Ralph Marston

Image of Ralph Marston
What you do today can improve all your tomorrows.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Motivational
Image of Ralph Marston
The more closely you get in touch with your dreams, the more able you are to make them real. The more vividly you consider how you want your world to be, the more real and effective tools you will have for making it so.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Dreams
Image of Ralph Marston
The keys to patience are acceptance and faith. Accept things as they are, and look realistically at the world around you. Have faith in yourself and in the direction you have chosen.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Faith
Image of Ralph Marston
Your destiny is to fulfill those things upon which you focus most intently. So choose to keep your focus on that which is truly magnificent, beautiful, uplifting and joyful. Your life is always moving toward something.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Positive
Image of Ralph Marston
Success in any endeavor depends on the degree to which it is an expression of your true self.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Success
Image of Ralph Marston
Make it a habit to tell people thank you. To express your appreciation, sincerely and without the expectation of anything in return. Truly appreciate those around you, and you'll soon find many others around you. Truly appreciate life, and you'll find that you have more of it.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Life
Image of Ralph Marston
When was the last time you spent a quiet moment just doing nothing - just sitting and looking at the sea, or watching the wind blowing the tree limbs, or waves rippling on a pond, a flickering candle or children playing in the park?
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Time
Image of Ralph Marston
Rest when you're weary. Refresh and renew yourself, your body, your mind, your spirit. Then get back to work.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Work
Image of Ralph Marston
Excellence is not a skill, it's an attitude.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Attitude
Image of Ralph Marston
If you so choose, even the unexpected setbacks can bring new and positive possibilities. If you so choose, you can find value and fulfillment in every circumstance.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Positive
Image of Ralph Marston
Your goals, minus your doubts, equal your reality.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Brainy
Image of Ralph Marston
What if you gave someone a gift, and they neglected to thank you for it - would you be likely to give them another? Life is the same way. In order to attract more of the blessings that life has to offer, you must truly appreciate what you already have.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Life
Image of Ralph Marston
Don't lower your expectations to meet your performance. Raise your level of performance to meet your expectations. Expect the best of yourself, and then do what is necessary to make it a reality.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Best
Image of Ralph Marston
Dare to visualize a world in which your most treasured dreams have become true.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Dreams
Image of Ralph Marston
Live your days on the positive side of life, in tune with your most treasured values. And in each moment you'll have much to live for.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Positive
Image of Ralph Marston
Beset by a difficult problem? Now is your chance to shine. Pick yourself up, get to work and get triumphantly through it.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Chance
Image of Ralph Marston
You've done it before and you can do it now. See the positive possibilities. Redirect the substantial energy of your frustration and turn it into positive, effective, unstoppable determination.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Positive
Image of Ralph Marston
Take your mind off the problems for a moment, and focus on the positive possibilities. Consider how very much you are able to do.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Positive
Image of Ralph Marston
Happiness is a choice, not a result. Nothing will make you happy until you choose to be happy. No person will make you happy unless you decide to be happy. Your happiness will not come to you. It can only come from you.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Happiness
Image of Ralph Marston
Just because the road ahead is long, is no reason to slow down. Just because there is much work to be done, is no reason to get discouraged. It is a reason to get started, to grow, to find new ways, to reach within yourself and discover strength, commitment, and determination. The road ahead is long and difficult, but it’s filled with opportunity. Start what needs starting. Finish what needs finishing. Get on the road. Stay on the road. Don’t give up.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Determination
Image of Ralph Marston
Be someone who listens, and you will be heard. Be someone who cares, and you will be loved. Be someone who gives, and you will be blessed. Be someone who comforts, and you will know peace.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Blessed
Image of Ralph Marston
Achievement does not require extraordinary ability. Achievement comes from ordinary abilities applied with extraordinary persistence.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Persistence
Image of Ralph Marston
Patience expands your options. If you insist on immediate gratification, your choices are severely limited.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Choices
Image of Ralph Marston
