Kevin Stirtz

Image of Kevin Stirtz
Know what your customers want most and what your company does best. Focus on where those two meet.
- Kevin Stirtz
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Kevin Stirtz
Every contact we have with a customer influences whether or not they'll come back. We have to be great every time or we'll lose them.
- Kevin Stirtz
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Kevin Stirtz
The secret to success in business, and in life, is to serve others. Put others first in all you do.
- Kevin Stirtz
Collection: Secret
Image of Kevin Stirtz
Choose to deliver amazing service to your customers. You'll stand out because they don't get it anywhere else.
- Kevin Stirtz
Collection: Standing Out
Image of Kevin Stirtz
The easiest and most powerful way to increase customer loyalty is really very simple. Make your customers happy.
- Kevin Stirtz
Collection: Loyalty
Image of Kevin Stirtz
Providing great customer service is the most natural activity in the world. It’s fun to help others because it feels good.
- Kevin Stirtz
Collection: Fun
Image of Kevin Stirtz
The first step to success in any business is to ask your customers what they want.
- Kevin Stirtz
Collection: Want
Image of Kevin Stirtz
Get your customers involved in your business. Make them your partners and they'll never leave you.
- Kevin Stirtz
Collection: Heart
Image of Kevin Stirtz
Make it easy for your customers to talk to you.
- Kevin Stirtz
Collection: Easy
Image of Kevin Stirtz
Focus your business on what you do best. Let everyone else worry about the rest.
- Kevin Stirtz
Collection: Worry
Image of Kevin Stirtz
The best listener is the one who really cares about the other person.
- Kevin Stirtz
Collection: Care
Image of Kevin Stirtz
Always give your customer something.
- Kevin Stirtz
Collection: Giving
Image of Kevin Stirtz
The best ideas in the world will accomplish nothing if you leave them on paper. Talk about them. Debate, discuss, argue. Put them into action. Then you can change the world.
- Kevin Stirtz
Collection: Accomplish Nothing
Image of Kevin Stirtz
Never leave your customers wondering.
- Kevin Stirtz
Collection: Wonder