want to be recognized. They want a good relationship with their boss. They want to learn. But most of all, they want to succeed. They want to have fun!
- Chip Espinoza
Collection: Fun
Image of Spencer Moody
There are the moments it seems like, if we can take a week every once in a while and do this and make people happy, and it's a way for lots of people to get together and have fun, then it seems pretty silly to not get together and do it.
- Spencer Moody
Collection: Fun
Image of Aaron Watson
Family is fun, way more fun than music.
- Aaron Watson
Collection: Fun
Image of Christine Jennings
Utopian fiction is really boring. I had to read a lot of it, and it's not that much fun. But they're fascinating to me as historical documents. Cabet [Icaria's founder and author of the utopian novel, Travels in Icaria], is writing in the 1830s, and his idea of the perfect society reveals a lot about his time. But his book is uniquely bad.
- Christine Jennings
Collection: Fun