Bob Backlund

Image of Bob Backlund
I have a policy before I get out of bed, I convince myself that I'm going to have a positive mental attitude all day, and I never capitulate on that rule.
- Bob Backlund
Collection: Attitude
Image of Bob Backlund
I'm a dad, I'm a family man, I believe family is the most important unit on the face of the earth. If anything is going to get fixed, family will do it.
- Bob Backlund
Collection: Dad
Image of Bob Backlund
That's how I got started in the wrestling business. I was broke, I was homeless, and I was sleeping in the trunk of my car. It made me very conscious to never try to live beyond my means or try to keep up with the Joneses.
- Bob Backlund
Collection: Car
Image of Bob Backlund
Do your best, try to do your best at everything you do.
- Bob Backlund
Collection: Best
Image of Bob Backlund
My favorite part about the wrestling industry is the fan base. I really enjoy going out to see fans and conversing with them outside the ring.
- Bob Backlund
Image of Bob Backlund
Let me be bad by being good and I became a bad guy by being a good person.
- Bob Backlund
Image of Bob Backlund
I had a policy that you had to recite the presidents of the U.S.A. to me before you could get my signature.
- Bob Backlund
Image of Bob Backlund
I never really wanted to be a bad guy. But I was more happy being a bad guy if I had to do what other people were doing to be good and be liked.
- Bob Backlund
Image of Bob Backlund
I was working out in a gym in Minneapolis and I met this guy named Eddie Sharkey. He had a school there where wrestlers like Red Bastien, Billy Red Lyons and Mad Dog Vachon were working out. Those were some very interesting characters, but they were all good athletes, so I joined.
- Bob Backlund
Image of Bob Backlund
When I won the championship, my whole life changed. I was known all over the world.
- Bob Backlund
Image of Bob Backlund
People want to loaf, but they didn't loaf when they were in the ring with me.
- Bob Backlund
Image of Bob Backlund
I learned to love the oil business as much as I love the wrestling business.
- Bob Backlund
Image of Bob Backlund
Vince McMahon Sr. was the man who was behind me so much. I wasn't in a clique. I didn't schmooze with other promoters when I was coming up.
- Bob Backlund
Image of Bob Backlund
Andre the Giant and I had beers together a few times.
- Bob Backlund
Image of Bob Backlund
My relationship with Triple H has been fantastic. He has kept his word on everything that he has said to me and I respect him for that.
- Bob Backlund
Image of Bob Backlund
I have to sleep to stay alive. I have to eat to stay alive.
- Bob Backlund
Image of Bob Backlund
One of my biggest things is I don't want to have to lie around all day and take pills to stay alive. And I think working out is a better alternative to some doctor giving me pills all day. I don't want that to happen. It's a big reason I work out.
- Bob Backlund
Image of Bob Backlund
When they have you in the short-arm scissor, they keep you in it for quite a while, and you're fighting to get out. And the more enthusiasm you can do when you're fighting to get out, the better. But if you're not in shape, you're not going to keep up with that rate.
- Bob Backlund
Image of Bob Backlund
I tell myself I have to work out to stay alive. I'm not just staying alive to stay alive, I mean stay alive and live a quality life.
- Bob Backlund
Image of Bob Backlund
When I was inducted into the Hall of Fame, Donald Trump was inducted on the same night. When I was done with my speech, he came over to me and said I could light up New York City if they could plug me into it.
- Bob Backlund
Image of Bob Backlund
I'd like to go to schools and give speeches to people about training, working hard and getting ahead in life.
- Bob Backlund
Image of Bob Backlund
We live in the greatest country in the world and there are opportunities out there. You can't stay at home with your parents and just sit there, you have to get out there and do it.
- Bob Backlund
Image of Bob Backlund
You can't stay at home with your parents and just sit there, you have to get out there and do it.
- Bob Backlund
Image of Bob Backlund
I was able to slowly climb to the top of the wrestling business thanks to the principles I learned in junior high and high school.
- Bob Backlund
Image of Bob Backlund
Don't throw your garbage out the window of your car anymore because you're defacing our country.
- Bob Backlund
Image of Bob Backlund
I worked as hard as I could in the ring to make the matches enjoyable as much as I could.