Every positive thing in your life represents a single unique blessing. Every negative thing in your life has the opportunity to become a double blessing. For when you turn a negative into a positive, you gain twice. You are no longer burdened with the negative situation, and in addition to that you are strengthened by a new positive force.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Gratitude
Image of Ralph Marston
Excellence is not a skill. It is an attitude.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Life
Image of Ralph Marston
Every moment spent in negativity is paid for with something truly priceless. That something is life.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Negativity
Image of Ralph Marston
Let go of your attachment to being right, and suddenly your mind is more open. You're able to benefit from the unique viewpoints of others, without being crippled by your own judgment.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Letting Go
Image of Ralph Marston
What you hold in your heart, you will see in your world.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Heart
Image of Ralph Marston
Success requires both urgency and patience. Be urgent about making the effort, and patient about seeing the results.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Effort
Image of Ralph Marston
If you focus on the obstacles, then you give them more power.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Determination
Image of Ralph Marston
Never assume that you're stuck with the way things are. Life changes, and so can you.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Stay Strong
Image of Ralph Marston
Today is an opportunity to do something positive. Today is your chance to add new value to your life and to your world. Make the commitment to fill this day with meaningful richness and purposeful effort. This is your day to live, so do so with vigor and enthusiasm.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Ralph Marston
The direction of your focus is the direction your life will move. Let yourself move toward what is good, valuable, strong and true
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Strong
Image of Ralph Marston
When the path becomes difficult, that's no reason to give up. In fact, it means you're making real progress.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Ralph Marston
Life does not owe you anything, because life has already given you everything.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Positive
Image of Ralph Marston
Remember why you started, remember where you're headed, think of how great it will be to get there, and keep going.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Thinking
Image of Ralph Marston
Every day is a day to be thankful. Life's abundance has no limit, and gratitude is what keeps that abundance flowing. In every circumstance there is something for which to be thankful. Even when there seems to be nothing else, there is hope.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Thanksgiving
Image of Ralph Marston
Turn your attention for a while away from the worries and anxieties. Remind yourself of all your many blessings.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Blessing
Image of Ralph Marston
When you find yourself ready to complain about what you don't have, stop for a moment to consider what incredible things you do have. And resolve to make the most of it all.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Perspective
Image of Ralph Marston
If something goes wrong, don’t whine about it. Have a spine about it. Adjust, adapt, and move forward.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Moving
Image of Ralph Marston
Being truly thankful makes you infinitely more resourceful. By sincerely appreciating what you have, you find new and valuable ways to make use of it.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Appreciate
Image of Ralph Marston
Begin each day with the expectation that it will bring something new, something to which you can say yes.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Expectations
Image of Ralph Marston
One of the biggest threats to success is success itself. When you get a little bit ahead, it's all too easy to become complacent and to quickly lose what you have gained.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Littles
Image of Ralph Marston
Perfectionism is really a manifestation of the belief that one's efforts are never good enough. Imagine: How many of the obstacles standing in your way are the product of your own imagination? What have you convinced yourself that you can't do? What limitations have you come to believe in? Your mind is very powerful and effective. Is it working for you, or against you?
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Powerful
Image of Ralph Marston
Your level of achievement will rise to meet the level of your purpose.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Achievement
Image of Ralph Marston
You are what you are most profoundly thankful for, and what you love.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: What You Love
Image of Ralph Marston
The fundamental challenge of achieving anything you wish is first to convince yourself to do it. Once you are totally convinced of its value, you'll find a way to get it done.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Challenges
Image of Ralph Marston
Care, because it is what you do. Care, and be vibrantly alive.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Alive
Image of Ralph Marston
Choose to fully and graciously live life as it comes. The richest rewards by far are the ones to which you most sincerely give of yourself.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Life
Image of Ralph Marston
There is most certainly a purpose you are yearning to fulfill. Find it, know it, follow it, and you can change the world.
- Ralph Marston
Collection: Purpose