Top fighting Quotes Collection - Page 40

Discover a curated collection of fighting quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 40 provides more fighting quotes.

Image of Edward Snowden
The great fear that I have regarding the outcome for America of these disclosures is that nothing will change. [People] won't be willing to take the risks necessary to stand up and fight to change things And in the months ahead, the years ahead, it's only going to get worse. [The NSA will] say that because of the crisis, the dangers that we face in the world, some new and unpredicted threat, we need more authority, we need more power, and there will be nothing the people can do at that point to oppose it. And it will be turnkey tyranny.
- Edward Snowden
Collection: Fighting
Image of Alanis Morissette
It's not hard to feel afraid and insecure. I still fight an inner-critic voice, definitely. I hear it a lot.
- Alanis Morissette
Collection: Fighting
Image of Kanye West
I remember when both Gnarls Barkley and Justin [Timberlake] lost for Album of the Year [at the Grammys], and I looked at Justin, and I was like: 'Do you want me to go onstage for you? You know, do you want me to fight?
- Kanye West
Collection: Fighting
Image of Henry Ward Beecher
Victories that come cheap are cheap. Those only are worth having which come as the result of hard fighting.
- Henry Ward Beecher
Collection: Fighting
Image of Gayle Forman
It's okay if you want to go. Everyone wants you to stay. I want you to stay more than I've ever wanted anything in my life. But that's what I want and I could see why it might not be what you want. So I just wanted to tell you that I understand if you go. It's okay if you have to leave us. It's okay if you want to stop fighting.
- Gayle Forman
Collection: Fighting
Image of Gao Xingjian
A good man never fights with a woman.
- Gao Xingjian
Collection: Fighting
Image of Zoe Saldana
I think there are roles there; we just have to choose them. We have to fight for them.
- Zoe Saldana
Collection: Fighting
Image of Ali ibn Abi Talib
Do not take someone's silence as his pride, perhaps he is busy fighting with his self.
- Ali ibn Abi Talib
Collection: Fighting
Image of Joseph Prince
We don't fight for victory, we fight from victory.
- Joseph Prince
Collection: Fighting
Image of Erin Morgenstern
Marco knows he does not have the time to push her away, so he pulls her close, burying his face in her hair, his bowler hat torn from his head by the wind...."Trust me," Celia whispers in his ear, and he stops fighting it, forgetting everything but her.
- Erin Morgenstern
Collection: Fighting
Image of Peter Singer
Putting the AR movement directly in opposition to the environmental movement, which should be our natural allies in fighting human arrogance and domination of the planet.
- Peter Singer
Collection: Fighting
Image of Francesca Lia Block
The true warrior isn't immune to fear. She fights in spite of it.
- Francesca Lia Block
Collection: Fighting
Image of Ralph Marston
Procrastinating, fighting and avoiding will only make it more difficult. The way out is to get it done.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Fighting
Image of Simone Weil
All the Freudian system is impregnated with the prejudice which it makes it its mission to fight -- the prejudice that everything sexual is vile.
- Simone Weil
Collection: Fighting
Image of Tite Kubo
If you give me wings I will soar for you Even if this whole land Sinks down to the water If you give me a sword I will fight for you Even if this whole sky Shoots through with your light
- Tite Kubo
Collection: Fighting
Image of Charlotte Bronte
I grant an ugly woman is a blot on the fair face of creation; but as to the gentleman, let them be solicitous to possess only strength and valour: let their motto be:Hunt, shoot, and fight: the rest is not worth a flip.
- Charlotte Bronte
Collection: Fighting
Image of Nalini Singh
I will fight you endlessly if I think you're wrong but I will never judge you.
- Nalini Singh
Collection: Fighting
Image of David Remnick
I don't think there will be fascism in America, but we have to do everything we can to fight against it.
- David Remnick
Collection: Fighting
Image of Venus Williams
People ask me where I get my fighting qualities from, and I have to say Serena.
- Venus Williams
Collection: Fighting
Image of Mike Tyson
Fighting is all about calmness and relaxation. My appearance was all an illusion. My appearance is of a mad man, but I'm really calm and collected. Even though I'm fighting, I'm calm and relaxed as possible, despite my displays, because once you get excited, you can't fight at the highest level of your ability.
- Mike Tyson
Collection: Fighting
Image of Mike Tyson
I like entertaining people. I like being on stage. I like being in the life. This is what I do. This is the only thing I know how to do besides rob people and fight. Even when I was robbing people, I was entertaining them. But that's just what I love doing.
- Mike Tyson
Collection: Fighting
Image of Barack Obama
If we win all those fights, and now let's say the income gap, and the wealth gap, and the education gap have for the most part been closed - let's say hypothetically, , first of all, America as a whole would be a lot richer.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Fighting
Image of Claude Monet
I'm very happy, very delighted. I'm setting to like a fighting cockerel, for I'm surrounded here by all that I love.
