Top fighting Quotes Collection - Page 25

Discover a curated collection of fighting quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 25 provides more fighting quotes.

Image of Lilly Singh
If I could give advice to anyone, it would be that sometimes the best way you can fight a problem - and this is going to be a little bit controversial - is to not address it.
- Lilly Singh
Collection: Fighting
Image of Lilly Singh
I think the best way I could ever fight racism is just being as successful as possible.
- Lilly Singh
Collection: Fighting
Image of Derrick Jensen
Stand with me. Stand and fight. I am one, and we would be two. Two more might join and we would be four. When four more join we will be eight. We will be eight people fighting whom others will join. And then more people. And more. Stand and fight.
- Derrick Jensen
Collection: Fighting
Image of M. Leighton
Happily ever after doesn't come easy. But for love, it's always worth the fight.
- M. Leighton
Collection: Fighting
Image of Alfred Jarry
It is because the public are a mass inert, obtuse, and passive that they need to be shaken up from time to time so that we can tell from their bear-like grunts where they are and also where they stand. They are pretty harmless, in spite of their numbers, because they are fighting against intelligence.
- Alfred Jarry
Collection: Fighting
Image of Nate Lowman
I feel like the biggest failure of humans is miscommunication. We can't communicate with each other-we can fight, we can kill, we can do those things well.
- Nate Lowman
Collection: Fighting
Image of Melanie Martinez
I have definitely noticed I am very passionate. So if I'm fighting with someone I'll be SO super loud and aggressive, and make sure that my point is heard.
- Melanie Martinez
Collection: Fighting
Image of Ithiel de Sola Pool
It is within the police power of the state to prohibit public use of fighting words that create a danger of breach of the peace, but simply to prohibit public use of fighting words is too broad. Those words may sometimes be used in situations where there is no danger.
- Ithiel de Sola Pool
Collection: Fighting
Image of Slaine
Any live venue where there is alcohol served and it's past midnight there is gonna be fights. It doesn't matter if it's Hip-Hop, Rock or Jazz.
- Slaine
Collection: Fighting
Image of Simona Halep
I don't have big muscles. I'm not tall. I have power inside. I fight.
- Simona Halep
Collection: Fighting
Image of Angela Alioto
My success has been based on the issues. It's easy to fight for mental health or needle exchange or small businesses or whatever, because the machine can't interfere.
- Angela Alioto
Collection: Fighting
Image of Angela Alioto
I really, really, loved being an elected official. But I also love what I'm doing now. I thrive when I can fight for people and I'm doing it now as a lawyer.
- Angela Alioto
Collection: Fighting
Image of Vernon Johns
If you see a good fight, get in it.
- Vernon Johns
Collection: Fighting
Image of Jennifer Pozner
[Trump's worldview states] that, for example, women are incompetent as compared to men in business settings. That women in general are intellectually inferior and have to make up for that by using their sexuality to get ahead. That women of color are angry, irrational, lazy, and always ready to get into a fight for no reason. That men in the workplace can say incredibly racist and sexist things, and as long as they make more money than their competitors, the racist and sexist things they say and do are totally acceptable.
- Jennifer Pozner
Collection: Fighting
Image of Justin Lin
If you put forth a really diverse cast and you fight for it and it doesn't do well - and it may fail for other reasons - you're gone because you stuck your neck out for that decision.
- Justin Lin
Collection: Fighting
Image of Henrik Ibsen
Our whole being is nothing but a fight against the dark forces within ourselves.
- Henrik Ibsen
Collection: Fighting
Image of Brandon Rios
I'm a fighter. I'm a warrior. I'll fight anybody.
- Brandon Rios
Collection: Fighting
Image of Brandon Rios
I guess there hasn't been a tough enough opponent for me to fight. But fighting a southpaw is OK. It's something different and maybe I need something different. I look at a right-handed fighter then I look at a left-handed fighter, and it's even better.
- Brandon Rios
Collection: Fighting
Image of Shirley Jackson
Fear," the doctor said, "is the relinquishment of logic, the willing relinquishing of reasonable patterns. We yield to it or we fight it, but we cannot meet it halfway.
- Shirley Jackson
Collection: Fighting
Image of Dawn Angelique
There's always going to be a fight between mainstream and underground because the mainstream is a very small bubble, and the underground scene is a very small bubble, and they both see themselves as secret societies.
- Dawn Angelique
Collection: Fighting
Image of Jamie Tworkowski
Be loved. Be known. Love people and know people. Be so brave as to raise a hand for help when you need it. Make friends and make sure they know they matter. Be loyal to them and fight for them. Remind them what’s true and invite them to do the same when you forget. If you do some losing or you walk with someone else in their defeat, live with dignity and grace. It is the middle finger to the darkness.
- Jamie Tworkowski
Collection: Fighting
Image of Brian Posehn
I like any big city. I like any place where you can see a guy with a pants-full of pooh fighting a ghost.
- Brian Posehn
Collection: Fighting
Image of David D. Cole
You need to fight cases in the courts, but you certainly cannot rely on the courts, you need to testify in Congress and lobby your Congress person, but you certainly cannot rely on Congress. You need to speak out in the media, but you cannot totally trust the media either. You need to work within the academy because that's an influential opinion body. I think that one of the lessons that people have learned in the civil rights community is that it is generally not enough to focus on litigation in the courts.
- David D. Cole
Collection: Fighting
Image of Diego Corrales
I played a lot of the original Fight Night. I think the depiction of Trinidad in the game was awesome.