- Bob Backlund
Image of Bob Backlund
Darren Young was looking for someone to train him and finally he came and asked me if I wouldn't mind to be his life coach. I said, 'I sure would, you're a great man and good for the business.'
- Bob Backlund
Image of Bob Backlund
When you have a set program in your match it gets old to do the same thing over and over and over again.
- Bob Backlund
Image of Bob Backlund
When I think about 'All American Boy' I think of someone that lives by the Golden Rule: treat people how you wanted to be treated. That's one of my rules in life.
- Bob Backlund
Image of Bob Backlund
I respect everybody. We're all equal, we're all human beings and we're all here to do good things.
- Bob Backlund
Image of Bob Backlund
In amateur wrestling, you are always wanting to win matches and win matches and win matches. I changed my goal when I got into professional wrestling and I said I wanted to go out there and entertain at the highest level I could.
- Bob Backlund
Image of Bob Backlund
Guys like Brock Lesnar that come from amateur wrestling love the business just as much as they loved the athletics in amateur wrestling.
- Bob Backlund
Image of Bob Backlund
To go and win a gold medal in the Olympics, not too many people get a chance to do that and it is such a great accomplishment.
- Bob Backlund
Image of Bob Backlund
The chicken wing and the cross-face were in the business but I was the first one to clasp my hands when I had both of them on. So I was sort-of the inventor of it.
- Bob Backlund
Image of Bob Backlund
Bruno Sammartino is the greatest wrestling champion ever in the world. I wrestled more than he did but he was a strong man, he pushed a lot, threw people around and he was the greatest. I actually did more wrestling maneuvers then he did but that wasn't his thing.
- Bob Backlund
Image of Bob Backlund
My business was wrestling and I wanted to be ready to go in the ring and do my best and I didn't have time to worry about what was going on behind the scenes and I didn't want to know.
- Bob Backlund
Image of Bob Backlund
I understand the saying 'it's lonely at the top.'
- Bob Backlund
Image of Bob Backlund
I wanted to be bad because the good guys were lying, cheating and swearing. Let me be bad by being good and I became a bad guy by being a good person.
- Bob Backlund
Image of Bob Backlund
I go around and talk to a lot of kids at wrestling tournaments. I talk to the moms and dads.
- Bob Backlund
Image of Bob Backlund
I didn't have any problem whether I won or lost as long as I had as good as a match as I could.
- Bob Backlund
Image of Bob Backlund
When I go to the signings like at WrestleMania and people have the options of what they want me to do with them, and more often than not they want me to put them in the cross-face chicken wing.
- Bob Backlund
Image of Bob Backlund
When I got put into the Hall of Fame in 2013, I told Triple H I would like to get back in the business and put a little bit more W in it and I was serious about it. I don't know if he is ever going to take me up on the offer. I do think about it every now and then.
- Bob Backlund
Image of Bob Backlund
The Harvard Step Test really makes your heart rate go down. I do that a few times a day and a high number of squats with other stretching and weight routines.
- Bob Backlund
Image of Bob Backlund
In '85, I read a book that helped me forget about the past and work on the future as far as success goes, and it was Napoleon Hill.
- Bob Backlund
Image of Bob Backlund
I will be a role model, I wanna be a role model, and I will not cheat.
- Bob Backlund
Image of Bob Backlund
The people in the Republican Party and the Democrat Party, I don't think they realized how many people out there that were good, basic Americans would support a wrestler getting into the political arena.
- Bob Backlund
Image of Bob Backlund
As Mr. Backlund, I truly believed in what I was saying. I believed in every word that I said. I believed that society had fallen off a cliff morally compared to the '80s.
- Bob Backlund
Image of Bob Backlund
I believed that people should be held responsible for their own actions. And I believed that hard work and dedication paid off.
- Bob Backlund
Image of Bob Backlund
When I got out of my hometown of Glastonbury, Connecticut, I became 'Mr. Backlund' and if someone did not call me Mr. Backlund I just kept walking. I demanded respect because I believe that in life that respect is so important, especially for kids to respect others.
- Bob Backlund
Image of Bob Backlund
I read a book in 2005 called 'Think and Grow Rich' that changed my life.
- Bob Backlund