- Claude Monet
Collection: Fighting
Image of Ralph Nader
Hillary Clinton's ready to pick a fight with Putin. So are the Republicans.
- Ralph Nader
Collection: Fighting
Image of Ambrose Bierce
MANICHEISM, n. The ancient Persian doctrine of an incessant warfare between Good and Evil. When Good gave up the fight the Persians joined the victorious Opposition.
- Ambrose Bierce
Collection: Fighting
Image of Donald Trump
I think it would be great if we got along with Russia because we could fight ISIS together, as an example.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Fighting
Image of Salman Rushdie
There's going to be no more compromise on issues where there should not be compromise. Enough with appeasement or apology and mollifying, all that. To hell with all that. I'm just going to fight my corner.
- Salman Rushdie
Collection: Fighting
Image of Laozi
People who have to fight for their living and are not afraid to die for it are higher persons than those who, stationed high, are too fat to dare to die.
- Laozi
Collection: Fighting
Image of R. C. Sproul
Preachers must always fight the temptation to preach anything but Christ and Him crucified.
- R. C. Sproul
Collection: Fighting
Image of Alice Sebold
Those who say they would rather fight to the death than be raped are fools. I would rather be raped a thousand times. You do what you have to.
- Alice Sebold
Collection: Fighting
Image of Jeaniene Frost
We had to play the hand we were dealt, all of us. Fighting the battles we could win.
- Jeaniene Frost
Collection: Fighting
Image of Melina Marchetta
Woman, I’m trying to fight here! Or has that escaped your attention?
- Melina Marchetta
Collection: Fighting
Image of Sun Tzu
In desperate position, you must fight.
- Sun Tzu
Collection: Fighting
Image of Manny Pacquiao
My concern is what fight we can give to the fans. My first concern as a boxer is to try hard and give a good fight for the fans.
- Manny Pacquiao
Collection: Fighting
Image of Manny Pacquiao
It's very relaxing for me to sing. It's a good break from the hard training and the fighting.
- Manny Pacquiao
Collection: Fighting
Image of Rachel Vincent
Think of it as a second opinion on his value. If he wasn't worth the fight, wouldn't she just let him go? Wouldn't you?
- Rachel Vincent
Collection: Fighting
Image of Bill McKibben
We'd won the argument 15 years before, we were just losing the fight. And so it became clear to some of us that we would need to organise to fight, that we weren't going to win.
- Bill McKibben
Collection: Fighting
Image of Alexandra Adornetto
Some people really need to be taught some manners," he said disdainfully. I stared up at him. "Would you really have gotten in a fight for me?" "Of course." He didn't hesitate. "But there were four of them." "Beth, I'd take on Megatron's army to protect you." "Who?
- Alexandra Adornetto
Collection: Fighting
Image of Barack Obama
My conviction is that those fights need to be fought right now and can be won. And if in fact we have finite political capital, energy, resources, we need to win those fights.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Fighting
Image of Phillips Brooks
Feed on Christ, and then go and live your life, and it is Christ in you that lives your life, that helps the poor, that tells the truth, that fights the battle, and that wins the crown.
- Phillips Brooks
Collection: Fighting
Image of David Sedaris
Of course, the diary helps me as well. 'That wasn't your position on July 7, 1991,' I'll remind Hugh an hour after we've had a fight. I'd have loved to rebut him sooner, but it takes awhile to look these things up.
- David Sedaris
Collection: Fighting
Image of Jorge Luis Borges
The tango is a direct expression of something that poets have often tried to state in words: the belief that a fight may be a celebration.
- Jorge Luis Borges
Collection: Fighting
Image of Alexander Pope
Of fight or fly, This choice is left ye, to resist or die.
- Alexander Pope
Collection: Fighting
Image of Ann Brashares
Something about giving in without a fight felt wrong.
- Ann Brashares
Collection: Fighting
Image of Cesare Pavese
If it is true that one gets used to suffering, how is it that as the years go one always suffers more? No, they are not mad, those people who amuse themselves, enjoy life, travel, make love, fight they are not mad. We should like to do the same ourselves.
- Cesare Pavese
Collection: Fighting
Image of Rick Riordan
Normally, as long as I'm telling him what to do, he wins in a fight.
- Rick Riordan
Collection: Fighting
Image of Patrick Ness
To live is to fight, to preserve life is to fight everything that man stands for.
- Patrick Ness
Collection: Fighting
Image of Friedrich Nietzsche
Zarathustra was the first to consider the fight of good and evil the very wheel in the machinery of things: the transposition of morality into the metaphysical realm, as a force, cause, and end in itself, is his work. [...] Zarathustra created this most calamitous error, morality; consequently, he must also be the first to recognize it.
- Friedrich Nietzsche
Collection: Fighting
Image of Justin Bieber
i will never say never i will fight i will fight till forever make it right whenever you knock me down i will not stay on the ground pick it up and never say never
- Justin Bieber
Collection: Fighting