- Diego Corrales
Collection: Fighting
Image of Abderrahmane Sissako
I think that people don't necessary fight with or aren't necessarily beaten by weapons, but it' through their minds and what they think they can do.
- Abderrahmane Sissako
Collection: Fighting
Image of Marc Marcel
When you understand just how big the Universe is, you then realize that only idiots fight over an area of space called land.
- Marc Marcel
Collection: Fighting
Image of Charlie Hunnam
To fight monsters, we created monsters of our own.
- Charlie Hunnam
Collection: Fighting
Image of Seishiro Itagaki
Now that the Emperor has accepted the Potsdam Declaration, we must lay down our arms. Obeying the Emperor's order, we shall not fight. We must keep peace and order and we shall not make any trouble.
- Seishiro Itagaki
Collection: Fighting
Image of David Icke
If you're fighting the system, then you're still caught in it. It's not about fighting the system; it's about ceasing to hold it together. Non-cooperation. We cannot be imprisoned without our cooperation. Their power is in our acquiescence.
- David Icke
Collection: Fighting
Image of Haifaa al-Mansour
Enjoy life and change things. And maybe by giving examples of people who achieve things, who succeed, who are proactive and being happy and facing their own destinies, rather than accepting what the world throws at at them - we should fight! Not like street fighting, but the little act of defiance every day.
- Haifaa al-Mansour
Collection: Fighting
Image of Isaac Babel
Even at the time—twenty years old—I said to myself: better to go hungry, to go to prison, to be a tramp, than to sit at an office desk ten hours a day. There is no particular daring in this vow, but I have not broken it and shall not do so. The wisdom of my grandfathers sat in my head: we are born for the pleasure of work, fighting, love, we are born for that and nothing else. (Guy de Maupassant)
- Isaac Babel
Collection: Fighting
Image of Erislandy Lara
People make excuses [for not wanting to fight me]. It has a lot to do with my style. I'm a crafty fighter but I can also punch.
- Erislandy Lara
Collection: Fighting
Image of Erislandy Lara
Chocolate Kinder from Germany. My wife is from Germany and once I tasted them I was scared I would have to fight at heavyweight.
- Erislandy Lara
Collection: Fighting
Image of Margaret Hoover
As somebody who didn't support [Donald] Trump but works in the LGBTQ space, it was unprecedented that Donald Trump stood on that stage and accepted the Republican nomination and then said he would fight for LGBTQ people.
- Margaret Hoover
Collection: Fighting
Image of Mary Karr
That’s what’s so gorgeous about humanity. It doesn’t matter how bleak our daily lives are, we still fight for the light. I think that’s our divinity. We lean into love, even in the most hideous circumstances. We manage to hope.
- Mary Karr
Collection: Fighting
Image of Elton John
I'm going to fight for human rights, whether I do it silently behind the scenes or vocally so that I get locked up. I can't just sit back; it's not in my nature. I can't sit back and blindly ignore it, and I won't.
- Elton John
Collection: Fighting
Image of Len Wiseman
Just movies in general. It's such a wonderful business as much as you feel, you are fine tuning your craft, every movie is a completely different challenge. Every fight sequence is different. Every action set piece. I enjoy that.
- Len Wiseman
Collection: Fighting
Image of Ella Baker
Remember, we are not fighting for the freedom of the Negro alone, but for the freedom of the human spirit a larger freedom that encompasses all mankind.
- Ella Baker
Collection: Fighting
Image of Martha Manning
The bottom line is that my life has already almost slipped away from me. I have two choices: I can end it or I can fight like hell to save it.
- Martha Manning
Collection: Fighting
Image of George Ezra
I think one of the worst things people can do is try and fight the people they've agreed to work with.
- George Ezra
Collection: Fighting
Image of A. G. Gaston
We can't fight and beg from those we fight at the same time.
- A. G. Gaston
Collection: Fighting
Image of Anthony Mason
We were either gonna win the game or win the fight.
- Anthony Mason
Collection: Fighting
Image of Laila Ali
For me, I like to imagine being successful. I like to imagine the end, which is success. I envision it, where I can actually see it happening. Going into the ring, seeing the fight happen, seeing me winning that belt, seeing me back in my dressing room celebrating with a slice of cake, which I always had. And the same with meetings. I do prepare though; that confidence comes from preparation, because that fear is in the back of your head of not doing well, of not saying the right thing or having the right information. That's where the preparation comes in for me.
- Laila Ali
Collection: Fighting
Image of Mother Jones
Mourn the dead, fight like hell for the living
- Mother Jones
Collection: Fighting
Image of Mother Jones
You ought to be out raising hell. This is the fighting age. Put on your fighting clothes.
- Mother Jones
Collection: Fighting
Image of Mother Jones
No matter what the fight, don't be ladylike!
- Mother Jones
Collection: Fighting
Image of Mother Jones
I live in the United States, but I do not know exactly where. My address is wherever there is a fight against oppression.
- Mother Jones
Collection: Fighting
Image of Jordan Gavaris
Generally the things you get offered are never things you want to do. It's a continual fight for the good parts. As you climb the ladder and get to different benchmarks, enter new stratospheres, you're just competing against all the other people in that stratosphere.
- Jordan Gavaris
Collection: Fighting
Image of Francois Cavanna
The great brainwave of the inventors of Christianity: "God is love!" And then? What does it change? You may always preach a god of love to men, they will make use of him to sanctify their villainies and their crimes "for the good fight" as well as the massacres en masse, blessing priests leading the way.
- Francois Cavanna
Collection: Fighting